Datagridview SQL From Access Blank?

Jun 21, 2010

Basically I would like to have an sql statement which selects all the bookings from a table in microsoft access callled tblBookings where a certain date (selected by a datetimepicker) selected in

The field the date is in access is bookingsdate and that is a shortdate aswell.

The problem is that even if the dates are the same the headers come up in the datagridview but no data.

This is my code:
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim OleDBCon As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim ds As New DataSet


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How To Keep First Row Blank In Datagridview

Jan 15, 2012

I am using'll be using a datagridview which is bound to a datasource.Normally it'll load datas in first row(row(0)) to n th row,i want to load datas only from second question is how to left the first row blank.

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Datagridview Skip Blank Row?

Dec 30, 2011

following is the code at button event which copy data from one DGV (dgvAccesList) to another DGV (dgvProbReport) and its working properly. Its paste data to 3rd and 4th column of destination DGV.But the problem is that, if at source DGV first column and second column have data..lets say up to 2 rows..then its copied data starting from 3rd row..for the 3rd and 4th column..which is incorrect..its should be always start with first row of third and fourth column.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For Each dgvRow As DataGridViewRow In dgvAccesList.SelectedRows
Dim dgvNewRow As New DataGridViewRow


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DataGridView - Can Focus Be Placed On The Blank Row With The (*) Using Code

May 17, 2012

On a data grid view there is a blank row with a (*) in it that allows the user to insert a new row of data.Is there a way to put focus on that row using code even though the data grid view has many rows already loaded in it?

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Datagridview: Not To Show The Very First Blank Column

May 16, 2008

Is there a way not to show the very first blank column of the datagrid?

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Unbound ComboBox In DataGridView Is Blank?

Jul 29, 2010

I'm populating the datagridview at runtime based on user input. The issue I'm having is that the the combobox is displaying blank. The item I need is in the dropdown (I've added it), but I can't get it selected by default. I've tried the display member but that's not working.

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VS 2010 DataGridView Blank Rows?

Feb 8, 2012

on my form i have a GridView with add/edit/delete rows disabled, i need it to show blank rows for the unused size rather than blank background.

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VS 2010 Inserting Blank Row To Datagridview

Jul 29, 2011

I want to add just one line in DataGridView with blank values.

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Add A Blank Value In A Field In Access Database By Vb 2008?

Aug 13, 2011

I want to add a blank value to a field in access database with vb 2008 command.

Problem 1: Here is my code, it shows conversion to string not possible errors

Private Sub btnRedThrow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRedThrow.Click
Dim dbCnct As New DBUtills


notice the fifth and last value is empty. But it is not being added into the database, how do I do that?

Problem 2: Why does an additional field from my access database disappear even after I manually created the field?? (access database 2003 version, extension is .mdb) I'm using visual studio 2008

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Convert DBNull To Blank String In Access DB?

May 15, 2010

I'm a new member to this site, and I have been searching for a solution to this problem.. Although I have found variations in the problem, nothing has seemed to work for me. Just started programming last year.

I am trying to populate text boxes in a form based on information from an Access Database. Everything is working, except when there are empty field values; the program then crashes because a DBNull value is returned. I set up an if statement to check the index as the rows are read for DBNull values, the problem is How do I actually change the value in the field from DBNull to a blank string ("") ?? Everything I try gives me an error, most often saying something about setting up an object. The problem happens within my if statement of the do loop...I'm thinking maybe I need to set up parameters ? Or an actual edit session within a datarow variable?[code]...

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VS 2008 - Writing To Blank Access Database

May 16, 2009

I have searched all over the forums and not found an answer to my question. My question is how do i write to an access database at runtime. The database is also created at runtime. I have a dataset loaded with a table that i needs to be written to the database. how would i write each row of my dataset to my database? Sorry if this sounds a little jumbled together it is late and i am tired. If it is unclear you can ask me and i will answer any questions you have about my question.

