Diplay Image In Listview

May 29, 2012

actually i have a code in listview to select all data from my database, my problem is the picture,I want to be appear in my listview,[code]

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2008 : Listview With Image List - Change The Image In The Listview Dynamically?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a listview control. it has an imagelist attached to it with two images in it. I have entered items into my listview, and they are using the first image in my imagelist.... GREAT! Now, there is a variable I have that will tell me which index in the listview is currently active, noting to do with what I select that could be at another index it's just what's being processed by the program at the time in some task.

Create a function that will change the images of all my listview items by looping through them. If the index variable is set to 2, I want the 3rd item in my list view set to use the 2nd image in my imagelist. The rest of the items in my listview need to be set to the first image in the imagelist.

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Diplay Decimal In DataGridView?

May 19, 2010

As a beginner I am unable to find how to diplay decimal in my DataGridView.

I am using VB 2010 And using access 2010, I designed my database and set the following

Set Data type to Number. Field Size to Decimal Format to 0.0 Decimal Places to 2

When the DataGridView is diplayed on the form, all the decimal's are rounded to integers.

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Diplay Bitmap From Access Database?

Sep 23, 2006

I've seen this question posted a few times but no good results. I'm simply loading a dataset from access that happens to have a bitmap stored in a field. I have a listview with a list of CD's by Album/Artist, when I click on one of the CD's I want detailed info to populate below, including a pic box with the stored bitmap. Everything works fine except the pic box. [code]...

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Duplicate Elimination - Diplay It In UniiqueValuesListBox?

Oct 9, 2011

I looked for code snippets online to do this project, have not really found any elegant code snippets except for this one.My project is to use a one-dimensional array to solve following:Read in 20 numbers, each of which is between 10 and 100 inclusive.As each number is read, display it in NumbersEnteredListBox and if it's not a duplicate of a number already read, diplay it in UniiqueValuesListBox. Provide "worst case" all 20 numbers are different.[code].....

I want to understand what I'm learning so it will stick. What is Ubound? I realize I need to rewrite some of this to fit to what I'm trying to accomplish, but I want to understand it first. This is not in the book thus far. The codes I have found were sorry...horrible...I want to learn to write better with less words if possible?

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Resize An Imagelist/listview Image Without Repopulating The Image List?

May 17, 2009

Does anyone know if it is possible to resize an imagelist/listview image without repopulating the image list? I am using scroll bar to change the image size from 25 point to 256 point. When I leave the scroll bar the imagelist repopulates from the files list. This can be very slow when working with high resolution pictures. I don't want to limit the image size to 2 sizes by using large and small imagelist.

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VS 2008 - If An Image Is In Listview, Will It Display A Thumbnail Of The Image?

Jun 19, 2009

I need to know how to use listview, I'm having trouble using it.What are listviews uses?What can be listed in listview?What cannot be listview?If an image is in listview, will it display a thumbnail of the image?

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Add An Image To A ListView Control?

May 25, 2009

How do I add an image to a ListView control in code from an imageArray?

I'm new to .Net, OPP and this forum but love it!

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Add An Image To The Listview Item?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a listview that is populated by file name from a folder on my hard drive. I want to add an image to the listview item, different image for each item. Here is my code:

For Each myItem As FileInfo In strFiles


When run the file name appear in the listview but the images don't.

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Background Image In Listview?

Jan 29, 2010

I don't have code yet I was looking for an example to start from. This dialog box I am entering my data into has exactly what I want. I just want to be able to call the image in from my code when I want.....

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Change Image In Listview?

Jun 3, 2010

In my listview got 10 item that contain image with it

And i want change it when i select on item and click a button

I use sl(0).ImageKey = 1

infact it's change but it doesnt refresh , so i just c empty image on the item

So how to do refresh on it

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Get Image Of Listview Subitem?

Dec 30, 2009

I use imagelist to display image in listviewHow can i assign image of item for a bitmap varible.

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Listview Image And 1st Column Gap?

Jan 20, 2012

I have a ListView control where rows have alternate colors with a small image appearing on some of them. And I wonder why the first column appears as if it were blank just as shown below?In fact, the selected row (right above the arrow) doesn't include the first column. How can I fix this 1st-column problem? I don't think you need to see it, but I use the following code to have alternate colors.

Dim myColor1 As Color = Color.FromArgb(210, 240, 250)
For i As Integer = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count - 1 Step 1
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then


Onion is a recent refuge from Mac OS X and hates Mac App Store. System: Windows 7 x64

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Center Image In Listview Column?

May 13, 2009

is it possible to center an image in a listview column. Right now my image is stuck in the left.

Here's my code

Private Sub List_DrawSubItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs) Handles lst_ImpExp.DrawSubItem
If e.Header.Text <> "Item" Then


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Delete Listview Item With An Image ?

Jun 20, 2010

I have got a listview and i added few items inside with a dustbin look-a-like image for remove item purpose. but now how do i make the user to click on the image n remove the item?i know how to remove the item with a button,but now would like to try using by image. anyone?

Here is the code i used for delete item with a button.

For Each lvItem As ListViewItem In ListView1.SelectedItems


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How To Set ListView Image Index Dynamically

Apr 7, 2010

I use this code to get an image and add it to a image list
Visual Basic
Private Sub LoadWebImageToPictureBoxd(ByVal ImageURL As String)
Dim objImage As MemoryStream
Dim objwebClient As WebClient
Dim sURL As String = Trim(ImageURL)
Dim bAns As Boolean
[Code] .....
The code at the bottom should set the image depending on what the items index is but it doesn't work.

