Dynamic String Trimming Based On Character?

Jun 2, 2011

I have an array filled with values from Excel cells. Each of the values is a concatenation of two things separated by a pipe, like "Machines|MachinesCode"

I need to, as I fill this array, strip out the pipe and everything in front of it so that the array being filled is only filled with the "MachinesCode" part of the cell value, but I haven't had much luck finding how I should do this. Each cell is dynamically filled and will never have a set length, so I can't set a trip by a particular number value of characters in the strings.

This subroutine is what I'm using. I am filling array FieldArray with another array (ExcelArray) currently holding the concatenated values.

Public Shared Sub PopulateFieldArray(ByRef FieldArray() As String, ByVal iFieldCount As Integer, ByVal ExcelArray(,) As Object)
Dim iIndex As Integer
For iIndex = 1 To iFieldCount
FieldArray(iIndex) = CStr(ExcelArray(2, iIndex))
End Sub

But I don't know what to wrap around the CStr Excel array to cut off the pipe and all values before it while I fill FieldArray.

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Trimming A String At Both Ends?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm reading in an xml file, which is working fine with no problems, but I want to re-format one of the elements data attributes slightly.

The XML attribute output is currently Wind: NW at 6 mph

What I want to do is extract just the number from the string, I figured an easy way would be to simply play with the length of the string and assign it to another variable.

However, I've ran into a little problem.

I can use windRtrim = wind.Substring(0, wind.Length - 4) (Where windRtrim is the amended string variable and wind is the string from above)

This returns Wind: NW at 6

Which is great, but the problem now is trimming the correct number of characters from the beginning of the string as it'll be different if the number were to go over 9 (ie. 10 and above)

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Dynamic LINQ Query Based On Dynamic Number Of Comboboxes?

Feb 5, 2010

I would like to bind a DataGridView to a different LINQ query every time (in order to reuse the same form/DGV for different queries), like this:


but the "Qry", and the number of comboboxes, and their field names would change every time.

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VS 2008 Trimming The Beginning Of A String?

May 9, 2009

I have a string:*Local Disk*:Users*UserName*DirectoryTestFile.txtand im trying to get rid of everything behind the "Test" so it would show everything after.so the string would look like:TestFile.txtno matter how many directories and/or files come after the Test. I just want to get rid of everything behind it.

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Security(transparency) - Write A String Back To File After Trimming?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm writing on a texthandler-project for Vista.(Compiler : Visual Studio 2010-vb)My code must write a string back to file after trimming. I've decided to run the application as a full trust app. The code obtains the permission via fileiopermission,but still the result is:Acces is denied/Unauthorizedaccessexception (It's not Readonly).

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VS 2008 Random - New Character Out Of The String And Then Remove The Character From The List Of Characters

Dec 12, 2010


For each character of this string I want a new character out of the string and then remove the character from the list of characters that still maybe used for other characters. It may not get the same character, you could basically just call this encryption, but it's not what I am making. I don't want to waste my time doing this one hour while VB can do this for me in <1 second.

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TRying To Replace One Specific Character Of String With New Character Entered By User

Feb 17, 2011

I am writing a hangman type game and I am displaying the word to the user in a label as all *'s, but I cannot figure out how to have just one of the *'s changed in the label to the correct letter when the user inputs the correct letter into the text box and clicks the check letter button.Everything else in the program works perfectly, except for this part.[code]When I use the .Replace it changes all of the *'s to the correct selected letter.

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Array.Sort(array) - Specify A Numeral Sort Based On The First Character In The String?

Jan 29, 2009

Sub Sort()
ReDim RollsCC(NumOfPlayers - 1)
For N As Integer = 0 To (NumOfPlayers - 1)[code]....

Here I am creating a temp single dimensional array, merging my 2d array into it, and then attempting to sort it by Rolls(N,1), which is a integer 1-6, Everything seems to be working right with the exception of this.

RollsCC.Sort(RollsCC, 0, 1)

How would one specify a numeral sort based on the first character in the string? im aware that I am switching Rolls(n,1) and Rolls(n,0) information during the sort.

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Get Input String And Put Its Character Into List / And Replace Character With Other

Feb 16, 2012

the coding is to 'Get input string and put its character into List, and replace the character with other.'but having problem putting each character into List and also replacing it,[code]

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Take A String Apart One Character At A Time And Add Each Character To A Label?

Jun 13, 2010

I've been working with the substring command and after coding up all the things I needed it to do, I saw a post on here where the "For Each" statement was used basically to do the same thing.Lets say we just want to take a string apart one character at a time and add each character to a label. Which would be more efficient?I made a cheap example to show ...

ABinary = "0110 1100 0001 1011"
For x = 0 To Len(ABinary) - 1


View 15 Replies

.Net AutoComplete NOT Based On First Character?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a combobox that is populated with movies with a number corresponding to where it is held in our archives ie. "451 How The Grinch Stole Christmas"What I would really like to do is have an autocomplete routine that would make it possible NOT to have autocomplete only work on the first character. As it stands, with Visual Studio's native autocomplete if my combobox is populated by:

Apple Smoothie
Banana Puree
Crayon Colors


and I type "Pu" I will get only "Pure Energy" as an autocomplete result. I would like it so that typing "Pu" would return Pure Energy & Banana Puree.

