Data Manipulation And Conversion?

Jan 19, 2012

I have eight text boxes each can have any numerical value only consisting of the numbers 1-8 up to eight digits each. No 0's or 9's.I am using a timer to loop through the sequences of text boxes at a given rate. This is already configured.Now here's the hard part so bare with me.I need to output the first value of a text box, wait some time then output it's counter letter (below the number on the keyboard), go to the next text box and repeat. Example:



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VS 2010 Data Manipulation And Conversion?

Jan 18, 2012

I have eight text boxes each can have any numerical value only consisting of the numbers 1-8 up to eight digits each. No 0's or 9's. I am using a timer to loop through the sequences of text boxes at a given rate. This is already configured.

Now here's the hard part so bare with me.I need to output the first value of a text box, wait some time then output it's counter letter (below the number on the keyboard), go to the next text box and repeat. Example:


Ultimately I'm trying bring my PC Interface project up to date by going from a parallel port to USB. This will be the "Custom Loop" function for the device.

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Best Approach For Data Manipulation?

Jul 28, 2009

I understand that there are several ways of Inserting, Updating and Deleting records in a database such as DataAdapters, DataSets, TableAdapters, SqlCommandBuilders, Parameterized SqlCommands, StoredProcedures, etc, etc,etc. According to David Sceppa Sprocs are the most preferred. Ok, I go with him on this one (who am I to challenge him anyway?).

My question is, apart from Sprocs, which of these options is the BEST for a large commercial database application and why, taking performance into account? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each option?

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VS 2008 Serial GUI Data Manipulation

Apr 26, 2010

I have been using Dick Grier's example to attempt to attempt to read data coming from a project.I first have to read 16 bytes for an RFID tag. I have that working and am able to extract the unique ID code and display it (cut out for length).The project samples voltage on an ADC and transmits 120 samples ranging from 0 to 255.I am attempting to buffer in the 120 samples, convert the scaled voltages (195 Vp or so (115% of Vnom)), and calculate Vrms.When I attempt to calculate and display the information, nothing is displayed.[code]

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Data Manipulation (INSERT,UPDATE) Using DataSet Object?

Nov 7, 2009

I am writing a program with VB.NET, there I have to select data from one table. Then I have to update about 4 tables and insert to 2 Tables. Which approach will be ok for me? I'm thinking to use DataSet.

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Data Manipulation And Print Report Directly To Printer

Jun 21, 2010

I have a process that does a lot of data manipulation and then prints a simple report directly to a printer. The overall priority is speed. Tens of thousands of records need to be scanned & processed individually so moving thru them quickly as possible is the goal.

Pseudo code
01)Scan Barcode
02)Fill DataSet from Sql Server
03)Manipulate data in dataset
04)Update data back to Sql Server
05)Print crystal report directly to printer; the dataset is the reports source
06)Clear dataset and start next record back at step one

The process if pretty complicated with a ton data manipulation and data coming from multiple sources but that part works super and in short all I am doing is scanning barcode, filling a dataset, passing it to a report and starting over. Steps 1 to 4 are averaging one tenth of a second (0.01) to complete; great. Passing it to the report to print takes several seconds which is the problem. I thought I would resolve this by passing the dataset to the report print sub - allowing the print sub to run on a background thread - and moving on to processing the next record.

Dim m_ds As MyTypedDataSet
Sub ScanBarCode
Fill DataSet
Validate & Manipulate Data
Call PrintReport
Clear Dataset
End Sub

I have been attempting to add the PrintReport sub to process on a background thread. The problem though is the main thread blows right by to the next step and clears the dataset; causing an error in the report sub. I've tried unsuccessfully just about everything I can think of; including using DataSet.Copy to local datasets (which I really don't want to keep recreating the same object over & over tens of thousands of times), as soon as the main dataset clears, all clear.

