Deployment Files In Vb 2008?

Jul 31, 2010

I recently upgraded from 2003 to vb 2008. I see that when I "Build" the application all of the program files are generated, must like with 2003. When I use the ClickOnce publish approach, a set of files are generated including the setup.exe. When I double click on the setup file, the program installs deep down in My Documents. If I navigate to that location there is a complete set of my application files along with some Manifest files and a Manifest folder.

I wish to package my program for installation using INNO Setup Compiler, because it is very flexible and allows me to add information and choices through the installation process. My question is - if I package the "Publish" set of files, should I be including the files that are generated and located in the "Manifest" folder? and if so, do these files need to be located in their own folder as was installed on my computer? Or can I simply add them to all of the program files?

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Deployment :: Setup & Deployment - Copy/import 2 Folders And There Sub-files/folders Into S&d Project?

May 7, 2012

Have built a project and associated it with a Setup&Deployment Project. The S&D project needs to contain 2 main folders (under User's Desktop) with various formats of files (xmls, txts, dlls) inside them and several subfolders. How can i copy/import these 2 folders and there sub-files/folders into my s&d project?

When adding them in the usual way, they are copied and defined a source path onto the current pc. You can understand what errors this might create when an another targeted pc does not contain those files to the exact location. Is there any way to copy them locally or somehow import them?

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Deployment With External Files?

Jun 18, 2009

I am using express 2008, with a windows form application, and its done. My application makes use of cmd script files, and other files I have created myself. I want to put everything in an install bundle, which will copy the files to a directory on the users computer, and then my application can read from that directory, for it to function as it should. The install bundle includes the .exe of my winforms application.Right now, I hardcoded my application to look into a specific folder on my system, just for testing purposes, but I am going to deploy it soon, and I want to give as much flexibility to the user.

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Deployment :: Coping Files From Resources

Mar 23, 2009

i'm like kinda making my own installer, creating directory's & registry stuff works fine. But now I need a method of copying files in my projects resources to the hard drive. [code]

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Deployment :: Files Not Copied To Webserver

Mar 3, 2009

Clickonce deployment 'Publish succeeded,' however not files are uploaded to the server, and the deployment webpage does not start, even though 'automatically generate deployment web page after every publish' is enabled.The problem began after copied the application from running on 'XP' and tried to publish from vista.

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Deployment :: Use / Integrate External Files?

Mar 18, 2009

I have my program which does not need to be installed, and i have made a .chm. but how can i integrate it into the program, or make it so that when the user opens it, it can actually find the file, because it works on my computer as it says: Process.Start "C:Program.chm" But it doesnt work on other computers becasue the file does not exist.???

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ClickOnce Deployment After Resetting Application Files

Apr 12, 2009

I use VS 2008 Standard. If I do a QuickOnce deployment after resetting Application Files in the Publish Tab I get a bunch of messages saying that various files are not in the GAC. To solve this I change the Publish Status from Prerequisite (Auto) to Include and set Download Group to Required. Then when I install the application I get the splash screen and then the message that the application has stopped working. There was a workaround posted to delete /bin/obj/.cache etc, but I have no /bin/obj/ folder.

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Deployment :: Dll Files Require Dependencies To Be Identified?

Nov 22, 2009

I am trying to create a setup deployment file, but some dll files require dependencies to be identified.

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Deployment :: Move Files Under Vista/Win7?

Jan 16, 2010

I have good working application on XP, but once I installed it on Win 7 i gor prroblems moving file from one directory to anopther.

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Find Out Exactly Which Files / Folder Will Need To Copy Over For Deployment?

May 16, 2011

I (through a ton of help from everyone here at stack-o) have created a small WCF which is hosted as a Windows service using TCP..Last question for this little bugger; it's time for deployment. In my solution, there are 3 projects. One is the Windows service, another is the imported WCF, and finally a setup project I added for install.I can install/uninstall the service on my machine by going in the solution directory and finding "Setup.exe" or "Setup.msi". Executing either from explorer will install the service on my development box.Now there are a few directories associated with this solution. I'm betting that simply copying setup.exe or setup.msi to my target server and trying to run it will bomb out. How can I find out exactly which files/folder I will need to copy over for deployment?Or should I just copy the entire solution directory? That will be a little difficult for my coworkers as the setup routines are nested in directories 5 deep.

