Data Not Saving Into Database While Updating

Apr 8, 2011

In my form i have a datagrid view and two textbox the textbox is bind with the when i click the data in the datagrid the data will go to the textbox (that's i want to happen) but when i click the update button and check my database it doesn't change.. i use ExecuteNonQuery to update my data.[code]...

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Saving And And Updating Database?

Sep 2, 2010

im having problems saving and and updating my database. created in the database explorer.Run thorugh what ive done, created tables saved the job, imported the database dragged items on to screen.

Ive looked at my xsd file and Update and delete comands havent been set, how do i set them and is there a default to preset them when ive i create new databases. its really great you helped out..

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Error "No Value Given For One Or More Required Parameters" Saving And Updating Database

Apr 13, 2012

When I run the following code I get two errors. The first is when I try to save a new set of data it tells me there is a "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". The second is when I try to save an update in tells me "No value given for one or more required parameters". I'm not sure why this is happening as before I added in Contact Deatails it saved fine.


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Saving Data From A Data Grid To An Access Database (2008 Express)?

May 18, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple Data Grid that will automatically save changes. So far I have a data grid connected to a MS Access 2007 Database that reads the data. I can create new fields in the Data Grid, but I need to program to save the data automatically to the database on update (or on close).

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Data Not Updating To Database

Aug 16, 2011

I've seen similar problems posted on this and other boards, typically with a bunch of code checking before its realised that that database itself is being copied to another directory and run from there. Apparently this is managed via the database properties, copy to output directory settings. In my case I have tried all three options, with no change in result. After "saving", inspection of the actual database via the server explorer shows no changes have actually been committed.

I am getting to a point where I need to start entering large amounts of data into the app and have at actually save to the db for deeper testing.

I noticed this behavious first when using an .accdb and it has persisted through my exploration of SQL(.mdf)

db Output Option Selected / Result

always copy... data changes do not persist between debug runs and is not entered into actual database

copy if newer... data changes do persist between debug runs but is not entered into actual database (checked via server explorer)

Do Not Copy... generates the below Error on execution

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was unhandled
Message=An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:UsersXXXDesktopVisual Basic ProjectsSQLtestWindowsApplication4 - CopyWindowsApplication4inDebugMyDatabase.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.

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Updating A Database / Data Set?

Feb 3, 2012

Basically I want to be able to save any data I enter into my data grid / dataset ermanently , so when i close the program or restart it the data I previously entered within the grid will be present.This is what I have so far

BindingContext(CustomersDs, "Customers").EndCurrentEdit()
OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(CustomersDs) is called Shop.mdb )


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No Data Returned After Updating Database

Oct 6, 2011

I'm sure im just making a simple mistake some place but i just cant find it. I have datatable which I can and can make changes, save back to the database just fine. But if I reload the data after updating, no data is retrieved from the database. But if I stop debugging completely and then start again, it loads just fine...until i call Update.

Here is some code I am using for testing purposes.

Private myDataSet As New DataSet
Private conn As MySqlClient.MySqlConnection
Dim myDataAdapter As New MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter


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Updating Data In 2 Tables In The Database?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm Using vb 2008 and an access DB.I have 2 tables in the DB which is transaction and products.When a Customer Buy product the transaction will record and the stock of that product will deduct accdg to the quantity bought by the customer. Myproblem is products table didn't update. Stock of that product still didn't change.

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VS 2008 Updating Database Data?

Jan 22, 2010

I am working on a project that stores data on animals. I am trying to make updates to data already stored there, through inputs on a VB form. A form where all the data is populating the fields shows up and the user can change/update any field. Once they are finished, they click update and the DB is supposed to reflect those changes (Theoretically)However, I wrote the code to do that, but when it runs nothing in the database is changed and nothing gets done, as it seems. No errors appear and nothing goes wrong with the program. It just doesnt change the data in the db.

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VS 2008 Updating The Database Data?

Apr 24, 2010

I am working on a project that stores data on animals. I am trying to make updates to data already stored there, through inputs on a VB form. A form where all the data is populating the fields shows up and the user can change/update any field. Once they are finished, they click update and the DB is supposed to reflect those changes (Theoretically)

However, I wrote the code to do that, but when it runs nothing in the database is changed and nothing gets done, as it seems. No errors appear and nothing goes wrong with the program. It just doesnt change the data in the db.

Here is the code updating the database.

