Force A Commit On The Current Row From Within A Virtual Unbound DataGridView's Edit Control Event Handler?

Sep 8, 2011

Using the walkthrough from [URL], I implemented a DatagridView in virtual mode, totally unbound, in VB 10 Express (we are talking WinForms).

I understand that CommitEdit (DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit) commits the current cell's contents to the data cache.

The example uses row-level commit, i.e. it pushes the values into a row buffer until the current row is left. Only then the row is added to (or updated in) the data store. That's exactly what I do, too.

Question -- how can I commit the current row programmatically without leaving it? (I want to commit the whole row, not just the current cell.)

If the user leaves the row, there is a RowValidating, RowValidated, RowEnter event sequence where the datastore update is taken care of. So one idea (currently my only one) was to simply re-set CurrentCell to Nothing, for example.

But I cannot just set the DataGridView's CurrentCell property to Nothing (or any cell outside of the current row) since I want to commit from within an event handler of a custom edit control created by a custom column, and I see an System.InvalidOperationException exception when setting CurrentCell there.

In fact, it is a tiny button right to a combo box, i.e. I create a DataGridViewComboBoxCell descendant which is a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn descendant's edit control. My special ComboBox cell adds a tiny button which should commit the current row. Unfortunately, that button's _Click event handler cannot change CurrentCell since DetachEditingControl throws the exception then.

Obviously, I must delay the CurrentCell re-assignment until the whole _Click event has been processed. Or what? How would I do that -- register a custom Windows message, SendMessage that one to me, and override the windows procedure of the form so it re-sets CurrentCell when this message is received? (Hello?)

There should be a rather easy way to let DataGridView commit all changes by firing the events that I handle to perform the datastore update, no?

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C# - Commit Current Dirty Cell On Clicking Save Button From Any Datagridview On Form?

Dec 14, 2009

I have a form with multiple datagridviews. On save the entire dataset will be serialized to a strongly typed property bound to a sql varbinary(max) Works fine. Of course the current "dirty" cell will not be saved as mentioned here :


My problem is the user could be coming from any one of 20 datagridviews when they click SAVE. Is there any way, short of checking for a dirty cell in each datagridview to commit any dirty cell before the save ( clicking another textbox control before the save does the trick but calling the focus() of that textbox prior to the save does not ) I was thinking perhaps catching the event of leaving the grid but it seems the base problem is clicking a button (for reasons I think I understand) does not fire lostfocus events for the current control and it doesn't seem the click handler args knows what the last current selected control is.

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Add A Summary Row To An Unbound Datagridview Control?

Sep 7, 2011

I have an unbound datagrid control I am using to store inspection information. The program records the information from the user, validates the values, and saves it into a database. It will then show the last inspection data in the datagridview. The user has the option of doublclicking a row and changing values and resaving the row. The number of rows per piece inspected varies, so that is why I used the grid to show the inspection data, however, they want to see a running total of each inspection point at the bottom of the grid so when they add the new values, it will update the running totals. I can see how to add a new column for a running total, but the layout requires the sums to be in the last row of the grid. I can add the row to the grid, but I need to make sure it stays at the bottom of the grid when I add a new row, and if possible freeze the row so it is always visible like excel. The program we are re-writting is excel based so this functionality is critical for the inspector to see the running totals for each inspection point.

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.net - Event Handler Is Never Called Because The Original Event Is Raised In Another Event Handler?

Apr 18, 2011

The event handlers in my parent class are never called though the events are raised in the child class.

The Code:

Public Class childForm
Public Event checkboxchangedEvent(ByVal checkbox1 As Boolean, ByVal checkbox2 As Boolean)
Private Sub checkboxchanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged, CheckBox2.CheckedChanged


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IDE :: Unbound Button Column In DataGridView Control Placement?

Jan 3, 2010

I am trying to put an unbound button in the last column in a DataGridView control and it appears way, way off to the right when I run the app. I have to scroll all the way to the right to get to the buttons and then manually resize them to show up the way I want them to. I am using the Edit Columns feature found in the Smart Tag of the control. It works ok when I place them anywhere else in the columns! It only messes up when I try to place them at the end of the columns.

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Control Array Event Handler?

Jun 21, 2010

I create a dynamic number of PictureBox controls. I keep them inside a List. What I want now is to make them clickable: same event handler for all (opening of the image source file) with a parameter. The question is: how can I do it in practice? How I set the handler Sub for every picbox?

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Global Control Event Handler?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a piece of code that i want many ListViews to run throughout the app at ItemUpdated. I'm sure the same can apply to many other control-events.How can I hook up a certain listviews ItemUpdated event to a sub in a class module?

here's my class module Public Class ControlParts

Public Shared Sub LSVItemUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ListViewUpdatedEventArgs)
Dim lsv As ListView = CType(sender, ListView)
lsv.EditIndex = -1
End Sub
End Class

Now if i add OnItemUpdated="LSVItemUpdated" to my ListView's declaration I get an error that 'LSVItemUpdated' is not a member of 'ASP.admin_order_aspx'. Well, I don't want this on the page. I wan't this to be globaly accessible. I could in the code behind call the LSVItemUpdated, but that will beat the whole point off.

