Download All The Files From Server
May 19, 2010
i need to download all files fron FTP server folder. is it possible to download the folder from FTPserver? if not is it possible to download all files from folder because i have a requirement that i need to download all the files from that folder in FTP server. even i don't know the files name. So is there any sample code for this? i have xml files in that FTP server folder.
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Aug 26, 2011
create a script that will download folders and subfolders from a FTP server to a local server.
server =
user: user
password: 12345
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Apr 18, 2010
i'm starting to create a project in wich I will be able to download all kind of files from an FTP server. I'm using this code to upload files and it works.
But I can't understand how do I do a download from the server. I did the same project in vb6 with inet1 and I'm new at so be patiente
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Mar 15, 2012
i need connect to SFTP server and download files, searched everywhere but found nothing except non-free librarys..
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Mar 23, 2011
So my program allows people to download/upload text files from an FTP server... But... is this safe? I've always been a little scared with FTP because I fear that some lowlife is gonna hack into it. Is there another way to do this? Or is there a way to make this connection much safer?
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Dec 22, 2009
Need to upload and download files to and from a FTP server Synchronously using
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Sep 6, 2009
I have a database table where the user marks files to be downloaded. Subsequently, I browse this table and need to create a fileList to pass to an ActiveX downloader. My routine works locally and on the server for ONLY the first file. I know my logic must be bad, but I cannot find it. All of these files are always in the same server directory which is as follows:
Sub (GetFileList)
Dim dtVideosSelected As New DataTable
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Aug 12, 2011
Is there any way to download multiple files at the same time from a remote server? How I am doing it currently is I get a list of files from the target folder on the server then I loop through that list & download each file 1 at a time. For 100 small files it takes about 45 seconds. I'm guessing that the bulk of the time it takes is logging in to the server for each file to download, so 100 files means it has to login, download & logoff 100 times. Is it possible to login just once, download the 100 files then logout?
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Nov 24, 2009
I need a vb source to get the web server path files and download it to the local machine. actually a web html page in that i have href tag to call the vb exe file, in vb file i have to find current server path and download some supporting files to local machine
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Jul 20, 2010
I'm trying to write a windows app that will download files from a server. It is working fine for small files, but not the larger ones (50Mb+)- I get the error "An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full."This is the code I am using:
Private Function DownloadFile(ByVal fileSource As String, _
ByVal fileDestination As String, _
ByVal WebRequestType As String) As Boolean
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Nov 18, 2011
I usually download file using following code:My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("url of the file","filepath to save the file")But recently I encountered a site that only allow file download if you click it from its site and not via direct downloading from code.How to download file from http server that requires a referral before allowing the download?
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Jun 10, 2009
how can I calculate the download speed if I use a webclient to download files async
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Dec 11, 2011
I wrote a program to download and play AVI files the files are large in size and long time wise. I have the files playing as they are being downloaded but i can't see how long the file is or seek reliably. i was reading that the AVI headers are in the last 512kb of the AVI file *why would't they put it at the start* lol so my question is is there a way to download the last 512Kb of the file i'm downloading. i have the Bytes Read and Length of the file while its downlaoding i'm just not sure where to go from there, or how to do it atleast. If i had the length in time of the Avi file i could set the trackbar to be able to seek properly. or if someone has an idea how i could get the time of the video by using fps and some math i could prob do it that way too but idk how i would tell how i can find how many kb are in the fps i'm sure it changes so think that way is't going to be reliable. how to get the last 512kb would be the best option not sure if it can be done even.
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Feb 13, 2011
Im haveing trouble getting this code to loop.Im trying to download files for which I have got the file names listed in listbox3.At the end of each file d/l ive got it to preformclick() to refresh the downloaded file list.Ive got it to d/l one at a time and moves to the next in the listbox but stops there, atm ive taken the do while out as it doesnt work.
