Checkpoint/Rollback For VS2008 Solution?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm about to try something new in my VB2008 project, but not sure if it will work. Is it possible for me to set a "checkpoint" of the current solution code, so that I could "roll back" if necessary?

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IDE :: VS2008: Solution Defined References?

Jan 13, 2010

Is there a way to make a VB based ASP.NET project reference a particular DLL based on the solution in which the project is added?More detailed explanation: I have a solution (which I've inherited) that contains multiple projects, being a mixture of ASP.NET in VB.NET and DLL's in C#.It's running under the .NET 2.0 framework, but being built in the VS2008 IDE.ach one of our customers has a full copy of every single project, with their individual requirements built into those files... but what I'm doing now is creating a "single code base" ASP.NET project which relies on a customer specific DLL beingreferenced So each customer still has their own individual solution, but the ASP.NET project is always the same.However, every time I switch to a different customer, I'm having to remove the reference and add the correct one.

I could have individual vbproj for each client, but then it defeats the object of the "single code base" when I add/remove pages. I've looked into MSBuild - but it's a complex beast, and I'm having difficulty working out if it can do what I need it to do I've managed to set up "conditions" based on a property, but I cannot work out how to use a property from a different project or the solution itself (I don't think it's possible)

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VS2008 Crashes Reliably At The End Of A Solution Rebuild?

Mar 30, 2009

VS2008 SP1, Winforms solution, VB.NET, compiling for x86 and .NET v2 I have about a dozen projects in the solution, with a couple of Windows forms projects and some class libraries. If I rebuild the solution, it clears out and recompiles all the projects, as you'd expect... and then disappears without trace or error message. Since I'm reconnecting to VSS 2005 over HTTP across the internet, it takes all month to start back up with everything loaded, so it's incredibly irritating. The compiled application itself works fine, and normal build and run after changes also works fine.

EDIT: Just to clarify, No add-ins except Refactor! (I know, I guess I ought to try uninstalling it to see if it's that, but it's just too useful! - I will see if there's an update though). And no custom build steps. It's just a vanilla Winforms app, with references between the projects (and some references to COM dlls for interop).


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How To Rollback Data

Mar 31, 2009

I have a page in which there are 3 sections.In the first section,i have some details to save in the Database.I am saving these details through a StoredProcedure(sql) named Procedure1.The details are stored in a table named Table1.There is a Primary key in the table named "ID".This "ID" is inserted automatically in the table.In the second and third sections, i have Grids for Data Manipulation.The Details are inserted in tables Table2 and Table3 through StoredProcedures(sql),Procedure2,Procedure3 recpectively.The "ID" which is generated automatically in Table1 needs to be inserted in Table2 and Table3.How can i do this?The Details in Table1 should get Rollback when corresponding data is not inserted in Table2 and Table3,ie. these 3 sections are to be inserted simultaneously.Now I have created a StoredProcedure in which i have combined all the 3 procedures.

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How To RollBack Or Undo Sent Message

Jun 22, 2010

my concern is tht i have a application with mail for my intranet users. Now I wld like to rollback or undo my sent message within a short interval say bfore a minute , i can or should undo . But im confused where to start from .....i need u guyz to just show me the correct way , i will try and do it by ma self

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Rollback Changes Made To Datagridview?

Mar 29, 2012

I hope that someone help me , i have a form , a datagridview bound to datatable and a button named " Cancel "

What i want is when user add or change data in specific cell in current row in datagridview and click on a button " Cancel " the changes he made disapear (clear the row in case the user add new row ) or restoring original data when user makes change in existing data.i'm working with sql server 2008 database and visual basic 2010

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SQL Transaction Rollback Failure

Nov 11, 2011

I have 2 tables which I want to insert data into, table "CAM" and table "COut", after inserting data in "CAM" it shall return a retAutoID which will be hand to "COut" as one of the parameter required for it's insertion. I implemented a rollback in my Business Logic such that if "Cout" hits an exception error while inserting, the previous insertion for "CAM" will rollback even if successful.With the code below, I am getting this error after trying to do perform insertion:"ExecuteNonQuery requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction. The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized." [code]

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Variable Is Used Before It Has Being Assigned A Value In Rollback?

May 6, 2009

I used code below to run rollback but in catch block, a warning message said that thistransaction used before has being assigned a value. How to void it?

