DateGrid View As And UnBound Control

May 9, 2009

Trying to use a DataGridView like the old VB6 FlexGrid, and add the coloumns manually via addrow (built a Row containing TextCells) and my Coloums are all added (and display ok) but as soon as I try to add a row I get the message "Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound." But for love nore god can I see a way of setting it as a unbound control (I've not set the datasourc to anything) is there a better control to use? is there way to set a DataGridView to be an unbound control. [code]

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Add An Unbound Column To A Bound DGV (data Grid View)?

Feb 1, 2011

I have seen multiple examples on google and on these forums about how to do this. It seems there are two approaches:

1 - Add the column directly to the DGV and populate it

2 - Add the column to the underlying dataset


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Create Unbound Column In Data Grid View?

Feb 7, 2010

I want to know how to create unbound column in data grid view and use that column to display the sum of two fields.

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Create A TabControl That Has A DateGrid In Each Tab?

Jul 1, 2009

I'm trying to create a TabControl that has a DateGrid in each tab, I'm having problems inheriting... This is what I have:


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Add A Summary Row To An Unbound Datagridview Control?

Sep 7, 2011

I have an unbound datagrid control I am using to store inspection information. The program records the information from the user, validates the values, and saves it into a database. It will then show the last inspection data in the datagridview. The user has the option of doublclicking a row and changing values and resaving the row. The number of rows per piece inspected varies, so that is why I used the grid to show the inspection data, however, they want to see a running total of each inspection point at the bottom of the grid so when they add the new values, it will update the running totals. I can see how to add a new column for a running total, but the layout requires the sums to be in the last row of the grid. I can add the row to the grid, but I need to make sure it stays at the bottom of the grid when I add a new row, and if possible freeze the row so it is always visible like excel. The program we are re-writting is excel based so this functionality is critical for the inspector to see the running totals for each inspection point.

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IDE :: Unbound Button Column In DataGridView Control Placement?

Jan 3, 2010

I am trying to put an unbound button in the last column in a DataGridView control and it appears way, way off to the right when I run the app. I have to scroll all the way to the right to get to the buttons and then manually resize them to show up the way I want them to. I am using the Edit Columns feature found in the Smart Tag of the control. It works ok when I place them anywhere else in the columns! It only messes up when I try to place them at the end of the columns.

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VS 2008 Bound DataRepeater With Unbound CheckBox Control?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm seriously about to abandon this DataRepeater. I don't want to. I want greater design control than the DataGridView. I've played with various Events for days and have settled on the CheckBox.CheckChanged Event.

What I'm trying to accomplish: My Bound DataRepeater has an UnBound CheckBox in each DataRepeaterItem.When the user 'Checks' the CheckBox, I want to change the value of a NumericUpDown Control to the value of a hidden, Bound Label.


This causes other, seemingly random, DataRepeaterItems (Rows) to also become Checked and thus it's NumericUpDown value to change.Am I going about this from the wrong angle? Can't see the forest for the trees?

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Unbound Datagridview Control Cannot Be Filled At Design Time Using Column Names?

Oct 10, 2011

Apparently, an unbound datagridview control cannot be filled at design time, so I have to create rows + fill cells through code. Currently, I use the following type of code to refer to cells:


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Force A Commit On The Current Row From Within A Virtual Unbound DataGridView's Edit Control Event Handler?

Sep 8, 2011

Using the walkthrough from [URL], I implemented a DatagridView in virtual mode, totally unbound, in VB 10 Express (we are talking WinForms).

I understand that CommitEdit (DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit) commits the current cell's contents to the data cache.

The example uses row-level commit, i.e. it pushes the values into a row buffer until the current row is left. Only then the row is added to (or updated in) the data store. That's exactly what I do, too.

Question -- how can I commit the current row programmatically without leaving it? (I want to commit the whole row, not just the current cell.)

If the user leaves the row, there is a RowValidating, RowValidated, RowEnter event sequence where the datastore update is taken care of. So one idea (currently my only one) was to simply re-set CurrentCell to Nothing, for example.

