Disassembly (Reflector Equivalent) For Non .NET Dlls And Exes

Apr 20, 2010

I don't know if this is the right place for this. I've used Red-Gate's Reflector to disassemble .NET dlls and applications. I was wondering if there's an equivalent for non .NET products.


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DLL Import - DLLs Were Re-compiled As 64-bit DLLs And They Still Don't Work?

Apr 6, 2010

I am trying to understand how to interact with external DLLs written in C++ for use in my VB.NET application. I have some DLLs that a client wrote that do some math functions. Everything was working on a 32-bit machine. Because we were taxing the 32-bit machine we moved to 64-bit. Now we can't get the same functions to work. The DLLs were re-compiled as 64-bit DLLs and they still don't work. So my client wrote some dummy DLLs to see if we could figure out the problem. Here are the "signatures" of the DLL calls that I am making:[code]....Ultimately I would like to get to calling initialize_quiet and I am guessing at the format of the marshalling, const size etc.

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Going To Disassembly While Debugging?

Mar 25, 2008

i am facing a problem while debugging . I have put break points in some place to trace the code . But while pressing the F11 key and when it reach that function , a new window called disassemby is coming and showing something like this .

00000000 push ebp 00000001 mov ebp,esp 00000003 push edi 00000004 push esi 00000005 push ebx 00000006 sub esp,44h 00000009 xor eax,eax 0000000b mov dword ptr [ebp-10h],eax


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Get Rid Of Disassembly Window While Debugging?

Mar 14, 2011

As I am stepping through my code, it takes me to Disassembly window. Is there a way to get rid of this. This has only recently started happening.

I have looked in options for a way to get rid of it.

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How To Disable NET Reflector

May 18, 2010

how to disable NET Reflector .. I want my application doesnot open with NET Reflector how can I do this

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Build Multiple Exes With One Exe?

Jan 19, 2009

I have one windows application in that i created multiple exes.Now I am trying to build my application and combine multiple exes to one exe.But i am unable to that can you tell me the procedure to combine multiple exes to one exe and build that exe. If I build each exe seperately the application is also running seperately for each exe.

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Create EXEs At Dynamically At Runtime?

Dec 31, 2011

A while back I asked a question on how to create EXEs at dynamically at runtime. This time, I wanted to know how to add code to your program dynamically at runtime too. Like if I had a textbox on a form, and I typed whatever code into it, then it would add the code to a subroutine and it would be executed. How can this be done?

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.NET Reflector - Retrieved Code Of My Project EXE File - Error

Jun 18, 2012

Recently I retrieved code of my project EXE file. And it was almost same with 100s of errors. So my question is Is career in .NET is safe? And is our code safe? Can this be done with other languages?

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Creating Exes In VB 2008 Express Edition

Jun 21, 2010

I have newly installed VB 20008 Express. What extras do I need to have to allow me to create standalone exes? This for giving to fellow model railway club members and not for commercial use.

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Determine What Exes - Dll's - Config Files Are Needed To Be Combined Together

Aug 4, 2011

I am working on an existing vb#.net 2008 windows form application that has a large number of project files in one solution. This solution can be executed many ways depending upon what the startup project is. However there is one project file that is generally the main 'startup project'. This application also has no setup and deployment currently.

What I am trying to do is to determine what exes, dll's, config files are needed to be combined together so I can deploy them? Is there certain directory paths I can use to determine what files I need? Is there some kind of a way I can test the combined files to determine what files work together so I can deploy them?

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Vb 2008 Express - Allows The Creation Of EXEs - Convert Vb5 Game Using Edition

Apr 15, 2009

Since this version is free and allows the creation of EXEs, what are its limitations? I'm going to attempt to convert my vb5 game using this edition. Other than the standard labels & buttons, my game uses the winsock & tab control. Are these included in the express version? Is there an option to convert vb5 code to vb.net? If not, how different is the language? Are the if/thens, loops, variable assignment still the same?

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.net Application Webservice - Lock Application For To Reflector

Jan 16, 2012

I want to use mssql on web... but i dont want to decompile my application code... (by reflector or...) How i lock my application for to reflector or may i use my application same webservice, and how?

