Delete Multiple Files That Are Named Same But Have Different Extensions?

Jan 6, 2010

I have certain files that need deleted every time I run my program. There are some files that start with f. and then end with .00000668 or .00005396 and so on. Here is my coding that is not working to delete the f files.

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VS 2010 : Delete All Files With The Same Name But Different Extensions?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm trying to delete all the files in the same folder that have the same name but different extensions, such as CurrentWallpaper.bmp, CurrentWallpaper.jpg, CurrentWallpaper.png, without putting them in a separate folder. How could I go about doing this? I tried doing

Dim bg As String = dir + "" + Login.UsernameTextBox.Text
Kill(bg + "CurrentWallpaper.*")

but it didn't work. PS: I would also like to use the same technique for loading the image as a background image instead of having to do this:

If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(Login.UsernameTextBox.Text + "/CurrentWallpaper.jpg") Then
Me.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Login.UsernameTextBox.Text + "/CurrentWallpaper.jpg")
End If


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Get Files Involving Multiple Extensions?

Sep 3, 2010

I currently have the following working[code]...

What I would like to do is expand the filter to include alternative file extensions (i.e., ".rar", ".7z", etc)

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Splitting Large Files Into Multiple 500 MBs With Extensions

Aug 1, 2011

I'm working on trying to split a large file from say 3gb to multiple 500mb files with a .1, .2, .3 etc... extension. My output is one 500mb file and one 28kb file. What I'm missing to continue reading the filestream into the 2nd split file.

Sub SplitFiles(ByVal inFile As String, ByVal newFileSizeBytes As Integer)
Dim i As Short = 1
Dim fsInput As New System.IO.FileStream(inFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim fsOutput As System.IO.FileStream
Dim bytBuffer(4096) As Byte 'holds a block of bytes for processing
[Code] .....

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Delete Multiple Files Using *

Dec 15, 2004

I was trying to do something like this (that worked with the Kill method of VB6) System.IO.File.Delete(OrderInfo.ParentFolderPath & "NJ0*.DTA") because there are several files that start with NJ0 and end with .DTA


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VS 2008 : How To Delete Multiple Files

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to delete multiple files (.reg files) by using following code.


My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(Environ("%systemdrive%") & "*.reg")ut its is generating an exception: Argument Exception was Unhandled.Illegal Characters in path.

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Delete Items With Extensions From ListBox?

Jan 20, 2010

How is it possible to delete all the items from a ListBox that have the same extension? This is in particular to video files that have have extensions of .mpg, .modd and .moff. I can populate the ListBox with just the .mpg files but I would like to know how I can remove the other file types should I put the whole lot in.Also, presumably using similar coding, it it posssible to highlight all lines with a particular extension?

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Delete Multiple Files Using Wildcard Where Part Of Filename Is Fixed

Nov 5, 2010

have a script which puts multiple files into a folder periodically. I have a code to delete file. this code should run but gives me error that file does not exist.

' for each objFile1 in FSO.GetFolder(strPath2&""&acctdir&""&acctsubdir).Files
' acctno1 = Mid(objFile1.Name,1,11)
' if acctno1 = acctno then


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Using Getfiles With Multiple Extensions?

Nov 17, 2009

i am using the getfiles function to have all the files in a specific path but i want to use the getfiles to find .rar and .mp3 getfiles("c:program files",)

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Copy Files With Certain Files Extensions?

Mar 22, 2010

Is there a way in VB to copy certain file types comparable to the commnad line copy command

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Multiple File Extensions With GetFiles()?

Nov 11, 2011

I'm using the following code.

Dim dir As New IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath)
Dim files As IO.FileInfo()
Dim filename As IO.FileInfo
If (rbNoSubfolders.Checked) Then


I'm getting an "Illegal characters in path" error. How can I fix this?

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Search For Multiple File Extensions?

Mar 12, 2010

How can I write this

Path = "C:"
For Each FoundFile In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Path, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "FILE*.10") _
And For Each FoundFile In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Path, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "FILE*.09")
'do code

Next My goal is simply to search for multiple file extensions. I cant use FILE* as my search parameter as this returns other files e.g FILE2012.10z which i don't want.

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VS 2010 Getting Multiple File Extensions

Oct 20, 2010

How can I filter on multiple file extensions when using IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles?

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Editing Files With No File Extensions

Jan 13, 2009

the problem is I'm trying to access a file that has no file extension. I think you can see why this is so difficult. The specific file I'm trying to edit is the hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts).

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Loop Files To Get List Of Extensions

May 1, 2012

How would I loop through a directory recursively, and get a list of ALL file extensions used, not duplicating any of them? It could just output to the debug window. Or perhaps write to the database and have the database filter the duplicates. So it would be great to see...


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Designing Application To Open Files For Certain Extensions

Aug 15, 2011

I want to design an application that can open file of certain extensions. For ex. There is a software called ARJ32 which can open file with extensions
.a00 ,.a01...................,.a19.
Also there is application called apk emulator which can open .apk files. So eve I want to design an application that an open certain file extensions. Is it possible? How do I start? I am well versed with c, c++, Java, VB.NET

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Open External Files With Unknown Extensions?

