Deleting Dynamically Populated Images From A Directory?

May 31, 2011

The code below displays a thumbnail of each image in a specific server directory and when I click on the image it pops up a nice full sized picture. It works perfectly.

I would however, like to be able to delete an image. I first thought I could have a button at the bottom of the page with a checkbox next to each image, giving it a uniqueID as per the filename but as they are dynamically created I couldn't figure how to handle the Click Event on the button for a randomly named Checkbox ID. Then I tried adding a button next to each item and then tried an OnClick & OnServerClick to call a Sub but this didn't work either.

Private Sub ImageList()
If Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("JobImages" & DBC_JOB_JobID.Text)) Then
Dim MySB As New StringBuilder


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Deleting From A Cascaded DataGridView Populated Via Linq To SQL?

Nov 18, 2009

I am having problems deleting any rows from a cascaded DGV. I get a run time error complaining that I am breaking a constraint almost as if LINQ is try to delete from the parent table. I have 2 DGVs on a form one displaying Species and the other all SubSpecies for the currently selected species and that works fine.

However when I try to delete a SubSpecies I get the following exception:- An attempt was made to remove a relationship between a Species and a SubSpecies. However, one of the relationship's foreign keys (SubSpecies.SpeciesID) cannot be set to null. At first I thought the error was raised by SQL server due to the Cascading Delete limitations on L2S but the error message for that is very different the DataContext.Log doesn't show any attempt to change the data.

The code used to bind the DGV's is as follows:-

Protected Sub BindControls()
DC = New DataClassesWhatToPlantDataContext


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Pre-Select Items In A Dynamically Populated CheckBoxList?

Nov 4, 2011

My _PrefillWizard method actually works for all the controls on my page except for those which are dynamically populated. The CheckBoxLists are such because they are automatically generated based on selectable values in a table in my DB. I already have this control in my markup like so... how do I force this to load and be ready before running my other code?[code]...

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Dynamically Deleting Tab Panel In Tab Container In Using .net?

Feb 1, 2012

I'm creating a chat application in In this I'm creating tab panels in a tab container dynamically for each user. when you select a new user I'm generating a tab for him with two text boxes and send button to send messages. If he doesn't want to continue his chat I need to remove or delete that tab. Is there any way that i can remove or delete those tabs in using

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Deleting Lots Of Dynamically Created Buttons?

Jun 2, 2012

I'm a new programmer to, so apologise for what is likely to be ignorance.
I'm building a simple gui for a database interface, with many parent and child items within it. Upon a form I create buttons depending on how many items (parents/children). I've got the creation of the buttons thus:

For RowNumber As Integer = 0 To NoOfRows
Dim Buttoni As New Button
Buttoni.Location = New Point(LocationX, LocationY)


But I'm struggling with a way to delete the buttons to make way for a new set to replace them... I can delete a single one upon its click, but I'd like to delete all of the buttons that have been created in this way before re-creating them.

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C# - Deleting Files In A Directory?

Feb 12, 2011

I have seen questions like What is the best way to empty a directory?

But i need to know,

what is the fastest way of deleting all the files found within the directory, except any .zip files found.

Smells like linq here... or what?

UPDATE: By saying fastest way, i mean the Fastest execution time.

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Deleting Files In Directory With Extension GIF?

Feb 14, 2010

I have VB 2008. How can I delete ALL files in a directory with the extension ".gif" ?

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Deleting Multiple Files In A Directory?

Oct 9, 2009

I am trying to delete multiple files in a certain directory. I need to delete *.o, *.r, *.w, *.rs, *.op, *.os. My coding does not seem to be working.

My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory = "c:RELAP5MOD4Demo"

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Deleting Image Files Within A Directory (That Might Be Used By Another Process)

Aug 10, 2009

How can i delete image files (ex *.gif) that might be in use, by another process in a directory?

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Adding Images To Nodes Dynamically?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a simple tree, parent and child, that I create from files in a folder at run time (VB2010). All I want to do is assign one icon to the parent, and another to the child. I am using FileSystemWatcher set to watch the folders and update whenever there is a change. Here is the code:

'If there is a change in the Scan Folders relist
Private Sub scanFileChange(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs)
If e.ChangeType = IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Created Or e.ChangeType = IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Changed Or IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted Then


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Dynamically Add / Remove (embedded) Images To (from) An Existing DLL (C#)?

Nov 4, 2011

I have developed a C# DLL which contains some images included as "Embedded Resource" in the DLL. I would like to write a small external C# application that would allow me to dynamically add (or remove) embedded images to (from) my DLL, if possible without having to recompile it. Is that possible?

View 6 Replies

Retrieve The 10 Images From A Particular Directory In ASP.Net?

Jan 29, 2009

how to retrive the 10 images from a particular directory in ASP.Net using VB

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Directory Resizing Images In Different Formats

Mar 23, 2009

I looking for right code to proportional resizing images in different formats in this peace of code. I would like when this will go through folder to folder.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
For Each File As String In Form1.rt.Items
Dim foundFileInfo As New System.IO.FileInfo(File)
Dim a As String = tB1.Text & "Gallerymanje" & foundFileInfo.Name
Dim b As String = tB1.Text & "Galleryvece" & foundFileInfo.Name
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(File, a, True)
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(File, b, True)
End Sub

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Load All Images From A Directory To A FlowLayoutPanel?

Oct 3, 2011

I am attempting to load all images from a directory to a FlowLayoutPanel. I am using the GetFiles() method to retrieve the files with a filter to just retrieve JPG files. When I run the program, it returns 'Conversion from string "*.jpg" to type 'Integer' is not valid.' exception. The offending line of code is:

For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath, "*.jpg")

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Open A Directory To List Images In It?