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C# - Build Dynamic Clothing-based Website?

Nov 10, 2010

For comparison: something like the shirt builder application at [URL]Say, if I have fabric image and want to generate base, collar, cuff etc. How should I do it on server side in .NET, and generate different components of shirt.

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Creating Dynamic Array Based On SQL Count?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a SQL database which I'm running a query against to return a list of names - eg using "select names from table"I would like to add all of these names to an array so I can use them later. To do this I would need to use a dynamic array as the number of names returned could be anything.Apart from first running "select count(names) from table", getting a value and then Redim'ing the array on the count is there another method I can use.I've seen there's a dataset row.count? Can I somehow use this?

reader = command.ExecuteReader()
While reader.Read()


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Dynamic Content Switching Based On Stylesheet?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm making a new design for my website, but I want to keep the old one and possibly switch between the two.

Unfortunately, I've changed the content on the Master Page (luckily I have a backup).What I was thinking was to keep separate master files for each theme, and then just determine which one to server based on which stylesheet is loaded.

The only way I can think to do this is to keep a "settings" file on the website that has a "stylesheet=1/2/3/4/etc" line. Depending on the number there, the server will serve the correct master page.

Alternatively it might be easier to do something similar, but instead of serving a whole different master page, set a specific stylesheet to use.In both cases, I need a little help with actually doing the work on the server. I can read a text file (even encrypt/decrypt a file before and after it gets read for security), but actually giving the server the instructions based on what is read is where I'm lost.

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Move Dynamic Picturebox Based On Context?

Nov 9, 2011

When i press W, i'm creating a dynamic picturebox of a bullet but i have no clue how to make it move to the target.I can create myself a picturebox and call it picBullet1, but what about bullet 2, 3,4 etc? what should i read/learn?

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Sql - Dynamic Dropdown Based On Radio Selection

Nov 2, 2009

We have a GUI that displays a radio selection box (3 options) that are the three sites where our hospitals are. We need to dropdown located on the form to fill with only the locations based on the selected radio option.

Here is the code behind we have so far (sorry, VB)


For the record the Location dropdown is currently databound but its a static SELECT statement which brings us all the locations but we'd prefer it to be cleaner if it only returned the locations based on Site. We are using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition for development.

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VS 2008 Set A Dynamic Array Based On Own Structure?

Jul 20, 2009

ArrayList is a generic structure. Let's say I have my own structure (contained of Boolean+string+int). I want to set a dynamic array based on my own structure. How....?

View 9 Replies

Vb 2008 - Filtering Table Based On A Character From Anywhere In A Field?

Jun 12, 2011

My client wants that my table be filtered based on the values from a field regardless of its order.

Example: I want to search for a student whose surname is 'Thomas' but the keyword is not the first in the field. The 'Surname' field, instead, contains the value "Ian Thomas".

If I am going to use this code;

bindingsource.filter = "surname Like '" & textbox1.text & "'"

It will base the searching on the first characters of the field only.

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Dynamic Page Based On Querystring With Friendly Urls

Mar 10, 2011

Essentially what I want to do is have a few pages that act as templates for data. If a url is url... I want to query a friendly url field for "/home" which would return url...

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ASP.NET Creating Dynamic Order Reference Based On Database Id?

Aug 5, 2011

I am looking to create an order reference which is something like this


Where the 1 would be my order id

but lets say it gets to 100 would like


In VB.NET how could I build up a string like where i know i.e.

the starting part = PLC
Ending part = Order ID
middle = fill in 0's

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Dynamic - Changing The Value In A Different Text Boxes With 1 Function Based On Name?

Jan 1, 2012

I have done this in Php with a function before. I just don't know how to do it in VB.I have a character sheet creator for a game I am making. What I am wanting to do is write a single function, where in you click on a button and it will pass the text box name (so that it knows which text box to edit), as well as the value inside of the text box (to make sure that the new character stat ceiling is taken into account).

Private Sub Button_Click
End Sub[code].....

Essentially, I need to know what to put for noidea, and noidea2, like, byval or byref or what?

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Setup A Datagridview That Is Dynamic Based On User Input?

Feb 11, 2009

I am attempting to set up a datagridview that is dynamic based on user input. The user input is a start and end date. The start date defines the first column the next column is the next date... until the end date (x-axis). The y-axis is technicians and the fields will show the assignment for the technician on that date.

All the advise I am seeing on datagridviews is to create a property methods to provide the information for each column. for example:

Dim 12-Oct-2009 as string
Dim 13-Oct-2009 as string


How do I create a object data source that allows me to populate the data grid? I want the column headers to be included as a string in row 0 of the multidimensional array. The amount of columns will be dynamic with a minimum of 1 and maximum viewing of 100 days based on what dates are selected in the start date and end date fields.The input dates will be used to generate a query to a database that will populate the multidimensional array.One solution I see is pick a start date and have a set number of dates and code for set number of columns (100) in a row and then set the names of the columns dynamically...ahhhh code repetition!