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Why Does .NET Class Library Show "My" And "My.Resources" Namespaces In Reflector

Jan 16, 2009

I have no intention of using "My" for anything in any of my projects. I haven't done anything with it (that I know of). But every one of class libraries shows a "My" namespace in Reflector and NDepend. This adds a lot of unnecessary clutter.

1) Why does it show up?

2) How can I remove it?

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64 Bit ActiveX DLLs?

May 27, 2011

I've seen quite a few questions about calling 32 bit ActiveX components on 64 bit platforms - as I understand it you can't create a 32 bit ActiveX component from a .NET application running in X64 (native) mode. This is OK and I think I understand it.But my question is more basic. Is there such a thing as a 64 bit ActiveX component? or is ActiveX always 32 bit, period?

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IDE :: Testing VB DLLs In VB?

Nov 22, 2010

I was once a VB 6 expert, but it's been a while.I am attempting to create a simple DLL in VB. I created a new WCF Service Library, which is what it looks like I needed to do. I filled out the interface and implemented it. Here's the interface:

Public Interface AgileApi


And attempted to call it, but I get System.EntryPointNotFoundException. I've tried pathing the defined library and copying the dll file into the same place where my EXE is, but no change to the error.

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C# - NRefactory Has Missing Dlls

Apr 22, 2011

I've tried to use NRefactory(Vb) [url]... but it didn't come with mono.cecil.dll so i downloaded that too, but when i merged it together the versions seem to be off (i had error Mono.Collections missing class)

does anyone seem to be able to get NRefactory working?[code]...

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COM Visible DLLs: Are They Only Legends

Dec 5, 2005

straightforward method of creating a DLL with properties and methods exposed to other programs? I followed the instructions that I found on the MSDN websites as well as suggestions from forum participants. The DLL should be available both for COM and .NET programs. So far, nothing has worked.There are numerous variations listed on the MSDN site. No doubt there are reasons for the differing instructions. However, I have not had sufficient success with any of them. Sometimes, just building the project makes the class visible to COM compatible programs. Other times, only after running regasm. Still other times, I have to run regasm, sn and gacutil before the DLLs class gets exposed. Then forums posters tell me: "you shouldn't have to do all that.


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Deployment :: What To Prevent Anyone From Using DLLs

Feb 2, 2010

You developing a application named "DemoSoft" which is going to be a shareware or Premium, you use different DLL's in this project and some DLL's are owned by you, they are very useful and valuable, you are selling this software and are charging the customer for what the software does but since this software uses one of your Valuable DLL, actually few functions from it you have to deploy it and cannot additionally charge for the whole dll. since that would be unwize.now i want to ask what can you do so that This DLL in "DemoSoft" cannot be exploited, meaning end user could use my software but if some thief tries to use my supplied DLL in one of his own app he is unable to do it, in simple terms DLL should work only and only with DemoSoft.

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Get A List Of DLLs That A Process Is Using?

Jan 11, 2010

How would I get a list of the DLLs that a process is using? For example, if a process used "SomeDLL.DLL", would it be possible to find that out using a VB program?

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How To Change DLLs Dynamic

Mar 5, 2009

My environment is VB6 (NOT .Net), and I have three function-similiar com+ DLLS with different GUID. For example, DLL A, DLL B and DLL C have the same function Beep(). I have a VB application, if I want to use DLL A Beep(), I should import the DLL A reference, and rebuild my application. If I want to switch to DLL B Beep(), I have to change the DLL reference and then rebuild my applicaton.. The same to do if I do with DLL C.

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How To Put DLLs In Separate Directory

Oct 16, 2011

DO NOT REDIRECT THIS TO ANOTHER THREAD BECAUSE THERE ISN'T A ONE I'm developing a project in VS2010 - WPF - VB.NET (4.0)The solution contains 11 projects; one executable and others are User Controls, Custom Controls and Classes.Now when I build my solution this happens in the output (Debug) folder:

Images/(images used buy MainProg.exe)


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Link Different Projects Using A DLLs?

Jun 4, 2010

i have been researching this question fror weeks and yet i cant find the answer. Can anyone tell me how i can link two vb.net projects in VS2010 together using a dll. For example, say i have two projects, project 1 and 2. if i want to open a form from project 2 using a button from project 1, what will the procedures be and the codes.


