Deleting The Last String But Making Sure The Default String Cannot Be Removed

Nov 26, 2010

i am creating a currency converter in VB 2008. I have a two buttons to choose the currency � or $. When one is clicked the String � or $ is entered into my textbox. I need a backspace button. and i used this code.

tb_result.Text = tb_result.Text.Substring(0, tb_result.Text.Length - 1)
tb_result.text = my textbox.

It deletes the last string, but i want it to not delete the Currency($�).

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Sql - Remove Characters From The Prefix Table And Make Sure Only From The Start Of String Are Removed

Mar 25, 2011

I need to be able to strip the following prefixes from product codes as you see I have included a simple query while yes the below shows me the cm im not wanting i cant use replace as it code replace any instance of cm the prefixes are held in the supplire table cross refer with the products table

prefixes are not always two chrachters for example can be TOW

SELECT * , left(prod.productcode, LEN(sup.prefix)) AS MyTrimmedColumn
FROM MSLStore1_Products prod ,supplier sup
WHERE prod.suppid = 9039 AND prod.SgpID = 171


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Deleting A Registry String Value?

Jun 30, 2009

I need to delete a registry string value.The registry string value that I'm trying to delete is:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftMSDN SetupDefaultSet

I've tried googling for results, but none of the sample scrips I have located have done the trick.They all seem to throw a bunch of errors in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.

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Deleting Duplicate String From An Arraylist?

Mar 11, 2009

my problem is in subject can u please give me a easy way to do it?

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Deleting A String From A Listbox And A Text File?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm writing a email program and i need to make it so that when I delete a item from a listbox it also deletes from a text file. Right now all it does is delete it from the listbox and when the program is reloaded its still there.

Dim arrEmailSelect As New List(Of Integer)
Dim fileContents As String
Dim thisEmail As New email


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Separating/Deleting/Copying Lines In String?

Apr 2, 2009

Im working on this webbrowser and i have fully integrated a working Proxy (it will use a proxy such as 100.00.00:0000)It will only change the proxy ip if you do the code:RefreshIESettings("100.00.00:0000")(That is a code i made, declared i mean)Anyway so heres what i wanna do:I want to have a richtextbox or something, with lines of proxy ips, such as this:



So i thought maybe if you convert that richtextbox text into a string, it might be easier?

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VS 2008 Deleting A Line In A Text File That Ends With A Certain String?

Jun 12, 2011

ine from a text file. This is for an Webpage. I will have a file called ources.txt. Example data of this file looks like this:

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ODBC Command String For Deleting The 50% Of Data Rows From Access Database

Jun 15, 2010

I have an Access table in which I connect through ODBC commands. I want to delete the 50% of data rows from it. Can anyone knows a string to write for doing that? ALARMLOG is my table. In MS SQL I tryed succesfully the following command :


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.net - What Is The Default Encoding For A String

Apr 27, 2012

I have a simple question about string. Consider following code:

Dim S1 as String = "abc"

What is the encoding for S1? Is that UTF-8 or depending on user windows local setting?

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Default Value Of String.Byte[] Datacolumn

Aug 13, 2010

in my datatable I've a String.Byte[] column which contains the array of bytes of an image. So, when the datatable is binded to the datagrid, I can see the picture, if present, and the red cross if is not presente. So I can remove the red cross, by assign a value to the DefaultValue property of the datacolumn. But what default value I've to assign?? I tried with system.dbnull.value but the red cross is still present.

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String Default Parameter Value After Conversion

Mar 9, 2012

We have a legacy component that has been converted from VB6 to VB.Net.The VB component was called from an ASPX page using Request("param") to pass optional parameters to function calls. That means the value is null/nothing if the parameter is not present.The parameters were then added to an ADODB call of a store procedure using Parameters.Append.When used from VB6 missing, Request("param") values were coerced into empty strings when passed to the VB6 component. This meant that the ADODB call was satisfied (for required parameters).When the code was ported to VB.Net, the null Request("param") values are now passed as null values (VB nothing?) and Parameters.Append skips adding the value if it is nothing. This caused the stored procedure calls to break as a required param was missing.

If we change the component's function parameters to be optional and have paramname as string = "" defaults, will a null/nothing value be converted to an empty string, or is null/nothing treated differently to a parameter being simply missing?

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ToolStripComboBox + Objects Default String Value?

Mar 12, 2010

I am using a ToolStripComboBox to list some data. I am populating this combo with some custom objects:

For Each obj As myObject In myObjectList


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Making A Stored String Into A Web Address?

Dec 5, 2011

I'm attempting to use a product I've designed that stores 2 files on my web server space so I can access my stored data from anywhere. They are getting stored in the correct folder, but have several ___ (underscores) at the end of the file names.I'm sure it has to do with the way I bring back the stored string:My 2 variables are FILE1LOCATION (STRING) and FILE2LOCATION (STRING) They look just fine stored and recovered, but must not be.I recover them by the following code:

FileOpen(1, Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) & "myfoldermyprogmyinfo.dat", OpenMode.Binary)


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Database Deleting Rows - Error - Value Of Type String Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection'

Sep 15, 2010

I have been trying my hand at this for some days now and just cant get anything to work. Below is the code im currently using to delete a row from a database table, the problem when trying to build the project line 5 is giving this error about the value con" Value of type String cannot be converted to 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection' "

Dim con As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=Customers.mdb"
Dim cnn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(con)


I have also tried using this code below, but to no success. Im basically just looking for something rock soild that i can use to accomplish this task. Been stuck on this for quite a while now.

Me.CustDetailsTableAdapter1.Delete(txtDelCustN.Text, txtDelCustSname.Text, txtDelCustTel.Text, txtDelCustAddr.Text)

View 13 Replies

.net - GetPrivateProfileString() Returns Empty String Despite Having A Default?