Jan 25, 2007

I'm writing a program that allows users to view certain files using a DataGridView as the selection method I can do most of that just fine. Here's the part I'm having trouble with: I want to open the files using whatever program they have associated with the file extension. After researching it (on these forums), I determined that I should use the Process.Start() method. However, Windows throws an Win32Exception if there is no association to the filetype, and I want it to show the "Open With" dialog instead, and I can't figure out or find how to do that.

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Save File Extensions - Save/open Dialog Wont Show .GDL Files Unless Select "all Files"?

Mar 22, 2011

im used to C programming.

Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click

The problem is that if I save a file I get "myfile.GDL" if I overwrite that I get a new file "myfile.GDL.GDL" ect.the other problem being that the filtering in the windows save/open dialog wont show .GDL files unless I select "all files".

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Check Named Range Contains A Single / Multiple Cells?

Sep 23, 2010

I want to know how many cell a namedRange contains . or want to check either a named range contains a single cell or multiple cells.

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Get File Count Of Particularly Named Files In A Directory?

Apr 20, 2009

I just need to get VB08 to look for the file which start with an integer and then the username in the application startup path.[code]...

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Inserting Number Of Files Named XX Into A String

Mar 24, 2011

Have the following code which creates a table of all the images in a folder.[code]What I want to do now is group all these by the first two characters and get the total number for each and insert them into individual strings. So for the above example it would be something like:[code]

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C# - Inter-process Communication: Named Pipes Or Status Files?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm building a tool that consists of a Webservice that will run commandline tools at specific times. On average there will be running 15-20 CL tools at the same time. Every CL tool runs no longer than about 0,5-1 minute on average. The webservice needs to be able to check each CL's status every 2-3 seconds or so.

I've got some advice about how to do this; named pipes looks likes the best "technical" solution. However I'm wondering if communicating with simple very small text "status" files would be a better, less complicated and less error-risk, way. I prefer the solution that is the most resource friendly.

View 3 Replies - Implement Security Trimming With A Website With Multiple Folders And Multiple Web.config Files?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a website that has highly granulised access and hence requires many web.config files. The problem is I would like to trim the menu so that only certain users will have access to certain folders. I have enabled trimming and setup roles in the sitemap, however when I access the page the menu is not show, as I am authorized to view the default page which is not in a subfolder. When I type the url of a page in sub folder's I have access.

How should I handle this:

A site map for each web.config file - don't know how this will work Removing the sub web.config file to only use a single one

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Combining Image Files - Take Multiple Picture Files And Compact Them Into One File

Dec 10, 2009

I know this is out there and probably illogical but I was wondering if it was possible to take multiple picture files and compact them into one file.... and then retrieve them from the program later? Way to combine any amount of image files into one file

Module Module1
Sub combine()
Dim img1 As New Bitmap("i1.jpg")


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Searching Multiple Files In Multiple Sub-folders

Mar 30, 2010

I'm developing an application to help law enforcement retrieve and analyze logs and other files left by the use of Pidgin (a multi-protocol messenger client). Right now I'm nearly done, but I want to add the ability to search chat logs for user-defined words or phrases and I don't even know where to begin.

Chat logs are stored as html documents in a folder/sub-folder/sub-folder/sub-folder fashion, where each sub-folder can have dozens of sub-folders inside of it, and the final sub-folder can have dozens if not hundreds of chat logs. If anybody could point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.

(Also, this is the first program I've written since about 2005, and I'm essentially teaching myself VB as I go. If you'd like to see what I've cobbled together so far, you can find the program here.)

View 1 Replies VB Delete Multiple Rows In EF4

Apr 3, 2012

I'm struggling with deleting multiple rows. I'm learning and have managed new rows and edits but cant seem to nail delete.

this is what I have:

If ViewState("QuoteGroupID") IsNot Nothing Then
Dim GQID As Integer = CInt(ViewState("QuoteGroupID"))
Using db As New quotingSystemDevEntities


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Gridview Multiple Delete?

Mar 7, 2011

I am trying to delete multiple rows from a GridView but I am struggling to find out if a check box was checked.At the moment my code isn't attempting to delete anything just check which checkboxes were checked and which weren't. My attempt isn't showing any checkboxes as being checked and also seems to loop though the GridView rows twice!

<asp:GridView ID="gvImages" DataKeyNames="id" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" BorderWidth="0px" GridLines="None">


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Sql - Delete From Multiple Tables ASP.NET

Apr 28, 2009

How to delete from two tables at once using the same delete statement in ASP.Net?

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Allow Use To See Files And Delete Them?

Feb 4, 2010

Can someone point me in the direction for displaying the contents of a folder on the form with a check box, then if someone wants to delete a file then check the box and hit delete. How can I do that?

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Delete Files Using VB?

Aug 27, 2009

i wanna be able to check if the file "thisfile.exe" exists, and if it does then delete all the other *.exe files it finds but not deleteing the "thisfile.exe", how would i be able to do that?

edit - im using vb 2008 express?

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