VS 2008 Trimming The Beginning Of A String?

May 9, 2009

I have a string:*Local Disk*:Users*UserName*DirectoryTestFile.txtand im trying to get rid of everything behind the "Test" so it would show everything after.so the string would look like:TestFile.txtno matter how many directories and/or files come after the Test. I just want to get rid of everything behind it.

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VS 2008 Remove Newline At Beginning Of String?

Jan 13, 2010

I am reading the following text from a multiline textbox


I want to remove the newline characters on line 2, 3, 4 etc.

Dim AccountsText As String
Dim arr_Accounts As String()
AccountsText = txt_Accounts.Text


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Trimming A String At Both Ends?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm reading in an xml file, which is working fine with no problems, but I want to re-format one of the elements data attributes slightly.

The XML attribute output is currently Wind: NW at 6 mph

What I want to do is extract just the number from the string, I figured an easy way would be to simply play with the length of the string and assign it to another variable.

However, I've ran into a little problem.

I can use windRtrim = wind.Substring(0, wind.Length - 4) (Where windRtrim is the amended string variable and wind is the string from above)

This returns Wind: NW at 6

Which is great, but the problem now is trimming the correct number of characters from the beginning of the string as it'll be different if the number were to go over 9 (ie. 10 and above)

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Dynamic String Trimming Based On Character?

Jun 2, 2011

I have an array filled with values from Excel cells. Each of the values is a concatenation of two things separated by a pipe, like "Machines|MachinesCode"

I need to, as I fill this array, strip out the pipe and everything in front of it so that the array being filled is only filled with the "MachinesCode" part of the cell value, but I haven't had much luck finding how I should do this. Each cell is dynamically filled and will never have a set length, so I can't set a trip by a particular number value of characters in the strings.

This subroutine is what I'm using. I am filling array FieldArray with another array (ExcelArray) currently holding the concatenated values.

Public Shared Sub PopulateFieldArray(ByRef FieldArray() As String, ByVal iFieldCount As Integer, ByVal ExcelArray(,) As Object)
Dim iIndex As Integer
For iIndex = 1 To iFieldCount
FieldArray(iIndex) = CStr(ExcelArray(2, iIndex))
End Sub

But I don't know what to wrap around the CStr Excel array to cut off the pipe and all values before it while I fill FieldArray.

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Security(transparency) - Write A String Back To File After Trimming?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm writing on a texthandler-project for Vista.(Compiler : Visual Studio 2010-vb)My code must write a string back to file after trimming. I've decided to run the application as a full trust app. The code obtains the permission via fileiopermission,but still the result is:Acces is denied/Unauthorizedaccessexception (It's not Readonly).

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VS 2008 Remove A "!" From The Beginning Of A String?

Nov 26, 2009

I need to remove a "!" from the beginning of a string. I've added a watch in the debugger and it's not recognizing the string -contains- the !, but under the definition on the watch it's showing !XXX-XX-XXX

Dim Fewl As String = " "
Dim ExPoint As Char = "!"
Fewl = textSKU.ToString


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Remove Whatever Is At Beginning Of String?

Dec 7, 2010

DnsGetHostEntry takes an IPaddress as an argument but the one I'm supplying it while debugging is throwing an exception of "No such host is known" when I know that this is a perfectly valid host.

Somehow a space or character has been introduced at the beginning of the strong as per the text in quotes below. I tried a Trim(" ",

"" & vbLf & "" this is what I see when clicking on Edit Value in Quickwatch


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Removing Part Of A String At Beginning?

Jun 25, 2010

program makes strings from webbrowser documenttext.For example

String1 = "<span class""long-title"" title"" Informations here"

Im trying to remove all text before "Informations here" this is what i currently have.

dim mychar as char () = {"<"c, "s"c, "p"c, "a"c, '....thatandlike20moretill.... "e"c, """"c}
string1 = string1.TrimStart(mychar)

(Note that each letter or symbol inbetween the quotations is a part of the string (span = "s" "p"...)Now this works. Not all the time though and its a pain in the .. having to do "letter"c, all the time.. (I got over 10 strings lol) Im wondering if theres a way easier method to remove part of string from the beginning, maybe like still a certen part of the length..

