Detecting Clicks On A Code-created Array Of Picboxs

Feb 28, 2012

I'm currently implementing an inventory screen, a simple grid of picture boxes which displays what the player is carrying (read from a simple array of items).

I can create a nice array of picture boxes (allowing me to easily change their .image property to display items) but now I would like to capture a click event on these newly created picboxes, so when one is clicked, the items attributes are collected from the array and displayed below.

For a picbox created in the designer, this is easy, as I just double click the control, and enter my click event in the sub that is created. How would I do this for a code created picbox however?

Here is the code I use to generate my array once the inventory form loads:

Private Sub Inventory_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim x, y As Integer


I have done a few tests, and I know that the names of the boxes are pb00, pb01 etc, but I cant seem to make this work.

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VS 2010 Detecting Mouse Clicks?

Jun 7, 2012

how do I make a textbox that counts every single mouse click made while the application is open?

Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal VKey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub WebBrowser1_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer)
Select Case Button


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VS 2008 Detecting Mouse Clicks In A Control?

Sep 17, 2009

I would like the text in a button to display "hello" when it is first clicked, and "world" when it is clicked again. But I don't know how to write code to detect the second click.

Private Sub StartStopButton_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles StartStopButton.MouseClick
Button1.Text = "Hello"


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Dynamically Created Button Requires 2 Clicks To Return View State?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm trying to create a page dynamically, but I falling at the first herdle. I have create the below after reading may blogs/post/articles. The problem I have is when I click the first buttons I created nothing happend, if I then click it again it works.Can any one tell me where I'm going wrong?

ASP Page:
<%@ Page Title="Create / Amend Quotes" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="Quote.aspx.vb" Inherits="BIS.Quote" %>


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Make A Program That Auto-clicks 'new Thread' And Types In What Are Put In Textbox2 And Then Clicks Submit

Apr 25, 2009

Yes how would i make a program that auto clicks "new thread" and types in what are u put in textbox2 and then clicks sumbmit..Why I want to no:+ iM just trying to make a a program that makes it easyer to post.About the program Im trying to make: +im gonna have a webbroswer in my program and then i want then below there wil be a the thread auto click day if i go to and go to there forum page i would jsut type everything in my auto clicker and i press button1 it will do everything for me like post the thread

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Visual Studio Macros: WindowActivated Handler Turns Clicks Into Double Clicks

Jun 27, 2012

If I add a WindowEvents_WindowActivated handler to my Visual Studio 2005 Macros EnvironmentEvents module, I get a weird side-effect: when I click from one window to another in Visual Studio, that click is treated as a double click.


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Coding A Product That Clicks On Code Thousands Of Times?

Apr 13, 2011

how to create a code that clicks on a certain product on a web site thousands of times?

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Why Is This Insert Code Inserting Data Twice On Button Clicks

Dec 25, 2011

The following code inserts same data two time in database table, but I want it to insert only one item when button is clicked.What is the problem in this code?

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If RadUpload1.UploadedFiles.Count >= 0 Then


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Exception Being Thrown In Designer-created Code Instead Of User Code

Sep 10, 2010

In my project, I have a local dataset (XSD) that I am using as local-temporary tables. I am getting a System.InvalidCastException when trying to access the field in one the tables. I believe this is because I my code is (incorrectly) not setting a field's value in a row before trying to access it.My problem is that the exception is breaking in the designer file and not in my code. As a result, I'm having difficulting determining which line of my code reading the field value before it has been set. Is there any way to configure Visual Studio to break in my code instead of in the designer created file?

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Execute A Line Of Code When The User Clicks On The Close Button?

Feb 22, 2010

I have this code that tries to kill the wampmanager process when the user press on a buttonBut how can I achieve the same thing if the user clicks on the close button. Is it possible to execute a small line of code just when the user clicks on the close button?If you know any alternatives in

Dim pProcess() As Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("wampmanager")
For Each p As Process In pProcess


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Clicks Are Needed In Different, Set Locations, And With A Different Time Frame In Between Clicks?

Apr 1, 2010

Im using Visual Studio 2008 Ive created auto click programs through tutorials, Mouse Recorders, also through tutorials. But nothing is helping me with the project at hand. It has now been a month of going through basic tutorials, and more advanced ones, all with success.. but none telling me what I need for this project.

So here is the project.

When I open this program.. it will have two buttons.. Start.. and Stop. Both set with hotkeys(which I have figured out how to do). When the program starts, it will work, kind of like an auto clicker, but the clicks I need in different, set locations, and with a different time frame in between clicks. The whole program will loop until stopped(with the hotkey).

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C# - Get A Code Template/design Pattern Can Use When Reacting To Mouse Clicks Or Button Presses?

May 3, 2011

One of the problems that I constantly see with Winforms applications is that the GUI thread is stuck while a long-running task is running or just plain stops refreshing (yes, I know - needs threading). Is there a code template/design pattern I can use when reacting to mouse clicks or button presses? Should there be a processing thread always running in the GUI app? Basically, how do I write a great Winforms Application that is easy to maintain and doesn't have any quirky refresh bugs?

View 4 Replies

Discard Any Clicks Except Single- And Double-clicks?

Nov 30, 2010

I process single- and double-clicks on a listbox in VB .Net 2005; I use single-click to just select a particular entry and double-click to select and open the entry. I want to discard any other type of click, especially triple-clicks.

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Code Is Not Detecting The Cell As Null And The Table Adapter Is Throwing The OleDb Exception?

May 25, 2011

I have this piece of

Private Sub FORNECEDORESBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FORNECEDORESBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click[code]....

The idea is to detect if the cell of the first datagrid column is null and display the message. However, the code is not detecting the cell as null and the table adapter is throwing the OleDb exception.

