About Rollback And Commit In Gridview Deleting Event

Aug 10, 2011

When writing gridview Event, We must write the Commit and Rollback in event. Can not run the Event if don't write Commit. I want to know what for writing commit and rollback???what a differences between commit and rollback?

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Embedding BEGIN / COMMIT / ROLLBACK Transactions ?

Nov 24, 2011

I would like to use the transactions commit/rollback against a sql server rdbms within a VB 2010 module. I understand how these can be executed within a Transact-SQL session, but cannot seem to be able to code them correctly within VB as these are more like DDL statements.

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Oracle Transaction - Rollback Your Transaction If You Haven't Commit The Transaction

Oct 31, 2011

I want to know that do you still need to rollback your transaction if you haven't commit the transaction that was created earlier.


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Force A Commit On The Current Row From Within A Virtual Unbound DataGridView's Edit Control Event Handler?

Sep 8, 2011

Using the walkthrough from [URL], I implemented a DatagridView in virtual mode, totally unbound, in VB 10 Express (we are talking WinForms).

I understand that CommitEdit (DataGridViewDataErrorContexts.Commit) commits the current cell's contents to the data cache.

The example uses row-level commit, i.e. it pushes the values into a row buffer until the current row is left. Only then the row is added to (or updated in) the data store. That's exactly what I do, too.

Question -- how can I commit the current row programmatically without leaving it? (I want to commit the whole row, not just the current cell.)

If the user leaves the row, there is a RowValidating, RowValidated, RowEnter event sequence where the datastore update is taken care of. So one idea (currently my only one) was to simply re-set CurrentCell to Nothing, for example.

But I cannot just set the DataGridView's CurrentCell property to Nothing (or any cell outside of the current row) since I want to commit from within an event handler of a custom edit control created by a custom column, and I see an System.InvalidOperationException exception when setting CurrentCell there.

In fact, it is a tiny button right to a combo box, i.e. I create a DataGridViewComboBoxCell descendant which is a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn descendant's edit control. My special ComboBox cell adds a tiny button which should commit the current row. Unfortunately, that button's _Click event handler cannot change CurrentCell since DetachEditingControl throws the exception then.

Obviously, I must delay the CurrentCell re-assignment until the whole _Click event has been processed. Or what? How would I do that -- register a custom Windows message, SendMessage that one to me, and override the windows procedure of the form so it re-sets CurrentCell when this message is received? (Hello?)

There should be a rather easy way to let DataGridView commit all changes by firing the events that I handle to perform the datastore update, no?

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Deleting A Single Row From A Gridview?

Mar 15, 2012

i am having problem in deleting a single row from a gridview. i am using binding navigaator to delete the row. i have customer table and booking table. Cust_id is used as foreign key in booking table. when i try to delete a single row from booking table it delete all the bookings related to that customer in the gridview.It also deletes the related customer aswell. i just want to delete one booking of that customer


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Delete All Rows In SQL Gridview Is Deleting All But 1 Row

Feb 15, 2010

So I've created a gridview with checkboxes so the user can check as many fields as they want and delete them with the click of a button. It works except that it deletes all selected rows except one, the row with the lowest number. I can't firgure out what logic error is causing this.

Here's the code for the delete button procedure:

Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click
Dim count As Integer = 0


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GridView Deleting Basket Class Data

Mar 17, 2010

[code]Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: index

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Application Error When Deleting Row On Click Event

Jun 3, 2011

I am having problem deleting my data on click event Private Sub btnDel_Click.
Here is my code:
Dim inc As Integer
Dim cs As New SqlConnection("Data Source=ConnectSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=ForumCrawl;Integrated Security=True")
Dim dbSource As String
Dim da As SqlDataAdapter '("SELECT * FROM search_result", cs)
[Code] .....
The error I am getting isThere is no row at position 0.

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Drawing And Deleting Line On MouseMove Event?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm writting program in VB 2010, but I have a problem. I want to draw a temporary line on PictureBox control MouseMove event. That works fine but deleting of that line doesn't work. I tried to draw the white line on the same coordinates (PictureBox's background is white), but won't work.

