Field On Form Is A Headache?

Jun 19, 2009

i have a field on my form that gives me a real headache. when i try my form, i push "TAB" to go from 1 field to the next. when i hit the nightmarish field, my program hangs. i cannot get out of the field and i cannot even close the program. i need to go to taskman and kill it to close it.

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Data Type Headache With Arrays

Jun 16, 2009

I am very close to cracking a problem I've had in visual basic 2008 that i am running out of visual studio 2008. I would like to generate a graph on a form using MSChart. I have got the first bit sorted out ie i can get a graph to show on a form using the following code (I've only put the first tranche in for the purpose of this question:[code] I can't get the array or string to be compatible with the one dimensional, comma-delimited array that I need to populate the y-axis values of the chart.

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Threaing.Timer + Delegates = Headache?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to learn how to work with Multithreading as well as Threading.Timers. So far I can only sum up my output as broken. I have read lots of information but none of it seems to be sinking in. I can't seem to find any information that is exactly relevant to what I want to do to make good sense of it.All I want to do is run two separate threads with a Threading.Timer on each. One will show the time elapsed and one will show the current time.

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VS 2010 String Split Headache?

May 11, 2012

I'm trying to split a string at a period character and save the two halves. I want to later evaluate the length of these, but I can't get the Split function to work at all.

Dim myArray() As String = Split(myString, ".", , CompareMethod.Text)I thought that this would split the two halves into an array as the help documentation said it would, but I just get the "A first chance exception of type 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' occurred" error. This is really bugging me, as I can't even do this as the documentation tells me to do it. I try to run their example and the same thing happens.

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Interface And Graphics :: WPF Data Formatting Headache?

Mar 14, 2011

OK, this is crazy - How do I format text in a text box, (or god forbid) a grid, so that if it is a number it will align right, and if it is Currency it will have a $ sign. Do I have to define a Data Template? Every Template example online seems to deal with drawing borders around ListBox items, or showing photos instead of Strings,. I found 20 links, and not one talked about Alignment of #s or Currency.I'm new to WPF, and can only say that ease of use has gone to hell with WPF. Some things that were straight forward in Winforms are (IMHO) arcane in WPF (and I come from Delphi, which makes both VS Winforms and WPF seem like Rubik's Cubes).

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VS 2008 DataGridView Set Column Forecolor Headache

Apr 13, 2010

I've found my life greatly eased by having given up on ListView. DataGridView is by far the better way to go. I wish I listened early on to the suggestion of someone here who recommended it. Chalk up another failure to my stubbornness.However, while I can set the ForeColor of an individual cell using GridV.Item(a, b).Style.ForeColor,[code]All these work without a hitch. But when I want to set the text of a given column to a desired color, GridV.Columns(a).DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor is completely ignored.Upon investigating further, I discovered that exactly the same behavior as described above is also true for setting the text and back color for Rows.If I have to, I'll succumb to using GridV.Item(a, b).Style.ForeColor, though this adds unnecessary complication to the code. But I'd like to know why I'm unable to set the text color of a column or row programmatically and get that working.

View 17 Replies - Getting Form Field Names On Submit When Form Is User Control

Jan 30, 2009

I've created the beginnings of my new web application, but I am often coming up against the issue that ASP.NET renames elements IDs or in the case of form fields, their names.I have a form which is basically a sales system. It is essentially made up of two User Controls, one is a form for Customer Details (name, address etc) and the second is a form for the customer's purchases, it consists of a number lines dynamically created by Javascript created as you list the items the customer is purchasing. Both these sections are User Controls because they are to be used for other areas of the system where this data will need to be recalled/re-entered.When the USer Control is loaded, the field which contains the Customers' Name is renamed "m$mainContent$customerForm$name" I understand where this comes from, "m" is the ID of my Master Page, "mainContent" is the main Content Placeholder and "customerForm" is the name of the User Control.

