Forms :: Sendkeys For SendKey To Password Field On A Second Form?

Sep 25, 2009

I have created my own virtural keyboard for a touch screen interface. I used two forms,one for the main program and one for my keyboard so the keyboard will have opacity of my main program form's login screen, i have two textboxs, one for username one for password. the password is a textbox with UseSystemPasswordChar property set to True.I used the technique descripted here: How to: Simulate Mouse and Keyboard Events in Code to send a keycode to different form window.

1. get window handler using FindWindow()
2. set main program form as focused window by SetForgoundWindow()
3. then sendkeys.send(keycodes)

it worked perfectly when i try to input letters to the username by the virtual keyboard, but it not really working for the password textbox.Strange when i set the password textbox 's UseSystemPasswordChar to False again it worked. if i put my virtual keyboard as one of the controls of my main program form it also works but i then don't have the opacity property for my keyboard. of course, in this case the Findwindow() and setforgroundwindow() is not needed.

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VS 2008 Sendkeys For SendKey To Password Field On A Second Form?

Sep 25, 2009

I have created my own virtural keyboard for a touch screen interface. I used two forms,one for the main program and one for my keyboard so the keyboard will have opacity of 90%. in my main program form's login screen, i have two textboxs, one for username one for password. the password is a textbox with UseSystemPasswordChar property set to True.


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Forms :: Begin Encrypting Keystrokes When The User Focuses On A Password Field?

Oct 11, 2010

basicly im attempting to make a key encoder type application that i want to begin encrypting keystrokes when the user focuses on a password field . Is it possible for a windows forms application to do this and if so how can it be done ?

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Membership ChangePassword (hashed) Match Current Password Against Old Password Field

Jun 1, 2011

I am implementing a system where the user can Reset their password if they have forgotten it.Once it is reset I want to give them the option of changing the password so that it will be something more memorable to them.The password is hashed and if i enter in the correct old password and new password the password does change.If I enter in the wrong old password and new password the password doesnt change.Is there a way to match the old password with the old password field in code behind so I can throw up an error to the user to tell them what is wrong? [code]

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Forms :: Capturing Forms Using Sendkeys?

Jun 18, 2009

my program at the moment will capture forms using the sendkeys command, I use the

SendKeys.Send("%" + "{PRTSC}")

why I can capture the current form sometimes and then other times it wont capture a current form depending on the appllication that is running the form. Is there a way that applications can hide from having a screen capture as it only works with certain applications, for example the visual studio forms, explorer or firefox browser, any windows form etc it works fine. I am able to pick up the thread and title name of any form but can't capture every form, some are dismissed.

The rest of my code looks like this:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
'clear clipboard


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Way To Validate Password Field

Apr 6, 2011

I am working on a registration form and it requires to put in password that's atleast 6 characters long but shouldn't be more than 15. And contains atleast one number.

How do I write code to check if the user have met the requirements or not?

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Checking AD Password - Create A Password Change Form For My Company's Vendors

Jan 15, 2012

I'm trying to create a password change form for my company's vendors. There are a couple of scenarios I could encounter doing this:

1 - User enters invalid current password
2 - New passwords do not match
3 - User's account is locked
4 - User cannot authenticate because password is expired

It's case 4 that I'm struggling with, because their is no way for me to take the password the user entered and verify it against active directory without getting an error.

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Checking Password Field For 1 Numeric And 1 Alpha?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a textbox that acts as a password field. It is supposed to contain a value at least 8 characters long and not greater than 12 characters in length. I need to construct an if statement that checks to see if there is at least 1 numeric character in the string and at least one letter in the string.

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Create The Tables For The Username And Password Field?

May 14, 2011

This is the code I'm using:

Dim conn As MySqlConnection
conn = New MySQLConnection()
conn.ConnectionString = "; user id=user; password=password; database=dbname"


So how can I create the tables for the username and password field?

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Updating Password Field In MS Access Database Table

Jul 1, 2009

I have a piece of code that is suppose to update the password field when the user wants to change password but I get an error line:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in
error line: cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

If BindingContext(ds, "login").Position < 0 Then
MsgBox("Database Is Empty !", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Records Management System")
Exit Sub
End If
If ComboBox1.Text = "" Then
[Code] .....

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WebBrowser Control: Autofill PASSWORD Field Not Working?

Dec 7, 2009

I am writing a program which allows me to log in to my favorite forum, and displays me my fav. threads, and automatically refreshes current thread every 30 seconds or so.For this, I first need to login to the forum page. Fortunately, the forum allows to login during posting a new message, and it's a public forum so browsing threads is possible without login. Therefore I can directly jump to the "edit article" page without login, fill in login information and write the post, and then send it altogether. Here is an example link for that:


Here comes my problem. I have searched for autofilling values and my code is like this:

Dim mydoc As HtmlDocument = sender.Document
Dim mynickname As HtmlElementCollection = mydoc.Forms("f").GetElementsByTagName("input").GetElementsByName("nickname")
Dim mypass As HtmlElementCollection = mydoc.Forms("f").GetElementsByTagName("input").GetElementsByName("pass")
If mypass.Count > 0 Then


I guess it doesn't set the value attribute, at least during debugging the 'outerHTML' property stays like this:

"<INPUT class=form_input type=password value="" name=pass>"

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VS 2008 Using SendKey/GetKey In WebBrowser?

