Database From VB6 To VB2008?

Dec 18, 2009

Im trying to switch from VB6 to VB2008/VB2010 and i have managed to convert all my old code to the new. The only thing i cant figure out is how to use the new database system. How can i convert this code to be used in VB2008 ?

Dim vntTemp As Variant
Dim vnDummy As Variant
On Error GoTo Form_LoadError


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Connecting To A Database Using Vb2008?

Nov 25, 2010

Public Class Form1
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dprovider, dsource As String
Dim ds As New DataSet


The code above can access the database but it refuses to add,update,or delete any records..

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Regrading VB2008 And Mdb Database?

Oct 19, 2009

A while back I have created an application with ms access 2003. But ms access is limited to what it can do. So I have started to redesign the application in vb2008. The application is a registration/reminder/payment system for martial arts school students. I got stuck with 2 questions.

1) I have added mdb file into vb project, but I don't seem to be able to assign mdb fields with form fields. The only way it lest me do it if I go though a wizard, and then my vbform looks like msaccess form, which I don't want it to look like that. I just want it to look like any other normal application, without the db navigation button at the bottom of the form. If someone has a tutorial that I can look/read to find how I would assign db field to form field.

2) My other concern is that I need the vbprogram to be separated from database with having to create odbc connection. The main reason, is that I always need to add/change/fix features. And that is the main issue I am having with my msaccess app, that is while I am working on it, no one can add/look at the student records. What I would like to do, is that I have a vb app, that will look for .mdb file at the certain location, if it is not there, the use would have an option to either browse for it or create a new one.Then I can do all of the modification and send the updated vb app to the person that works with it, without hindering his/her work.

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Connect To An Access Database In VB2008?

Sep 26, 2008

I'm still passed from VB6 to VB2008 and...I found it very changed!I've learned in few days how to use the most used commands, but I've got a big problem in connecting to an Access Database.I saw that we can connect to a database using:

- wizard connection
- manual connection

I think that using the Wizard everything is more cleaned and I can reuse the code in a simple way.So I tried the Wizard Connection, but all the guide and tutorial explain the connections using DataGrid. I don't want to show DataGrid. I've learned how to import data in listboxes (also in auto-complete mode) but I cannot understand how to work on data in the way I prefer.

- I've got a combobox with a list of data

- When I "change" the selection (combobox_SelectedIndexChanged) you have to load related data (from another table) in a ListBox (in which I can add other items without inserting them in the DB)

- Send all the data loaded in this fields (there are also other data) to create a record in the DB (like "Order of Product")

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How To Deploy Database Application In Vb2008

Dec 14, 2010

i'm developing a linq to sql database application that i created with visual basic 2008. I intend to install the application on another computer system. The problem i'm having now is that, after i've developed,deployed it and installed it on another computer, i can't find the linq to sql database i created with the projectkelvin rolex on the installed application on the other computer,

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VB2008 - Write Data To Sql Database?

Mar 11, 2010

I need to know who to write data from several text boxes on a form to a sql database.I have created the sql database on a localhost using myphp admin, i have created the connection in a module named as dbconnect()i can try the connection and this connects fine, but unsure how to write the data from the texboxes to the database.

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[VB2008] Connecting To A Database Created In VB?

Apr 4, 2009

i have mad e a database with the following tables...username varchar(50)password varchar(50)as you know it does the rest for you"now i have a form with..TextBox1 for username textbox2 for password

my database is called "jonno-laptopsqlexpress.username.dbo" now if i add usernames and passwords in to the correct tables how can i login via he textboxs?

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Developed VB2008 Application And MySql As Database?

Aug 28, 2009

I have developed VB2008 application and MySql as Database.I want to Open this application on any web browser without making any changes in Orginal application.

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Link A Database In Vb2008 With Access 2007?

