ListView Display Image Based On Database Column Being Null Or Not?

Aug 23, 2011

I have a database and I'm storing images in it along with a person's name, and other attributes. I've databound my listview with a stored procedure. I want to know how I can display an icon on a row depending on if the record for that row has a picture or not for the person...I'm not sure how to accomplish this however with the templates in

Here is my template and the s where I'm hoping to put them.


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DataGridView Cell Formatting To Display Image Based On Another Column Value?

May 7, 2012

I have a SQL database, with some "status" strings. For every status I need to display a .bmp image .

I'm displaying the data from the database via DataGridView with LINQ. In order to display the DGV I have this code:


I was thinking to add another column named "Symbol" and based on the "Status" column to format the cells of the "Symbol" column to display an image.

I edited the DGV, and add a new image column.

I created a directory in my solution called "references" where I put all the .bmp files

I don't know how to do this. My first thought was to put an expression in the DataTable Properties, but I didn't manage to make that work. Another way is to format the cells in the "Symbol" column, and again I don't know how to do that. I tried with "Select Case ... Case ... End Select" with no success.

LE: Should I Insert the .bmp files into SQL database (varbinary(MAX)) If yes, how?

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Auto-update A Listview Based On Reading A Column?

Mar 28, 2012

Is there a way to auto-update a listview based on reading a column?


1) The code must make a call to a user-created "Private Sub" to recalculate

2) Update must be automatic. .SelectedItem or clicking a row will not work

3) The formula function cannot be included in Form_Load

I've got everything working if the user selects a row, then clicks an "update" button using .SelectedItem. But with my current program containing 200 rows, it's not feasible. Simply put, how would I go about updating a listview column (0 in this case) based off a call to a formula, then updating the row?

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Display Null Value From SQL Image Field?

Dec 30, 2009

I use following codes to display image from sql server. [code]...

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VS 2008 DGV Display A Column Based On Logic?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a DGV which is part of an inventory system. I have several columns but the ones i need to resolve are Quantity, Name and Plural Name. essentially if quantity is 1 i need to display the Name data if greater than one the plural data. Is this possible? would i need to resolve this earlier in the process (the data is extracted from an xml file using LINQ to bind it to a rowObject) or can i do this with the completed dataset, say by hiding the Name and Plural Name colums and creating a custom column? ideally i would like to keep the data untouched.

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Database Sql Server Compact Edition 2005 - Save In A Database - Column Cannot Contain Null Values

Oct 15, 2009

Ive created one database Sql Server Compact Edition 2005, with one table ("Cliente") I know that I can created my database good, but i have a problem saving information since three textbox, in my table(With columns "Nombre" "Apellido" "Cliente". In my form there is a button save ("Guardar"). When I do click in my button appear the next message : "The column cannot contain null values. [ Column name = Nombre,Table name = Cliente ] " and happen the same with apellido and Id_Cliente. And this happen becouse my code cant save the information....

This is the code

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data


And the code for my button is:

Private Sub cmdguardar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdguardar.Click

Dim myconnection As SqlCeConnection
Dim mycommand As SqlCeCommand


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VS 2008 - If An Image Is In Listview, Will It Display A Thumbnail Of The Image?

Jun 19, 2009

I need to know how to use listview, I'm having trouble using it.What are listviews uses?What can be listed in listview?What cannot be listview?If an image is in listview, will it display a thumbnail of the image?

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Display Text On Image In Windows Based Application?

Dec 13, 2010

How can i draw text with 180 degrees format on image in windows based application using

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Listview Image And 1st Column Gap?

Jan 20, 2012

I have a ListView control where rows have alternate colors with a small image appearing on some of them. And I wonder why the first column appears as if it were blank just as shown below?In fact, the selected row (right above the arrow) doesn't include the first column. How can I fix this 1st-column problem? I don't think you need to see it, but I use the following code to have alternate colors.

Dim myColor1 As Color = Color.FromArgb(210, 240, 250)
For i As Integer = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count - 1 Step 1
If i Mod 2 = 0 Then


Onion is a recent refuge from Mac OS X and hates Mac App Store. System: Windows 7 x64

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Listview Display Of Column Having Checkboxes?

