Datagridview InvalidOperationException Error When Try To Update Tha Dataset?

Feb 1, 2012

I bound my dataset to a datagridview and when I did any changes with the data in it and try to send it to the database (pressing a Button) got the error message:"InvalidOperationException error was handled.Update requires a valid UpdateCommand (or InsertCommand depend on the action)when passed DataRow collection with modified rows."I read the related posts but they didn't solve my problem. (I have primary key in the table and the AllowUserTo... properties are set to True.)My table is very simple:

Org_id Number PK
Org_name Char


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VB 2008 Dataset Error : "A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidOperationException' Occurred In System.Data.dll"

Sep 27, 2008

I am trying to perform a simple bound connection between an Access database and a text box on a form. This is actually Chapter 18 of the "Microsoft Visual Basic 2008" book.I get the same error message when trying to create my own project "MY ADO Form" or the "ADO Form" project supplied from the DVD provided with the book. I am running the 90 Day Trial Version of Visual Studio 2008 with SP1 and Net 3.5 SP1.

My operating system is the 64 bit Version of Vista with all updates.The error when I try to run the application in the debug mode is:"A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Data.dll"and as a result no data shows up in the text box from the database and the data selection bar is grayed out in the form. The underlying database "Students Data Set" appears to be fine as I have seen the correct data for the fields "Instructor" and "PhoneNumber" prior to running the program and when connecting with the database.

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Update Datagridview And Dataset?

Jul 5, 2009

this code that i use just update the datagridview not update at dataset..anyone can tell me what wrong with my code.

Dim mResult
Dim ObjConnection As New SqlConnection()
mResult = MsgBox("Are sure want Update this record?", _


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DataGridView - Create New Row And Update DataSet?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a datagridview that was bound using the wizard and all the column created that way. So I haven't done any code to bind the datagridview. It will pull the data from the database and dataset just fine. My problem is when I create a new row it won't update the dataset or database. I have tried different ways that I thought it would work in the code and still haven't found a usable way to do it yet. Or if I need to do all my binding and columns through code give me an idea where to start if I have to go that route. This is my first experiences with Datagridview. I normally use comboboxes and textboxes to write to a dataset and database which all work very well.

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DataGridView Does Not Refresh After Dataset Update?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a form with a dataGridView

The dataGridView data source is the dgvTableAdapter with this sql statement

SELECT membres.ID, membres.refere_par, bands.titre,
membres_1.prenom & ' ' & membres_1.nom AS reference_nom
FROM ((bands INNER JOIN membres ON bands.ID = membres.[band])
INNER JOIN membres membres_1 ON membres.refere_par = membres_1.ID)


I know the delete statement works because I saw the changes in the database. If I close the form and reopen it, the dataGridView is up to date.

The membres table is an access table

I'm running the app in visual 2010 debug mode.

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Force DataSet To Update On DataGridView CellDoubleClick?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a DataGridView bound to a DataView. The DGV is setup for FullRowSelect and is ReadOnly. The first column contains a CheckBox to show that the Row is ready for processing. The user double-clicks on the row and the box is checked in the CellDoubleClick event. This works great.

I have a RadioButton on the page to hide any checked items. This allows the user to only have to look at the work that needs to be done. I use a filter on the DataView to make this happen. At the end of the CellDoubleClick, I call my ApplyFilter method, but the current row still shows up.

I got around this once before by writing some code to see if I needed to move forward or backward a row and also compared if there were any rows available, etc.

It seems to me that this relates to the value not being persisted back to the DataSet until the CurrentRow is changed in the DGV. Is there a way to force this data back into the DataSet without having to programatically change the value directly in the DataSet?

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VS 2010 DataGridView - How To Add / Edit And Update DataSet

Jan 13, 2010

How can I add, edit, + update my dataset (I created in code) which is bound to my dgv through user input in the dgv?

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Update Binding Dataset If User Deletes A Row From DataGridView

Jul 27, 2009

I have a manually created a dataset (dsPickingList) that I add data too as the user inputs data on a form. There is a datagridview on my form of which it's datasource is set to dsPickingList.What I would like to do is spot if a user deleteds a row from the datagridview and update the dataset (dsPickingList) as it is ultimatly this dataset that is stored to the db and printed, not the DataGridView.[code]This is why I need the action from the DataGridView to update the dataset

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Update Existing Records In A Dataset With An Unbound Datagridview?

