VS 2008 Web Browser Manipulation?

Apr 18, 2009

I am stripping few tags in html file and then assigning that html string to documenttext property of webbrowser. i can successfully do it, but when i use webbroswer1.document.GetElementById(xx) i am getting invalide type cast exception error.. even if i use any of webbrowser document property i am getting invalidtypecast exception.

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VS 2008 - String Manipulation ?

Sep 5, 2009

My.Settings.regLibCardNo = "10-0000"

I want it to increment


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VB 2008 HTML String Manipulation?

Jun 25, 2010

I need some help writing a program that navigates to a certain URL, and then when I click a button, it gets the string after the word(in the HTML source code)MD5:and then there is a 32 bit string. How could I list the 32 bit string in a textbox?It can contain MD5: aswell too.. I don't mind

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VS 2008 Serial GUI Data Manipulation

Apr 26, 2010

I have been using Dick Grier's example to attempt to attempt to read data coming from a project.I first have to read 16 bytes for an RFID tag. I have that working and am able to extract the unique ID code and display it (cut out for length).The project samples voltage on an ADC and transmits 120 samples ranging from 0 to 255.I am attempting to buffer in the 120 samples, convert the scaled voltages (195 Vp or so (115% of Vnom)), and calculate Vrms.When I attempt to calculate and display the information, nothing is displayed.[code]

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VS 2008 String Manipulation Or Regex

Oct 27, 2010

[code] How to substring only the line(s) below the explanation e.g. No match for "VBFORUMSBLAHBLAH.COM". Everything else should be ignored.

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VS 2008 Submit Button Web Manipulation

Feb 2, 2011

I created a form that manipulates the submit button on this website url...I'm not able to make it work. I'm able to fill out the userid and password, however I'm still not able to manipulate the LOG ON button. [code]

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[2008] Control Manipulation From Thread

Feb 20, 2009

I have a program where I don't want the UI going white and unusable while processing some SQL queries. So what I did was set the two long queries into a Thread and put a ProgressBar in Marquee mode just to indicate something is happening.

My issue is that I need certain Buttons enabled and disabled at certain times, so the only way to do this is to, after the SQL statements are run, do the proper testing to see which Buttons need to be Enabled. However, I obviously can't put these after the Thread execution or it happens immediately after the .Start() command. So, they need to go in the thread. But, I'm not understanding exactly how to go about changing the state of the Buttons from a different thread. Here is my


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VS 2008 - Sound Manipulation - Edit Mp3 And Save It

Jun 15, 2012

Is there a way one can edit sound, say for example you have an mp3 sound it is 12sec long, but you want to fit it into 10sec. is there a way one can write a code that automatically adjust the sound so that it only play faster and save it as mp3 again? I am not talking about existing programs to do it. rather a standalone app?

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VS 2008 Multiple Connection String Manipulation?

Oct 27, 2011

I am creating an VB 2008 application which uses 2 connections strings in according in which computer is running (my test machine, and the production server). How should i manage the connection string in order not to change manually the connections string which are many inside the code??

I have read that you can read them from an external line, or if you put both connection strings in an external file, according in which machine the program is running can actually the correct string?

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Visual Basic 2008 Web Browser Navigate Via Textbox With Multiple Lines - Web Browser Control - Vb 2008 Webbrowser Navigate

Sep 3, 2009

I would like for my program to navigate via textbox1.text with multiple lines and multiple url links inside of it. I know how to make the webbrowser1.navigate via textbox1.text with multiple lines, however I want my webbrowser to navigate to each url every 1-1.5 seconds once button1 is clicked. Yes, my webbrowser1 will navigate to the specified urls via the textbox1.text (multilines) with a button click, but I need the webbrowser1 to navigate in a order sequence from top to bottom of Textbox1.text (multiplelines) every 1 second. Here is the current code that I have to navigate via multilined textbox1.text control in order sequence:


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VS 2008 Setting Custom Internet Browser To Default Browser?

Oct 20, 2009

I've just finished making a web browser suited for my personal use, but when I click on a new link or something it opens a new window in Internet Explorer - which gets extremely anoying.. Is there a way to make all links open up in a custom browser?

View 19 Replies

VS 2008 - Tabbed Browser Automation - Send Commands To A Tabbed Browser?