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Adding A Blank To A Databound Combo In A DataGridView

Apr 27, 2010

I've inherited a form that has a DataGridView that is bound to a dataadapter and it is connected to a binding source. Within the DataGridView is a combo box that is bound to its own bindingsource which basically just calls a stored proc to bring back the possible values for the dropdown combo control

With a blank new row and sometimes even with an existing row, this value for the combo box can be NULL which is a legitimate value for it if no value selected. Problem is everything is so tightly bound if the user mistakinly clicks the dropdown then a value is populated and there's no way to get back to NULL

I've tried to catch the mousecelldown event and others to try to catch this before a value is selected but the Cancel=True doesn't work - I can catch the event but don't know how to return the cell to unclicked or reset it to NULL or pre selected value if NULL I know how to at a new row with the datatable and then set the combo datasource to it and I have my null blank value but with a tightly bound control how do I add this row?

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Display Datagridview With Default Six Blank Rows?

Dec 14, 2011

How to display datagridview with default six blank rows and two columns.v

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Datagridview Deleting Blank Rows Without Indexing Error

May 17, 2012

i've been all over the internet to solve this problem, but i've found no solution to my concept is this.Based on selected value within a combo box, the datagridview will populate with values from the database.


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VS 2005 Display Datagridview With Default Blank Rows?

Dec 14, 2011

How to display datagridview with default six blank rows and two columns.

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Reset DataGridView Blank Row If User Clicks In That Row And Takes Focus Off That Row

May 19, 2012

If a user clicks the blank row at the bottom of a DataGridView and moves focus away from the DataGridView, the row click in now is in a state that indicates a change is made to that row.

Is it possible to tell the DataGridView to un-mark this row as being changed?

Is it possible to reset this row when focus is off the DataGridView?

We are using the following event handler to alert the user if the Invoiced On is left blank:

Private Sub dataGridViewPayments_CellValidating(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs) _
Handles DataGridViewPayments.CellValidating


Looks like we need a way to stop this from executing if the user simply clicks in the grid then clicks somewhere else in the form.

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IDE :: In Datagridview, Read Only=True When Add A Row, It Is Copying Previous Row Data To New Row And Blank The Previous Row?

Jul 16, 2011

In Datagridview, Set as DatagridView1.ReadOnly=True,


When i tried to add a Row, it is copying previous Row data to new row,and also blank the previous row, why?Like Insert Row, Why...?

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Why Datagridview Adds Additional 2 Blank Rows When The Bounded Datatable Only Adds 1 Row

Sep 20, 2011

I am using 2010. I have a datagridview whose data source is a data table. I dynamically add rows to the data table.


After adding the new row, m_table is correct. However, DVGCusClient not only adds this row, but also adds two additional blank rows at the bottom. I have no idea where these two blank rows come from. Why I use above code is as follows: Use a data grid view to display data. When a user clicks a row, another form is opened which allows user to search/input some data.When the user closes the form, all data is saved to a data table and shown on the data grid view.

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Cell Datagridview Blank - Error Appear "conversion ">=" DBNULL To String "" Invalid"?

Jan 13, 2010

the code bellow for preview/print .it ok but when i leave the first row ...don't care which cell is blank.The Error was appear"conversion "> =" DBNULL to string "" invalid"IF the cell at the first rows is not blank .i can print that data[code].....

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How To Access Each Row In A DataGridView

Jan 21, 2009

I have a DataGridView, and I want to fill in some values in some fields automatically, ie, the form should enter those values by itself when a new row is added. To read the values from a row in the DataGridView, I was using the snippet below:[code]However, I can't use that method to write values. I would have used an update statement, but I actually cant use an update here, because I wanna fill in a few columns of the DataGrid, while leaving the rest for the user to fill in.Better still, is there some way to directly enter the values for a few columns in the bindingsource, and display only a few columns to be entered in the DataGridView? Basically, I have a PatientID field which must be entered automatically by the form, so I wanna leave this column out of the grid to save space. Meanwhile, the other columns, namely DrugID and Quantity must be displayed in the Grid, and the user must be allowed to edit them.