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VS 2008 Trimming / Removing From Byte() Array

Nov 24, 2009

I have a byte array with contents from a file in it, but I want to trim / remove the first element from it [byte(0)]. I've searched for days and experimented with a hundred different methods but they don't work.


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Extract String From String When Only Beginning Of String?

Aug 12, 2011

Basically I have a webresponse stream:dim lol as string = readstream.tostring there is a lot of information within the string but only one link starting with http: located near the end of the string - however there is no constant character point where I can start... (i.e. 38)

I want to extract the link from the string i.e. dog cat plane car [URL]..that is approximately how it looks above - words and url substituted I want to just extract [URL]..I had an idea of parsing the string from http: to the end Then after that splitting the string up again to remove the }], however it does not return anything

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VS 2008 - Add 5 Bytes Of Data At The Beginning?

Oct 21, 2009

I have some questions about arrays.

1) Lets say I open a file in a byte array and I need to add 5 bytes of data at the beginning. How would I go in doing that? ex: attaching to arrays together.

2) How would I go in adding 1 byte of data in a bye array?

All i need to do is open part of a file in bytes. Add a letter and 2 numbers to it at the begging and a number at the end.All i need to know is how to attach 2 byte arrays together and how can u add a byte of data to an array.

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VS 2008 How To Convert The Beginning Of Number

Sep 2, 2011

my problem is how can i convert the 63 in the beginning of the number ex."639063100343" and change it to 0 ex."09063100343"

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VS 2008 Setting Mouse To Beginning Of A Masked Text Box If Empty

Feb 25, 2010

I have a masked text box for postal codes. When the user clicks the text box it sets the cursor to where ever they clicked in the text box. Is there anyway that if the value is empty it sets the focus to the beginning.

Private Sub Cust_postalTextBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Cust_postalTextBox.Click


Is the code I have that works but What would the IF statement be to check if it is empty? String.empty and "" don't work because I think it sees the mask as characters.

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.net - Trimming Text In ASP.NET

Aug 12, 2010

How to get following result in ASP.NET: INPUT string: "Duck, Donald" Required String: "Donald Duck" P.S: The input string is dynamic.

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Trimming Spaces From Strings?

Sep 14, 2009

I've made a little map-maker for my tile game, which just stores a single digit for each tile. The problem I've noticed, is that when I save a digit, it tags a space on the end of it, so that when I read the file I have to read every 2nd character.... plus ofc it makes the file twice as large. Is there a way to trim the space from my digit when I save it to a text file?

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Splitting And Trimming Text File?

Mar 16, 2011

splitting and trimming text file

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Login Form And Security Trimming

Apr 1, 2009

I have a form which has a tabgroup with three tabs. One of the tabs has a bunch of utilities a domain admin would use. Is there any way to create a login form that grabs info from active directory, and based on the group you're in, the correct tabs will appear on the form. For example if you are in the domain admins group, that tab will appear, if you are in the helpdesk group it won't show.

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VS 2010 Trimming Part Of An Image

Oct 24, 2010

I've got an unusual request. I have an image that will always have bounds that are of Base 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,...) in both dimensions. I need to know if there's a way that I can get a small 16 x 16 square (or smaller, still of base 2) portion of the image. I'm planning on overlaying a grid on this image that way the user can select a portion of it and then the program creates a dynamic image from the selected grid square to use. Is this possible to do? I did a quick search on the Image class and didn't see anything that stood out. Note: This is for framework 2.0, but not picky about jumping to 4.0 if necessary.

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VS 2010 Splitting And Trimming Text File?

Apr 15, 2009

I have a large tab delimited text file to process each day (usually around 25 mb) consisting of usually well over 100,000 lines. The file is actually made up of about 9 or 10 reports separated by "END OF REPORT". I'm wanting to write each individual report to it's own text file. Some values may have trailing spaces or even contain nothing but spaces, so I am wanting to trim those to only the data, or be left with null. Ultimately each report will be imported into sql server tables. The code I have below runs successfully to completionwithout error although each text file is empty. The script is also extremely slow and seems to use quite a bit of memory. The arguments are ad

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Append At Beginning Not In End?

