DataGridView Checkbox Column Header Cell?

Sep 13, 2011

I'm trying to render a checkbox in a datagridview column header so that when the checkbox is hecked/unchecked all the cells in that column should be checked/unchecked accordingly. The datagridview is bound to a database table but the column containing the checkbox header cell is unbound.
The problem is, whenever i click the header checkbox, all the cells in that column are checked but the header checkbox itself gets invisible.If I click the HEADER (though the checkbox is invisible, still I can click the header) again, all the cells in the column below are unchecked and the header checkbox becomes visible and unchecked. Everything is happening as expected except the visibility of the header checkbox. Why is it so?


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DataGridView Checkbox Column Header Cell (.Net 4.0)?

Sep 13, 2011

I'm trying to render a checkbox in a datagridview column header so that when the checkbox is checked/unchecked all the cells in that column should be checked/unchecked accordingly.The datagridview is bound to a database table but the column containing the checkbox header cell is unbound. The problem is, whenever i click the header checkbox, all the cells in that column are checked but the header checkbox itself gets invisible. If I click the HEADER (though the checkbox is invisible, still I can click the header) again, all the cells in the column below are unchecked and the header checkbox becomes visible and unchecked. Everything is happening as expected except the visibility of the header checkbox. Why is it so?

''' <summary>
''' The custom class for checkbox header cell.
''' </summary>


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Add A Checkbox Column At First Column Of Datagridview Including Column Header?

Apr 9, 2010

How to add a checkbox column at first column of datagridview including column header?After adding, how to code to "check all" or "uncheck all"?

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Datagridview Column Header Checkbox?

Dec 27, 2010

Can I show checkboxes to the column headers in datagridview for each column in my dgv I Used [url] for help but it replaces the header cells one by one .Can I use any property of dgv which shows checkboxes for all column headers

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Hide CheckBox In Particular Cell In DataGridView CheckBox Column?

Nov 22, 2011

I have a DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn who's column name is "booReadyToReport want to hide all the checkboxes in this column if "bintAnalyteCodeID" doesn't equal the selected value in a combobox on my form. ut I run this bit of code the DataGridView DataError event fires currently, have nothing in the event except an comment. he code seems to work, but I'm new to VB.NET and I'm wondering if this is the correct way to handle thishould I use the CellPainting event?

highlight rows with RBF3
For Each dr As DataGridViewRow In Me.dgvCalculatedResults.Rows
f dr.Cells("bintAnalyteCodeID").Value = Me.cbxAnalyte.SelectedValue Then


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DataGridView.CellDoubleClick: On Column Header Or Cell?

Dec 29, 2008

How can I determine if the user clicked on a cell in the grid, or on the column header? In both cases the CellDoubleClick Handler is called. I want to handle only the first case.

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VS 2010 Find Value Of Cell In Datagridview By Column Header Name?

Aug 25, 2011

I have been using this code to find the value of the cell in a datagrid view

Dim eRow As Integer
eRow = dgv.CurrentRow.Index
MessageBox.Show(dgv.Item(0, eRow).Value)

This works fine when the columns unless the user changes the order of the column.

So what I am trying to achieve is to find the value if the cell even if the order of the columns is changed. Is there a way instead of saying column (0, eRow) I can add (ColumnHeaderName = "NameHere", eRow) or something along those lines.

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Datagridview Checkbox Column - Last Cell Value Not Updating?

Oct 26, 2010

i am developing an application in implies some datagridview operations. the appl contains one DGVW with columns fixed programatically, one such column is Datagridviewcheckbox column. the datasource for dgvw is bounded by a datatable. the user needs to enter the values in the GUI.

supposing the user enters the 2x2 matrix values, and the user checked the checkbox last cell in the dgvw. The problem - the last cell value is not updating inside. if ii debug through code, the "cell(2,2).value" reurns null value whereas the rest of them returns the value what i entered.

if i clicked the mouse some where in the dgvw after entering the last cell value, then it is returning the exact value as expected.

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Display The Column Header And Cell Value Of The Clicked Cell In The Data Grid?

Dec 1, 2011

I need to display the column header and cell value of the clicked cell in the data grid. For example if I click Argentina from the country column, the text box will display country = Argentina.So far the code I have is, please help me figure out the code for displaying the information in the text box

sender As


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[2008] Checkbox In ListView Column Header?

Mar 8, 2009

Is it possible to have a checkbox in a column header when in "Details" view? I want to be able to select all items in the ListView control with 1 click. Or is there another way to add a Select All command?

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Display The Row Header As Column Header In Datagridview?

May 3, 2012

in my application i created table called houseloading which has field called housename.which is inserted into the sqlserver database. my table will look like this

///column name house
values red

what i want now is i want to display the values red green as column header in datagridview

which will look exactly like this

red green

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DataGridView With CheckBox At Header?