I am not sure how else to do this but looking for a more suttle way.I am using this to create a simple scheduling tool to see resource schedules by date. There is an unmoveable end date so initially I will need to look ahead 100 days but as the end date gets closer, I will have fewer and fewer dates. So eventually the end date will be that start date.

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Xml Files That Needs To Be Converted In To A Character Based On A Value And Entered In To A Rich Text Box?

May 29, 2011

I have over 4,000 xml files that needs to be converted in to a character based on a value and entered in to a rich text box. It will do this, until it runs out of files to read. I have tried "try" statements, "if" statements...

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.IO
Imports System[code]........

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Add Dynamic ASP.NET User Controls BASED ON ViewState / BUT Before LoadViewState Phase

Jan 27, 2011

My page has a drop down whose values are dynamically populated. Based on which item is selected, a number of TextBoxes are dynamically created during runtime.The user then fills in information into the textboxes and clicks a submit button.After postback from the submit button, I need to again dynamically create the TextBoxes during Page_Init (BEFORE LoadViewState) so that after the ViewState loads, my Button_Click event can save/do whatever with the user input. PROBLEM is, I cannot recreate the textboxes based on the selection in the dropdown, because the dropdown hasn't been "selected" yet by LoadViewState.SO, how can I read from the view state, create my textboxes, then let the viewstate populate the textboxes, and then the Button_Click will use the values??The one thing I've attempted is to override the LoadViewState function so that I can read from the view state, create the boxes, and then load the viewstate again. This did NOT work, because the debugger never seemed to hit my overridden function.[code]

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Dynamic Sql Table Creation - Create Sql Tables Based On User Need

Apr 20, 2012

i need to create sql tables based on user needs lets say a guy needs a table of 4 rows 5 columns other user needs 3 rows 3 columns each with different types so how is the best way for letting them choose like they write in a text box ( this will be the value of rows)4 and another text bvox the count of columns and i have those 2( rows and columns needed) numbers i create the table as is.based on those. by default i create type as varchar max then later on we must fill the table using datagrid.

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Reload Page Data Based On Dynamic DropdownList Selected Value

Oct 26, 2011

I have a bit of a tricky scenario. It consists of some partial problems for which I have individually found solutions, but I couldn't find anything that makes it all work together smoothly.

-Upon selecting an item in a datagrid, a new page loads with the details regarding that entity.
-The entity represents a product that can have any amount of variants (such as a t-shirt's color or size)
-I dynamically add dropdownlists to this detail-page that represent these variants (there can be any amount of variants, and each variant can have any amount of different values, each value or combination or values from different variants representing a unique product entity)
-Upon selecting a different variant in a dropdown, a delegate is called that will change the session variable to the productId associated with the selected variant and a postback is fired that will reload the page with new data based on this productId

The problem: the postback is fired BEFORE the dropdownlist's (OnSelectedIndexChanged) delegate is called. Since this delegate defines the productId in the session, the new to-be-used productId isn't known at the time of postback.

Result: loading the correct data in the page is always delayed by one postback. Each time I change the selected index of any of the dropdowns, the page is loaded with data based on the session variable that the PREVIOUS OnSelectedIndexChanged delegate of the dropdown set.

I have a LoadData() method that sets the values of all textboxes, fields, labels etc. based on the productId stored in the current session. This method is called on Page_Load.
Private Property CurrentProduct As Product
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
[Code] .....

It seems that I haven't been completely clear on what does and doesn't apply to this scenario regarding Page Lifecycle.

1) My dropdownlists are added dynamically, which works fine on the first page_load.
2) The content of the dropdownlists is defined by what entity's details i'm loading on the page.
3) What entity's details I'm loading on the page is at first(not-postback) defined by the product I selected in a gridview in the previous page.
4) At postback, this entity is based on a sessionvariable containing the id of the entity.
5) This session variable is defined by what item in the dropdownlist I select.
6) This dropdownlist dissapears after postback since it's not defined on the page, but dynamically. So is the event.

So my guess would go towards some clientside script that stored the selected value before postback, but then I would be clueless on how to get that variable to the server since the logic that retrieves the entity is in the business logic layer which is far away from this page..

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Create Dynamic Buttons At Run Time Based On Database Records And Implement Events For Them

May 11, 2010

I have to create buttons at rum time based on database records and implement their events.

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Convert String Array Into A String Without Escaping Any Character?

Dec 24, 2011

I need to convert a string array into a very long string with following requirement:

can not using any character escaping can not using XML can not using single character as separator (e.g. comma or space as separator)

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Sql - Special VB String Escape Character Like @'String' In C#

Dec 21, 2011

Does VB have an equivalent to the @ symbol in C# to quickly and efficiently escape a SQL command line string?

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Parse String From The Last Space In A Dynamic String?

Mar 22, 2012

Say I have a string LineOfText = "UserName1 Password1 UserName2 Password2" how would I just grab the last word (Password2)

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