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Load Dlls From Folder And Use It?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a simple question for you I think, but for me it bugs me a lot

So as the title says, I want to load a dll from a folder in my exe and use it's classes

How can I do that? like for example my app is named "run.exe" and I want at load time to load dlls from folder "resources" and use the classes from the dll's it "imported"

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Referencing DLLs In Project?

Sep 23, 2009

I have a project that references two DLL files in the system 32 directory as COM references. The files are certenroll.dll and certcli.dll which are included in the system32 directory as part of the OS. My app is a console application that I'd like to have as a standalone exe. It seems that the these files are converted to something like Interop.CERTENROLLLib.dll and Interop.CERTCLIENTLib.dll and dropped in the bin directory for my project. Since I want the app to be a standalone exe able to run on other PC's I'd rather see the app reference the original DLL files in the system32 directory and not have to carry these dependency files around with it.

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VS 2008 How To Publish With Dlls

Sep 15, 2009

I made app. But it doesn't work on other peoples computers. I don't want to publish it as installer App because it doesn't look good and people can't choose which folder it will install to. Is here way to copy My Exe file and all DLLs to one folder so it works for everyone?


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VS 2010 Adding DLLs In GAC?

Mar 8, 2012

In my Installer project I just added my OracleDataAccess.dll to the "Global Assembly ache Folder" folder in the "File System on Target Machine" But when I install my project it doesn't install the OracleDataAccess.dll on the target machine'sC:WindowsAssembly.

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VS 2010 Publishing With Dlls

Jul 11, 2010

I have this vb program that uses 2 dlls i made in c++, the dlls are attached to the project and are set as "copy always" and in vs debug mode they work fine, however when i try to publish the program and run it it can no longer find the dlls even tho they are right there next to the program itself the dlls are declared as following: Private Declare Function Trace Lib "Lowstuff.dll" (ByVal targ as IntPtr) As UInteger.so what im thinking is that maybe theres like a switch in project settings i didnt flick or maybe i need to specify the dll with full path or wut?

As it turns out it had nothing to do with vb afterall, it was the c++ dlls that had to be made as static. However now i have a new problem: Im geting a bunch of overflow exceptions from my program but only on other computers, in the dev machine it reports no errors or warnings whatsoever, i also went over function where the error was generated and all the functions it used and detected no fault so how am i supposed to track these down?

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Where To Download SharePoint DLLs

Mar 1, 2011

I need to get hold of the Sharepoint DLL's. I understand that these are available from the Sharepoint server however the company I work for is quite large and the server is not anywhere I can get close to to copy the DLL's. Is there somewhere I can download these so I can start to develop my VB.NET application locally!

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.net - Reference 2 Dlls Using The Same Namespace In 3.5 Project?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a vb.net 3.5 class library project that needs to reference two assemblies that have the same namespace. We have two third party dll's in which one is version 5.1 and the other is version 6.1. They have the same dll filename and they utilize the same namespace and functions/class names. The project needs to use one or the other depending on a specific situation. I've investigated up on a c# process that uses the "extern alias" feature to pull in the different assemblies.


What use is the Aliases property of assembly references in Visual Studio 8.It seems that this feature isn't fully available for vb.net. Things I've Tried I've renamed the 2nd dll and added both references to my project. At this point I get tons of: 'blah' is ambiguous in the namespace. So I need to alias the different versions. In vb.net you can do aliases on an imports statement like:

Imports version5 = Somedll.Something

The problem is I can't setup an assembly reference alias for the different versions of the dll. Apparently in vb.net you can't set these up in the reference properties window. So I tried setting them in in my project file like this:

<Reference Include="somedll.5.Navigation">


I would then expect this to work:

Imports version5 = SomeDLL5.Something
Imports version6 = SomeDLL6.Something

But the "SomeDLL5/6" doesn't show up in intellisense. So how can I reference both dll's in the same project?

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DLLs For A .NET Windows Application Setup?

Mar 13, 2009

I have developed a couple of windows applications in Visual Vasic Express 2008. To my horror, I have just discoved that the Setup Project is not available in the express edition.I have been searching to discover which DLLs I will need to include when using my 3rd party Deployment Application.

I know which ones I need for my 3rd Party Controls, but am stuck on which Microsoft DLLs will be needed the Microsoft Controls I have used, plus any other Common DLLs that are always needed.

I have tried searching Microsoft's site but without success.

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