May 16, 2012

How to add a Check Box in the header of a check box column? I need to add a check box in the header.

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DataGridView With A Cell That Is A CheckBox. Reading The Value Of The CheckBox?

May 15, 2011

I have some DataGridView code written in (Nothing is attached to a datasource.)The 4th column is a checkbox cell.How do I detect if that checkBox is checked or unchecked?This code strangely reports TRUE or FALSE at random times. It even turns ON the checkbox in rows other than the row I clicked in. (Huh?)

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick
Dim whichGrid As DataGridView = CType(sender, DataGridView)


I've tried countless other methods... none seem to actually get the checkbox ON/OFF value in

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Datagridview - Sort Datagrid View Column With Numbers And Texts On Column Header Click?

Feb 13, 2012

It seems that on clicking datagridview column header, the column will be automatically sorted based on the column type. I have a column showing some numbers. If column type is string, it sorts "1","20","3" into "1","20","3". If column type is double, it sorts into "1","3","20" which is the result that I want. However, there might be some erros in the numbers and error messages(text) will show in the cell instead of numbers. So I cannot set the column type as double. I want to ignore these error messages and sort all the numbers. How can I do this?

Also, I need to add some background colors to different rows in datagridview. So in the column header click event, I call the bkgColor Sub to achieve this. My question is that how can I override the sorting method in this event?

Private Sub DataGridView1_ColumnHeaderMouseClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.ColumnHeaderMouseClick


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.net - Select Cell In DataGridView By Header Text?

Feb 29, 2012

I'm looping through rows in a datagridview, and selecting a cell from the 3rd column each time:

Dim customer_name as String
For Each dgvr As DataGridViewRow In myDataGridView.Rows
customer_name= dgvr.Cells(2).Value
next dgvr

However, I'd really like to make it dynamic, in case a new column gets added to the grid, so that I need the 4th column, not the 3rd. I'd like to use the column's header text. So something like...

customer_name= dgvr.Cells("Customer").value

Can this be done?

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Sort DataGridView Numbers (when Clicking The Datagridview Column Header Text)

Mar 11, 2010

A datagridview is sorting numerical values (when clicking the datagridview column header text) in the wrong order based on the initial digit:


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Get Clicked Column Header Text On Column Header Click Event?

Jul 21, 2011

how do I get the Header text of the header the user clicked in the datagridview.I know I have to use the column header click event but I can't work out or find away to extract the clicked header data?

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DataGridView Column Header Text

Sep 15, 2011

I have a windows application with many forms. We use the DataGridView control on most of the forms, but on a new form that I designed I have four DataGridViews. All of the DataGridViews on this form do not dipaly the Column Header Text when the form is displayed when running in the IDE. I do not receive any errors or messages. The other DataGridVeiws on other forms display their column header text just fine. I am at a loss as to why this is happining on this form.

UPDATE: If I add the desired text to the column.HeaderText property at the end of the form load event it displays the column header text. For example AssignedAmountColumn.HeaderText = "Amount" it displays Amount in the column when run from the IDE.... However it dosn't display when the property is set though the Columns property at design time.

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Datagridview Checkbox Cell. Last Day To Finish?

Jan 14, 2009

so this project is due tomorrow, and if I don't fix this, then 80 hours go down the drain (FBLA project)

When a user makes a new row, they don't get the checkmarkcell in the 5th column. I've tried changing it but nothing works.System.FormatException: Formatted value of the cell has a wrong type

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Show Bit Column As A Checkbox Column In Unbound Datagridview

May 14, 2010

Dim Comp = From C In db.Table1 _
Select C.Completed, C.Taken, C.Namne
Datagridview1.DataSource = Comp

Am using the Entity Framework and Columns Completed and Taken are of bit Datatype. When the query results are displayed in the datagridview, these bit columns are returned as of ColumnType Textbox - so i get a Datagridview textbox column with true or false string values.

I want to display Completed and Taken as Checkbox columns (either ticked for True or un-ticked for false) but ofcourse i can't do this in EditColumn dialogue because the Datagridview is unbound.

how can i change this in code at runtime

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C# - Display An Image In A Datagridview Column Header?

Jul 28, 2009

At runtime, I am adding a DataGridView to a windows form. The final column is a DataGridViewImageColumn:

Dim InfoIconColumn As New DataGridViewImageColumn
MyDataGridView.Columns.Insert(MyDataGridView.Columns.Count, InfoIconColumn)

Adding the following code will get my Information Icon (bitmap) to display in each of the column cells but NOT the column header:

Dim InfoIcon As New Bitmap("C:MyPathInfoIcon.bmp")
InfoIconColumn.Image = InfoIcon

Also, it is worth noting that the image displays 'perfectly' in the cells i.e. it is sized correctly to fit the cell.