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DataGridView CellContentClick Event Handler Not Being Invoked?

Sep 26, 2006

There is something strange going on in my VB 2005 program that I don't understand.. I have a form that has several tab pages. Each page has one or more DataGridView controls. When a user selects an item on one DataGridView , I want to deselect anything currently selected on any other DataGridView on that tab page. The only thing that should then be selected is the item I clicked on in the current DataGridView .

I created the following code (note there is a CellContentClick handler for each DataGridView control and there are DeselectAll... and RefreshAll... subroutines for each tab page).

It's fairly straightforward. But notice where I placed the XXX NOTE comment below. If I place a breakpoint there, run the program and click on various cells in various grids, and then click on the specified grid cell, I can create situations where the breakpoint is never reached! Thus, I don't turn off the selection in other grids.

How can this be? Is there some setting for DataGridView controls that I've inadvertently set incorrectly (without my listing them all here)? Or is there some bug in VB I'm unaware of? The "DeselectAll" subroutine merely iterates over all DataGridView controls in the current tab page (except for the current DataGridView) and calls ClearSelection on each such grid. RefreshAll calls Refresh on every DataGridView on the current tab page.


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Datagridview On Data Entry Event Handler?

Apr 16, 2012

If I wanted a character in a datagridviewcolumn replaced when it's typed, not when the cell is left, how could I achieve that? Is there an eventhandler tied to that?

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Unbound Datagridview Control Cannot Be Filled At Design Time Using Column Names?

Oct 10, 2011

Apparently, an unbound datagridview control cannot be filled at design time, so I have to create rows + fill cells through code. Currently, I use the following type of code to refer to cells:


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Add Event Handler For A Control Added In Runtime?

Jan 3, 2010

How do I add an event Handler to a control, for example a textbox, to handle any keypress event?cause I want this textbox(which is added in program runtime) to only accept any convert any small letter to Upper case.

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Button Control Event Handler Method

Apr 20, 2012

When you click on a button control on a web form visual studio automatically put in this code for you in the code behind.
Protected Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnFlightInfo.Click
end Sub

Say for example, I wanted to call this method from another method. How would I do that? I know that the sender is the actual button object, but what is e? Here is what I have so far inside another sub. Just trying to get a better understanding of how this method works.
btnSave_Click(btnSave, ??what would you put there??)

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Get Multiple Textboxes To Act As One Control For An Event Handler?

Jul 28, 2011

I am using VB2010 Express to create a Windows Form.

I have been able to add an event handler to a single textbox to respond to the ".Leave" action.

Now I want to take multiple textboxes and use them as a single control and use the same event handler.

Eg. If TextBox1, TextBox2 and TextBox3 are grouped as a single control nothing would happen in those boxes until focus went to any other control on the form.

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Using An Event Handler At Runtime To Control A Button?

May 25, 2012

During the process of my program I am creating several different buttons depending on what file the user selects. I have been able to create these buttons and I would like to set up the event handler so when the user selects one of these buttons it pops up a message box that shows the user the name of the button they just clicked on. The message box isn't the goal of what I would like to do with it but If I could get that to work I would be able to alter the code to get it to work the way I want it to.

Below is my code that I currently have. I don't have the event handler doing anything at this time as I can't seem to get it to work I am still playing around with it.

ublic Sub resizebuttons()
Dim X As Integer = 175
For Each item As String In CSVInput.selected


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VS 2010 Edit - Click To Commit The Changes To The Loaded Items In The Datagrid

May 29, 2011

I have an application that saves details to then be viewed in a datagridview on another form. Clicking on an entry in the datagrid (I want to make this double-click, but haven't bothered to try yet) highlights the row, and loads the values to a new form, in read-only text boxes. Clicking Edit changes the read-only value of these text boxes and allows you to edit (obviously) the contents. I have another button, Save which I want to click to commit the changes to the loaded items in the datagrid.

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Click Event Handler With Custom Control Button?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm creating an ASP.NET Custom Control for my web application which is basically an ASP.NET Button control contained inside multiple <div> elements (for styling purposes).How can I create a Click event handler for my custom control so that my control acts as an ASP.NET Button?


<cc:Button id="myButton" runat="server" Text="Submit" />
Sub myButton_Click(sender as object, e as EventArgs) Handles myButton.Click
End Sub

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Event Handler - Catch The Textbox Control In The Datagrid?

Oct 5, 2010

Is there any way to catch the textbox control in the datagrid? like catching its keypress event?

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Event Handler For Dynamically Created Listbox Control?

Jan 24, 2012

I am passing some values from a Gridview Update Click event to a popup page that dynamically builds a series of textboxes in a Placeholder based on the number of sentences that are found in a specific cell of the Grid Row selected.The boxes that are built represent each sentence found in the cell of the selected row. Each sentence is presented for translation, where user enters data into a 2nd dynamically generated textbox.This all works great.Now I have a Listbox beside the 2nd textbox, which sometimes has 1 or more variables that need to placed into the translated sentence. I have set up a Hover menu over the listbox so that I can select the variable and insert it at the end of the sentence in the 2nd textbox. My problem is generating the click event on the dynamically created Listbox. Something like....

