VS 2008 Serial GUI Data Manipulation

Apr 26, 2010

I have been using Dick Grier's example to attempt to attempt to read data coming from a project.I first have to read 16 bytes for an RFID tag. I have that working and am able to extract the unique ID code and display it (cut out for length).The project samples voltage on an ADC and transmits 120 samples ranging from 0 to 255.I am attempting to buffer in the 120 samples, convert the scaled voltages (195 Vp or so (115% of Vnom)), and calculate Vrms.When I attempt to calculate and display the information, nothing is displayed.[code]

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VS 2008 Serial Data - Make Sure The Correct Data Is Received?

Jun 28, 2009

I am using Visual Basic express to create a serial interface to a multi-room audio controller. I have started by creating a form that can connect to the controller and I can receive data from the Controller and display Zone status, volume etc in corresponding texts box thaks to help from Stanav and Tassa in my previous thread.

My next problem is to do with receiving lots of data from the serial port and my application getting out of sync. This is mainly caused by turning the volum control as each time it is turned a little bit the controller sends out the new status of the Zone being effected

****Turning Volume knob on Zone 1***
Status returned from Controller:


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Pass Serial Data From Serial Data Received Event

Dec 13, 2009

I'm trying to pass a data packet from the serial data received event.The code can capture the data without any issues.I'm spinning my wheels on getting the data packet out of the thread for further processing.[code]

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VS 2008 Serial Data To A Text Box?

Aug 21, 2010

I have a PIC program written in PicBASIC pro that sends out variables in word (ie 260, 458 etc). I would like to write a simple one form application that displays these variables in a box like this (just a mocked up image)In my search for VB code examples on how to use the serial port I came across one basic but functional example

Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.Ports
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Data


This is correct as there is only one variable that contains data at the moment (Temperatures(2) ), so the values are 0,0,261,0 for the first line. the increase in temperature was reflected in subsequent readings as it went up to 26.6C and then 26.8C.However I am now stumped... I don't know how I can adapt the code to brake the data up into the 4 variable and place them in to 4 different text boxes.

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VS 2008 - Program In Vb To Serial In Data From My Microcontroller

May 18, 2010

I have written a program in vb to serial in data from my microcontroller and it is working good except for one thing. When I try to send the number 26 to vb it just reads a blank I dont know what is going on? The data that I am reading is being converted to int16, and I am using Encoding 28591 and have also tried Encoding 1252. I have also tried a new microcontroller with no success. I dont know if this is a VB problem or a microcontroller program problem.

Dim ReceiveBuffer As String
Dim portname1 As String = "Com5" ' Serial in through this port
Dim portspeed1 As Integer = 19200
Dim WithEvents COMPort As New System.IO.Ports.SerialPort


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VS 2008 Get Data From USB UART, But Not USB-to-Serial Adaptor?

May 27, 2011

I have written a sketch for Arduino that sends serial data to my VB.Net app. Works great using the included USB port on the board. I need more distance, so I installed a MAX232. This is interesting. I get proper data in TeraTerm for both com ports (the Arduino USB comes up as a com port). I get proper data in my VB app from the Arduino USB (com) port. I get nothing from the MAX232 circuit on the other com port in my VB app. Why would both work in TeraTerm, but only the USB cable on the Arduino, not my MAX232 circuit in my application?

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VS 2008 Serial Port - Data Type?

Aug 22, 2009

seems to be quite easy but i'm stuck I'm reading a hex string from serial port (f.e. 20FD05C4), but can't read it proper in VS:/ . I've been trying with serialPort.ReadExisting(), serialPort.Read, etc

Is there any way to just read that String or convert it easyly bin/hex ?

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VS 2008 Reading And Writing Data To A Serial Port

May 25, 2009

reading and writing data to a serial port. the settings for the port are correct (from manual of device):


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Best Approach For Data Manipulation?

Jul 28, 2009

I understand that there are several ways of Inserting, Updating and Deleting records in a database such as DataAdapters, DataSets, TableAdapters, SqlCommandBuilders, Parameterized SqlCommands, StoredProcedures, etc, etc,etc. According to David Sceppa Sprocs are the most preferred. Ok, I go with him on this one (who am I to challenge him anyway?).

My question is, apart from Sprocs, which of these options is the BEST for a large commercial database application and why, taking performance into account? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each option?

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Data Manipulation And Conversion?

Jan 19, 2012

I have eight text boxes each can have any numerical value only consisting of the numbers 1-8 up to eight digits each. No 0's or 9's.I am using a timer to loop through the sequences of text boxes at a given rate. This is already configured.Now here's the hard part so bare with me.I need to output the first value of a text box, wait some time then output it's counter letter (below the number on the keyboard), go to the next text box and repeat. Example:



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VS 2008 How To Make Serial Data Base That Application Can Connect To

Aug 26, 2009

Can anyone tell me how to make a serial data base that my application can connect to?

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VS 2008 Application To Reject Serial And Count How Many Times Entered In A Wrong Serial

May 16, 2009

I made my program and now I just need to add in the serial and trial part of the application. I know the application must connect to the host and go to a txtfile. How would i do the trial and serial. Also If the serial is already activated I want the application to reject that Serial and Count how many times they entered in a wrong serial.