Dim thisConnection As New SqlConnection("server=(local)SQLEXPRESS;" & _
"integrated security=sspi;database=MyDatabase")
Dim sql As String = "DELETE FROM Employee " & "WHERE ID = 10"


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Rollback Insert Command In Sql With A Timer?

Mar 10, 2010

I am working on a Vb.Net application . I have a compose message web form where users will compose a message , but after the users click the send button I am inserting in the message table. All is working fine , infact great . Now I am thinking of adding a undo button where I will show this button if the user will click the send button . If the user clicks the send button and leaves the undo button the insert query will be fired. But if the user clicks the send button , but then he clicks the undo button the the insert query should not be fired or it should be rolled back ...or something ...I mean the user should be back on his compose message state as before.

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About Rollback And Commit In Gridview Deleting Event

Aug 10, 2011

When writing gridview Event, We must write the Commit and Rollback in event. Can not run the Event if don't write Commit. I want to know what for writing commit and rollback???what a differences between commit and rollback?

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Embedding BEGIN / COMMIT / ROLLBACK Transactions ?

Nov 24, 2011

I would like to use the transactions commit/rollback against a sql server rdbms within a VB 2010 module. I understand how these can be executed within a Transact-SQL session, but cannot seem to be able to code them correctly within VB as these are more like DDL statements.

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Opening A Solution File It Was Saying "The Selected Fiel Is Not A Valid Solution File"?

Mar 27, 2012

Till yesterday I was working fine with my Project.I din install anything new, am not trying to open my solution file with a different version also.Today when i tried opening my solution, it was saying

"The Selected Fiel is not a valid solution file"

"The Operation could not be completed.Unspecified Error"

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00

# Visual Studio 2008

Project("{54435603-DBB4-11D2-8724-00A0C9A8B90C}") = "??E", "..Setup2Setup2.vdproj", "{600F8FB2-B9A9-4138-B7E7-FE7B39815CC1}"


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Oracle Transaction - Rollback Your Transaction If You Haven't Commit The Transaction

Oct 31, 2011

I want to know that do you still need to rollback your transaction if you haven't commit the transaction that was created earlier.


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Connect To SAP With VS2008?

Jun 29, 2010

I've found several articles/examples of connecting to SAP using VS03 however not with using only VS08. I understand they are working on a new connector (3.0) but need to connect now.

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Debug A DLL From VS2008?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a program written in VB.Net (Visual Studio 2008) that uses a DLL written in Visual C++ by another developer. I'd like to be able to step in to the C++ code as my code makes calls to methods in the DLL. Since the DLL is it's own solution, I don't think it can be included in my solution/project. I tried putting the DLLs pdb file in the debug/bin directory with the rest of my build and pdb files. However, when I get to the point in stepping through my code, and it gets to the dll call, it just steps right over the dll code. Do I have to manually load symbols?

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Having Both VS2005 And VS2008?

Jul 12, 2008

I am running on XP SP2 on my Intel C2D, and have VS 2005 on .Net 2.0 Now, can i install the new VS2008 and still have my vs2005?Can I have the both installed and still statisfy the following ?Can I have VS2005 and VS2008 on the same machineCan I do projects for Dot net 2.0on VS2005 while have VS2008 Can I have both .Net 2.0 and .Net 3.0 withouth any problem?Can I still work on my old project in native VS2005 ? Can I work on old .Net 2.0 project in the new VS2008 ?Can I Migrate some of my projects to VS2008 ? Can we also migrate .net 3.0 projects back to .Net 2.0 to work on VS 2005 ?

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IDE :: Transforming Into VS2008?

Mar 3, 2009

Am currently developing web based applications using VS2005, i want to shift to VS2008, what are the things that i do have to take into consideration.

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Use .hlp File In VS2008?

May 31, 2010

we are working on migration project VB6.0 to VS2008 ( Vb.NET 9.0) .In Vb6 we have .hlp file it will open appropriate help page/content when I click F1 from any of the forms. The same need to achevie in .NET 2008 . I came to know that .NET 2008 help provider will not support .hlp files. below code used in vb6

App.HelpFile -

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VS 2008 Tell If Have VS2008 SP1 Or No SP1?