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Setup And Deployment - Prevent Moving Files?

Mar 4, 2009

I am creating a setup file using features brought by Visual Studio.I have some files which can't be removed from the application's folder. How to put the condition on it? or how to prevent user moves it after installation is done?Those files are critical (eg .dll).I already set the 'Hidden' property to 'true', but I think that is not the correct way :)So I try to find another way to do that.

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Click-once Deployment - Additional Files Required In Package?

Jan 9, 2009

Hi, can anyone help me with a click once deployment query?I have packaged an application, using Click Once - it all works absolutely fine, with the exception of some files I need on the C: drive. For example: My application populates an Excel.xlt template with data, using an export function. The path of the template is c:program filesaem

If the application is packaged, there is no option that I can see where you can include this template and the path to the file. The only way around it is to manually copy the template (and half a dozen other files in the same folder), after the click-once deployment - but this kind of defeats the object.

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IDE :: Unable To Retrieve Application Files. File Corrupt In Deployment?

Apr 15, 2009

i am getting "Unable to retrieive application files. File corrupt in deployment" on clickonece technology

Deployment url :
Server : Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By : ASP.NET


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Deployment - Move Files To A Specific Folder When Run The Setup File For Application?

Jan 4, 2010

I have created deployment package for VB.Net appolication and it runs fine. When setup is rnning, I want deployment package to move a file from bin folder to other specific folder. how can I move this file to specific folder.

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Deployment :: Give Admin Or Write Access To App When Its Installed To Default Program Files Directory

Feb 5, 2010

I am deploying my application on a 64 bit windows 7 system (setting the platform property to x86) , after the installation process the app needs to set its connection string in the config file; and this is where I am having issues, the app is not able to write to the config file if/when its located under the program files directory (no admin privileges??), the app works fine when installed on a public folder.Please let me know how to give admin or write access to my app when its installed to the default program files directory

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Deployment :: Deployment Of SQLEXPR32.EXE Using Template.ini File

Feb 24, 2009

I am deploying sql express as a prerequisite. I have created a custom prerquisite using bootstrap manifest generator. The problem I have is replacing the template.ini file which exists in the sqlexpr32.exe cab file. Winrar and winzip allow me to open the sqlexpr32.exe but will not allow me to edit, add or replace the template.ini.I also cannot find the path where the sqlexpr32.exe extracts to as I want to use that path for the settings file eg "template.ini".[code]

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Deployment :: Setup And Deployment Project With Ms Sql Server?

Nov 3, 2009

i'm developing an application with mssql server as database. on my pc it works. but i don't know how to make it works on my customer's pc.anybody have some tutorial regarding the creation of a setup and deployment project with ms sql first doubt is: how can i determinate the right connection string?

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Deployment :: Deployment And MS Power Pack?

Jun 25, 2009

I have a windows app that uses the shape control which is part of the MS power pack and requires Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll. I am using Publish to build my app and I have tried to change the dll to Include in the properties page but nothing seems to work.

I need a way to have the file included and I am unable to find a external copy and I understand that I cannot just copy the dll from my PC into the installation folder

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Setup And Deployment In .NET 2008?

Jan 3, 2011

I have created an windows application in VB.NET 2008 ad want to create the setup but due to newer in VB.NET i could get expected result from the setup such as....

1.I want to deploy only those items which are highly needed.

2.I want to check the system requirement ie.version of framework,sql database,crystal report etc..

3.I want to set the automatic connection string to the databsase such wherever theaplication will be install it have to be run successfully.

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VS 2008 - Deployment Locations ?

Feb 14, 2010

The file locations for a setup package using Standard Edition? I have added an .xls file to my project, marked it as Content and as Copy Always in the properties for that file. The XLS file I added to the project is from my user Apps folder in the Roaming sub folder. Other simple .TXT files are in my UserMy DocumentsData folder and each file is also maked as Content and Copy Always. When I create the setup package all goes well. I have a setup.exe and an .msi file. When I test it by installing it on my PC of course the program knows where the files are because it's my PC. In the program folder created as C:Program FilesMyProgram I find the .exe plus the XLS and TXT files, but these XLS and TXT files are not used from the program folder. How might I know if an installation made by another user on another PC elsewhere is going to load files in their user apps or user documents? I need to be sure that the additional data files deploy to the correct location (whatever I want that to be) on a remote PC.