In fact, in my case, this will always remain the same on all forms, so it is relative easy to overcome... but... suppose it wasn'tI can see there are ways I could deal with this with Javascript, but the form doesn't need an AJAX submit, a normal Post will do fine for this, so when I open up the recieving page I want to call Request.Form("name")% to save the customer's name into the database, but of course I really need Request.Form("m$mainContent$customerForm $name")%How would I dynamically extract those prefixes from the posting form to ensure that if I rename anything or use it in a different scenario, the problem will not break it?I am using .NET 2.0, so can't use Static Client.

View 24 Replies - Getting Form Field Names On Submit When Form Is User Control?

Nov 28, 2011

I've created the beginnings of my new web application, but I am often coming up against the issue that ASP.NET renames elements IDs or in the case of form fields, their names.I have a form which is basically a sales system. It is essentially made up of two User Controls, one is a form for Customer Details (name, address etc) and the second is a form for the customer's purchases, it consists of a number lines dynamically created by Javascript created as you list the items the customer is purchasing. Both these sections are User Controls because they are to be used for other areas of the system where this data will need to be recalled/re-entered.

When the USer Control is loaded, the field which contains the Customers' Name is renamed "m$mainContent$customerForm$name" I understand where this comes from, "m" is the ID of my Master Page, "mainContent" is the main Content Placeholder and "customerForm" is the name of the User Control.In fact, in my case, this will always remain the same on all forms, so it is relative easy to overcome... but... suppose it wasn't I can see there are ways I could deal with this with Javascript, but the form doesn't need an AJAX submit, a normal Post will do fine for this, so when I open up the recieving page I want to call Request.Form("name")% to save the customer's name into the database, but of course I really need Request.Form("m$mainContent$customerForm$name")% How would I dynamically extract those prefixes from the posting form to ensure that if I rename anything or use it in a different scenario, the problem will not break it?

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Form Field In Generated PDF End With (-0)?

Sep 23, 2009

So I have the following VB.NET code that creates a form field in a PDF using SyncFusion's Essential PDF module:

Dim pdfField As New Pdf.Interactive.PdfTextBoxField(pdfDoc.Pages(iPage), "txt1")
pdfField.Location = New PointF(50, 50)
pdfField.Size = New SizeF(100, 10)

This works great except for one thing. When I open up the PDF in Acrobat and look at the field name I notice that it says "txt1-0". Now I can't figure out where the "-0" is coming from and how to get rid of it.

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VS 02/03 Primary Key Field In The Form

Jul 13, 2009

I am using VB Dot Net 2003, Frame Work Version 1.0. The backend is SQL 2000. In the Backend, there is a table with a Primary Key Column. I created a Windows Application using Dot Net. I added a form using the Wizard, connected to the SQL server, selected the said table. The dot net created the form, data connection, data adapter, data set, many fields (as many columns in the table), and the buttons Add, Update, Delete, Load, Cancel and Cancell All. I ran the form and it worked properly when I hit the Load Button. It retrieved the data from the backend. I unloaded the form and re-run the form. This time, I clicked on Add. The Primary Key field was filled with the value 0. I entered the other values and saved the form. It saved the data. In the backend the PK field (as it had the Auto-seed) was filled with a relevant data. But, the front end was not correspondingly updated.

I checked the Update Command / Insert Command of the data adapter. They use the Select statement at the end with a @@Identity in the Where Clause.

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Add Data Validation To A Web Form Field Using ASP.NET?

May 4, 2012

This seems like I only need a line or two of code? This is what I need to do:

Add data validation to the new phone field on the Contact Us form. We would only accept phones with the following format: 995-999-9999 Complete the contact us form so that you can submit it as an email. Send all your test emails to You can use any email account you have to send the email.


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Add Data Validation To A Web Form Field?

Nov 5, 2010

Add data validation to the new phone field on the Contact Us form. Wewould only accept phones with the following format: 995-999-9999Complete the contact us form so that you can submit it as an email. Send all your test emails to You can use any email account you have to send the email.