Nov 27, 2009

Is it possible to use GetKey while you are currently navigating through a WebBrowser? Say I have just clicked something in the wb, and I press the right arrow key on the keyboard. How could I use the KeyPress/KeyDown event of the right arrow key to perform a click on a button on the form? I have tried setting the KeyPress/KeyDown on the wb, but to no success.

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VS 2010 : Difference Between SendKeys.SendWait And SendKeys.Send?

Jul 28, 2009

What is the difference between SendKeys.SendWait and SendKeys.Send?Send obviously will just send they key immediately, but does SendWait actually wait for the message to be processed or does it also send it immediately?The function's name itself is just confusing. Which one should I use if I want to send keystrokes to a 3rd party app immediately, or is there no difference? To me, a few milliseconds is a big difference.

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VS 2008 : Have A Sendkey Option To Send Shirt+7?

Aug 17, 2011

i am trying to have a sendkey option to send Shirt+7...i am doing

SendKeys.Send(Chr((16 + 112)))

but i dont htink tis the right one cause Shift+7 is creating this character: & but instead, im getting this: �

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SendKeys Not Working - SendKeys Is A Type And Cannot Be Used As An Expression

Jul 2, 2010

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
CheckBox1.Checked = True
While CheckBox1.Checked = True
End While
End Sub

That is the code, the error is "SendKeys is a type and cannot be used as an expression."

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SendKeys Underlying API Or API Equivalent To SendKeys?

Dec 1, 2009

I'm looking for the underlying Win32 API call that the DotNET Framework invokes on a SendKeys.Send or .SendWait call, or a Win32 API Equivalent to SendKeys. I've already experimented with SetKeyboardState which seems like the way to go, except that it does not raise any kind of keyboard event that causes the set keystates to register with an active application or the OS (at least not until another key is pressed; for example I can meddle with the keyboardstate before events process on a natural keystroke, but I can't invoke a keystroke programmatically).

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VS 2008 - Code Requires The Webbrowser - Can Sendkeys Something Onto A Website Form ?

May 8, 2012

My code requires the webbrowser to be up so I can sendkeys something onto a website form. For some reason, changing the attribute doesn't work with this website. When I'm doing other task, such as web browsing or something else, the following code works occassionally.


Is it possible to sendkeys to a website form in the background? This would be the ideal solution. What other command do I need to consistently pull up my application into the foreground?

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Forms :: How To Reset Password

Aug 13, 2009

how am i going to reset the password and set a new password?

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Cannot Create Field "password" In Access

Feb 22, 2011

'Create field in table
Public Sub createField(ByVal tableName As String, ByVal fieldName As String, ByVal fieldType As String)


I get: Syntax error in field definition, when I try to create "password" field. In all other cases (other field names) it works fine.

When trying to create it manually with MS-Access, I have no problem either.

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Forms :: Set Userid & Password In A Webpage From App?

Feb 3, 2010

I want to set username & password in a website, like [URL] and want to submit the page.

This should be done automatically when i click a button on the simple form in

I'm using following code, but its not working:

Dim objIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.Visible = True


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.Net Sendkeys - My.Computer.Keyboard.SendKeys("{F4}", True)?

Dec 27, 2006

I have a VB.Net 2.0 application, on my form I am using a Component ONE PDF reader control.I am trying to send to this control a F4 keystoke to close the navigation panel when it opens the PDF file. It is not working or not accepting the sendkey.I put focus on the control first. Code below:



My.Computer.Keyboard.SendKeys("{F4}", True)

I have tried different variations of the Sendkeys with no success.

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IDE :: Main Form Is A Login Form If The USer And Password Matches

Mar 25, 2010

im trying to do where the main form is a login form if the USer and password matches that in the code it goes to the main screen if it doesent it launches a form saying this user and or password is incorrect and when you click ok it closes that message window as well as the login form stop the program from launching is has to match the user and password from the text on text box one and masked textbox 1.

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Forms :: Using Database To Verify Password Input By User?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm trying to write vb code to verify a password input by a user to known table passwords in access database. The form has a drop down combo box that has userID's that are selectable. I'm trying to get the index number out of the combo box selection and use that to look up what the password should be. With that information i can then compare the stored password with the password typed into the text box below the combo box. All of the examples i've found that direct me show the code in regular Visual Basic. I'm using Visual Basic 2010 with the .net architecture.