Dec 7, 2009

I was just wondering how I could send commands to a tabbed browser. Such as navigation. I know of webbrowser1.navigate, but that will not work with the tabbed browser. I would also like to use an commands to automatically login. But I am not sure how I could do that in a tabbed browser either. Webbrowser1.document.getelementbyid does not work for this.

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More String Manipulation

Jun 6, 2010

im working on a small application that lets you input a phone number with "-" hyphens, and then copy that number to a label control minus the hyphens. So for instance 111-234-567 would become 111234567, i have accomplished this using the string.

replace command, however i was wandering if it would be possible to iterate through the string with a for next loop looking for the hyphens and then removing them with the string.

remove command, ive spent nearly 5 hrs trying to get the code to work, but to no avail, no errors are being thrown up, but the hyphens still display along with the number, i am currently teaching myself, and its a sloooooooow process. here is my unsucessful code


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Using VB Rather Than VBA For Access Manipulation?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm familiar with creating tables, updating, deleting, etc. etc. using a seperate VB program and a MS Access database.

However, I would like to know how I can start manipulating reports.

For example:

The user selects items in a combobox to filter certain items in a report.

The user selects a radiobutton to determine how the report is ordered (ascending by what field)

I've tried attacking this problem using VBA, but I haven't got very far. I couldn't even make a OnClick event procedure to execute the code I had written.

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HttpWebRequest And HttpWebResponse Manipulation?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a program that will register you for a certain website using textboxes and stuff but I have an invisible web browser and it just enters the text into the right spots and clicks the button.I was told that I can get rid of the web browser and do the whole thing faster and easier using "HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse".

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Best Approach For Data Manipulation?

Jul 28, 2009

I understand that there are several ways of Inserting, Updating and Deleting records in a database such as DataAdapters, DataSets, TableAdapters, SqlCommandBuilders, Parameterized SqlCommands, StoredProcedures, etc, etc,etc. According to David Sceppa Sprocs are the most preferred. Ok, I go with him on this one (who am I to challenge him anyway?).

My question is, apart from Sprocs, which of these options is the BEST for a large commercial database application and why, taking performance into account? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each option?

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Data Manipulation And Conversion?

Jan 19, 2012

I have eight text boxes each can have any numerical value only consisting of the numbers 1-8 up to eight digits each. No 0's or 9's.I am using a timer to loop through the sequences of text boxes at a given rate. This is already configured.Now here's the hard part so bare with me.I need to output the first value of a text box, wait some time then output it's counter letter (below the number on the keyboard), go to the next text box and repeat. Example:



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Email - String Manipulation In .NET?

Aug 7, 2009

This is probably quite a simple question, but I can't remember how to do it off hand.I have an e-mail address of "foo@bar.com".I want to grab the @ and everything after it and then I'll be adding a prefix to the front of the address as I go.

I'm just wonderng how I get hold of the @bar.com from the string?

I know I should know how to do this as this is a really simple operation.

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Image Manipulation Library For VB?

Sep 3, 2011

this topic has been touched multiple times on Stack Overflow, but my search still did not give me an answer.

I'm looking for a SIMPLE and easy to use, very basic, image editing library. All I need to do is check the size of jpeg and png files and rotate them by multiples of 90°.I can develop my app in VB.NET or preferably VB5 and I'm not using any other library.

I tried the Advanced Image Library (based on Free Image Library), but I can't get the dll to correctly register and I'm afraid that I will also have problems when distributing the application.Is there something simpler? If it's not free it's fine, as long as the cost is reasonable.

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Manipulation Of List (Of T) Collection

Sep 9, 2009

I wanted to know if it's possible to remove a paticular item in my collection and then add it back at a certain location? e.g. say I use RemoveAt and remove the first item in the colleciton; after, I want to add it back at a particular location (index)? Maybe this isn't possible with this type or any other type collection?

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Manipulation On A File - Plus Some Regex?

Jan 27, 2012

The below is the content of my file(which is already sorted). Whichever is there between square brackets, relate to one transaction. The transactions can be groupa, groupb,groupc etc.

Jan 2012 02:10:12 [5678](groupa):Part 1:data1
Jan 2012 02:10:12 [5678](groupa):Part 2:data2
Jan 2012 02:10:12 [5678](groupa):Part 3:data3[code]...