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Attachment Field In Window Form

Nov 28, 2011

I've got a question about attachment field (as OLE object/attachment) in Access Database and Visual Basic 2010. I would like to know, is there a possibility to use attachment field in the same way, in VB like in Access Database? What I want to do, is to make an application (connected to Access Database) for users from my company, that will allow them to open "Registration Form" and fill all required fields, and also add PowerPoint Presentation as attachment.

What is most important, I would like to have an access to this presentation.
Project Path:
Employee opens Application/Window Form --> Fill all required fields + attachment field --> I have access to the presentation from Access Database/or another Window Form (I can Open/Edit/Change the presentation)
So, what I would like to have - Window Form with attachment as icon, but after upload (by employee/other person) it has to be in the database.

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Create A Search Field At The Top Of Form?

Mar 11, 2010

I have create a database program in vb, with 3 forms, on the second form, I have populated it with fields from 'databaseDataSet'.

Basically my question to you is that I want to create a search field at the top of this form that when the user inputs a query, it searches through the last name field and goes to the matching record.


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Required Field On Form Tab Page

May 29, 2009

I'm using VB 2008 with .Net 3.5 and I want to check that a combo box has a selected value greater than 0 (default = Nothing Selected) before allowing the user to move off the tab page to another tab page. The Leave event does not allow me to cancel and the Validating event on the tab page does not fire unless the user has at least visited the combo box field.

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Save Field Without Displaying It On The VB Form?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a VB 2008 windows application that I'm working on; the data are stored in SQL. I have a lot of fields that user will need to fill out. Some fields that not displayed on the form are actual combination of few filled out fields. For example - user types in first name, middle name and last name in 3 separate boxes on the form and I'd like to combine those and assign it to the "FullName" field. I know it's duplicating the data but this FullName field would need to be merged into report as is in a different program.

Another example - user will pick a data in combo box that is binded to a different table, but I need it to auto-populate 3 fields in the main form (those fields are not displayed). I know that I can actually add all those hidden fields on the form and assign calculated values based on user input and then everything is saved with built-in "Update" command. I was wondering if there is a way to specify those few calculated values as parameters and still use "Update" command without actually typing long Update command. I have over 400 fields - very lengthy command.

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2010 - Inset A Field On Vb Form With Textboxe

Jul 18, 2012

want to inset a field on vb form with texboxe besides it such that when i inset values a polygon is drawn.

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Adding A Browse Button To A Field On A Form?

Oct 16, 2009

I have a field in my db that stores the path to a picture that will be printed on the report C:Picturespic1.jpg). When I add the field to a input form, I want to allow the user to hit a browse button to select the path and picture name and then store that selection in the field. How do I set up the field on the form so they can do this? I am using VS2008.

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Fill Out A Form Field Without A Name In Webbrowser Control?

Apr 14, 2010

In the past, I used the code below to fill out a form field using the webbrowser control in VB.Net. The page I am working with doesn't have name field for the inputbox, so my code doesn't work. How would I fill out the input box defined at the bottom of this post in bold?[code]...

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Select All Text In A Form Field On Tab In Program?

Jun 15, 2010

Select All Text In A Form Field On tab in vb

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Updating The Contens Of A Text Field In A Form

Jan 20, 2010

I am able to load a dataset with records from a sql database. I then loop through the data using a for loop, this works fine. As part of the loop I would like to update the contents of a textBox.text property. The problem is that it will only update the text field when the loop is complete. How can I update the text content for each record in the loop? I hope this makes since.

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VS 2005 - Field Value On Form Doesn't Change

Oct 24, 2010

I have a field on my form for Check Number if a bill was paid by check, if not it should be blank. When I run the query in Access it returns the right records.the query loads all current customers, 99 out of a possible 107, when I navigate through the records as soon as I hit one where a Check was used, the Check Number field stays filled in for all records displayed after.
If Not dsForm.Tables(0).Rows(dbCursor).Item(1) Is DBNull.Value Then
Me.txtRentalID.Text = CStr(dsForm.Tables(0).Rows(dbCursor).Item(1))
Me.intRentalID = CInt(Me.txtRentalID.Text.Trim.ToString)


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Win Form Data - Allow The Entering Of The Same Thing In The Same Field That Has Already Be Used

Jan 1, 2011

What i want to do is not allow the entering of the same thing in the same field that has already be used. eg. field(entry) 1 is already in the database. So when trying to enter 1 and field(entry) anymore it will give error msg and make change before saving.