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Forms :: FYI AES 256 Encryption And Password Protect Files For Distribution Via Email

Apr 30, 2011

i have created a application which can be used as a BO scheduler substitute for sending refreshed report copies. These copies are AES 256 encrypted and password protected.

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Forms :: Fill A Field On The Browser And Submit It?

Oct 24, 2009

Lets put as example. Google's field is called "q" (at least the spanish version).I have tried some code.

WebBrowser1.Navigate (
WebBrowser.Document.Forms(0).q.Value = "field text".

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Forms :: Searching For Username Field In Database?

May 28, 2010

I have one registration form which consists of username, password, confirmpassword and Register button. When I will be typing the username, it should show whether the username is available or not. And I have changed the username column as primary key in sql database.

Private Sub txtusername1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles txtusername1.KeyUp
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from Register", con)
da.Fill(ds, "Register1") If txtusername1.Text = ds.Tables("Register1").Rows(0)(0).ToString Then
lblusernameerror.Text = "Username is not available,choose another"
lblusernameerror.Text = "Username is available"
End If
End Sub

In the Bolded line, it is reading only one username but i need to read all the columns. Here I have written key up event in the text box of username, but here it is loading only one username. I am using visual basic 2008 and i am writing the program in disconnected architecture in

View 1 Replies - Getting Form Field Names On Submit When Form Is User Control

Jan 30, 2009

I've created the beginnings of my new web application, but I am often coming up against the issue that ASP.NET renames elements IDs or in the case of form fields, their names.I have a form which is basically a sales system. It is essentially made up of two User Controls, one is a form for Customer Details (name, address etc) and the second is a form for the customer's purchases, it consists of a number lines dynamically created by Javascript created as you list the items the customer is purchasing. Both these sections are User Controls because they are to be used for other areas of the system where this data will need to be recalled/re-entered.When the USer Control is loaded, the field which contains the Customers' Name is renamed "m$mainContent$customerForm$name" I understand where this comes from, "m" is the ID of my Master Page, "mainContent" is the main Content Placeholder and "customerForm" is the name of the User Control.

In fact, in my case, this will always remain the same on all forms, so it is relative easy to overcome... but... suppose it wasn'tI can see there are ways I could deal with this with Javascript, but the form doesn't need an AJAX submit, a normal Post will do fine for this, so when I open up the recieving page I want to call Request.Form("name")% to save the customer's name into the database, but of course I really need Request.Form("m$mainContent$customerForm $name")%How would I dynamically extract those prefixes from the posting form to ensure that if I rename anything or use it in a different scenario, the problem will not break it?I am using .NET 2.0, so can't use Static Client.

View 24 Replies - Getting Form Field Names On Submit When Form Is User Control?

Nov 28, 2011

I've created the beginnings of my new web application, but I am often coming up against the issue that ASP.NET renames elements IDs or in the case of form fields, their names.I have a form which is basically a sales system. It is essentially made up of two User Controls, one is a form for Customer Details (name, address etc) and the second is a form for the customer's purchases, it consists of a number lines dynamically created by Javascript created as you list the items the customer is purchasing. Both these sections are User Controls because they are to be used for other areas of the system where this data will need to be recalled/re-entered.

When the USer Control is loaded, the field which contains the Customers' Name is renamed "m$mainContent$customerForm$name" I understand where this comes from, "m" is the ID of my Master Page, "mainContent" is the main Content Placeholder and "customerForm" is the name of the User Control.In fact, in my case, this will always remain the same on all forms, so it is relative easy to overcome... but... suppose it wasn't I can see there are ways I could deal with this with Javascript, but the form doesn't need an AJAX submit, a normal Post will do fine for this, so when I open up the recieving page I want to call Request.Form("name")% to save the customer's name into the database, but of course I really need Request.Form("m$mainContent$customerForm$name")% How would I dynamically extract those prefixes from the posting form to ensure that if I rename anything or use it in a different scenario, the problem will not break it?

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Sendkeys & Target - If The Target Of The Sendkeys Has Changed Between Sendings?

Aug 16, 2010

When using Sendkeys with, is it possible to tell if the target of the Sendkeys has changed between sendings?

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Forms :: Importing 5 X 1000 Data Field Into DataGridView

Nov 29, 2010

I am trying to make part of a form program do the following When I exit a text field, I want to import some datainto a datagridview control.The columns are (1)Key, (2)Location, (3)Part Number, (4)Serial Number, (5)Description.There are up to 1000 rows of data in anyone of the spreadsheets I am working from.By using a datagridview, I can click the header and sort the data by either of the 5 columns, and when I select a data row, the Key number is reported back (for now, into a text box)I will be using the key number to further manipulate the spreadsheet after I have solved this problem.There are thousands of articles on DataGridView, and over the past 8 days, I think I have read them all. I have tried many downloadable routines, which haven't populated the DataGridView at all.Please can someone show me a simple program which will do the above task, and will give me a base to start from.I am running MS Office Pro plus 64-bit on Windows 7 and Visual studio 2010 pro

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