Data Type Headache With Arrays

Jun 16, 2009

I am very close to cracking a problem I've had in visual basic 2008 that i am running out of visual studio 2008. I would like to generate a graph on a form using MSChart. I have got the first bit sorted out ie i can get a graph to show on a form using the following code (I've only put the first tranche in for the purpose of this question:[code] I can't get the array or string to be compatible with the one dimensional, comma-delimited array that I need to populate the y-axis values of the chart.

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Interface And Graphics :: WPF Data Formatting Headache?

Mar 14, 2011

OK, this is crazy - How do I format text in a text box, (or god forbid) a grid, so that if it is a number it will align right, and if it is Currency it will have a $ sign. Do I have to define a Data Template? Every Template example online seems to deal with drawing borders around ListBox items, or showing photos instead of Strings,. I found 20 links, and not one talked about Alignment of #s or Currency.I'm new to WPF, and can only say that ease of use has gone to hell with WPF. Some things that were straight forward in Winforms are (IMHO) arcane in WPF (and I come from Delphi, which makes both VS Winforms and WPF seem like Rubik's Cubes).

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Best Structure To Hold 'array Of Arrays' Type Of Data That's Also Searchable

Mar 4, 2010

I have a database table of company information.It's about 50 records and contains things like company id, company name, address, phone number, shipping rate1, shipping rate2,etc.I want to load that table into a structure that I can quickly search within my code.I want to search by id to find the company, and then use the company's data to update some records.My lazy way has always been to add a listbox for each piece of data, then do an indexof on the id, then access the same index on the other listboxes.[code]

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Parameters Data Type - Add Parameter With Same Data Type As Column Data Type

Feb 26, 2012

For each column in data table i want to add parameter with same data type as column data type. But looks it's not that simple.

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim dType As New System.Data.SqlDbType

For Each cl As DataColumn In DataTable1.Columns


How can I do this?

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Field On Form Is A Headache?

Jun 19, 2009

i have a field on my form that gives me a real headache. when i try my form, i push "TAB" to go from 1 field to the next. when i hit the nightmarish field, my program hangs. i cannot get out of the field and i cannot even close the program. i need to go to taskman and kill it to close it.

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Threaing.Timer + Delegates = Headache?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to learn how to work with Multithreading as well as Threading.Timers. So far I can only sum up my output as broken. I have read lots of information but none of it seems to be sinking in. I can't seem to find any information that is exactly relevant to what I want to do to make good sense of it.All I want to do is run two separate threads with a Threading.Timer on each. One will show the time elapsed and one will show the current time.

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VS 2010 String Split Headache?

May 11, 2012

I'm trying to split a string at a period character and save the two halves. I want to later evaluate the length of these, but I can't get the Split function to work at all.

Dim myArray() As String = Split(myString, ".", , CompareMethod.Text)I thought that this would split the two halves into an array as the help documentation said it would, but I just get the "A first chance exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' occurred" error. This is really bugging me, as I can't even do this as the documentation tells me to do it. I try to run their example and the same thing happens.

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Create A Function Which Have Either 1 Parameter With A String As Data Type Or 2 Parameters With Double As Data Type?

Jun 11, 2012

I need to create a function which have either 1 parameter with a string as data type or 2 parameters with double as data type.Something like the substring method.

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VS 2008 DataGridView Set Column Forecolor Headache

Apr 13, 2010

I've found my life greatly eased by having given up on ListView. DataGridView is by far the better way to go. I wish I listened early on to the suggestion of someone here who recommended it. Chalk up another failure to my stubbornness.However, while I can set the ForeColor of an individual cell using GridV.Item(a, b).Style.ForeColor,[code]All these work without a hitch. But when I want to set the text of a given column to a desired color, GridV.Columns(a).DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor is completely ignored.Upon investigating further, I discovered that exactly the same behavior as described above is also true for setting the text and back color for Rows.If I have to, I'll succumb to using GridV.Item(a, b).Style.ForeColor, though this adds unnecessary complication to the code. But I'd like to know why I'm unable to set the text color of a column or row programmatically and get that working.