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2010 - SQL Data Manipulation - Display Each Element On A Page In A Structured Format

Jun 15, 2010

I'm currently learning and can confidently connect to databases and return results to comboboxes run stored procedures ect to datagrids, However I'm wanting to find an online tutorial for doing loops with data so for example

I return the following data into a dataset

Orderno Orderitem Price GUID
111 Pies 1.50 xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx
111 orangutang 2.00 xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx

I want to display each element on a page in a structured format so as to make a visual representation in seperate entities (labels maybe) of the data like so:

Order number

line 1 (includes item and price in plain text on a page i guess using a label)
line 2 (same goes)

Subtotal( )

The results and formulae i can do but it's simply how to split off the data from my dataset and display elements as seperates (also how will i dynamically create the lables as obviously i'm not going to know in advance how many order item rows will return )

Obviously this is not urgent but if anyone could point me at a tutorial or even better a few lines of code that will do this for the microsoft northwind data so i can mess about with it and play.

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VS 2010 Conversion Failed When Converting The Varchar Value 'System.Data.DataRowView' To Data

Jul 15, 2011

Im getting that error in the da.Fill(ds)

Imports System.IO Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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C# - Efficient Data Conversion Using .Net

Aug 1, 2009

I am working on an application that will need to read tons of records (close to 500,000) from one table and insert them into another set of tables in the same database. I though about using SSIS package for this but our DBAs don't want to use that. Now, I am thinking of a multi-threaded approach. I am thinking that I can have a few thread started that will read say (500) records at a time and insert them, then come back and read more.

Now, say I spawn off 3 threads of this application. The first thread reads 500 rows and starts processing them. Can I lock these rows that were already read so that the next thread does not pick them up? I am trying to find some articles regarding this on the internet, but perhaps I am not searching for the correct terms in Google.

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C++ - Conversion - Not Quite Giving Back The Right Data

Jun 15, 2012

Here's the function I'm a bit mystified by(Little rusty bitwise operators)

void two_one(unsigned char *in,int in_len,unsigned char *out)
unsigned char tmpc;
int i;


I marked the two places that I don't quite understand. How to convert those pieces to Vb.Net.

Update: So this is what I came up with, but it's not quite giving me back the right data...Anything look wrong here?

Public Function TwoOne(ByVal inp As String) As String
Dim temp As New StringBuilder()
Dim tempc As Char


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Data Loss From Implicit Conversion?

Oct 26, 2010

VB 2008 Express edition. I'm pretty new to VB2008, a little over halfway through my first classi am writing a console program to ask the user for the price of gas for 7 days, then to get the average of that price. here is my code so far:

Option Strict On
Module Module1
Sub Main()


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Hex Data Conversion In VB2008 Express

Jun 8, 2011

I`m trying to write a programme ,in VB2008 Express, to receive Serial Port Ascii data ( from a Multimeter) and display it as Hex Data in a textbox. I can get the Ascii data to show, but just cannot convert it into Hex. Once I can do this I want to write a new front end for the Mulimeter software.

This is what i`ve written so far :
Imports System
Imports System.IO.Ports
Imports System.Text


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C# - Conversion From VB6 String Data To .NET Byte Array

May 7, 2009

I'm writing a C# application that reads data from an SQL database generated by VB6 code. The data is an array of Singles. I'm trying to convert them to a float[]

Below is the VB6 code that wrote the data in the database (cannot change this code):

Set fso = New FileSystemObject
strFilePath = "c: emp emp.tmp"
' Output the data to a temporary file


The problem here is the VB6 binary to string conversion. The VB6 string char is 2 bytes wide and I don't know how to transform this back to a binary format I can handle.

Below is a dump of the temp file that the VB6 code generates:

And here is the dump of the data as I read it from the database in (=the VB6 string):

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Date Conversion - Retrieve And Display Data

Jun 3, 2012

I am trying to retrieve and display data from MySQL database to console window using the following code
myconnection = New MySqlConnection("Server=localhost;username=root;password=;database=agro-system;")
cmd1 = New MySqlCommand("select * from sales", myconnection)
myreader = cmd1.ExecuteReader()
While myreader.Read()
[Code] .....
But I get the following error:
Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime

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Modbus Data Frame, CR+LF HExadecimal Conversion?

Oct 18, 2010

i m working on an application which communicates with PLC machine using Modbus protocol. Now i m able to generate and communicate a modbus data frame with PLC the only problem that i m facing is that in all the data frames of modbus the last ascii characters should be Carriage return + Line feed which should be read by the PLC as 0D 0A that is in Hexadecimal form. But i m not able to do this. The rest entire string is properly read by the PLC but How do I make it read the CR+LF.