But I cannot just set the DataGridView's CurrentCell property to Nothing (or any cell outside of the current row) since I want to commit from within an event handler of a custom edit control created by a custom column, and I see an System.InvalidOperationException exception when setting CurrentCell there.

In fact, it is a tiny button right to a combo box, i.e. I create a DataGridViewComboBoxCell descendant which is a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn descendant's edit control. My special ComboBox cell adds a tiny button which should commit the current row. Unfortunately, that button's _Click event handler cannot change CurrentCell since DetachEditingControl throws the exception then.

Obviously, I must delay the CurrentCell re-assignment until the whole _Click event has been processed. Or what? How would I do that -- register a custom Windows message, SendMessage that one to me, and override the windows procedure of the form so it re-sets CurrentCell when this message is received? (Hello?)

There should be a rather easy way to let DataGridView commit all changes by firing the events that I handle to perform the datastore update, no?

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View Explorer In List View Control?

May 30, 2012

how to view explorer in list view control?

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How To Display An Image In Picture Box Control When A Cell Clicked In Datagrid View Control

Jul 16, 2011

Im doing a mini project and i need to display an image in picture box control when a cell clicked in datagrid view control .the image is linked through the database ms access and im using frame work.

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Treeview Control That Works Similar To Apples Finder Control In Column View?

Feb 1, 2012

I have a requirement for a new application development where I must present some information to the user for selection via drag and drop. VB offers the TreeView control which would work nice, however the user does not like the Treeview control's presentation. The user wants a control that work similar to the Mac's Finder control while in column view.

Apple's Mac Finder Control works similar to window's treeview. Finder has a nifty view capability that my users would like in some new development that is being done. The finder supports a "column" view. Similar to the treeview, it starts out in a root list. The difference being, when a user makes a selection and clicks on a node, the node doesn't expand, the sub nodes appear on the pane to the right of the list. Clicking on a sub node, will cause the pane to split again and the items within that sub node appear
to the right again.

This will happen again and again with the left pane getting narrower as the user drives deeper into the sub nodes. That is what I am trying to replicate. Obviously, once the user reaches the base list of items, we have to support drag and drop capability. Does anyone know of a control for VB.NET that work similar to the Mac's Finder control?

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Adding Control Population Of Control & Navigation In Datagrid View

Jul 8, 2009

1. when i pick a value from a combo in next col of data grid which also have a combo should populate conditionally.

2.when i edit the cell having combo previous selected value is overwritten by first value of combo it should be if i select any value from combo but should not over written default as i click the cell. (edit mode is on click) pressing enter key cursor should jump to next cell in same row . means navigation should horizontally but should jump to first cell of next row if cell is last cell

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Adding A Control To View XPS?

Dec 17, 2010

I would like to add a control to read *.xps files, but I don't know which component to add. Which do I add, and in the future, where should I look to find such an answer?

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View XML In Grid Control?

May 8, 2009

I'm getting a blank grid when I execute the cod e below, [code]...

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.net - Datagrid View In A Custom Control?

May 24, 2011

I am trying to add datagridview control in my custom control but i failed.I started creating new project[windows custom control library], added datagridview control on it and also added a property naming "DGVMain" which refers to datagridview control.I compiled it.

While testing i find its properties like visible and other working but when i click on columns property it doesn't work. i.e i cannot add/edit columns into the datagridview of my custom control.

Did i miss any steps or do i need to add some more actions?

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Add A Webbrowser Control To An App And View PDFs?

Nov 21, 2011

I am trying to add a webbrowser control to my app and view PDFs. I am sort of get it to work..where I can choose oen adn it opens...BUT when I go to open another it errors out..I think I sort of have the WebBrowser working...ALTHOUGH i cannot seem to change the image...I can only load it once...ERROR: Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been registererd (exception from HRRESULT:0x80004100 After the app opens I can click either or and it will either open the PDF or the web page..BUT I CANNOT select again...I get the error above...I have tried to set the webbrowser to NOTHING but that does not seem to be working.

webbrowserPDF.Source = Nothing
If Test = "fire_district.pdf" Then
webbrowserPDF.Source = Nothing


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Any Control To Allow Folder View In Form?