Here is the code: Private Sub drawing_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles drawing.MouseMove


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How To Rollback Data

Mar 31, 2009

I have a page in which there are 3 sections.In the first section,i have some details to save in the Database.I am saving these details through a StoredProcedure(sql) named Procedure1.The details are stored in a table named Table1.There is a Primary key in the table named "ID".This "ID" is inserted automatically in the table.In the second and third sections, i have Grids for Data Manipulation.The Details are inserted in tables Table2 and Table3 through StoredProcedures(sql),Procedure2,Procedure3 recpectively.The "ID" which is generated automatically in Table1 needs to be inserted in Table2 and Table3.How can i do this?The Details in Table1 should get Rollback when corresponding data is not inserted in Table2 and Table3,ie. these 3 sections are to be inserted simultaneously.Now I have created a StoredProcedure in which i have combined all the 3 procedures.

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How To RollBack Or Undo Sent Message

Jun 22, 2010

my concern is tht i have a application with mail for my intranet users. Now I wld like to rollback or undo my sent message within a short interval say bfore a minute , i can or should undo . But im confused where to start from .....i need u guyz to just show me the correct way , i will try and do it by ma self

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Rollback Changes Made To Datagridview?

Mar 29, 2012

I hope that someone help me , i have a form , a datagridview bound to datatable and a button named " Cancel "

What i want is when user add or change data in specific cell in current row in datagridview and click on a button " Cancel " the changes he made disapear (clear the row in case the user add new row ) or restoring original data when user makes change in existing data.i'm working with sql server 2008 database and visual basic 2010

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SQL Transaction Rollback Failure

Nov 11, 2011

I have 2 tables which I want to insert data into, table "CAM" and table "COut", after inserting data in "CAM" it shall return a retAutoID which will be hand to "COut" as one of the parameter required for it's insertion. I implemented a rollback in my Business Logic such that if "Cout" hits an exception error while inserting, the previous insertion for "CAM" will rollback even if successful.With the code below, I am getting this error after trying to do perform insertion:"ExecuteNonQuery requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized." [code]

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Variable Is Used Before It Has Being Assigned A Value In Rollback?

May 6, 2009

I used code below to run rollback but in catch block, a warning message said that thistransaction used before has being assigned a value. How to void it?

Dim thisConnection As New SqlConnection("server=(local)SQLEXPRESS;" & _
"integrated security=sspi;database=MyDatabase")
Dim sql As String = "DELETE FROM Employee " & "WHERE ID = 10"


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Checkpoint/Rollback For VS2008 Solution?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm about to try something new in my VB2008 project, but not sure if it will work. Is it possible for me to set a "checkpoint" of the current solution code, so that I could "roll back" if necessary?

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Rollback Insert Command In Sql With A Timer?

Mar 10, 2010

I am working on a Vb.Net application . I have a compose message web form where users will compose a message , but after the users click the send button I am inserting in the message table. All is working fine , infact great . Now I am thinking of adding a undo button where I will show this button if the user will click the send button . If the user clicks the send button and leaves the undo button the insert query will be fired. But if the user clicks the send button , but then he clicks the undo button the the insert query should not be fired or it should be rolled back ...or something ...I mean the user should be back on his compose message state as before.

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Selectionindexchange Event In Gridview?

Sep 17, 2009

I have a combo box column in vb.net datagridview . i want to perform some validation like to put some values in another text column of Grid on selectionindexchanged event of a combo box in datagridview. but unable to do so.

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Asp.net - Editing A Gridview Using The Updating Event

Nov 18, 2011

What im trying to accomplish is to try to edit a gridview by using the updating event but not sure how to do this. The way im populating the datagrid is putting it into a dataSet and using that as the dataSource and doing a databind. Here is my datagrid below.


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Delete A Row From A GridView During RowDeleting Event?

Mar 20, 2009

I have a GridView and its DataSource is datatable.OnRowDeleting event of Gridview. I can't seem to delete that row when I click the 'delete' button that invokes the event to remove the row.[code]...

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Get The Commandargument In Rowdatabound Event In Gridview?

Mar 18, 2009

Following is code for buttonclick in gridview.

Protected Sub lnkChangeStatus_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim gvr As GridViewRow = TryCast(DirectCast(sender, LinkButton).Parent.Parent, GridViewRow)
Dim lngProfileId As Long = Convert.ToInt64(gvwBusinessProfiles.DataKeys(gvr.RowIndex).Value)
End Sub

I want to get commandargument of lnkChangeStatus in its click.