If txtNewID.Text = "" Or cmbRegion.Text = "" Or txtWombatName.Text = "" Or cmbGender.Text = "" Or txtAge.Text = "" Or txtWeight.Text = "" Or txtLength.Text = "" Or txtCommunity.Text = "" Or txtDescription.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please fill in all required fields.", , "ERROR")


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VS 2008 Updating The Database With New Data?

Apr 14, 2009

I have two forms in my program, Form1 has ListBox which contains names from the Database.Form2, has textbox and add button to get a new name from the user.but when I click on add button.. i return to Form1 to view the names in the listbox by clicking on view button: ALL NAMES ARE DISPLAYED WITHOUT THE NEW NAME.when I close my program and click on View button all names including the new name that was entered before are displayed ! is there a way to display everything in the database without closing the program??I need a way to refresh or something.


Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim ds As New DataSet()


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Can't Seem To Save Data In The Database When Updating A Record?

May 20, 2009

I can't seem to save data in the database when updating a record. The record appears to be updated and even displays the new record on my form but as soon as I close and restart the program the old record is back and no changes are made to the database. Is there something im missing here ?

If CN2.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
Dim Comand As New SqlCeCommand("SELECT * From Incentives Where IncentiveCode = '" & TxtCode.Text & "'", CN2)
Dim rs As SqlCeResultSet
rs = Comand.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Sensitive + ResultSetOptions.Updatable)
If rs.Read Then


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Editing SQL Data - Form Not Updating Row In Database

Jul 29, 2011

My form just isn't updating the row in the database: Here's my code:
Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
If Request.QueryString("a") = "edit" Then
Dim CategoryText As String = lstCategory.SelectedItem.Text
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=LogansArchive; Integrated Security=True;")
[Code] .....

I've never used nested SELECTs in SQL before so I'm not sure if I did it right. Aside from that, this is all stuff I've done before so I'm relatively sure that it's all correct. Finally, there are no errors being reported when I debug, although the updates don't seem to be coming through from the text fields (txtContent.Text isn't changing to reflect the new value).

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Updating Database With Data In Popup Window

Apr 30, 2009

I took a break from this program since I couldn't get it going. I just started it again yesterday and finally got it to pull data from the database to show past patient appointments in the appointment scheduler. Now I just need it to take the data from the pop up window and update the database with it so it's there after you close the program. I want it to update the EyeBase dataset and write it to the DB.

Here is the code so far:
Public Class Form1
Public Structure ScheduleOwner
Dim _index As String
Dim _description As String
Public Sub New(ByVal row As DataRow)
[Code] .....

Here is the form that pops up to enter patient information. I think I got it, I used this code:
And I can change things, click a save button, close it, then re-open to see the changes I made. New problem is when I try creating an appointment from scratch, I get an error saying "Column 'AppID' does not allow nulls." AppID is a column in the DB that I use to number the appointments. This seems like it's looking for a value when you create the appointment but I don't want it to. How can I have it ignore that?

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Updating Form After Data Is Added To Database

Jan 15, 2012

when i add the record it saves and returns the save message box as it should and is viewable in the database where it saves to, but it is not viewable in the text boxes when looking back at the form until i close program and re open it, then i can see the record stored in the database, it just wont update the form,[code]

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Way Of Inserting / Updating & Deleteing Data In Database

Feb 9, 2012

[code]The above code does not insert data into table. Please fix this issue.Tell me the proper and most widely used way of Inserting, Updating & Deleteing Data in Database.

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60K Data Saving To Database

Nov 6, 2011

I'm working on a project which are generating some data from my VB.NET software and I wish to save those data into sql server. But my concerns is the speed of saving and the large amount of data. For every 0.5s, one set of data will be generated and the process will keep running for about 8 hours, so at the end of 8 hours, roughly there will be 60,000 set of data generated.May i know what is the best option/method of saving the data into the sql server in not hanging up my software and also keeping the pace with the speed of 0.5s data being generated?

- Speed of 0.5s. I have to maintained for every 0.5s, one data must be generated. Cannot delay too much.

- I can afford delay in the sql database, meant the data might not be necessary close to real time.

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Saving Data To A Database?

Feb 23, 2010

I am making a simple program in Visual Studio 2010.My program connects to a MySQL 5.5.8 database running on my computer through XXAMP. I have used the Connector/Net 6.3.7 for MySQL to allow me to do this.