However, I cannot find a way to add the same image to the column header cell. After some googling I used the following code which placed the image in the header cell but left me with two problems:

The image did not 'auto-size' to the column headercell in the same way it did when added to the column cells. The image was slightly larger and blurred.
By using the _CellPainting event slowed down performance i.e. when hovering over the DataGridView to highlight the selected row the highlighting lagged behind where my mouse was placed.

Here is the code:


Does anybody know of a way to solve my problem and get a nicely sized, sharp image into a DataGridViewImageColumn headercell at runtime?

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Merge Column Header DatagridView Winform?

Mar 28, 2011

Can i merge column header in datagridview (Winform) as below (Using VB language)

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Revert The Column Header Sorting In DataGridView?

Sep 28, 2010

I want to get the old state (lets say datagridview default state) of grid after sorting is done. How can I achive this.

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Subtract Cell Value When DataGridView Checkbox Is Checked?

Feb 12, 2012

I have a bound datagridview that contains a column that stores how many hours an employee has worked in a day. That column gets summed up using an expression and then displayed in a label. I have another column that contains checkboxes. When the user checks a checkbox, the hours in that row should be subtracted from the total in the label. How can I accomplish this?

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Toggle CheckBox Cell In DataGridView Programmatically?

Jun 5, 2012

When user unchecks the checkbox for the datagridview row, messagebox displayed, if the user answers yes the row is deleted, if the user answers no then I need to re-check the check box. however it doesn't actually check unless i click anywhere on the datagridview afterwards. get the dgv to updated?

Private Sub DataGridView2_CellValueChanged(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView2.CellValueChanged
If e.RowIndex <> -1 Then


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.net - Change The Column Header Caption In A WinForm DataGridView?

Nov 23, 2011

How to change the row name with option button?If option button export selected:

Private sub optexport_click()
txtimport = "I"
fgcargo.textmatrix(0,2) = "bl number"
fgcargo.textmatrix(0,4) = "date"
end sub

If option button import selected:


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DataGridView Merge Column Header And Scroll Event

Jun 10, 2011

I have a custom datagridview. I have to merge the 1st to 5th column header of that grid.I have handled Paint, Scroll and ColumnWidthChanged event as the following code:[code]

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Select All Cells In A DataGridView Column / Row On Header Click?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a DataGridView with SelectionMode = "CellSelect". I do this because I want the user to be able to click the Column Header and drag the column to a different DisplayIndex. They move the column by clicking and holding down the left mouse button, then moving the column. I also want the user to be able to click the column header and all the cells in the column would be selected. But if I change the SelectionMode property to "FullColumnSelect" or "ColumnHeaderSelect" the user can no longer move the column.In the code below, I can select all the cells in the DataGridView just fine, but I can't select all cells in a particular Column or Row. [code]...

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VS 2010 DataGridView - Event When User Edits Checkbox Cell?

Jun 6, 2010

I'm afraid this is a very simple question, but I can't figure it out... I hardly ever use the DataGridView (usually use a third party grid) so I never needed to do this before.Anyway, I have a DataGridView that is data-bound to a List(Of SomeClass). The grid is not ReadOnly, but I made every column ReadOnly except the very first, which is a boolean column so it displays a checkbox. This way, the user cannot edit any cell value, but he can check/uncheck the checkbox in the first column.

What I need now basically is an event that is raised when the user (not programmatically) changes the value of this checkbox. I also need to be able to retrieve the bound item from that event (from the row number I think?) but that should be no problem, I hope.Anyway, there's a bunch of events that looked promising but all have something I don't want:

1. CellBeginEdit - Fires before the checkbox value has changed, so can't use this.

2. CellEndEdit - Only fires after the edited row loses focus. I want to save it back to the database as soon as the user changes the checkbox value!

3. CellValueChanged - Same problem as nr 2.

I'm sure it must be possible for me to react as soon as the user changes the value of the checkbox? How can I do this?

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Print DataGridView (Text Wrap Top Header Column And Lock In Width)

Jan 31, 2012

I'm using VB.Net 2008 application program. I'm using DataGridView. I have a Print option where I need to print the DataGridView. I'm using this code for Printing and for Print Preview.

Dim MyDataGridViewPrinter As DataGridViewPrinter
Private Function SetupThePrinting() As Boolean
Dim MyPrintDialog As PrintDialog = New PrintDialog()
MyPrintDialog.AllowCurrentPage = False
MyPrintDialog.AllowPrintToFile = False
[Code] .....
Attached the class I'm using for print.

I have 10 fields showing in datagridview. As the last 5 columns header is long, the datagridview is not fitting inside 1 page (not showing all 10 fields in one single page). But is there a way i can "Text Wrap" the top header column and lock in the width, then it should print across one page perfectly. How I can "Text Wrap" the top header column and lock in the width to print across one page.

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