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VS 2010 Data Manipulation And Conversion?

Jan 18, 2012

I have eight text boxes each can have any numerical value only consisting of the numbers 1-8 up to eight digits each. No 0's or 9's. I am using a timer to loop through the sequences of text boxes at a given rate. This is already configured.

Now here's the hard part so bare with me.I need to output the first value of a text box, wait some time then output it's counter letter (below the number on the keyboard), go to the next text box and repeat. Example:


Ultimately I'm trying bring my PC Interface project up to date by going from a parallel port to USB. This will be the "Custom Loop" function for the device.

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Data Manipulation (INSERT,UPDATE) Using DataSet Object?

Nov 7, 2009

I am writing a program with VB.NET, there I have to select data from one table. Then I have to update about 4 tables and insert to 2 Tables. Which approach will be ok for me? I'm thinking to use DataSet.

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Data Manipulation And Print Report Directly To Printer

Jun 21, 2010

I have a process that does a lot of data manipulation and then prints a simple report directly to a printer. The overall priority is speed. Tens of thousands of records need to be scanned & processed individually so moving thru them quickly as possible is the goal.

Pseudo code
01)Scan Barcode
02)Fill DataSet from Sql Server
03)Manipulate data in dataset
04)Update data back to Sql Server
05)Print crystal report directly to printer; the dataset is the reports source
06)Clear dataset and start next record back at step one

The process if pretty complicated with a ton data manipulation and data coming from multiple sources but that part works super and in short all I am doing is scanning barcode, filling a dataset, passing it to a report and starting over. Steps 1 to 4 are averaging one tenth of a second (0.01) to complete; great. Passing it to the report to print takes several seconds which is the problem. I thought I would resolve this by passing the dataset to the report print sub - allowing the print sub to run on a background thread - and moving on to processing the next record.

Dim m_ds As MyTypedDataSet
Sub ScanBarCode
Fill DataSet
Validate & Manipulate Data
Call PrintReport
Clear Dataset
End Sub

I have been attempting to add the PrintReport sub to process on a background thread. The problem though is the main thread blows right by to the next step and clears the dataset; causing an error in the report sub. I've tried unsuccessfully just about everything I can think of; including using DataSet.Copy to local datasets (which I really don't want to keep recreating the same object over & over tens of thousands of times), as soon as the main dataset clears, all clear.

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2010 - SQL Data Manipulation - Display Each Element On A Page In A Structured Format

Jun 15, 2010

I'm currently learning VB.net and can confidently connect to databases and return results to comboboxes run stored procedures ect to datagrids, However I'm wanting to find an online tutorial for doing loops with data so for example

I return the following data into a dataset

Orderno Orderitem Price GUID
111 Pies 1.50 xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx
111 orangutang 2.00 xxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx

I want to display each element on a page in a structured format so as to make a visual representation in seperate entities (labels maybe) of the data like so:

Order number

line 1 (includes item and price in plain text on a page i guess using a label)
line 2 (same goes)

Subtotal( )

The results and formulae i can do but it's simply how to split off the data from my dataset and display elements as seperates (also how will i dynamically create the lables as obviously i'm not going to know in advance how many order item rows will return )

Obviously this is not urgent but if anyone could point me at a tutorial or even better a few lines of code that will do this for the microsoft northwind data so i can mess about with it and play.

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HSD 32 Bit Data Bus To Serial Converter Via A Microcontroller - Data Sniffer To Read The Data Bus (32Bit)

Sep 3, 2008

Im working on a HSD 32 bit data bus to serial converter via a microcontroller. Now first I want to make a sort of data sniffer to read the data bus (32Bit) .All on the controller side is working and the stream of bytes are coming in via RS232 as 4 bytes in HEX like FD,A5,45,8B . I already converted the bytes in Dec and ASCII to determine what is passed true the bus and how fast and stuff.. Now that is all correct and working very well if the LSB (least significant bit) of the 32 data bus is Data line 0 and the MSB (most significant bit) is Data line 31 but if that is not the case I need to invert the 32Bits (like as I would invert the connector on the bus) . How do I best do this using the 4 bytes I send from the micro controller.


(MSB) 01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 (LSB)
HEX= 48 65 6C 70
DEC= 72,101,108,112

I need to invert it with a button to:

(MSB) 00001110 00110110 10100110 00010010 (LSB)
HEX= 0E 36 A6 12
DEC= 14,54,166,18
ASCII= (SO) 6 : (DC2)

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VS 2008 - String Manipulation ?

Sep 5, 2009

My.Settings.regLibCardNo = "10-0000"

I want it to increment


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VS 2008 Web Browser Manipulation?

Apr 18, 2009

I am stripping few tags in html file and then assigning that html string to documenttext property of webbrowser. i can successfully do it, but when i use webbroswer1.document.GetElementById(xx) i am getting invalide type cast exception error.. even if i use any of webbrowser document property i am getting invalidtypecast exception.

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VB 2008 HTML String Manipulation?