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Data Type Mismatch Between Vb Date Datatype And Ms Access Datetime Data Type?

Dec 27, 2010

I'v designed a ms access database table with one field having Datetime datatype. I can Insert data into it from front end by trns_dt DateTime.Now.DateBut when I fetch records from the tableand assign the dataset datasource as da, it shows datatype mismatch error.

daleDbDataAdapter("SelectDaily_Transactiondtp_from_dt.value dtp_To.value con)


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C# - Arrays - Use The IEnumerable<T> Interface And Make It Type Specific

Mar 1, 2011

In many projects I work on, whenever I have to return a read only collection, I use the IEnumerable<T> interface and make it type specific like so:


Most of the time, I return a List but in some functions and read only properties I return an array which also serves the purpose alright by kind courtesy of Extension Methods.

My question is am I violating any design principles by returning IEnumerable<T>s instead of specific types (e.g.: List<T>, HashSet<T>, Stack<T> or Arrays)?

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VS 2008 - Are Arrays Considered A Type Of Collection Like Lists

Mar 2, 2010

Ever since I started using VB.Net I have been using the Generic List collection List(Of <Type>). Arrays, I haven't used so much. I used them a lot more when I wrote C code years ago.

1.) Are arrays considered a type of collection like Lists, Dictionary, Queue etc are? Or are they in their own category.

2.) Can I iterate over an array with a For Each loop like I can with other collections or do I stick with the normal For loop for arrays?

3.) There are certain methods that return arrays. Can I set a list object to hold this return value instead of an array?

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Converting Double Data Type To String Data Type

Jan 31, 2010

I have a program that calculates commission, but if the commission is nothing then I do not want it to show a zero commission. I want a message box to show a message that there is no commission earned.

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Arrays - Get The Data From The Datagrid After The User Entered Data In Textboxcolumn?

Mar 5, 2011

Possible Duplicate: DataGridView - Validating for Cell?i have a requirement. i dont know how to get the data from the datagrid after the user entered data in textboxcolumn. i also want to validate the entered text in datagrid cell.

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter' To Type 'System.Data.IDataParameter[]'

Aug 9, 2009

My colleague gave me a DLL that manage all database business. I wanted to invoke a function that uses Stored Procedure and return the search result. In the function receive a parameter type in ystem.Data.IDataParameter[]. Below is my codes.


View 5 Replies - Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Data.DataView' To Type 'System.Data.IDataReader'

Apr 25, 2012

I have a function (on to get a data from a XMLWebService:


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Nable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Data.DataViewManager' To Type 'System.Data.DataTable'

Feb 19, 2010

I added this lines in the form load of DataGridPrinter by Merrion in the codebank..[code]Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataViewManager' to type 'System.Data.DataTable'.

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Data.DataTable' To Type 'System.Data.DataView'

Dec 31, 2009

every time i run this code i get the same error

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataTable' to type 'System.Data.DataView'.

the code is

Dim plmExcelCon As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim cmdLoadExcel As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim PrmPathExcelFile As String


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Conversion Of A Character Data Type To A Datetime Data Type Resulted In Out-of-range Datetime Value

Jan 12, 2010

[code] "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.The statement has been terminated." [code]

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VS 2008 Casting Data-type To Same Data-type?

Dec 5, 2009

I have one question. i have seen some codes like:

Req = CType(System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("url"), Net.HttpWebRequest)

Is it really necessary to cast the same type, or is there a difference when its not casted.

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VS 2008 Dragdrop - Check If The Present Data Type Inherits From The Base Type

Aug 20, 2009

I have a number of controls (Device1, Device2, etc.) that all inherit from BaseDeviceControl. In the DragEnter event handler I am trying to test for the correct type by using the BaseDevvceControl like this....


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Conversion From Type 'DBNull' To Type 'Decimal' Is Not Valid When Field Has Data?