Apr 3, 2011

so i need to link the database but i want to use the bind source way, i dont like using the oeldbadaptionand all it needs to do is perform a search for records, insert new record and save the record but

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Retrieve Image In MC Access Database Using Vb2008

Jun 26, 2009

How to Retrive Image In MC Access database Using VB2008

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VB2008 Drop Combo Box And Database Tables?

Oct 5, 2011

I want a to create a combo box that gets the selectable items from a table and when I save the form I want the selected item saved to a different table. I'm sure this is simple I'm not a database wiz and still very much a newbie.

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VB2008 Express - Type 'DAO.Database' Is Not Defined

Feb 15, 2010

in VB6 I used the following code to access my Access database tables:

Global gdb As Database ' Global instance of the database.
Set rs = gdb.OpenRecordset(".....various SQL statements")

I am confused about how to do the same under VB2008 Express. "Public dbs As DAO.Database" does not work.

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VB2008 Transfer Vb Database Exe File To Another Computer?

Jun 14, 2010

I have created a simple window forms application which link to microsoft access 2007 database.

I build the application exe file already. The exe file is run well on my computer, but when i transfer it by copy and paste the whole folder to another computer it cannot run. I am wondering why this happen? the error is as below :

"selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system".

Will it cause by the different .NET Framework version? How can i solve this? Or any others way to transfer the exe file to another computer?

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Connect Vb2008 App To Online Access 2000 Database?

Feb 24, 2010

How can I connect my vb2008 windows app to an Access 2000 database which is located at code is needed to do so? And where should I put the code in(of coz in the vb app, i know XD, but which part)?

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DB/Reporting :: Remote Access Of A SQLEXPRESS Database Using VB2008?

Jun 24, 2008

I'm currently designing a client application that connects to a SQL Server 2005 database. My app is being used to display data, allows users to run reports and stats on the data. It is being developed using VB2008. Within my VB2008 project, the connection string to the DB is made via SQLEXPRESS.

The road block that I'm running into right now is that it only allows me to connect to a local DB file (.mdf) only. I tried to connect to a different DB file on a server within the same network domain, and it generated the following error:

"The file "U:Data.mdf" is on a network path that is not supported for database files. An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file U:Data.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share." (where U: is a mapped network drive).

Below is the actual connection string in my code:

"SERVER=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=U:Data.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"

The intention is to have the DB reside on a server, where there is another application that runs as a service to collect the data and then populates this DB. Then my app would just connect to the database, and allows users to run reports based on the data in the DB.

I heard that this is the limitation of SQLEXPRESS: it will not allow connection to a remote database. This is true? If so, is there anyway that I can get around this limitation?

The main reason that I chose SQLEXPRESS in the first place is that because of the licensing issue. The company that I work for do not want to make the users of our software app have to purchase additional license for the full-blown SQL Server Enterprise edition. I also heard that SQL Server Enterprise edition does allow you to connect to a remote DB (.mdf) file.

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VB2008 With MS Access Database Updated Related Data

Oct 26, 2011

VB2008 with MS Access Database updated related data ?

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Create A Client-server Application Using Vb2008 And Ms Access2007 As Database?

Nov 2, 2011

We would like to create a client-server architecture application that the server can control all client computers connected to it (e.g shutdown) and we would like to put a security login and a desktop lockeron the clients. The process of the system is that when the clients starts, the desktop is locked and ofcourse the user can't access the desktop unless he/she logged-in. And when the scheduled time (e.g 1 hour) is done, the client computers where automatically shutdown like the Time Logger Softwares

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Manipulate Data From An Access Database To ListView In VB2008 Express

Jan 16, 2010

I'm trying to retrieve data from an Access database - a simple one. (Just a single table with one column) My task is to view these records through a 'ListView'. No need to manipulate or anything. Just to retrieve data with a simple SQL statement and display via a ListView.

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Save, Edit, And Delete Records In An Access Database Through Vb2008?

Mar 13, 2011

I need to be able to save, edit, and delete records in an access database through vb2008. Editing and deleting records works perfect, but I cannot save new records. Can anyone assist?

