Forms :: Set Userid & Password In A Webpage From App?

Feb 3, 2010

I want to set username & password in a website, like [URL] and want to submit the page.

This should be done automatically when i click a button on the simple form in

I'm using following code, but its not working:

Dim objIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
objIE.Visible = True


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Confirm Someones UserID And Password To Log Them Into Another System?

Dec 20, 2011

I have a computer on a network and via windows forms i want to confirm someones userID and password to log them into another system.

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Storing UserID And Password Values From MainString To Variables

Mar 10, 2009

I have this string

I am getting value in mainString using this code
Dim mainString As String = Request.QueryString("dest")

And I have two sting variables
In these variables I want to store userId and password values from mainString.

So for this requirement how I write logic in code
Dim arrArray() As String
strIndexq = mainString.IndexOf("?") ' Check QuestionMark Exist or not in mainString
If strIndexq > 0 Then
Dim strTemp As String
[Code] .....

Here I am getting userId and password but in this code I will get problem when after ? if userId and password starts wit capital letters and password maybe contain characters like "1&a"

And after getting userid and password. I want to remove userid and password from mainstring. So I want mainstring look like:

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Access Denied Trying To Change Remote Service Userid And Password?

Nov 22, 2011

I am trying to change the "logon as" userid and password for a service on a remote machineMy user is a domain admin Here is the code I am using...

Dim wmiScope As ManagementScope
Dim wmiConOpts As New ConnectionOptions
wmiConOpts.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Identify


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VS 2005 Login Form - What To Do When The User Wants To Create Their Own Userid And Password

Aug 25, 2009

i have a login form in a banking project.i set a userid and password for this login form and i did the code accordingly,it works good.In my form there are two fields namely:Userid and Password and a button named Login.

But i cant get any idea about what to do when the user wants to create their own userid and password?

I think i need to add a few more buttons to enable the user to create their own userid and password but i cant get the idea......i need some help.

Again,if i allow the user to create their own userid and password then anyone can use my project by creating a new account.........

Hence i am totally confused how to go with this.I need some urgent discussion so that i can get through this problem.

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Construct A Login Form With Text Box Control To Perform UserID Validation And Self Service Password Recovery

Feb 14, 2011

Design a form, which contain a TEXTBOX control that accept a UserID input, with a CommandButton control to perform a validation based on the criteria listed below. Display a Message on whether the UserID is Valid.


The UserID must contains SIX digits follow by a single character, limit the entry to a maximum of seven characters only.

The postfix character of the UserID is derived from the summation of all the six digits divided by seven and using the remain as followed:



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VS 2008 Get/Download HTML Webpage Source Code With Login & Password

Mar 11, 2011

all I want is a function like this:

[URL] but then with the option to provide username & password. I have managed to do this with the webbrowser, first logging in then go to webpage and get source code but this takes much longer than just getting the source code...

Is there any way to do this? I found this:


I tried with &username=...&password=... in the URL but it didn't work

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Forms :: Tag Selection From Webpage?

May 27, 2012

I want to retrieve all input, select and textarea fields only and possibly change their data value. I currently declare as: Dim theElementCollection AsHtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.All ' which I then iterate through and select on tag name.

I would like to be more efficient and do something like: Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input", "select", "textarea") but GetElementsByTagName doesn't appear to support multiple selections. I saw on the net where someone declared as Dim Tags As HtmlNodeCollection = docNode.SelectNodes("//input | //select | //textarea") I tried this but HTMLNodeCollection is not referenceable under HtmlDocument. I have played around a bit and can't see an equivalent.

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Forms :: How To Reset Password

Aug 13, 2009

how am i going to reset the password and set a new password?

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Get UserID In

Mar 28, 2012

I need to get the userId of the logged in user in, I can use


to get the name, but how do I get the userID?

I tried (GUID) and Membership.GetUser as I found, but none seem to work.

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Forms :: Download A Webpage As HTML

Mar 26, 2010

Probably a simple question but I cant figure it out. I have a webbrowser control, which navigates to a URL where it logs in, then a different URL where theres some information I need. I would like to save this page as an HTML document. I can navigate to the page easily, so is there any way to tell the webbrowser to save the current page as an HTML document?

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Forms :: Linking Textbox With WebPage?

Mar 1, 2011

i want to link text box of my software with the text box of the web page (i.e values entered in my software should be linked to values of web page E.g. username entered in software should be linked with username entered in yahoo/facebook site)

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Forms :: Manipulating Elements From A Webpage?

Nov 20, 2009

i am using a webbrowser control on a windows form to display streaming video from cameras at different locations.i can get the image to display on the webrowser but my problem is that there are other links and texts that are displayed on the webpage.

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Forms :: Stop Loading Webpage?

Sep 13, 2009

I'm not able to find my answer from threads.I want close the loading of web page when it take more of tot seconds...(if is possible with a Firefox or IE)

StrAdrress = ""
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
End Try

Threading.Thread.Sleep(50000) So you can see I wait 50 seconds now..Is it possible to convert this code in : if the page not load in 10 seconds, stop load,close the tab and open another tab with another address?

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Forms :: Click A Javascripted Button On A Webpage?

Oct 12, 2011

in how would I click a javascripted button on a webpage?the standard Document.GetElementById doesn't seem to work.


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Forms :: Display Particular Portion Of Webpage In Form?

Feb 21, 2010

Was trying to make a little project which will login to a site. The problem i am facing is with the captcha code display..

Was searching around to get the captcha to the form directly but didn't found anything useful.

So my question is how to display only the area of the captcha on the form instead of the complete form.

Like suppose I want to display only the portion where the logo of Visual Basic .NET Forums - The Exclusive VB.NET Community is located instead of complete webpage.