This is the local information for the MySQL server:
Port: 3306 (default)
Username: root
Password: admin

I have successfully created a Data Source for this server. The DataSet is called 'testdbDataSet'.

This is what my program looks like:I do not want to use the navigation bar that Visual Studio gives me at the top. Instead, I want to use the buttons shown below the input fields. The btnAdd button I believe should clear the two fields. It is currently working fine. I want the btnSave button to save the stored values of the two input fields to the database. I do not know how to do this.

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Saving Data To Database?

Nov 21, 2011

this is roughly the add form where i have created... i am suppose to send this information into the database that i am using which is mysql.It is suppose to grab the incident date and the Type and also a count that increases by 1 if the date is the same or else it will be back to one.

This is the code
Dim count As Integer
Dim hotelcode As Integer


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Saving Data Without A Database?

Oct 25, 2009

I am trying to make a program (kinda like a game, but no graphics). Well, everything on that is fine, and ive made this program once before in VB6, but that code is long gone and I am trying to make it again. Well, here is my issue. I want the users to be able to create items on the server end (as well as maps, npcs so on and so forth) and I was wondering if there is a way to do this without using a database? In VB6 I used several ini files, but this is not a recommended way of doing things anymore. I dont want each person that uses this to have to install SqlServer on their computer either.

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Inserting, Updating, Deleteing Data In A MySQL Database

Dec 8, 2009

I'm trying to test some stuff out, like adding employees and stuff like that.

Now it used to run on an Access database, but I've made the jump to MySQL.

Now to add an employee I use this code

Private Sub btnOpslaanWerknemer_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpslaanWerknemer.Click


now I get the following error: "Error: MySQL.Data - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check manual that corresponds with your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '?,?,?,?)' at line 1.

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Data Not Saving To Database (tableAdapter)?

Jul 31, 2011

I've been struggling the entire day trying to figure this out. Basically the data in my form won't save to the tableAdapter. To update the database I use:

Me.dataSetName.TableName.Rows.Add (DataRowName)


The database was created using SSMS 2008 R2 and I'm using VS 2010.

I have confirmed that the data is being stored in the data row (because when I removed data from the data row it wouldn't accept because there are NOT NULL columns) and I have followed the instructions of this form as well:[URl]..

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Saving A Data Record To Database?

Jul 21, 2009

i am getting a error went i update or save a record to my database.

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Saving Data Into MS Access Database?

May 11, 2012

this code worked in every form except this form which I named Reregistration the code is working and every thing but the only problem is that the new generated data is not saved in the actual table

Private Sub btnRegister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRegister.Click
If txtPassword1.Text = txtPassword2.Text Then


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Saving Data Without Using Database Files?

Sep 29, 2010

I wish to save some data but dont want to use database. I have studies that XML files can be used for that. But I have no idea abut XML.

What is the difference between using XML and database?

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Saving The Bulk Data To The Database Using Xml?

May 12, 2012

I am saving the bulk data to the database using xml format from windows application this is the procedure


i found that the error is comming because of passing "F&I" value in the parameter value if i pass only "FI" i am not getting error means the error comming because of passing "&" in the parameter value so if i want to save the values like "F&I" how can i save into the database using xml

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Saving The Data Back To The Database?

Jul 8, 2009

I have an xbap application that connects to a webservice to run different stored procedure. The webmethod loads the data into a data table and returns it to my xbap application. My program gives the user the option to manipulate the data. What is the best option for saving the data back to the database?

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Best Connection Code For Retrieving / Updating And Deleting Data From Database

Mar 15, 2012

I start my project in backend is sql server i have completed my design now i start my coding but i am confused for connectivity code whether i used dataset or datable which is good? please give me best connection code for retriving,updating and deleting data from database..

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Databasing - Tutorial On Saving Data On Database

Feb 24, 2012

can anyone write a step by step tutorial on saving data on database (sql if possible)? i have already created a form without any functions, i also created a access file with table and queries equivalent to each txtbox and combobox(if that is needed incase)

the names of txtbox and combobox are(cbWhat, dtpDate, dtpFrom, dtpTo, cbWhere, cbCName, mtxtCN, txtLoc and txtEventDes).

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Saving Binary Data Into SQL SErver Database?

Sep 10, 2009

I have a string with Binarydata that is 64bit. I want to store this data into SQlServer database and the column is varbinary(Max).When I pass the string I am getting an error saying string cannot be converted into varbinary.

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