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Count Button Clicks - Label1.Text = Form2.Button1."number Of Clicks"?

Dec 16, 2010

I basically, want this to happen:

Label1.Text = Form2.Button1."number of clicks"

How do I do it?

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Record The Screen When My User Clicks Start, And Stop Recording When He Clicks Stop?

Jul 27, 2008

I need to record the screen when my user clicks start, and stop recording when he clicks stop.I've searched for a while on this subject, and I have found nothing.I want to do this without adding any files to my project, I just want to use some built in function in Visual Basic, and start recording, or even take a snapshot and add it to an AVI file or something...These are some sites I have found:


This code is in VB6, but I am not sure how to even start using it?

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Save VB Code Ie. The Extension Which Will Open As Macro In Excel Not Code Created With VBA In Excel?

Nov 9, 2010

I can do this using VBA, but I want to be able to create the code using a compiled VB programme, which can then be opened in Excel.

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Change Color Of A Button Created From An Array?

Mar 4, 2009

I have created 3 arrays of buttons for a form which manipulates the value in a combo box or 2 by the name of the button ( buttons named 2 through to about 70 )

This works great but the problem is, now that the buttons are in, I want to be able to change the color of the buttons when another button is clicked

ie. The first bunch of buttons is a list of locations all with unique text.the second bunch of buttons is events that happen, sign on, sign off, beach open and beach closed.

What i want to be able to do is change the color of the button clicked "before" i click sign on, sign off, beach open or beach closed.

I do not know how to reference these buttons in my code as for starters, they are numbers, which is a big no no apparently. Also, even if i change the name from just a number to something like cmdBeach(i) when creating them, i still can't refer back to cmdBeach5 in my code as the button doesn't exist yet

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Checking If Array Of Labels Is Created Before Creating It?

Jun 21, 2010

How can I check if an array of labels is created before creating it?

The If Created dos not seem to work with an Array.

Hendri Bissolati

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Make An Array Created & Filled In By One Sub Accessible From Another One?

Nov 28, 2009

I have a RadioButtonList control which triggers a Sub LegalGaps on SelectedItemChanged event. This Sub creates and fills in an array the size of which depends on the User's choice of radiobutton options. The second Sub AvailableDays shall be able to read that array and highlight the days in the Calendar control accordingly on DayRender event. May I somehow declare an internally created variable a public one?

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Summing An Array Of Textboxes Created At Runtime

Dec 8, 2009

I'm creating an array of textboxes using this code, (x number of textboxes)

'Quantity textboxes
ReDim QuantityTextBoxes(x)
QuantityTextBoxes(x - 1) = New TextBox()


I need to sum the values of each textbox, but only if there is a value in it. I have error checking elsewhere so that isn't the issue. It keeps giving me an error saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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Forms :: Get Information About Dynamically Created Array Of Buttons

Jul 2, 2009

For example, when I click on the btn(5) I would like the textbox1 says: "5"


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Adding Click Events To Array Of Buttons Created Dynamically

Mar 27, 2012

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim rgen As New Random


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Created My Button And Added The Code?

Feb 18, 2010

I have never programmed anything in my life -- and I'm learning VB from a tutorial which I found here:[URL]...So I've created my button and added the code. Then it says:

"Now run your first application!"I have no idea how to do that!

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Forms :: CheckBoxes Created In Code?

Sep 8, 2011

I have created all the controls in my app in code. I have checkboxes that I want to be able to check the state in code and also check or uncheck if i need to this is my code which does not work


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How To Delete Created Button In Code

Feb 29, 2012

I create many buttons in code like :
Public Sub GenereTextBox(ByVal rep As String)
Dim txt As New TextBox
Dim fnt As Font
fnt = Me.Font
txt.Location = New Drawing.Point(26 + NbreCacher * (68), txtOrdonnee)
[Code] .....
And I want delete some buttons create when I click on my button, but I don't how I can do, because these buttons are create in code??

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Moving A Picture Box, Created In Code?

Jan 3, 2009

I am writing a game tenetivly labeled Code Invaders. It is similar to space invaders in which a space ship shoots out lasers at the incoming enemies. My problem is the lasers exiting the space ship. I can create them except they won't move...

Public Class frmMainInvasion
Dim activationCheck As Boolean = False
Private Sub frmMainInvasion_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing


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VS 2008 Get Value From Textboxes Created In Code

May 10, 2009

I'm making a program where at the click of a button, a textbox is added to the form.

Basically, right now my code looks like this:
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim s As String = ""


Now when the user clicks a different button, I want it to get the value of the textboxes that were created in the code.

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Adding Controls To A Code Created Form

Apr 28, 2010

What I am trying to do is create a form in code that runs while the BackGround worker is running.I created a form the normal way with a label and progress bar but I want to update the label with what is going on in the BackGround Worker.Doing it the standard way isn't updating the label on the form.So my next idea is to create a form in code which I have done, but now I can't remember how to add controls to that form at runtime.Here is the code I have so far.[code]So from here I have tried the CreateControl() and the Controls.Add() and neither one is working for me.

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Connect To A Code Created Dataset And Table?

Aug 13, 2009

I have a search page in my application where I am searching the database for the records that meet the specified conditions that the user selects. All of this works by creating the dataset, datatable, and dataadapter in the code. I then take a created bindingsource link it to the created datatable and then attach the bindingsource to my datagridview to display the results. Now what I am trying to do is to figure the Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation of the results that were found above. My question is how to I run a select query on the code created table. I have the select query I want to use and when I try to use it in the code it talks about the connection. Now I have a dataset that is part of the project and I have the on just for the search page. Let me know if you need any code samples.

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