Apr 1, 2010

I have this code that writes text on an existing text file[code]...

I know it appends at the end of the file but how will you append at the beginning of the file? Is it possible?

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Asp.net - Implement Security Trimming With A Website With Multiple Folders And Multiple Web.config Files?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a website that has highly granulised access and hence requires many web.config files. The problem is I would like to trim the menu so that only certain users will have access to certain folders. I have enabled trimming and setup roles in the sitemap, however when I access the page the menu is not show, as I am authorized to view the default page which is not in a subfolder. When I type the url of a page in sub folder's I have access.

How should I handle this:

A site map for each web.config file - don't know how this will work Removing the sub web.config file to only use a single one

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Checkbox Selection At The Beginning?

Feb 27, 2011

When I exit the programme and start it again the checkbox selection from the previously job gets lost. After starting there is not a problem until I exit and start the programme again.

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Truncate The Beginning Of A Log File In .NET?

Feb 24, 2010

I have an VB.NET app that writes the status to a log file in text format. Over time, the file is getting large and I wanted to know if there is an efficient way to truncate the beginning of the file.

To make things easier, I am looking to specify a file size (say 2-3 mb) and I am writing the log using a StreamWriter:

Using strm As New IO.StreamWriter(filelocation.log, True)
strm.WriteLine("msg to write")
End Using

I thought about using the strm.BaseStream.Length to determine how much of the file to cut off, but by using the .SetLength it would cut from the end - not the desired result.

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Zip Code (Numbers Beginning With 0)?

Jun 7, 2011

All appears well, except for the zip codes that begin with a zero. I'm using a case statement to verify the zone, but VS2010, helpful as it is, removes the the lead zeros, after which said zip codes won't verify.strZip is put in through a text box, and a debug.writeline will tell me that VS stores it correctly, with the leading zeros. But when I get to the Case statement, it just will not let me look for a zero initiated number. I felt I was doing well by going with a string rather than something more numerical, but that apparently isn't enough.

dim strZip as string
Select Case strZip[code]....

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Creating File At Beginning Of The Month?

Oct 23, 2009

Im trying to create a new file at the begining of each month, and stay active for the rest of the month by adding the textbox info to it every time someone presses the Next or Exit button. Next and Exit button update the files Im not sure would it be easier to get the info across to Excel or sql server, but i woudlnt know how to do that, if that would be easiers.Aim of the what im doing, person logs button presses with the text files logging the number of presses of each of the buttons. then at the end of the session or when the user moves to the next item to be logged the files then save the counted section. need to it log everything for the month. Just trying to get the info into sqlserver 2008 as im logging each job as well.

If Me.DateTimePicker1.Text = "# october 2009" Then
' logging the monthly total
Using SW As New System.IO.StreamWriter(faultsfile)


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Determine Spaces At The Beginning Of Each Line?

Jul 8, 2011

how can i get the number of spaces in the beginning of each line before a word..following code is just for example reasons, not to be misunderstood for code that needs to be fixed.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Clipboard.GetDataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text) Then
End If
End Sub


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Find Customer With A Beginning Letter?

Sep 10, 2009

I've done a customer register in a win form app. and I need to be able to search for a customer fast. If I have more than 100 customers I'd be spending all day to find the right customer by using the previous and next buttons, so I want to have a textbox and a search button. If I write for example just an "A", I want my program to show all customers beginning with an "A". If I write "AN" I want my program to show all customers beginning with "AN".

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Inserting Text At Beginning Of Textbox?

Dec 24, 2010

I tried using Insert to insert text to the beginning of a textbox in Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition, but it isn't working, using code like below.

TextBox1.Text.Insert(0, "text")

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Remove From Beginning Of Line In Richtextbox?

Jan 31, 2011

you have a richtextbox filled with alot of different things, nthing specific

how would you go about deleteing the first 2 items of all the lines if the line has 2 or more items?

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Rest The Caret Position At The Beginning?

May 10, 2010

This is what I am trying but it doesn't work. The idea is to rest the caret position at the beginning after I hit enter and the conents od Textbox1 are deleted

Private Sub TextBox1_Keydown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then


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