Feb 27, 2010

I am just learning - I have express 2008. Is there a control that allows you to use "folders" like the explorer view in windows xp? I was experimenting with menu options, but a folder view would be good too.

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Data Grid View Control?

Dec 19, 2011

I need to restrict the user to enter only integer value in a particular columns in a Data Grid View. How to do this?I tried with "KeyPress", "KeyDown" & "KeyUp" events. But not succeeded. But the same worked well in a text box. (

How to do the same for a cell in data grid view?

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Disable Form's Control(View Only)?

Jun 21, 2010

I had a form (says form A)with control on it, 2 buttons with text "View Process Flow"(Button1) and "Manual trigger Process"(Button2). Both button will load and shows Form A in Panel1 in Form1, but button1 will let user to see the action but block them on clicking on it, button2 will let User see and clickon the control.

In other software, I can use a transparency button or form block User by acess formA(so, they can see,but not click), But VB2008 transparentcy option kind of idiot(Or i dont know how to use it?)seem it just change the control back color to parent's backcolor(totaly useless, and the "tranparen key" as well)

I cant disable control cause it will stop the animation, only ways i can think off is add in a IF statement in every button, so it will do nothing when viewing = true.

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Make A Control Slide Into View?

Mar 26, 2010

How can I get a control to slide into view onto my form? It could be a button, panel anything. I just want it to look like it slides in from one of the sides.

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Mvc - Using Model View Control Pattern With Either VB Or C#?

Jul 3, 2009

Does anyone have a good website for the basics of using Model View Control pattern with either or C#.

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SmallIcon View Listview Control

Apr 12, 2010

When i change the view of the listview control to SmallIcon, all items gets misaligned, some overlaps, checkboxes at the very left column are under the border. I found a solution somewhere (though that doesn't changes the check boxes under border issue) to change the view to LargeIcon then SmallIcon, its working but then same problem occurs while sorting items where this solution doesnt helps.I have checkboxes enabled, and already have icons for each listview item.

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View PDF In A WebBrowser Control And NOT Acrobat?

Aug 5, 2011


IF I open up IE, which I assume the WebBrowser control is based on, I can type the path of the PDF in the address bar, and it views it in the browser, just as it should.

When I do "navigate" to a PDF file, I do notice a short popup (and progress bar) before viewing the PDF in acrobat. It happens so quickly that I can't read it, but it looks like a download progress bar.

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Detail View Control In ASPX Form

Jan 16, 2012

I have a detail view control in my aspx form. I have the following field in my detail view:
But I dont want to allow the user to edit the "NameId" field. So I set it as read only and Insert Visible. But setting it dosen't allow me to update. If all the fields are set to be allow for editing, the update work successfully. How should I go about doing it?

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Display Directories In Tree View Control?

Jul 7, 2009

i want to know that how to display directories in tree view control?

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Forms :: Different View Of Monthcalendar Control In Xp And Vista?

Aug 16, 2009

I am using a monthcalendar control and datetimepicker control in my 2005 windows applicaion. My operating system is Vista Home Premium. Now my problem is that when I run my application on XP then the view of monthcalendar control changes. I just want that the view of mc control remain same in xp also bcoz the look of mc control in vista is quite cool.

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Highlighting A User Control In A List View?

May 12, 2010

I have a User Control that is an image with a label underneath it, that sources the image file from a folder that contains nothing but images. The label changes to to the name of the image displayed in the control.I have a datagridview that populates itself based off of a table in an access database (The Table is named after a person and contains the names of images that they have created.) so when the user selects the name of the person from a listbox, the datagrid populates itself based off theor selection

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Render Control In Data Grid View?

Sep 12, 2010

i m using excess database to create my project..But i stuck when i wanted to render a combo box and a button in my data grid view...means i wan every data row have it owns delete button and etc.

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Retuning An Index Value From A List View Control?

Oct 9, 2009

I have a list view control that users can add items to but I need to be able to tell what item they have selected.

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