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Access Database To DataGridView

Aug 13, 2010

How can i send a table values into DataGridView? I am using Access Database.And one more thing i want to know that.Before sending values into Datagridview i need to work 2 or 3 tables and that result should be keep one Temp Table , that TempTable i want send to DataGridView.Here 2 or 3 tables work means i want to applay leftjoin between two tables and coming result should be keep one temptable and again i want to right join with temptable to other table.This Concept i recently worked on VB, now i want to do work on VB.NET.Is there any way to handel this task? Any i how i am sending Code which i implemented same concept in VB.[code]Here in VB code i used Functions, i called Functions in the FORM and i declared the Functions in the Module. By using Funtions and Recordset i did job. But how can i handle in VB.NET?

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Data From Access To DataGridView?

Oct 12, 2011

The data from field dInc_part is not displaying on the datagrid which has column header. But it display on the new datagrid wherein there is no column or rows yet.

Here is my codes :

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class frmDailyInc
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


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DataGridView Add Row (Linked To Access Db)?

Nov 22, 2010

Currently I have DataGridView box, clicking generate button fills it with a query from the database.I want the add button to add another row filled using the same query, so far I cannot get it to do it.Current generate button code:


Add button code:

Me.DataSet.App.Rows.Add() - this does add a new empty row

I tried sticking the generate code inside (between add brackets) it but that just did the same thing as the generate code.

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Delete From MS Access DB And DataGridView?

Feb 5, 2009

Im making a program that displays television shows and the time they are on. Im using a datgridview and a MS Access Database and i got it to add items at the right times and I can delete the items but i have to use e.rowindex as the value object for the delete dommand.[code]...

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Edit Access DB Through DataGridView?

Apr 17, 2012

I'm familiar with SQL to an extent from PHP, but I've never worked with databases in before.I'm making a scheduling system to try and learn how to work with databases, and I have an Access database, that is already populated with data, has all the foreign keys and associative tables, that I need to connect to a DataGridView in my Windows Form.This is basically what I need to accomplish:-Have each table of the database display in it's own DataGridView.-Have changes made in the DataGridView/Windows Form in general... actually update the Access database(I would for example, schedule a new course(by clicking new course, and then selecting the appropriate values for each field), and it would check the make sure the student isn't in a class at that time, that the classroom isn't taken already, and the the instructor isn't busy at that time on that day)

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Export Datagridview Into Ms Access?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a datagridview in my form displaying data from ms access file A , table A , is it possible for me to export the data in the data gridview to ms access file A table B?? i'm not using sql.

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Implement Datagridview Using .net And Ms Access?

Oct 15, 2011

I am trying to implement datagridview using and ms access.While I import the data from database, the connection is established and test connection succeeds. But, during the last phase, i get an error saying :

Could not load type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataDesign.SyncDesigner.syncFacade.SyncManager' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataDesign.SyncDesigner.DslPackage, version 9.0.0, Culture=neutral,PblicKey Token=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'

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VS 2008 DataGridView And Access?

Jan 23, 2012

working with DataGridView and MSAccess. I have 3 combo boxes that will give me the search data to use to fill in the DataGridView box. I am only showing 3 items in the DataGridView. Can someone lead me to some code I can use to help me setup the query or code I need to fill out the DataGridVeiw box based on the 3 items I have.

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Access The Items Of Datagridview Combo Box?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a datagridview with a combobox coloumn. A few items have veen added to it. (Say Furniture, Property etc.).I wish when I select Property, the column 2 of my current row should get text Property.Which event to be fired for this. I tried _CellValueChanged etc. but that did not work.

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Commit Changes To Access Database Using Datagridview?

Jan 4, 2010

I got the code below from a book but it doesnt seem to work:


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