Jan 12, 2010

I am using VB express 2008 with MSAccess as Database. I have a table DailyExpenses in MsAccess with four columns of which one is ColumnPaid having checkboxes. I used following query to display records of DailyExpenses in Listview: Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select * FROM DailyExpenses ", con)

It is working fine but it displays False in the column PAID in Listview instead of checkboxes. How i can display checkboxes in Listview?

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Display Text On Image In Windows Based Application Using Program?

Dec 13, 2010

How can i display text on image with 270 degrees format in windows based application using vb.netv

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Center Image In Listview Column?

May 13, 2009

is it possible to center an image in a listview column. Right now my image is stuck in the left.

Here's my code

Private Sub List_DrawSubItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawListViewSubItemEventArgs) Handles lst_ImpExp.DrawSubItem
If e.Header.Text <> "Item" Then


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.net - Custom Listview Column Sort Image To Right?

Aug 2, 2010

I support a .Net 2.0 Windows application that has a custom listview control to allow for greater flexibility. I am not allowed to bring this to a newer version of the gramework until next year. We are moving from XP to Windows 7, and we have identified an issue with how the column sort image (up/down arrow) is drawn to the listview. Currently in XP, the image is drawn to the right of the column's text. However, in Windows 7, I am getting Access Violation Exceptions. Now, I know that the error is with the improper handling of memory using the unmanaged code as shown below. I am looking for a method to mimic what we have below in a safe manner using managed code.


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How To Sum Numeric Data In Column Of ListView And Display As Label

Nov 10, 2010

I am making one program, it goes like: I put some data in textbox and when I press the button it goes to listview this part is no problem, but I don't know how to sum data what is entered in listview column nr 4 when I press some button and display the result in one other textbox or label.

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Listview To Automatically Display A Count Of Items For 1st Column

Feb 24, 2009

I'm making an app on wpf.Basically, I have a list view with 6 columns,For each item of the listview, its details are displayed are displayed in each of the columns, except the first.Basically I want the listview to automatically display a count of the items for the 1st column.[code]I have sorting and other weird stuff happening in the app, and I want to keep the first column constant. All that is needed from the column is that it counts the items.[code]I just realised this isn't vb .net so to speak.I code only on vb .net, but having trouble with that xaml bit atm. Would rather not use vb codes for solving this particular matter if possible

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WinForms ListView Doesn't Display Column Headers?

Nov 29, 2011

I have below code in my Form Load event handler but the ListView doesn't show any column headers. I want the column headers to be displayed.


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Conversion Error When Trying To Call An Image If Database Value Is NULL.

Feb 4, 2012

I am trying to load an image onto a web form depending on the image's URL path inside a database. I can get this to work, however I am trying to display a dummy image incase the record in the database has no image and the column is NULL.

Below is the code that I imagined would work but I receive an error:

Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid.

'// Load Item Image in imgMenuItem Image Control //
If (Not IsDBNull(Rdr("img_url"))) Then
imgMenuItem.ImageUrl = Rdr("img_url")


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Forms :: Listview And Columns - Display All Services On A Computer Into Column

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to display all services on a computer into column 1 under Processes and column 2 as services. I can't figure out how to do this with the WMI statements.

Here is my code......

Private Sub OKButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OKButton.Click


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Save Image In Msaccess Database & In The Crystal Report It Should Display The Saved Image?

Aug 28, 2010

i want to save image in ms access 2000 database & i want retrive it in a crystal report in 2005

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C# - Display An Image In A Datagridview Column Header?

Jul 28, 2009

At runtime, I am adding a DataGridView to a windows form. The final column is a DataGridViewImageColumn:

Dim InfoIconColumn As New DataGridViewImageColumn
MyDataGridView.Columns.Insert(MyDataGridView.Columns.Count, InfoIconColumn)

Adding the following code will get my Information Icon (bitmap) to display in each of the column cells but NOT the column header:

Dim InfoIcon As New Bitmap("C:MyPathInfoIcon.bmp")
InfoIconColumn.Image = InfoIcon

Also, it is worth noting that the image displays 'perfectly' in the cells i.e. it is sized correctly to fit the cell.