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Option Strict And Data Type Conversion

Mar 2, 2011

Just wondering what the preferred/practised data type conversion technique is?

For example I recently enabled option strict, which in turn found quite a few errors in relation to data types, prompted me to use CType, which is fine.

However, I have seen other functions for data type conversion, such as .tostring, CInt , Convert, integer.parse and also Ctype.

Why would you use Ctype over the others?

I know its a pretty primitive question , but why do so many conversion methods exist?

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When Inserting Data Into A Database Get A Conversion Error

Sep 2, 2010

I'm working on a form that allows to add new users to a users table in my Access database. The table only has 3 fields: user (string), password (string) and admin (boolean). user is the primary key. But when I run it and try to add, I get an error when casting the query to Double (?). I don't have any double variables or table fields, and I'm not trying to cast anything from or to double. So I have no clue about how to fix this. The code I'm using to insert (and it's working correctly on other forms and tables I have) is:


View 4 Replies - Conversion Failed When Converting The Nvarchar Value '01:00' To Data Type Int

Oct 17, 2011

I don't know how to convert the nvarchar value into an int, but that is the way it needs to be set up. I've found other posts about this but I don't know how to use CAST in the INSERT statement I have. All the posts I could find were about converting to int in SELECT statements. I need this statement to change the field @Duration to an int in the database. @Duration is an amount of time. (01:00, 02:00...) They will all get rounded up to the next int value. So if a user enters 0:45, it should be converted to 1. how to get this INSERT to work?

'SQL Insert: Product table
Dim sqlInsertProduct As String = "INSERT INTO Product (ProductName, Status,
CreateDate, ModifyDate, CreateUser,


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Project Topic Is On Data Conversion For Length And Weight

Mar 11, 2010

[code] My project topic is on data conversion for length and weight. There is something wrong with the code.

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Conversion Error On Line 5 Stating 'Conversion From String 'S' To Type 'Double' Is Not Valid

Apr 8, 2009

a user will enter a number, n, which ranges from 1 to 30. they will also enter a "P" or an "S" (sum or product). depending on which was selected, it will calculate the sum or product of the numbers from 1 to n.i'm having a conversion error on line 5 stating "Conversion from string "S" to type 'Double' is not valid." [code]

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Text -> Excel Conversion (with Extensive Formatting Required After Conversion)?

May 11, 2012

I'm creating a program in that does the following:At a high level I receive a file in email, put the attachment in a monitored folder, import the text file to excel, format the excel, and then email the excel file to a list of recipients.

Here is my plan:

Completed: Outlook VBA to monitor all incoming email for specific message. Once message is received drop attached .txt file in a specific network folder.

Completed: ( Monitor folder, when text file is added begin processing

Not Complete: ( Import text file to Excel

Not Complete: ( Format Excel Text file.(add in a row of data,format column headers with color/size, add some blank columns, add data validation to some of the blank columns that allow drop down selections)

Completed: ( Save file.

Completed: ( Send file to list of recipients.

Obviously the items above that are not complete are the bulk of the work, but I wanted to get some advice on what some of you think would be the best way to approach something like this. The import and formatting of the file are causing me some problems because I just can't decide what would be the most efficient way to do this.

The way stated above. Import to excel -> format Having a template excel that contains all of the formatting already done for me and attempting to transition the data to this document (no clue if/how I can do this). Is it even feasible? Have the template already created and then import the text file to a new excel file, then transition that data to the excel template?

Something I thought about, in terms of formatting the document, was to record a macro of me doing all of the formatting that I'm going to need and then attempt to convert that macro into my code, but I'm not sure if that will work. I will need to verify that the text file comes in the EXACT format every time correct?

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Conversion Failed When Converting Data And/or Time From Character String?