Jan 1, 2011

What I am trying to do is update existing records in a dataset with an unbound datagridview. It updates just fine but I have added a simple backcolor change for errors. What I don't understand is it will update fine but throw the backcolor = red at the same time. Am I overlooking something here?
For Each dr As DataRow In Form1.DbDataSet.Tables("tblInventory").Select() For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows If row.Cells("colInventoryID").Value = vbEmpty Then 'Do Nothing Else If dr.Item("Inventory ID").ToString() = row.Cells("colInventoryID").Value.ToString() And


I'm trying to get this working in a test application before adding it to my main project, so that's why the names of controls are the way they are.The errors I'm trying to show are if "Inventory ID", "Cart" and "Shelf" do not match. When they don't match it doesn't update, which is what it is supposed to do. However, if they do match they update just fine but also show the Inventory ID error. If I comment out that ElseIf for the Inventory, it throws the Cart error. It's like the ElseIf blocks get called even if the If statement is true...

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DataSet.Designer.vb Curious Code Causing System.InvalidOperationException?

Mar 3, 2012

I'm using a DataSet to interact with an accdb file in an application. While debugging, the app occasionally closes, without warning and returns the stack below. The code causing the exception is in the DataSet.Designer.vb file (automatically generated). What's curious is the line that reads:

If (previousConnectionState = Global.System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) Thencommand.Connection.Close()End If Why would the code try to close an already closed connection?I just change the "=" to "<>"? Will it stick? (since it's auto-generated, I'm sure it will revert if I modify the dataset, right?)


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.net Program Shows Error : InvalidOperationException Was Unhandeled An Error Occurred Creating The Form

Jun 2, 2011

I got a serious problem. Though I have made my program newly it shows error. I have used 1280,1024 animation only for first form then used 1280,1024 image for every form. Today I was checking then it was showing me error message for 19th & 20th form. If I use On Error Resume Next then it shows error for another form ; if I use same code there in the menu item I mean so that I can get rid of error when I click to show a form it shows another error. First error message is "InvalidOperationException was unhandeled An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is parameter is not valid." and second error is "OutofMemoryException was unhandled Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown". I have noticed it that it doesnt show error message for those form which have few labels and text boxes. It shows error message for those forms which have 1 menu bar, 2 picture boxes(one is 1280,1024 & another is 250,456), 2 group boxes, 40 labels, 3 combo boxes, 38 text boxes & three buttons. Please help me I need to get rid of this problem. Does it mean that I cant use unlimited control there in my form?

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System.InvalidOperationException Was Unhandled The Error Is: An Error Occurred Creating The Form. See Exception.InnerException For Details

May 8, 2012

ok so i viewed some other question that are ruffly the same and i am still confused, here is the stacktrace

at Game3.My.MyProject.MyForms.Create__Instance__[T](T Instance) in 17d14f5c-a337-4978-8281-53493378c1071.vb:line 190
at Game3.My.MyProject.MyForms.get_Character_Creator()
at Game3.My.MyApplication.OnCreateMainForm() in C:UsersMasonDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsGame3Game3My ProjectApplication.Designer.vb:line 35


also, where is, obviously its a line of code but what is it in.

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InvalidOperationException : Update Requires A Valid InsertCommand When Passed DataRow Collection With New Rows?

Jan 8, 2010

This was working on the last test, now it's throwing an InvalidOperationException saying Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows. No change in this

Dim NewRowB as DataRow=dsBatch.Tables("Batch").NewRow

What *has* changed is that I'm trying to fix the same error that's occurring on a different dataset in a different form. This should add a blank record to the dataset, then update the database. The blank fields allow nulls. The reason for this (and there may be another way to do this-I'm helping a novice fix up his code and, since this has been working, I haven't yet really looked at it) is to obtain the correct value for an identity field. We've found that when the row is added to the dataset, if it doesn't currently contain any rows, the identity value is set to zero-but when the database is updated, it gets a different value (because previously inserted rows have been deleted). So we update the database then retrieve the correct identity value before continuing.As I said, this was working fine-until I started working on the same problem occurring in a different dataset. So why would that affect this dataset?

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Error - InvalidOperationException Was Unhandled

Jul 21, 2010

i am in project of medical billing.i am on LogIn form in vb.but i have Erro - "InvalidOperationException was unhandle " and while i was run program it didn't say which line i had error.

here is my code.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class login
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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Error - System.InvalidOperationException

Dec 14, 2010

I am in another Great problem, When I am running on my own machine then there is no problem creating but when I am running my project another machine then the project generating problem which caused not to open any form on running mode/compile mode. what problem is creating I attached with note file?

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Error System.invalidoperationexception?

Apr 27, 2011

i am getting Error system.invalidoperationexception?

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How To Fix The System.InvalidOperationException Error

Sep 13, 2011

When I try to run my 2010 project I get the error.

"System.InvalidOperationException occured in PCDoctor.exe

Additional Inormation: An error occured creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Conversion from string "" to type Double is not valid.I even tried placing break points in the startup form but this error happens before any of the startup form code is excecuted. The project was working fine before I added code to a form. I even removed this new code and tried to run the project. but still doesn't work.