I want to output the below data to another file using vb.net. It should contain the transaction group, followed by the time(the time should be taken from the first row of the contents grouped by transaction, then grouped by the number inside the square bracket, in the contents). Next line should concatenate the data(after Part [1-9]:), corresponding to the particular transaction grouped by the number inside the square bracket. For the above contents,

groupa at Jan 2012 02:10:12
groupa at Jan 2012 02:13:14
groupb at Jan 2012 02:13:24

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Multithreading And Manipulation Of RecordSet?

Mar 8, 2012

I'm developing my first SQL Server database app (for 30+ users) and could REALLY use some advice particularly because the app's design is pretty complex so please bear with the long explanation. My app eventually will display an always (hopefully) up to date list of files (and some related metadata) for a variety of purposes (open file, modify file's metadata, etc). The users deal with (open files, modify metadata, etc) dozens if not hundreds of files everyday so developing an app that making it all super quick and easy would really save company time in our environment over the course of a year.

The list is always enormous so my plan at the moment is to never close the app once it's running.The app will have schemes (TBD) for updating the list (modified data, new files & deleted files).It takes approx 45-60 seconds to load all the data which would make my app unusable if I were to allow the user to close the app.The design gets complicated because the list is a merging of two folder structures that share
some relative folder structures and files. The main list comes from a document management system (DMS) and the secondary list comes from a specific local folder structure (e.g. C drive). As with many DMSs, the user cannot modify documents directly in that system.


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RTF Text Manipulation - Labels

Jan 5, 2011

I'm expanding upon a tutorial we have in class for a cash register. The basic program is to put the name in, put the price in, then manipulating labels display the item name, price, tax, and price after tax. Three buttons being calculate tax, clear the form, exit the program.


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Text Manipulation From A File.txt?

Dec 9, 2011

So far I have a button that calls scan.bat which simply runs net view and outputs to file.txt. I then want to strip out all the gumpf so it just leaves the names of the PC's in the list (not the remarks and all that).I'm new to all this, so it might not be the most elegant way of doing this!

Imports System.IO
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VB And MS Access Database Manipulation?

Jul 4, 2011

First thing I should point out, i have looked all over, especially on DIC for examples, have found some, but none that i could get to work for me. I made a program that inserts data into a DB and then on another form it shows a gridview with the data from the DB. My first issue is im not sure how to insert items into the DB when the DB has an auto number field. I have seen on the internet to just not specify that field and let the DB handle it but its not working for me. This is what i have for that part:

Dim cmdInsert As New OleDbCommand
Dim AdoRs As New ADODB.Recordset


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VS 02/03 Text File Manipulation?

Feb 19, 2010

I don't actually know where to post this cuz i don't actually need code, i just need help on the logic. But if i could get a code then that's fine either

you see, i'm trying to get specific details on a text file.For example, the contents of the text file is like this:


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VS 2010 Txt File Manipulation?

Jun 10, 2010

I have a text file that has about 200 programs that were dumped from a cnc machine. I want to be able to take that text file and extract each program and save it as it's own text file. There is a distinct character at the beginning and the end of each individual program. I an new to vb and the projects that I have done to this date involve database front ends so i have no idea on how to work with text files.

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VB 2005 Express Make The Web Browser Control Connect Through A Different Ip Address And Port From Default Web Browser?

Apr 29, 2007

Im using VB2005 express and the app im creating uses the web browser control.Basically I want to know if its possible to make the web browser control connect through a different ip address and port from your default web browser.

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Opening A New Window In Browser Instead Of Default Web Browser (I.E. Internet Explorer)?

Sep 29, 2010

I am creating a webbrowser with Visual Basic, and I have finished everything but this: When I click on an external link, (I.E. On a photo, or on youtube) it opens up in a new IE window. I want it to open in my browser, not Internet Explorer.I have read everything I have found on this subject, but it is all for normal web browsers. I want to do this for a tabbed web browser, not one without tabs. Basicly, I want to use this code with my tabbed web browser that uses tab control.

Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs)
Handles WebBrowser1.NewWindow


convert the code to be used in a browser with tabcontrol? I tried, and it works with one that DOESN'T use it, but I want to use it with my browser with tabcontrol. And, I have read ALL of the ones previously given to other people.

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.net - String Manipulation, Removing Last Few Characters?

Feb 11, 2011

When I try to remove the last few characters of a string, I get an index out of range error. I am using the following to remove the characters from the end of the string:

objJSONStringBuilder.Remove(objJSONStringBuilder.Length - 1, 6)

The string has <hr /> at the end which I want to remove.

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