Jan 19, 2010

i trying to open a directory to list images in it..i tryed lots of codes but cant get it to work?last one was.

Public Shared Sub Main()
' Only get files that begin with the letter "c."
Dim dirs As String() = Directory.GetFiles("C:\Users\TECHKER\Desktop\PROGRAMMING\PROJECTS\trainersTool\images\plyo", "*bmp")


how to show it?with a list box?

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Open A Directory To List The Images In It?

Jan 19, 2010

im trying to open a directory to list the images in it i have this up to know

Dim strFileSize As String = ""
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C:UsersTECHKERPictures")
Dim aryFi As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.*")
Dim fi As IO.FileInfo


View 13 Replies - Displaying Images Derived From A Byte-array Dynamically On A Page

Apr 30, 2009

I'm calling a webservice that is returning an unknown quantity of images in the form of an a collection of byte arrays. (I can't change this) I need to display each image on a single aspx webpage. I'm currently using the Microsoft.Web.GeneratedImage control; [URL] to display the images.


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Importing Images Into Lightweight Active Directory

Mar 25, 2011

How to put jpeg images from my access database into active directory. I'm currently looking at one particular tutorial but its not making any sense. [URL]

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Importing Images Into Lightweight Active Directory?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to put jpeg images from my access database into active directory. I really don't know where to begin? I'm currently looking at one particular tutorial but its not making any sense. [URL]..

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VS 2008 Selecting Random Images From A Directory?

Feb 4, 2010

Heres the code im using to select images from a directory , i also have a timer delay between each image , but my problem is when i start my app , it start by selectind image 1 (Images are numbered 1-15) but i want to select the images randomly ?

Private Declare Auto Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal uAction As Integer, ByVal uParam As Integer, ByVal lpvParam As String, ByVal fuWinIni As Integer) As Integer


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Get Fill A String Array With All Images Found Within A Directory

Feb 12, 2011

I would like to get fill a String array with all the images found within a directory.Till now i use the following to get all the images with jpg format Dim List() as string = Directory.GetFiles(Path, "*.jpg")Now i would like to extend it and get all the image formats.Could i use the directory.GetFiles combined with an "ImageFormat enumeration"?

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Save The File Location Or Directory Of A File In Mysql Without Deleting Its Slashes?

Mar 16, 2009

i just want to ask how can i save the file location or directory of a file in mysql without deleting its slashes...i tried to save it directly.. for example: the original directory is c:folderimg.jpg and when i checked it on mysql it is save as c:folderimg.jpg

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Dynamically Creating Methods For Dynamically Created Buttons?

Mar 15, 2011

I have this code.

Public Class Form1
Dim NPB As Button
Dim x As Integer


As you can see, when I open a program from my menu, a new button will be created with text similar to this, "C:Program ". The button it self will not do anything. How can I create the method at the same time the button it is for is created? Also how can I change the text do that it gives me, for example, CCleaner.exe instead of the whole target path?

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Can Folder Of Images / Let User Navigate Back And Forth Through Images Using Couple Of Buttons

Jun 4, 2011

The idea is to scan a folder of images and then let the user navigate back and forth through the images using a couple of buttons.The problem is, I can only get it to return a single image, and not the whole lot. It's looks to me as though the images are getting assigned to the same index in the array. [code]

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Coordinates Images - Save The Map Data Like Point Of The Images (x,y Coordinate) Into The Database

Oct 3, 2010

What type of connector do i need to actually save the Map data like point of the images (x,y coordinate) into the database . and then retrieve it to show on the page in and how do i go about doing it.

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[2008] TONS - Set Of Default Images And Then The User Created Replacement Images

Feb 11, 2009

The app i am working on is for creating theme for the iPod touch... It has to deal with LOTS of images (100's potentially) There will be the set of default images, and then the user created replacement images. I started loading all the defaults into a resx file... thinking then I could just pull them out. now that I started setting the default, this sucks! lol the app will do this, on load it will set all the images (variables) to the resx images then when a theme is loaded, it will replace the default with the user image (if the user img exists) otherwise, the default stays. Then the "screen" is drawn to show the user. so, here is just the images to build the wallpaper, dock, and status bar...


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VS 2010 :: Make An Application To Save Images [or Download Images] To Local Hard Disk

Aug 12, 2010

I was thinking to make an app to save images [or download images] to local hard disk. But to keep it easy, I want this app to create a small picturebox on form to show the thumbnail of downloaded image. Lets say a 5 pictureboxes has to be added with the thumbnails to show the recent downloads. A user can save the location where he wants to save the files on hard disk. A listbox or a dropdown menu will help in categorizing the images, like image1 in friends section, image2 in family section, image3 in others, etc... When the program restarts all the latest 5 thumbnails has to be loaded in pictureboxes and the directory that was chosen. Finally, a button that shows the downloaded images into original image file size one by one or a slide show. Is it possible to make such program?

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Capturing Images - Get Images From The System And Display On Image/picture Box

Sep 20, 2011

I am developing a visual basic 2008 express edtion program of an organisation that should get images from the system and display on image/picture box. further the program should save the displayed image in access database so that it can be retrieved together when you want to search the information about that particular employee.

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VS 2008 'add Images' Button Where To Load Multiple Images

Jan 3, 2012

I need this for my program. There is "add images" button where you can load multiple images and those images should be show on listview after loading.I have been trying to make this but could not get it work.

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VS 2010 Use Images In The Resource Folder As Background Images?

Jan 20, 2011

can we use images in the resource folder as background images by setting the background image during run-time by coding?

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