Jan 20, 2010

am using visual basics to develop a search on my project using the date picker but any time i try to search for a date on my SQL database i received the following error message from my programme. "Conversion failed when converting data and/or time from character string "

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DB/Reporting :: Data Conversion Error When Showing Dates In A DataGrid View

Dec 26, 2008

I am using Visual Basic 2008, and SQL Server 2005. I have a single-user client-server app (i know that sounds stupid, but its for future expandibility and also the fact that documentation was easier to find for SQL server than Access files).The app is basically a medicals records system.

In one of the tables, called 'visits', it stores the dates on which each patient visits the doctor, among other things like symptoms and diagnosis. Another table stores all the patient names and IDs along with other details, and a relation has been set up between the patient ID in the patients table and the visits table. So i dragged the visits table from within the patients table (to get only the visits for that particular patient), and dragged it onto the form to make a datagridview. However, the datagridview didn't seem to recognise MS SQL server's smalldatetime format, and tried representing it as a picture. When i changed the format of the column to text boxes, it gave me a type mismatch error (Inconvertible type mismatch between SourceColumn 'VisitDate' of DateTime and the DataColumn 'VisitDate' of Byte[].) That means, for some reason, it is trying to convert the smalldatetime data to byte before it shows it, which is leading to the error. How do i fix this?

Also, I remember seeing some option for using completely custom column types in the datagridview, but i cant seem to find it now. The options in 'Edit Columns' are very limited, but i would like to set it to a masked text box, or something with a fixed format. Can someone recommend a good column type for representing dates, and how to make the datagridview show that kinda column?

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Sql - Conversion Failed When Converting The Varchar Value 'Blue Color' To Data Type Int

Jul 2, 2010

I am trying to create stored procedure that gone return varchar value, and that value I need to display in textbox.This is the code for stored procedure:

Create PROCEDURE Status @id_doc int, @Name varchar(50) OUTPUT
select @Name
from Doc,Items where @id_doc=IDN and doc.IDN=Items.ID
return @Name

This is the code in where i need to display returned value from procedure in textbox:

Public Sub Current()
Dim dtc As New Data.DataTable
Dim dr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader


When I try to execute this code I get this message in exception:

"Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Blue color' to data type int."

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Conversion Of A Text Data In String Or In A File Into A Simple Byte Array[ ] Format

Aug 27, 2009

I'm new to .net. I would like to know how to convert a text data in string or in a file into a simple byte array[ ] format.

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VS 2008 : Error - Conversion Failed When Converting The Nvarchar Value '65555,67803' To Data Type Int

Apr 27, 2011

I have a sql select statement with something like:

where column in (@Parameter)

In VB code a set parameter.defaultvalue to "65555,67803", But i get an error "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '65555,67803' to data type int."

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Conversion Of A Character Data Type To A Datetime Data Type Resulted In Out-of-range Datetime Value

Jan 12, 2010

[code] "The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.The statement has been terminated." [code]

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Java Conversion To .net Conversion Errors

Aug 31, 2009

Here's 2 questions that I hope someone can help me on. This is in I keep on getting this error ' is not accessible in this context because it is 'Protected Friend'. Does anyone know how to fix this error?

The other errors i get are "Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Val' accepts this number of arguments". I have listed below the code that I have coverted from Java. Where is my mistake?'the underlined areas are where it is giving me errors.


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More String Manipulation

Jun 6, 2010

im working on a small application that lets you input a phone number with "-" hyphens, and then copy that number to a label control minus the hyphens. So for instance 111-234-567 would become 111234567, i have accomplished this using the string.

replace command, however i was wandering if it would be possible to iterate through the string with a for next loop looking for the hyphens and then removing them with the string.

remove command, ive spent nearly 5 hrs trying to get the code to work, but to no avail, no errors are being thrown up, but the hyphens still display along with the number, i am currently teaching myself, and its a sloooooooow process. here is my unsucessful code


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Using VB Rather Than VBA For Access Manipulation?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm familiar with creating tables, updating, deleting, etc. etc. using a seperate VB program and a MS Access database.

However, I would like to know how I can start manipulating reports.

For example:

The user selects items in a combobox to filter certain items in a report.

The user selects a radiobutton to determine how the report is ordered (ascending by what field)

I've tried attacking this problem using VBA, but I haven't got very far. I couldn't even make a OnClick event procedure to execute the code I had written.

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