Here is my code

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Main_Form
Dim con As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand


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Populating A Dropdown Menu With Data From Sql Server Database In Vb2008 At Runtime?

Feb 24, 2012

I am developing an application in visual basic 2008. I want to populate a drop down list onthe fly with values extracted from the database. I want both the displayed and value items to come from the same.

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Can't Get Scrollbar On (VB2008)

Jun 30, 2010

I have inherited support for a program written in VB2008

The problem I have is as follows:

Users have a low screen resolution (company policy) and so can't see the bottom of a particular form.

The bottom of the form has buttons that allow them to navigate between its' four pages so they need to be able to see them. This being the case I need to add a scrollbar to the form.

If I try to drag and drop a vscrollbar from the toolbox it just sits there at runtime (you can slide the button on the toolbar up and down but nothing happens regarding scrolling the page.

All the reading I have done seems to point to forms being given scrollbars in accordance to the AutoScroll, AutoScrollMargin and AutoscrollMinSize properties of the Form itself.

By setting these properties I can get scrollbars to appear in the IDE but they are not there at runtime.

I think I'm probably missing something really obvious here but, so far, have been unable to work out what it is.

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Currently Using Vb2008 To Run A Program?

Mar 2, 2010

I new in vb. Currently im using vb2008 to run a program.Dim notepadID As Integer = Shell("C:\Program Files\Motvik\wwigo\wwigo.exe", AppWinStyle.NormalFocus)This is the code is use but it keeps show "file not found exception was unhandled.

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How To Change C++ .net To Or Vb2008

Oct 21, 2009

int CApp20Dlg::Read_LB(int lb_id, CStringArray* pOutput)
CListBox* pLB = (CListBox*) Get_Control(lb_id);


I want to change this code over to vb2008 but dont know how to do it.

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Ms Access To VB2008?

Feb 23, 2010

i was joined newly in the website. And my prob is , we are using Visual Studio 2008 with VB Coding.I want to connect MS Access 2007 Database.i want to display view values in the dropdown list where these values will come through database.when i click on the dropdown list (combobox) the values will come.


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Using LB_SETITEMDATA Within VB2008

Jan 12, 2012

I am trying to use LB_ADDITEM and LB_SETDATAITEM in my piece of code to add a string to a listbox on another application's window. But I haven't any luck in getting it to work. Here is a sample of what I got so far:


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Using Library From GNU In VB2008

Aug 4, 2009

Im trying to use the library in GNU in VB2008 to generate random number with uniform distribution (actually will also use it for other distributions)...I already added dll under bin file and try to run the following code, but just cant make it work: Public Class Form1 Declare Function gsl_rng_uniform Lib "C:vbuniformuniforminDebuglibgsl.dll" (ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double) As Double


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Waiting In Vb2008 / .net?

Aug 21, 2011

I am a VB6 coder and I'm making the move to VB8 / VB.NET.I know how to wait in VB6, but my problem is that I don't know how to wait in VB8/VB.NET. I have a TextBox called textbox2 that contains the number of seconds I want to wait. I used to use wait 60 in VB6, but of course VB2008 is different.

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.net - Building A Project In VB2008?

Oct 15, 2011

I have a problem with building a project. When I build a project and when I create .exe file, I cannot run it on other computers.There is an error: "The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000135). Click OK to terminate the application.".ca i have any chance to solve this error without installing framework 3.5

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Access Forms From VB2008?

Dec 22, 2009

I have programmed in VB before (vbexpress 2008) and used "" to open and show new forms that I wished to open. I try the exact same code in vb10express(beta) and get errors! Did the code change? I cannot find any information on it if it did... or is it possibly a "betatest error" that needs to be addressed?

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Building A Project In VB2008?

Jul 20, 2009

I have a problem with building a project. When I build a project and when I create .exe file, I cannot run it on other computers. There is an error: "The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000135). Click OK to terminate the application.". When I install .NET framework on the computer, than there is no this error. Is there any chance to create a file that will run on the other computers without installing the .NET framework?

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