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System.InvalidOperationException Error?

Nov 12, 2009

I have designed a application in using the MS Office spreadsheet component.When launching the app on the client PC it gives a 'Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close' error, when clicked on Debug the error says 'An Unhandled exception occured ('System.InvalidOperationException') in 'ApplicationName.exe'.The client PC runs WinXP SP3 with .NET framework 3.5 with SP1 and Office Web Components, also has Office 2007 installed.When I remove the spreadsheet componenet from the app and redeploy the app to the client it works fine!

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Error In Update From Datagridview And In Save CheckedListBox1 To Database

Oct 10, 2009

have Error in update from datagridview and in Save CheckedListBox1 to database so that help me please

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class frmtel
Dim ConStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source =" & Application.StartupPath & "Database1.mdb"
Dim Conn As New OleDbConnection(ConStr)


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Error : System.InvalidOperationException Was Unhandled

Jul 17, 2010

I am working on an application with a friend and I am getting an error.The error says:

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message=An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: The process cannot access the file 'C:UsersAdministratorNotesWebSiteNotes.txt' because it is being used by another process.
Source=Website Notes


Now I know why it is throwing this error but nothing I do will stop it from showing up.At the top of our form we have a module that we use to check if a file exists on the computer and if it doesn't then it will create the file.I have tried accessing that module from the form load event but with no luck as it still throws the error.

This is the source:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Environment
Module CheckFiles


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Error System.InvalidOperationException Was Unhandled

May 10, 2010

at my visual studio class we made a data base program! i was using VB 2008 on a win xp x86 machine i copy the project on a usb stick because i want at home to work on visual aspects! my pc have win 7 x64 and now my project doesnt work! it shows me an error i cant get to the second form from project!here is the error:

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine."


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Forms :: Error : InvalidOperationException Was Unhandled

Dec 25, 2010

I need to make Mastermind for school ( must work as single-player (thats already finished), but we also must make it work multiplayer. We got the server with the task, and don't have to program its ourselves.I can't find why I get this error.

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System.InvalidOperationException - No Error Details

Aug 25, 2011

A VB.NET app is working on XP, but not in Win 7. User executes the program and it immediate dies with "Stopped Working". A Report.wer file was created and there's no detailed reason other than "System.InvalidOperationException".

How do I get it to tell me more. I put a messagebox in the form load, but it didn't get that far.

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[2008] Error: InvalidOperationException Was Unhandled

Mar 5, 2009

I am having the following error in VB 2008:System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled Message="An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


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New Db - Enter A Record - End & Receive - Error: InvalidOperationException Was Unhandled

Dec 31, 2011

Error: InvalidOperationException was unhandled "Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows."


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View In Browser - Error On Application / [InvalidOperationException: Type 'MyService.Service1' Couldn't Be Found

Dec 26, 2010

I'm trying to make this example (translated to VB) and i'm getting an error when i try to view in browser [URL] I have uploaded it to Skydrive


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Error: A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.InvalidOperationException' Occurred In System.Data.dll

May 5, 2011

I am using VS 2008, Office 2007, and Win7 Home Premium on my system.I have a simple application which should be a breeze to build. All I am attempting to do is pull data from an Access database with four small tables into a data grid on a windows project. Should be simple, set up the data connection, choose a datagrid from the table in the data source view, drag it onto the page and done, right?I can't get it to work. It will all work fine until I attempt to run or debug the project. The data will not show up. The data grid does, but I get this error: A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Data.dll

As I said, the project seems to build fine, but it will not pull the data. After the initial build I get the message that Windows will show this page in Compatibility View. Is it something with Win7 Home Premium, or a setting somewhere?

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.net P2p Chat "InvalidOperationException Was Unhandled." Error

Apr 7, 2011

I'm a beginner in, I'm trying to develop P2P based Chat application from this thread. The chat application has server side and client side. Serverside items: Form1.vb, BB_Server, RTS_Listener, and RTS_SocketClient. And for Clientside items: Form1.vb, BB_Client, RTS_SocketClient. Below is the code of simple form I tried to build. I'm still trying to establish a connection for the server, so the form only has txtDisplay, txtSend, and btnSend controls.


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Error: 'System.InvalidOperationException' (LINQ, System.Core.dll)?

Mar 20, 2012

What in this block of code would throw this exception?

'Get Highest Revision Number
If MyExtract_BTR.RevisionBlocks.Count > 1 Then


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Update MySQL DatabaseThrough Datagridview Update Command?

May 25, 2010

I have been on a database project for a while now. I wanted to be able to make changes to my database using the update command of a Datagridview control.However, I have been faced with a series of unsuccessful outcomes.I want to do this how do I go about it?


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