Duplicate Elimination - Diplay It In UniiqueValuesListBox?

Oct 9, 2011

I looked for code snippets online to do this project, have not really found any elegant code snippets except for this one.My project is to use a one-dimensional array to solve following:Read in 20 numbers, each of which is between 10 and 100 inclusive.As each number is read, display it in NumbersEnteredListBox and if it's not a duplicate of a number already read, diplay it in UniiqueValuesListBox. Provide "worst case" all 20 numbers are different.[code].....

I want to understand what I'm learning so it will stick. What is Ubound? I realize I need to rewrite some of this to fit to what I'm trying to accomplish, but I want to understand it first. This is not in the book thus far. The codes I have found were sorry...horrible...I want to learn to write better with less words if possible?

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10-100 Duplicate Elimination : How To Use A Dim Numbers() As Integer

Oct 5, 2011

how to use a Dim numbers() As Integer thats bout it here is my problem that iam facing :Use a one-dimensional array to solve the following problem: Read in 20 numbers, each of which is between 10 and 100, inclusive. As Each number is read, print it only if it is not a duplicate of a number already read. provide the "worst case" (in which all 20 numbers are different). use the smallest possible array to solve this problem.

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Diplay Decimal In DataGridView?

May 19, 2010

As a beginner I am unable to find how to diplay decimal in my DataGridView.

I am using VB 2010 And using access 2010, I designed my database and set the following

Set Data type to Number. Field Size to Decimal Format to 0.0 Decimal Places to 2

When the DataGridView is diplayed on the form, all the decimal's are rounded to integers.

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Diplay Image In Listview

May 29, 2012

actually i have a code in listview to select all data from my database, my problem is the picture,I want to be appear in my listview,[code]

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Diplay Bitmap From Access Database?

Sep 23, 2006

I've seen this question posted a few times but no good results. I'm simply loading a dataset from access that happens to have a bitmap stored in a field. I have a listview with a list of CD's by Album/Artist, when I click on one of the CD's I want detailed info to populate below, including a pic box with the stored bitmap. Everything works fine except the pic box. [code]...

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Count The Duplicate And Show The Most Duplicate?

Mar 17, 2011

I have this data in txt file and the data keeps changing all the time.


I would like to read all lines and compare, if the same name and same address is found, which is in the [......], then i need to count it and show the most frequent buyer!should i read it all and put in array, and compare and put the duplicate data and count into another array?

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Remove Duplicate Items But Leave At Least One Of The Duplicate Items In The List?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a List object and I want to remove the duplicated items but leaving at least one of the duplicated items in the list;I wrote something like this however I would optimize this code for better performance, is there something faster?

Const chars As String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim mylist As List(Of String) = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(Function(i)


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Duplicate Entry Ƈ' For Key 1?

Jun 21, 2010

I Use visual Basic 8.0 and Mysql 5.0 I have two exactly the same Tables:

RecordID , Integer = primary key auto_increment NOT NULL
Articlenr , Integer
Articlename, Char(20)


I want to add all the records from table1 to table2. I want to do this 10 times if I execute the following statement: INSERT into Table2 SELECT * FROM Table1 ; Everything works perfectly. The two records are added to table2 But if I execute the stament a second time get the following message: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1 I now i must do something with "duplicate key update" in the Insert statement.

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Get Random Value With No Duplicate?

Feb 27, 2010

I use this code in which i want different value of i (no duplicate). . but this code return some duplicate value of [code]...

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Select No Duplicate Row?

Jan 12, 2012

I have one table [cusorder] has these fields {customerid,orderid,.......}I want to select some all rows but no dublicate in customer id for example customerid will come more than 100 times with diffrent orderid i need to show it only one with any orderid


i try to use select distinct but does not work

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VS 2008 Not Allow Duplicate ID In Db

Sep 21, 2010

i have this sql table

Table name: Project
Fields: PrjCode, PrjName

i want to save my Project codes and name to this table, but before i will save the data from my form i want to check if the user input (PrjCode) already exist in the database. and if the prjcode exist it should not allow to save the entry since it will duplicate. (NOTE: ProjctCode is not auto number. the user will input it)

base on this scenario have this code

If PrjCodeTextBox.Text = "" Or PrjNameTextBox.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please Complete the information required!", "System Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)


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.net - How To Get Duplicate Items From A List

May 31, 2012

I have a List(of String). For example: {"C1", "C12", "C10", "C1", "C6", "C22", "C1", "C6"}. I am trying to write a function to give me a list of duplicates: {"C1", "C6"} in the list. Each duplicate will be listed only once. The function I wrote does give me anything back at all. I can't figure out why. how to translate that syntax into VB.net since I am not up to speed on LINQ yet. It is here: How to get duplicate items from a list using LINQ?

''' <summary>
''' Given a List(Of String), returns a list of items that are duplicated in the list.
''' Each duplicate returned is unique.


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Asp.net - Duplicate Items In Dropdownlist?

Jan 5, 2011

I'm designing a web page with two dropdownlists, one for the Make of a car, the other for the Model, both bound to a database with separate SQLDataSources, and using a distinct statement. I add "All" at the top of both by setting appendDataBoundItems = true and adding items named all. Then when I fill the Make with a querystring all the model items get added twice (but only the databound items).

Here's my code:

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownMake" runat="server"
DataSourceID="SqlMakes" DataTextField="Make" DataValueField="Make"
AppendDataBoundItems="True" EnableViewState="False" AutoPostBack="True">


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Asp.net - Upload Excel With Duplicate Name?