Protected Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & ListBox1.SelectedValue


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VS 2010 AddHandler Not Adding Second Event Handler For Control?

Jan 6, 2012

I am playing around with Drag and Drop, and I am having an issue with AddHandler. I am creating labels and displaying them on a form. Before I add each label to the form, I add 2 event handlers (DragEnter and DragLeave). When I run the code, it hits the first event handler (DragEnter), but doesn't hit the second event handler (DragLeave). Either I have coded something wrong, or the second handler is not being added.

Here is my code (note this is just something Im playing around with for learning):

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Button Click Event Handler For Checkbox In Datagridview And Textbox?

May 4, 2012

assistance.My Objective: create project that allows the end user to add data to a textbox then select desired rows via checkbox column in a datagridview. Once the end user has selected all desired rows for update then on button click commit data from textbox to cells belonging to the alert_notes column.


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Pass Cell Location Of DataGridView To An Event Handler Via A ContextMenu?

Nov 20, 2009

I have a context menu which is shown over a DataGridView as follows below. The Context menu is shown if the mouse up occurs over the second column of the DataGridView. I also have a bunch of event handlers set up for each item in the context menu. I now want to pass the location of the cell in the datagridview to the event handlers.Do I have to pass the NewPoint() to a public variable and then translate that into a cell location within the event handler?

Private Sub DataGridView14_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles DataGridView14.MouseUp
Dim hitTestInfo As DataGridView.HitTestInfo


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Firing An Event Handler From Within A Nother Event Handler?

Aug 27, 2011

How do I get a Event Handler to fire from within a nother Event Handler?

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DataGridView: Catch Event When It's Row Became The Current Row?

May 11, 2009

I just want to know if there any equivalent event (ADO. NET VS 2008) event as in MS ACCESS Form's OnCurrent Event.The reason is I like to make some calculations based on some data bound controls with current datarow data when user clicked a row in DataGridView (or by using bindingNavigator). I've tried with DatagridView's RowEnter event. But some Data bound controls are not yet reflect the data of current datarow when that evet was fired.

View 2 Replies - Double-clicking On A Form Control In VB 2010 Design View Inserts A Script Instead Of Inserting An Event Handler?

May 8, 2012

When I double click on a form control while in the design view in a Web Application project within Visual Studio 2010, say a 'button' or a 'submit' for example, it inserts a javascript function into my .aspx file. When I do this at work it automatically creates an event handler for the control in the code-behind.How do I change this to that setting?I don't want to type those event handler subroutines every time!

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About Rollback And Commit In Gridview Deleting Event

Aug 10, 2011

When writing gridview Event, We must write the Commit and Rollback in event. Can not run the Event if don't write Commit. I want to know what for writing commit and rollback???what a differences between commit and rollback?

View 1 Replies - Double-clicking On A Form Control In Visual Studio 2010 Design View Inserts A Script Instead Of Inserting An Event Handler

Sep 23, 2010

The title pretty much precisely asks the question, but I shall repeat;

When I double click on a form control while in the design view in a Web Application project within Visual Studio 2010, say a 'button' or a 'submit' for example, it inserts a javascript function into my .aspx file. When I do this at work it automatically creates an event handler for the control in the code-behind.How do I change this to that setting? I have used '/resetsettings' already, and other answers to similar questions do not solve my problem. I have reinstalled, gone through every menu I can find (though I may have missed something)I don't want to type those event handler subroutines every time!

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Commit A Datagridview Row?

Jul 12, 2009

How do you commit a datagridview row?

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Commit Changes To DataGridView's DataSource?

Feb 26, 2009

I have a DataGridView and in it a CheckBoxColumn, when I click a cell of that column the check box gets checked.I do it like this:

dgvMessages.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem("have_read") = 1

but the change does not get committed to the DataSource (or at least not immediately), so when I search through it I get wrong results.
I can't call AcceptChanges as that will refresh the grid and cause unwanted side effects... What can I do about this? Is there such a thing as an 'AutoCommit' property on a DataGridView?

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Remove An Event Handler From Within The Event Handler?

Mar 21, 2012

remove an event handler from within the event handler?

I have a class that gets data from a hand scanner. When the scan is complete and the data is validated, the class fires a custom "ScanComplete" event and returns the data in a custom EventArgs.

In the calling program, I'm creating an instance of the scanning class and adding a handler for the "ScanComplete" event. In the event handler I get the data that was scanned and then remove the handler.

It seems to be working but it feels wrong to remove the handler while I'm running inside the handler. Will this cause a problem?

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How To Force Form Load Event On Form2 From Click Event On Form1

Nov 16, 2010

I'm trying to execute different code depending on the button clicked (button 4 or 5) on Form1, but when I click on button5 to activitae the code on the Form2's Load event everything is Ok, but when I click the back button to return to Form 1 and click on the Button4 to activate the code on the Form2's Load event again, it doesn't active the Form's Load event, is there a way to form the form load event every time I access it from Form1? [code]

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