Jun 25, 2010

I need some help writing a program that navigates to a certain URL, and then when I click a button, it gets the string after the word(in the HTML source code)MD5:and then there is a 32 bit string. How could I list the 32 bit string in a textbox?It can contain MD5: aswell too.. I don't mind

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VS 2008 String Manipulation Or Regex

Oct 27, 2010

[code] How to substring only the line(s) below the explanation e.g. No match for "VBFORUMSBLAHBLAH.COM". Everything else should be ignored.

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VS 2008 Submit Button Web Manipulation

Feb 2, 2011

I created a form that manipulates the submit button on this website url...I'm not able to make it work. I'm able to fill out the userid and password, however I'm still not able to manipulate the LOG ON button. [code]

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[2008] Control Manipulation From Thread

Feb 20, 2009

I have a program where I don't want the UI going white and unusable while processing some SQL queries. So what I did was set the two long queries into a Thread and put a ProgressBar in Marquee mode just to indicate something is happening.

My issue is that I need certain Buttons enabled and disabled at certain times, so the only way to do this is to, after the SQL statements are run, do the proper testing to see which Buttons need to be Enabled. However, I obviously can't put these after the Thread execution or it happens immediately after the .Start() command. So, they need to go in the thread. But, I'm not understanding exactly how to go about changing the state of the Buttons from a different thread. Here is my


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Reading Serial Port Read Data From Serial Port?

Aug 16, 2011

i am a absolute beginner and i want to use vb to receive data from micro controller through serial port using rs232 standards, i found this code to receive the data serially, can any one tell me where should i paste this code, so that the data received will be displayed in message box.Private Sub DataReceived(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) HandlesSerialPort1.DataReceived


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VS 2008 - Sound Manipulation - Edit Mp3 And Save It

Jun 15, 2012

Is there a way one can edit sound, say for example you have an mp3 sound it is 12sec long, but you want to fit it into 10sec. is there a way one can write a code that automatically adjust the sound so that it only play faster and save it as mp3 again? I am not talking about existing programs to do it. rather a standalone app?

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VS 2008 Multiple Connection String Manipulation?

Oct 27, 2011

I am creating an VB 2008 application which uses 2 connections strings in according in which computer is running (my test machine, and the production server). How should i manage the connection string in order not to change manually the connections string which are many inside the code??

I have read that you can read them from an external line, or if you put both connection strings in an external file, according in which machine the program is running can actually the correct string?

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VB 2003 - Handling Data - Transmitting Data From A Comm Device Via Serial Port

Nov 10, 2009

I'm currently working on a project where I am transmitting data from a comm device via the serial port and resorting the raw data (in binary) to its respective ascii values. The problem I'm facing is determining the most efficient method to accomplish my goal. Essentially, I have 68 bytes coming in, the first and second bytes represent the page and packet number and the data itself ranges from 3 to 64, the remaining for my checksum.

What I am needing to do is, grab 50 consecutive bytes per variable in my array, and that is where I'm confused. I have easily pulled my 3-64 bytes and stored that data to a string. I just don't know the most efficient method to accomplish my goal. Should I write directly to file all my data, as there are like 8 pages, of 128 packet data. [Code] I can capture the the first 50 by using a for-loop easily, but what would be the preferred method to track what data chunk I've taken? The more I think about it, I think I may just want to write to file, all my data, and then just take them back to back in 50 byte chunks. Is that the most efficient method?

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Data Not Going To Serial Port As One Data String?

May 25, 2009

I have to send the user-input data to the serial port. From the serial port the Modbus controller reads the data in Modbus/RTU mode.Now consider the following:Private WithEvents sp as serialport Now when I send sp.Write "192" to the serial port, I was that the complete data go as one data packet. Instead what I find that when this data is sent to a hardware controller, I find that the serial port first transmits 1, then 9 and then 2. Because of this my modbus does not recognize this data and throws and error. I tried sending "12" and again i find that it goes as "1" and then "2". Is there any way to send the data as one data packet so that my modbus can read "192" as one data packet value and not as 3 data packets of 1, 9, and 2?

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Serial Data - Split And Show Data?

Jun 25, 2009

I am using Visual Basic express to create a serial interface to a multi-room audio controller. I have started by creating a form that can connect to the controller and I can type commands into a text box and have set up a button that sends that text to the serial port. This text is displayed in a big text box as well as the feed back from the serial port (multirom audio controller).

Here is an example of what I send and receive to and from the controller;

I send *Z01STATUS (query's the Zone 1 status of the controller)I then receive the data from the controller #Z01PWRON,SRC4,VOL99 (This tells me Zone 1 is on, Source 4 is selected and the volume is at level 99 I can easily create buttons to turn the zones on and off and control the unit. My problem is I want to make things change on my form coresponding to the data received. ie I want to display the current volume of each zone and whether thetay are on or off etc. How do I get the individual bits of data from the data received. IE how do I get the VOL99 to show 99 in a text box?

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Getting Data From Serial Port

Jan 30, 2011

I am facing problem reading data from Serial port. Actually I am connecting with the hardware device called Crimp Force Analyzer. It gives the data on hyperterminal and I have to read that data from my <acronym title="Visual Basic">vb</acronym>.net program. The data is somewhat like this:


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