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VS 2008 Setup And Deployment

Jan 14, 2008

I have VS 2008 VB project that I have created a Setup and Deployment project for.When the install starts, it give a message that .NET 3.5 is required and asks if the user wants to download.On the programs Advanced Compiler Settings, I have the Target Framework set to .NET 2.0, but the deployment still prompts to download .NET 3.5.

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2008 Express Application Deployment

Nov 15, 2010

I have an application in Visual Basic 2008 express that I want to deploy. It has MS Access DB tables and some queries. How can I put this together in the deployment?

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Application Deployment Via VB 2008 Express?

Mar 12, 2009

I've developed a small application using VB 2008 express and I am trying to deploy it for the first time.I have done this using the options with VB 2008 express and installed onto another PC. I find it has installed using what is termed a user instance which I understand comes with some limitations.I want the option for the application and data base to be multi user in the future. I want to be able to connect to it from Business intelligence for reporting purposes (there is no report viewer control in VB2008 express) and ideally I would like to be able to back it up using SSMS.Does anyone know what the options for deployement are and how to deploy using a "traditional" instance rather than a "user" instance?

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Deployment :: Package From 2008 For Windows Xp?

Jun 3, 2009

I used 2008 express to build a database application i created database using access 2007 i created the application using 2008 express the application creates a report on word at run time my developing environement is

- windows xp
- .net framwork 3.5
- office 2007
- 2008 express

i want to create a package that could be used to install the application on the following environment

- windows xp
- .net framwork 2.0
- office xp - office 2007

I used the publish command of the build menu but the resulted package donot install , it produces and error informs me to install some assembles to th GAC!

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Deployment :: VB Express 2008 / SQL CE Publish?

Dec 1, 2009

I've seen some similar threads on here but no resolution. I have an app written with VB Express 2008 which uses SQL Compact Edition 3.5, the DB that comes shipped with VB Express 2008.

When I publish, I can run the app on my machine (development machine).

When I try and install on another machine, it is giving this error:

object: sql sever compact ADO.NET Data Provider Method: Void ProcessResults(Int32)


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Deployment :: Vb Express 2008 Send Exe?

Mar 25, 2009

im using vb express 2008 and have just created an application. i am also using windows xp sp2. when i build the application and it creates the .exe file i can only run the .exe successfully on my own system. when i try and send it to other xp systems, or vista it doesnt work!im guessing it needs specific files to run the .exe on other platforms. someone mentioned that there might be an option in vb express to package up the program so it can be installed and used on other pcs ?

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Use The Package Deployment Wizard With VS 2008

Jun 19, 2010

In VB6 when I finished an application I would use the package deployment wizard and it would include all the dll and ocx files in an exe. Is there a version of VS 2008 that does the same thing?

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VS 2008 ClickOnce Deployment And IIS6?

Dec 24, 2009

I am having great difficulty installing my app from a Click Once Deployment from my website using IIS6 I have done some searching online and I have carried out everything I can find but still nothing. I have tried with the .deploy option on and off and I get the error:The Page Cannot Be Found - HTTP Error 404 when I hit the 'Install' button and its trying to launch /setup.exe I have added the following into Mime Types:


and I have Restarted IIS Service after the changes as documents somewhere.

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VS 2008 Deployment/Setup Projects?

Nov 9, 2009

Maybe I'm just searching around for the wrong information, but are there any good tutorials on Deployment or setup projects? I can make the little auto wizard that VS2008 makes for you, but my app needs more custom options. For instance my app will set up SQLserver 2008 and create the tables in it, but I can't find any useful info about how to make a custom setup/msi app.

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Deployment :: Publishing The Program .net 2008 Express?

Mar 5, 2009

when publishing a program is it possible to get it to include or copy over a mdb file and can the setup be made into 1 setup file instead of the "Application Files Folder" and "Program name.application"

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