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Can't Delete Date Field In Data Bound Form

Oct 15, 2009

I've been working on this for some time and I'm surprised that no one else has had this problem. I have a databound form with multiple date fields. I cannot delete a date field once it has been populated. I can change the date, but that is about it. Once Clearing the field i cannot lose focus of the textbox or even close the form. I have read one article on this but it does not seem to be working. The below code I have found. how to get the field to allow nulls? This is not an issue with the table not allowing nulls either.


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Check An Array Field Is Empty When Type = Form

Jun 4, 2011

I have an array set up to receive the names of forms when they open. The form name is sent as a Form not a String therefore when I run my code I cannot check for whether the field is empty in the normal way (ie. array(1) = "") as the "" are only usable with strings!

Dim Forms(24) As Form
Dim i As Integer
Dim Free As Integer = -1


I only need a solution to do the same as array(1)="" but for windows forms.

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Forms :: Sendkeys For SendKey To Password Field On A Second Form?

Sep 25, 2009

I have created my own virtural keyboard for a touch screen interface. I used two forms,one for the main program and one for my keyboard so the keyboard will have opacity of my main program form's login screen, i have two textboxs, one for username one for password. the password is a textbox with UseSystemPasswordChar property set to True.I used the technique descripted here: How to: Simulate Mouse and Keyboard Events in Code to send a keycode to different form window.

1. get window handler using FindWindow()
2. set main program form as focused window by SetForgoundWindow()
3. then sendkeys.send(keycodes)

it worked perfectly when i try to input letters to the username by the virtual keyboard, but it not really working for the password textbox.Strange when i set the password textbox 's UseSystemPasswordChar to False again it worked. if i put my virtual keyboard as one of the controls of my main program form it also works but i then don't have the opacity property for my keyboard. of course, in this case the Findwindow() and setforgroundwindow() is not needed.

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Insert NULL Into Database If Form Field Is Empty Using ASP.NET & VB?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a form and stored procedure that inserts the data from the form. It works fine except that if a field isn't filled in it doesn't insert a NULL into SQL it inserts "".

I've tried a few different ways but none seem to insert NULL, the one below still inserts "", can anyone point me in the right direction?

Here is the required part of the code, if you require more just let me know.

Dim rdr As SqlDataReader
Dim cmdInsert As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()
cmdInsert.CommandText = "spPersonalDetailsInsert"


So if I enter nothing into address1 field it should write NULL to screen but it always writes NOT NULL. What does an empty form field equal? in classic ASP it was always "".

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Mysql DB In Windows Form Id Field Has Negative Number

Jun 18, 2012

I got a Mysql sql database for my project. The id field is set as auto increment, which seems to function correctly. But on the form in my text field and datagrid i see a negative number, while in the database its a postitive number. I do not really plan to use the id field right now, but when i do it might cause some problems.

Anybody know why it would show as a negative number on the form(textbox/gridview) and as a positive in the actual database?

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Select Datagrid On Data In Form.text Field?

Jul 23, 2010

I am trying to pass a variable or find someway of displaying data in a datagrid that is based on a textbox.text field in a form.

I have a form that holds Customer details. I want to show relating data in a datgrid on the same form that will vary depending on what customer is selected.

This VS2008 Windows form.

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VS 2005 - Auto Populate Value In Text Field Of Form

Apr 12, 2011

I developed a VB form which has a bunch of text fields. I've an external excel spreadsheet. I want a particular cell from the excel file like "A5" & the value to be auto populated in the text field of the VB form. Is this feasible?

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