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GridView - Row Updating Event Does Not Work

Apr 15, 2012

The following code runs successfully with no errors, but I still don't get the new data from the grid, by adding a break point, and stepping forward, the data in the variables are the original data, not the updated data.

Private Sub grvSample_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles grvSample.RowUpdating
Dim row As GridViewRow = DirectCast(grvSample.Rows(e.RowIndex), GridViewRow)
Dim passportNumber As TextBox = DirectCast(row.FindControl("txtNumber"), TextBox)
Dim expiry As TextBox = DirectCast(row.FindControl("txtExpiry"), TextBox)
[Code] .....

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GridView KeyPress/KeyDown Event Using VB?

Dec 26, 2009

using a datagridview and it bind by 3 rows and 3 columns,my task is when the press the F5 key then need to execute some code, my problem is if the datagridview cell is focused then now i press F5 key then the next task is executed but if the cursor is in the cell and i press F5 Key then the Key events was fired

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GridView Row Command Event Not Working

Dec 2, 2010

I am having problems trying to get a rowcommand event to fire in a gridview. The code is below.
<asp:GridView ID="GridViewProducts" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#999999" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"
CellPadding="5" CellSpacing="1" DataKeyNames="Pkey"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSourceProducts" ForeColor="Black" GridLines="Vertical">
<FooterStyle BackColor="#CCCCCC" />
<PagerSettings PageButtonCount="20" />
[Code] .....

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Set Dropdownlist In Gridview In Rowediting Event

Sep 7, 2010

Trying to get the findcontrol to work so I can set the default value of the dropdownlist I have in a template field, but I'm having no luck. Am I doing something wrong?


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Access Textbox Value In Gridview On RowEditing Event?

Mar 2, 2009

I'm am trying to access the value of a textbox in my gridview during the RowEditing event in order to populate a dropdown list in my gridview and I keep getting a value of Nothing. I have tried everything and can't seem to figure out how to do this. The textbox I'm trying to access is "job" and the dropdown list is 'DD_CostCodeEdit'. I've posted my gridview code and also my RowEditing event code.

Gridview code:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="TimecardGridView" runat="server" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"


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Asp.net - Detect The Click Event Of A Linkbutton In A Gridview?

Mar 11, 2009

I have a linkbutton in a column of a Gridview.When the user clicks the linkbutton, I have to redirect to another page.

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Asp.net - How To Display Record In Gridview Using Pageload Event

Jan 23, 2011

How to display record in gridview using pageload event in vb.net ?

i wanna use two SqlDatasource1 and sqldatasource 2 to display record in single gridview1

SqlDatasource1 will display all records from tabel where as SqlDatasource will be used to display particuar record search in table 1 but how to do this ?

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Asp.net - ImageButton In Gridview OnClick Event Not Working?

Nov 19, 2011

I've spent quite a while searching this problem, there are some other similar threads online but none have helped me fix it.I have a GridView with an ImageButton within it, the imagebutton has an OnClick function but that event is never reached when it is clicked, below is my gridview:


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Asp.net - Populating A Gridview With A Button's Click Event?

Dec 7, 2009

I have a page that has two dropdownlists(one for the locations, and the other for departments), an employee search textbox and a button. On the other page, I have a gridview. Now, what i want to archieve is that when a user types an employee's name in the textbox control, selects a location from the location dropdownlist, and a department from the departments dropdownlist, and click the button(search), the gridview on the other page must show the reqiured information of a SINGLE employee. Only one row must show.

I have created a database for the employees. I know how to do this with the autopostback but i have not tried it using a button's click. NB: the gridview should show only one row of a selected employee. I'm using ASP.NET VB

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How To Access Textbox Value In Gridview On RowEditing Event

Mar 22, 2011

I'm am trying to access the value of a textbox in my gridview during the RowEditing event in order to populate a dropdown list in my gridview and I keep getting a value of Nothing.I have tried everything and can't seem to figure out how to do this. The textbox I'm trying to access is "job" and the dropdown list is 'DD_CostCodeEdit'. I've posted my gridview code and also my RowEditing event code. Can someone take a look and see what I'm doing wrong?

Gridview code:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">


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