'Tab2 Download all server SS
'(RFN is Remote File Name/path, LFN is Local File Name/path as string)
Dim RFN As String
Dim LFN As String
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Apr 23, 2012
I have a problem with my file download function.
My problem is with my loop all files downloading at the same time but i want to download them one by one one will finish and other will start
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Mar 18, 2011
My last topic about finding a file is now resolved i just had to get the subdirectories and there will always be one so i know how to do that. My next question i am lost at. My program is going to download multiple files and each file gets downloaded to a certain directory.
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Aug 3, 2011
How can i download a file from an ftp server, i can upload but i dont now how to download.and the ftp file is raw and raw = not on a download page just on the server
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May 17, 2012
I am making a project for my final year, with ( Beginner ). i upload the file using the fileupload control of on the server. Now how will the client be able to download that file?
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Jul 8, 2010
I'm writing a program that requires me to download a file from a ftp server to my C directory. Is this possible in
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Jun 21, 2010
my problem is that the server (accessed through filezilla) wont allow .exe extensions to be uploaded as a result i have added a .new to the end and that allows it to be uploaded. Thus when i download it i simply remove the .file from the end.That's sorted but my auto updater needs to download folders as well. This is a problem as i cannot add a .file to a folder as it does not govern the filetype. I though of using .zip files but i cannot find an program in windows that can extract it (e.g. through CMD, or if you right click a .zip file in Win7/Vista you get the option to "extract all" i cannot find the root of this application). Also if i try to use a external file extractor i cannot be sure that the remote PC has the same program (e.g. 7zip, winrar, etc..)
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Jun 10, 2012
I want to download my update files for my program from an FTP server, but i need to login first with the credentials. I have tried many things, used some examples on MSDN, googled a lot, but i can't find the code that i'm looking for... I also use a DLL of someone that i've imported into my project. I don't know if that harms my part of being unable to log in.
I have ZERO experience with FTP servers or Network Credentials, i've learned the little things about it on google.
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Jul 23, 2010
I understand you can't download compiled files because of viruses but how do you use the seperate files? I downloaded something and it only gave me a bunch of .frm and .frmx files.
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Jan 30, 2011
i have a plain text document uploaded to my website. The text document contains links to files that need to be downloaded for my application as an update ( i have yet to figure out how to make my own installer so i am making my own updater which is MUCH simpler). Each link has its own line. I understand how to load the file into a RichTextBox with but i do not understand how to tell one button to download each file listed.[code]
View 9 Replies
Jun 10, 2010
How can i download all files and folders (only if folders exist ) from this online directory [url...) to my start path of Application.[code]...
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Nov 1, 2011
I have a web folder e.g. "url..." if I open this address in IE it show me all files which this folder have.I want to download all files but I don't want to hard-code name of files. I know I can get the files with webclient.DownloadFiles(@address,@filename). Is this possible to download all files or at least get the name of files from the web folder?
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Jun 8, 2011
I have tried many ways to download the files in a listbox. non-seems to work.
the listbox has url
eg: <a href=""></a>
<a href=""></a>
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Apr 9, 2011
I am new in Webserver. My application is on VS2008(VB.NET) in windows application. Some Customer upload orders in .txt files. Now I want to download all the .txt file at once. How can I do that?
View 17 Replies
Apr 27, 2012
I have a loop set up that iterates through a List of video object and downloads them one by one. The problem is, that because of varying file sizes, I need my outter loop to wait until a file is downloaded. What would be the most efficient way to do this? I am using System.Net.Webclient As of right now the downloading works somewhat, I get about 24-27 of 94 files. The download method I am using is synchronous btw.
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Feb 24, 2009
I am using .net 1.1 and am supposed to design a component to upload and download file through FTP server. What is the best solution for this in .net 1.1? I tried to work with the "wininet.dll". But I do not have enough information on this. What is the simplest way for connecting, uploading and downloading files throught FTP server?
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Jan 29, 2012
What is the best method of downloading files in visual basic?
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