Jul 9, 2010

Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias _

"GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As String, _
ByVal lpDefault As String, _
ByVal lpReturnedString As String, _
ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer
Dim value As String = ""
Dim length As Integer
Dim IniFileName As String

GetPrivateProfileString("Config", "UserName", "None", value, length, IniFileName)

but value contains an empty string I confes to being a VB n00b, less than a week, in fact, but I can't see what's wrong there. The file exists, it contains a section called "Config" which has an entry called "UserName" with a value - but even if not, wouldn't value take the default?

Edit: It's not returning an empty string - it's returning whatever I initialize value to before calling GetPrivateProfileString().

Which is to say that if I Dim value As String = "xxx" then it stil contains "xxx" after the call and not the default value.

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GetPrivateProfileString() Returns Empty String, Despite Having A Default?

Oct 25, 2009

Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As String, _


View 5 Replies

Difference Between Dictionary(Of String, String) And IDictionary(Of String, String)?

Jan 18, 2011

Can I do anything more or less with IDictionary? How do these two collections differ?

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Making Textbox Into String Which Is Then Added To File

May 15, 2009

How do I make the data in the TextBox1 into a string, which will then become the data added to the text file after the button is clicked

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
IO.File.AppendAllText("C:UsersPublic est.txt", TextBox1)
End Sub

And yes, I realize that I have no idea how to use the insert code feature.

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Making Word Combination From String Without Repeating

Sep 13, 2010

I want to make all possible combination of each and every words from a entered string (without repeating). I found on net but can't get code for word combination instead I got character combination.

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String Split - Error Value Of Type '1-dimensional Array Of String' Cannot Be Converted To 'String'

Mar 11, 2010

my code is :


The error is Value of type '1-dimensional array of string' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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Connect String - Data Source Not Found And No Default Driver Specified

Aug 1, 2009

I need a connection string for connecting database. I have already used the connection string following.
connStr= "Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:\mydb.mdb;Data Source=SampleDSN";
But, I got error as "Data source not found and no default driver specified".

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C# - Create A Reference Of String Class Without Making A Object Of It And Start Using It?

Sep 6, 2010

String s = "test"; String is a class, so to use it we should create an object of it. But rather we just make a reference of it and give it a value. How is it possible and what concepts are used in it. The metadata of String class shows the following :


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Wpf - Eventhandler Removed If The Control It Is Set On Removed?

Sep 15, 2011

We are developing an application that looks like this: Mainwindow - PaneGroup - Pane

What we want to do is add a handler (AddHandler Pane, AddressOf MethodName) on the mainwindow and throw the event in the Pane. When we want something to change on a collection in the mainwindow, we throw that event in the Pane.

My question is if the pane is removed from the panegroup (doesn't exist anymore), does that handler still live on the mainwindow?

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Binding TextBox.Text Causes 'Input String Was Not In A Correct Format' Error When Deleting Text

Oct 25, 2009

I am trying to bind a textbox to a binding source (using the IDE DataBindings Editor) and it works fine except for one thing: if I delete the text I get the subject error. What I want to happen is the datarecord field be updated to a dbnull value -- how do I get that to happen?

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.net - Error : No Default Member Found For Type 'VB$AnonymousDelegate_0(Of SqlDataReader,String,Object)'.- Inline Function

Jan 12, 2012

I have got this error No default member found for type 'VB$AnonymousDelegate_0(Of SqlDataReader,String,Object)'.

My Code is below

dsBranch.Tables.Add(GetDataTableFromSQLReader(dr, "")) - Calling
Private Function GetDataTableFromSQLDataReader(ByVal dr As SqlDataReader, ByVal TableName As String)


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.net - Function To Accept List(Of String), Array & String And Similarly Return List(Of String)?

Jul 29, 2011

I want the Function to accept List(Of String), Array & String and similarly return List(Of String), Array & String respectively. The Function simply adds a string (month) to the input collection. I just want to use it for string, array and list with needing to think of conversions.


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Making A Value As A Default Which Can Be Changed To Another By User

Aug 9, 2010

In my program I've a list of "Time Zone" and I want to make one of that as the default Time Zone when an end user uses the program - ie: everytime he starts the program that Time Zone should be selected ( Of course, he should be able to select another Time Zone temporarily, but his default selection shouldn't be changed unless he wants to do so by changing the default one).

And another user should be able to make another Time Zone as his default Time Zone.

In my program, I give the Time Zones in a ComboBox as follows:

TimeZone = CDbl


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Making Notepad As A Default Text Viewer?

Jul 15, 2009

I want to know how can i making (set) my notepad is a default text viewer.

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Extract String From String When Only Beginning Of String?

Aug 12, 2011

Basically I have a webresponse stream:dim lol as string = readstream.tostring there is a lot of information within the string but only one link starting with http: located near the end of the string - however there is no constant character point where I can start... (i.e. 38)

I want to extract the link from the string i.e. dog cat plane car [URL]..that is approximately how it looks above - words and url substituted I want to just extract [URL]..I had an idea of parsing the string from http: to the end Then after that splitting the string up again to remove the }], however it does not return anything

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(Making A Setup) Changing The Default Location Of Installation Path?

Jun 14, 2009

[ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName][Version] is the Default. i Want to change the programfilesfolder to documents folder.

I already try this:

[DocumentsFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName] but it doesnt work. error in installing the product. ERRROR: "Could not access network location Polongo companyMC"

Iam changing the installation directory because when the application is installed in program files, my database can't add and edit record. having an error something like "operation must need an updateable query" because of that error i tried to install the appl in documents and there n error i'd encountered like when I install it to the program files folder.

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