Feb 13, 2012

how to upload excel file with duplicate name file but its don't do overwrite the previous name file. So if i upload the file with same name it will saving like windows do.ex. firstly i upload excel file = "fileExcel". then i upload again with same name ="fileExcel". And it should be 2 file on the upload folder, first with name "fileExcel" and "fileExcel(1)". so if i upload again and again with the same name of file it will continuously grow. (1),(2),(3),(4), etc


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Avoid Duplicate Value In Datgrideview?

Nov 11, 2010

How can I Avoid Duplicate values In datagrideview. IF found dublicate values in will change the row backcolour and show me the rows.

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Cannot Insert Duplicate Key In Object

May 9, 2012

I have script like this :

Private Sub cmd_save_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmd_save.Click
If txt_kdbrg.Text <> "" Then


give me alternative script, if object is duplicate script give alert or message "already exist"

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Check For Duplicate Column?

Jun 30, 2011

i am checking for if the column code is Null or not in that same i wnat to check whether the column has any of the duplicate values then i should mark as isGoodRecord = 2,

If (IsDBNull(Row.Code) Or Row.Code = String.Empty) Then
Row.IsGoodRecord = 2
ErrorDesc += "Code is blank;"
end if

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Check For The Duplicate Records?

Jul 5, 2011

with vb.net + access 2007 i am having a access database with about 4 lakh + records the table is having a Autonumber field + other fields like crewID, dutyDate,DutyOn,DutyOff,Dutytype,allowanceOftheDay.... etc

i need to check for the duplicate records that is i need to compare each record with remaining 3 lakh change records ( crewID + dutyDate + DutyOn + DutyOff + Dutytype + allowanceOftheDay ) = ( crewID + dutyDate + DutyOn + DutyOff + Dutytype + allowanceOftheDay )& if exists i need to delete the same using Autonumber field the group by class of the query is not working i tried to loop through each record through front end but it is taking more than hours

View 9 Replies

Delete Duplicate Line?

Dec 15, 2009

I have lines like this in my text file

10.0 28 Blue (B1-T54 ) [1 01.69 65.4] 47234 -22234 181017 76921
6.5 28 Blue (B1-T55 ) [1 01.80 50.2] 48234 -21234 203852 76133
11.0 28 Blue (B1-T56 ) [1 01.80 64.9] 48234 -22234 181804 76133


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Delete The Duplicate Lines?

Jul 30, 2009

i have lines like this in my text files.

2.0 28 Blue (2 14.00 63.0) [2 12.43 54.3] 42111 9275 55111 -1725
2.0 28 Blue (2 14.00 64.0) [2 13.50 55.3] 40611 9275 53611 5775
2.0 28 Blue (2 14.00 58.0) [2 12.21 54.3] 49611 9275 55111 -3225
5.5 28 Blue (2 20.00 17.0) [2 13.50 26.3] 111111 51275 97111 5775


This are some of lines in my text file.they are duplicate lines in the tex file. I want to delete the duplicate lines because i only want the lines which have [T1],[T2....]... i higlight all the matching lines.

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Duplicate Record Check?

Oct 18, 2010

I think I got most of the syntax correct for this however I keep on getting a syntax error: "Must declare the scalar variable "@Day"

Private Function FiveMinImport()
Dim FileName As New String("C:5min.xml")


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Duplicate TAB Pages At Run Time?

Mar 15, 2012

My current project shows a single page tabcontrol with a datagridview. I read names from a mysql table, and create an additional tab page for each person (there's only ever going to be half a dozen or so, so it should be manageable).[code]...

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Duplicate Text In Textboxes?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a form that contains an array of textboxes that are created at runtime. 72 to be exact. They will be used to hold the serial numbers of parts that will be be read with a scanner. I need to check that there are no duplicates in the serial numbers while the operator is scanning in the parts and then change the backcolor of the matching textboxes if the text is the same in 2 or more.

I tried this and it doesn't work


Dim j, k As Integer
For j = 0 To 71


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Duplicate Values In A Datagrid?

Feb 26, 2012

I'm using an unbound data grid in Visual Basic. I made the following loop for the purpose of searching each cell and each column for a duplicate value. But for some reason I get a "InvalidCastException" when I try to add a second row.

Private Sub AddJudgeBtn_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddJudgeBtn.Click
Dim exists As Boolean
' ToDo: If the value entered is already on the list, don't add again.
If JudgeList.Rows.Count() > 0 Then


EDIT: Adding the entire click event.

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Duplicate: Splitting A String

Jun 16, 2009

Possible Duplicate: splitting a string i have a string which looks like this:[URL] i need to get each of the numbers and put them in an array in this order: 0, 50, 100, 100, 200, 400, 218, 9.8, ???, 6.65, 6.31 etc... i have the following code but for some reason it only does the first column, it only gives me 0, 50, 100, 100, 200, 400, 218, 9.8, ???


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Get Duplicate Values From Dgv Into A Combo?

Dec 14, 2011

I am trying to get duplicate values from dgv into a combo:


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How To Iliminate Duplicate Record

Jun 8, 2011

i have a problem regarding about adding a record to my database, i want to insert a record that not exist on my table, the record that i want to add to a field is not related to other table. This field should be related to other table which is related by 1-M relation.I Just dont want to duplicate a record of this field from the table. [code]

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How To Remove Duplicate Resources

Oct 27, 2009

How to remove duplicate resources...

I get this error

"there is already another resource with the name....."

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Image Relocate (Duplicate)

Nov 26, 2011

Image relocate(Duplicate)

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Insert Data To Sql Without Duplicate?

Nov 5, 2011

i'm using below code to save data to sql but i need to save the new data only not all data

table name :
key :


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