Application using : VS 2008

Answer expected for : VB 2008 or C#

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Forms :: Display WebPage With No Active Content?

Aug 17, 2011

I have created a windows form application which goes through Internet Explorer index.dat files and extracts various information (URL's , date they were last accessed etc). I then display this information in a data grid view. From here i would like to be able to click on a URL link and open the web page without activating any active content (such as java script, activex, viruses etc). I have tried to do this using Internet explorer in 'offline mode' with the problem being if the web page requires an online connection it automatically changes Internet Explorer from 'work offline' to online mode.

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Forms :: Find Java Link In Webpage?

Jul 30, 2011

i have html page like this

</span></font><a href="../../../../../../../<#PostArchiveFile#>#<#postid#>"><font color="#737373" size="1"> <span style="text-decoration: none">
<A onclick="'


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Forms :: Wait Until Element Is Loaded In A Webpage?

May 16, 2011

I am trying to get a form button to load the yahoo login webpage, wait until the send button was loaded and auto enter the username and password and hit the send button. My code is as follows

Public Class WebLogin
Dim ie As Object
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")


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Forms :: Populating An <input> On A Webpage In A Webbrowser Control?

May 17, 2010

I know the code to find the input boxes in question.. basically the html is like so HTML <input type="text" name="username" class="inputbox"> i know enough to use WebBrowser1.Document.Forms.GetElementsByName("username") to find the text box...but I need to know how to send the contents of say TextBox1.text to the form on the web page...i can't figure it out for crap...I just assume give up and use sendkeys to tab to the textbox even thought its 80% unreliable....

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Forms :: Show Specific Parts/lines Of A Webpage?

Jul 14, 2011

I am creating a simple researcher application to access and store data. As of today it workes by entering a number into a text field and hit enter/button. The result then shows up in a non-menu webbrowser window. What i would like it to do was to exclude the web browser window, and instead show in a popup window inside the application. This should be rather easy, here's what i think might be a problem. I want only to show specific lines from the webpage, not the whole page.

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Forms :: Sendkeys For SendKey To Password Field On A Second Form?

Sep 25, 2009

I have created my own virtural keyboard for a touch screen interface. I used two forms,one for the main program and one for my keyboard so the keyboard will have opacity of my main program form's login screen, i have two textboxs, one for username one for password. the password is a textbox with UseSystemPasswordChar property set to True.I used the technique descripted here: How to: Simulate Mouse and Keyboard Events in Code to send a keycode to different form window.

1. get window handler using FindWindow()
2. set main program form as focused window by SetForgoundWindow()
3. then sendkeys.send(keycodes)

it worked perfectly when i try to input letters to the username by the virtual keyboard, but it not really working for the password textbox.Strange when i set the password textbox 's UseSystemPasswordChar to False again it worked. if i put my virtual keyboard as one of the controls of my main program form it also works but i then don't have the opacity property for my keyboard. of course, in this case the Findwindow() and setforgroundwindow() is not needed.

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Forms :: Using Database To Verify Password Input By User?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm trying to write vb code to verify a password input by a user to known table passwords in access database. The form has a drop down combo box that has userID's that are selectable. I'm trying to get the index number out of the combo box selection and use that to look up what the password should be. With that information i can then compare the stored password with the password typed into the text box below the combo box. All of the examples i've found that direct me show the code in regular Visual Basic. I'm using Visual Basic 2010 with the .net architecture.

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Can't Seem To Insert A Guid (userID) Into Table?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm creating a web project for one of my uni modules using Visual studio 2010. I'm using membership and have all of my sql-server tables set up correctly (I'm pretty sure).I have a form that I have created myself that inserts into the database using sqlDataSource.insert(). I had some problems initially with not being able to insert any data into the table at all, but I have cleared that up.My problem now is that I need to insert the currently logged in user's userID into one of the columns of the table. But every time I hit the submit button, I am told I cannot insert null values in the userID column.

I can retrieve the userID using this snippet:
Dim userID As String
Dim memUser As MembershipUser


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Forms :: FYI AES 256 Encryption And Password Protect Files For Distribution Via Email

Apr 30, 2011

i have created a application which can be used as a BO scheduler substitute for sending refreshed report copies. These copies are AES 256 encrypted and password protected.

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.net - ASP.NET Membership Using Created UserId In Query String?

Feb 9, 2011

I am currently learning .net and am building my first real website using .net.I was just wondering if people considered it ok to use the generated membership UserId in the query string? and also to use this as a foreign key in a database to link relevant information to this user?

View 3 Replies - Retrieve Current UserId And Insert Into Table?

Mar 16, 2012

Using the following code, a user inputs a date into a textbox control and then clicks a button. A new record is created in table [rms_Report] and then I retrieve the ID of the record that was just added. I pass this ID onto page "CreateReport.aspx" via a response.redirect and query string.

I need to retrieve the UserId of the currently logged in user and insert it into table [rms_Report]. I need this to occur after the new record is inserted, but obviously before the response.redirect. I know how to retrieve the UserId, but I'm not sure how to incorporate into the other code.

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ReportDataSource" runat="server"


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Count Length Of A UserId And Change The String?

Jul 8, 2010

I want to count length of a userId and change the string to that many asterisks. I also want to take the account number and replace all characters except the last 4 XXXX.

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Display Userid From The User Table On The Welcome Form?

Oct 1, 2009

I have developed an Access database and would like to display userid from the user table on the welcome form.

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Forms :: Begin Encrypting Keystrokes When The User Focuses On A Password Field?

Oct 11, 2010

basicly im attempting to make a key encoder type application that i want to begin encrypting keystrokes when the user focuses on a password field . Is it possible for a windows forms application to do this and if so how can it be done ?

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