However, I cannot find a way to add the same image to the column header cell. After some googling I used the following code which placed the image in the header cell but left me with two problems:

The image did not 'auto-size' to the column headercell in the same way it did when added to the column cells. The image was slightly larger and blurred.
By using the _CellPainting event slowed down performance i.e. when hovering over the DataGridView to highlight the selected row the highlighting lagged behind where my mouse was placed.

Here is the code:


Does anybody know of a way to solve my problem and get a nicely sized, sharp image into a DataGridViewImageColumn headercell at runtime?

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Post Image/URL To Access Database Using .NET And Re-Display Image In DataGrid?

Aug 21, 2009

1) Add a new record - I can currently add records text to access database, but not images.

2) Get the ID [URL]I'm not sure how to integrate this code into my code. I am stuck here.

3) Save the image in the filesystem using the ID as a filename - I can save the upload an image and save the image to a directory on my computer, but I am unable to name the image that of the ID of the access database.

4) Update the database to put the filename in the record you just created. - I am unable to do this as well (obviously).

Protected Sub SUBMIT_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SUBMIT.Click
Dim custDb As Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim cmdInsertCustomers As Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand


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ListView - Click Item And Display Image From URL In PictureBox

Mar 20, 2012

I have 52 listview items in my listview1 and I have a picturebox basically I want it where I can click on a single item in the listview and display an image from a url in the picturebox. I basically have it right now that when you click on any item in the listview it just shows the same image in the picturebox no matter which item it is. I need to figure out how to do it separately for each item.

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Display Hyperlink Field On Rows Based On Value From The Database?

May 29, 2012

How do I dynamically display the 'Edit' on the hyperlink field based on the values on the rows, generated from the database. the gridview automatically generates rows.

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Display Image Icon In A Gridview Column With Href Value In Program?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a gridview column in which I have one column that point to a pdf file on the file server. I need to have another column right beside this, displaying the pdf icon. The user should be able to click the icon and launch the file from the file server. [code]...

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Create A Jpeg File In C:imagesFolder Based On The Image Stored In The Database?

Nov 19, 2009

I have pictures of each employee stored in SQL database with Image database.

Select pic from empimages where emp_ID=10

give the picture of that employee in binary format.

How do I create a physical jpeg in C:images folder based on the above query in

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Get Listview Selected Column & Update It & Reflect It Changes To Database?

Nov 25, 2011

I am doing project in using ms access I used listview to display data from table I want to display different context menu strip for different column I have done it using hard logic to get column number is as follows:

Private Function getClickedColumn(ByVal pListView As ListView, ByVal pMouseX As Integer) As Integer
Dim result As Integer = 0


Also i want to edit any cell of the listview & update its result to database .

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Linq To Sql Null - Check Whether A Column Is Null

Jul 15, 2011

How to check whether a column is null i use the following code but I got this error "Input string was not in a correct format."


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SQL Exception (adding A Null Value To A Non-null Column)

Aug 12, 2009

When I put a break point to the last if clause in the sub ("If (backOrder < 0) Then", see below) it runs until the break point, if I put the break point further below, I get the following error:

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'OrderID', table 'WHM.dbo.OrderDetails'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.

I've discovered first hand that it only happens when prodqty is bigger then qtyOnStock, thus executing the if clause.

The code:

Private Sub NCOSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NCOSubmit.Click
Dim sqlText As String = ""


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Display Records From Database In ListView?

Nov 24, 2011

I have a form which contains two Time and Date Picker as StartDate and EndDate. I wish to search record from MS Access database within the date range (StartDate and EndDate) and then display the result in ListView.

I have learned from (jmcilhinney) that I have made a mistake somewhere, but I am newbie in VB, so please rectify the error and re-post the corrected code for me indicating the line where I have made mistake.


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Display The List Of The First Column From The Database

Jun 2, 2009

i have a windows form with controls that i have associated with a database. all controls display the correct value but i'm having problem with 1 of them. i have added a listbox (not even sure if that is the correct control for that) where i want to display the list of the first column from the database. i want the listbox to display all items so when i click on one item, the other controls will be updated with the information about that item. i know the connection to the DB works because all other controls have the values from the first item. only the listbox is empty.

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