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Image - Creating Listview Icons On The Fly On .NET?

Aug 8, 2011

I want to pass my custom color as a parameter and I want to receive an Image (rectangle for example).

Public Function createIcon(ByVal c As Color) As Bitmap
Dim g As Graphics
Dim Brush As New SolidBrush(c)


I tried this way and couldn't success.

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Insert Image Into Header Of Listview?

Jun 9, 2011

I don't know how to insert image into column header of listview

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Load Image From Listview To Picturebox

Jun 23, 2011

i have a listview in my form and some items in it. so i want load image from listview to picturebox. to explain: listview have items in it with image like:


so if i double click on item1 i want to load that [image] to picturebox. btw picturebox is on form2. i think that you understand me. i use imagelist1 as largeImageList and imagelist2 as smalimagelist... here is the code that i try with:


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Setting Image ListView Item?

Feb 19, 2010

Ok im building a internal mail system for a company and i have it working to a extent but i want to beable to set the listview image from read and unread mail

i get the mail from a mysql DB and heres the code i use

Dim myAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter
Dim sqlquery As String


but that wouldent work becuase i dont know how to set the image or how to set it only for the one coulum the first one the str(0) thats the from colum

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Store And Load Image To Listview?

Dec 9, 2009

You can see. Listview1 which contain main menu of sales. And listview 2 which contains detail sale. If i click each item on Listview1 then correspond sale on Listview2 will show. I want to ask you. What best way for me to execute that. I mean what best way to store and load image to listview. I think i can use Imagelist or save Image to binary .

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VS 2008 Adding Image To Listview?

May 4, 2009

After reading some tutorials i have kind of grasped loading images in vb.net, you need to load them into an image list then use the "key" of the image to display it, i have put together this


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.net - Custom Listview Column Sort Image To Right?

Aug 2, 2010

I support a .Net 2.0 Windows application that has a custom listview control to allow for greater flexibility. I am not allowed to bring this to a newer version of the gramework until next year. We are moving from XP to Windows 7, and we have identified an issue with how the column sort image (up/down arrow) is drawn to the listview. Currently in XP, the image is drawn to the right of the column's text. However, in Windows 7, I am getting Access Violation Exceptions. Now, I know that the error is with the improper handling of memory using the unmanaged code as shown below. I am looking for a method to mimic what we have below in a safe manner using managed code.


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Inserting Image Into ListView SubItem Without Text

Feb 5, 2009

I want to know how to insert image into ListView Subitem. I know how to insert image into ListView first Subitem means. To insert an image into first item
dim lvitem as ListViewItem
set lvitem=ListView1.Items.add("Sonia",me.ImageList1.Images.count-1)
How to insert an image without text into subitem.

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How To Make Image Button In Layout Template Of ListView

Jan 25, 2011

I need to make an image button in the layout template of ListView, when I click on the button it should open the insert template so I can insert a new record.

Here is my ListView:
<asp:ListView ID="LVCategories" runat="server" DataKeyNames="CatID" DataSourceID="CategoriesDS" EnableModelValidation="True">
<tr style="">
[Code] .....

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ListView - Click Item And Display Image From URL In PictureBox

Mar 20, 2012

I have 52 listview items in my listview1 and I have a picturebox basically I want it where I can click on a single item in the listview and display an image from a url in the picturebox. I basically have it right now that when you click on any item in the listview it just shows the same image in the picturebox no matter which item it is. I need to figure out how to do it separately for each item.

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Transparent Listveiw Or Stretch Listview Background Image?

Apr 15, 2010

I am making an operating system based game in visual basic. The real problem is that the game runs full screen and when it comes to desktop backgrounds I am having heaps of problems.First I had the desktop as just the forms background image but I needed to add icons to the desktop so I anchered a listveiw onto the background and the problem is that the listview is not transparent and you can't see the desktop background.

I thought that I could fix that problem by setting the background image on the listveiw as the background image but the problem is when i set a background image on the listveiw there is no option to stetch the image. The only option is to tile the background image.

How can I get the listveiw either transparent or set it a stretched background. ( the user gets to choose a desktop background so they all need to be able to stretch to the full desktop of the user's screen resolution.)

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Listview - Grab All Images From A Folder And Place Them Into An Image List

Dec 14, 2011

I've got myself a listview, and an imagelist. I'm using the following code to grab all images from a folder and place them into an image list.


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ListView Display Image Based On Database Column Being Null Or Not?

Aug 23, 2011

I have a database and I'm storing images in it along with a person's name, and other attributes. I've databound my listview with a stored procedure. I want to know how I can display an icon on a row depending on if the record for that row has a picture or not for the person...I'm not sure how to accomplish this however with the templates in asp.net

Here is my template and the s where I'm hoping to put them.


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Retrieve Image From Web And Show In Picturebox On Listview Selection Event?

Aug 12, 2010

whats the quickest and least application hogging way to retrieve image from web and show in picturebox on listview selection event?

Heres the code i have already which produces app lag for abut 3-5 seconds per image loaded, i think as it stretches the image to fit into picturebox (which is needed)

vb Private Sub bwGetScreen_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles bwGetScreen.RunWorkerCompleted

For l As Integer = 0 To ListView2.Items.Count - 1 'start download selected If ListView2.Items(l).Selected = True Then Dim fileid As String = ListView2.Items(l).SubItems(5).Text.ToLower Dim recordid As String = ListView2.Items(l).SubItems(6).Text.ToLower + 1 urlpic = "http://se-board.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display§ion=screenshot&full=1&id=" & fileid.ToString() & "&record=" & recordid.ToString()


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