Feb 7, 2012

I am pulling data from a local MSSQL database using a stored procedure, then send the data to a web service. Every part of the component works well except for a pesky problem will a DBNull being returned from the DataRow field, when I know that the field is not null and has valid data. The database and associated INSERT statements that add to this field are designed to not allow NULL entries. When I debug break the program on or right before the line that throws the error I see that the field has valid data for the current row.If I add a null check to the code (as below) the operation continues as normal:

Dim dataResultsTable = Me.myViewTableAdapter.GetData(int)
For Each myDataRow In dataResultsTable.Rows
If worker.CancellationPending Then


Why is the read operation returning DBNull instead of the data in the database?

EDIT: Just to be clear, the operation does return the proper data, but the data is not being saved into the variable.

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.net - Make Sure The View Is Rendered Only When The Type Of DataContext Matches Data Template's Target Type?

Dec 10, 2010

<ItemsControl DockPanel.Dock="Top" ItemsSource="{Binding Path={x:Static vmc:clsPersonViewModel.ChildrenPath}, Mode=OneWay}">


In the code above, if there are no children (the ChildrenPath property returns NULL), nothing is rendered in the view. In the code below, when ChildrenDataSetPath is NULL the XamDataGrid still gets rendered. How do I achieve the same for a single object (as opposed to a collection) as the datacontext?

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vmb:clsPersonViewModel}">
<igDP:XamDataGrid DataSource="{Binding Path={x:Static vmb:clsPersonViewModel.ChildrenDataSetPath}}">


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Storing Data In Arrays?

Apr 22, 2011

storing data into an array. I understand how to place information in one record eg in index 0, but how do i place data into several records(indexes).

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Taking Data From Arrays And Using It

Oct 13, 2009

But like always I have a question. I need to take the data that I have stored in arrays and use it. But how do I do that? What I need is to take numbers stored in the arrays and add and subtract them and put them in the appropriate array , like this:


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Arrays - DataGridView Not Showing Data

May 22, 2012

I have looked around quite a bit, and nothing seems to answer my question in particular. I have DataGridView in which I add rows and columns dependent on a certain record count of geospatial data that is held in ArcGIS. The data is then passed through to the gridview for editing. So I do not use any databinding methods, rather it is a very manual process. I store data into a two-dimensional arrays, which indexes are based off of those certain data record counts. After the loops are complete, the data should be stored in each cell dependent on index. The very last row that was populated is populated perfectly, yet the other 72 (or so) rows are blank. Here is the code as follows:


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Arrays Of Data And Check Boxes

Jun 3, 2011

I have an array of boolean data that I'm trying to display on the screen using 144 check boxes. Is there an easy way of updating all 144 check boxes with the data from an array and an easy way to update the array when changes are made to the check boxes?

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Defining Arrays And Alloocating Data To Them

Jan 29, 2011

I know you can dimention a variable and assign data to it at the same time using dim a() [1,2,3,4,5,6,7}but how can you do this with multiple it something like [code]

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Extracting Data From Multidimensional Arrays?

May 24, 2012

Currently, I am working on a personal project of mine to create a Pokemon Battle Simulator, mainly because I wanted to see if I could. I have created a multidimensional array used to hold all the information needed for each Pokemon I add (Currently it is only two Pokemon) The code for this is as follows:

Public AllPOKEMON(,) As Pokemon = { _
{New Pokemon("Charizard", 6, 2, 10, 360, 293, 348, 280, 295, 328)}, _
{New Pokemon("Venusaur", 3, 5, 8, 364, 289, 328, 291, 328, 284)} _


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Import Data From Excel Into Arrays?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm creating a windows application using visual studio. My code is in visual basic. I want to enter a "Browse" button where the user will click on it and select an excel file from his computer. Then,for each column of the excel file, I want to create an arraythat will contain the same data with the column.Only the first sheet will be necessary and it will have specific number of collumns. I won't know the number of the rows, I will be needing a counter for these as well. My object is to have these data as arrays and to be able to make some calculations.

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