Dec 8, 2009

I had a support reply saying I needed to have VS2008 SP1 update installed. I clicked the About menu item for VS2008 and it shows SP1 under Microsoft .NET Framework Version 3.5 SP1. But on the left side for Visual Studio 2008 there is no SP1. Is the framework what they are referring to?

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COMPILE VB6 Project In VS2008

Nov 2, 2010

I have a VB6 Project which I need to build in VS2008.

i tried to open vbp file in VS2008, it opened a VB Upgrade Wizard and created a new folder with in my VB6 Project Folder.

At this point I am completely stuck.

Is there anyway to build VB6 in VS2008 or Do we have any free tools to convert VB6 to VB.Net.

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.net - While Debugging VB Code In VS2008?

Jul 31, 2009

On my last machine I had created a way to see a GUID variable while debugging by hovering over it. I don't remember what it was (a visualizer?). I have a new 64 bit machine with vs2008 - is there anyway to mouseover a guid value and have it appear? What makes guid's so special that their value doesn't show like most variables?

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Buy VS2005 Or VS2008 Cheap?

Jan 27, 2010

I live in the UK and I want to buy the standard edition cheaply. I've seen an OEM version on eBay which the seller claims to be the full version. But it's only one a single disk and it states "Disk 1" so presumably it isn't the complete application.

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Calling .exe File From VS2008?

Aug 8, 2011

I am programming in both Matlab (Matlab2011a) and Visual Basic (VS2008).I've created a .exe file from my matlab code. It works well when I click on it with my mouse. But I need to run it within Visual Basic. I know it's possible to call .exe files with Shell() or Process.Start(), and it works well for files such as firefox.exe or notepad.exe.

However, it doesn't work when I call my own .exe file ... It's weird because when I look to the Task Manager while trying to call it (within VB), I can see the process starting and ending, but its output doesn't appear.

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Cannot Find AxWebbrowser In VS2008?

Jan 16, 2008

I wanna use axWebbrowser in VS2008. Is there a way of doing so?

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Cannot Find Reference When Add Dll VS2008

Jan 21, 2010

I've created a dll in VS2010 with.NET Framework version 4.0 Now I want to add this dll as a reference in a 3.5 project in VS2008. When I do this I get <The System cannot find the reference specified>... does someone has a solution for this issue. When I downgrade the dll to version 3.5 I can add it as a reference and all works ok, but downgrading to 3.5 isn't an option because other dll's are depending on the 4.0 framework.


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Cant Add New Data Source In VS2008?

Dec 19, 2007

am using visual studio 2008 professional edition and MS SQL Sever express 2005 SP2.i clicked Data then Add New Data Source choosed Database then click Nextwhen i clicked on New Connection the Data source configuration wizard disappears.

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Elevated Permissions, VB, VS2008?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a project that I am testing with Windows 7, its almost complete but doesnt function without elevating the users permissions, I've tried a few of the sample codes I've found online and they don't seem to work... This has been tested on a admin account, but still requires elevated privaliges... I believe becuase it directly effects critical and non-critical windows services (starting, stopping, retreiving the status, enabling or disabling them)


I understand the UAC could be used to implement this "admin only" restriction, but as I havent even tried using the UAC Settings area yet. As I said, a link to helpful content would be cool, an example would be great.Running Visual Studio 2005 under a Visual Basic Environment.

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How To See What References Have Been Added In VS2008

Apr 13, 2010

In the VB6 interface, when you went to Project>References, it would list all the references that have already been added to the project with a ticked box next to the name. However in VS2008, when you go to Project>Add references, the tickboxes are not there. So how do you know whether or not a reference has already been added?

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Make The Move From Vb6 To Vs2008?

Apr 15, 2010

how to make the move from vb6 to vs2008 and while i was pleased to find alot of stuff intact i started migrating my lovechild project to the new enviroment. Immediately ran into a bunch of problems tho as some of the logic behind data hierarchies has changed alot it seems and its gonna take me some time to work it all out but right now id be happy if you guys could point out what im doing wrong here:


its supposed to be your basic grab screenshot and stash it into picturebox thing but it isnt working, i did manage to copy a picture from 1 box to another tho which makes me think the second line is wrong or missing something?

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Program Compiled With VS2008 On Pc With Only .NET 4.0

Apr 28, 2010

I have a program in compiled with VS2008. When I run it on a pc with only the .NET 4.0 installed, I get this error:[code]

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