VS 2008 Remove Newline At Beginning Of String?
Jan 13, 2010
I am reading the following text from a multiline textbox
I want to remove the newline characters on line 2, 3, 4 etc.
Dim AccountsText As String
Dim arr_Accounts As String()
AccountsText = txt_Accounts.Text
View 5 Replies
Jan 8, 2009
I read in a string from a file and print out and get[code]...
how do i remove the newline from the string?
View 14 Replies
Dec 7, 2010
DnsGetHostEntry takes an IPaddress as an argument but the one I'm supplying it while debugging is throwing an exception of "No such host is known" when I know that this is a perfectly valid host.
Somehow a space or character has been introduced at the beginning of the strong as per the text in quotes below. I tried a Trim(" ",
"" & vbLf & "" this is what I see when clicking on Edit Value in Quickwatch
View 3 Replies
Nov 26, 2009
I need to remove a "!" from the beginning of a string. I've added a watch in the debugger and it's not recognizing the string -contains- the !, but under the definition on the watch it's showing !XXX-XX-XXX
Dim Fewl As String = " "
Dim ExPoint As Char = "!"
Fewl = textSKU.ToString
View 6 Replies
May 9, 2009
I have a string:*Local Disk*:Users*UserName*DirectoryTestFile.txtand im trying to get rid of everything behind the "Test" so it would show everything after.so the string would look like:TestFile.txtno matter how many directories and/or files come after the Test. I just want to get rid of everything behind it.
View 4 Replies
Jan 31, 2011
you have a richtextbox filled with alot of different things, nthing specific
how would you go about deleteing the first 2 items of all the lines if the line has 2 or more items?
View 6 Replies
Oct 21, 2011
I have a text box and I don't know how many lines there are and I don't know how many digits there are in the number at the beginning of the line.
View 2 Replies
Dec 2, 2009
I am trying to write a function for determining the data type of columns in a delimited file.However my function is not detecting a newline and exiting the loop after the end of the first line.* 'del_2' is equal to a new line character, i have tested this using a small bit of code
if del_2 = ControlChars.NewLine then
MessageBox.Show("It is a newline")
end if
and got the message, and i know the newline characters are at the end of each line in 'filecontents' as i am adding them manually.
Public Shared Function DetermineColumns(ByVal filepath As String, ByVal delimiters As KeyValuePair(Of String, String)) As List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Type))
Dim result As New List(Of KeyValuePair(Of String, Type))
View 5 Replies
Dec 10, 2010
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
i have a textbox2.text is multiline ... when i type the msgs in textbox2 in multiline then it shows the error msg .. Redirect URI cannot contain newline characters.
View 3 Replies
Apr 27, 2011
I'm using the Oracle command dbms_output.get_line to retrieve output from a stored procedure. Once my code runs the command, I'm retrieving the results through a buffer string, 32000 bytes long.Inevitably, this string will have Oracle line breaks (chr(10) and chr(13)) in it that I'd like to replace with Environment.NewLine so I can display the output in a standard Winforms textbox.Here is the code I've been using - I don't recall exactly where I got the Oracle command right now, but if I find it, I'll add the link.
Dim cmdGetOutput As New OracleCommand("declare " & _
" l_line varchar2(255); " & _
" l_done number; " & _
View 1 Replies
Dec 22, 2009
The string is coming from this [url]...
View 2 Replies
Jun 25, 2010
program makes strings from webbrowser documenttext.For example
String1 = "<span class""long-title"" title"" Informations here"
Im trying to remove all text before "Informations here" this is what i currently have.
dim mychar as char () = {"<"c, "s"c, "p"c, "a"c, '....thatandlike20moretill.... "e"c, """"c}
string1 = string1.TrimStart(mychar)
(Note that each letter or symbol inbetween the quotations is a part of the string (span = "s" "p"...)Now this works. Not all the time though and its a pain in the .. having to do "letter"c, all the time.. (I got over 10 strings lol) Im wondering if theres a way easier method to remove part of string from the beginning, maybe like still a certen part of the length..
View 6 Replies
Aug 12, 2011
Basically I have a webresponse stream:dim lol as string = readstream.tostring there is a lot of information within the string but only one link starting with http: located near the end of the string - however there is no constant character point where I can start... (i.e. 38)
I want to extract the link from the string i.e. dog cat plane car [URL]..that is approximately how it looks above - words and url substituted I want to just extract [URL]..I had an idea of parsing the string from http: to the end Then after that splitting the string up again to remove the }], however it does not return anything
View 3 Replies
Apr 14, 2012
Currently I have this code in my app:
Dim parts As New List(Of String)(ListBox2.SelectedItem.ToString.Split(""c))
Dim myArr(1) As String
myArr(0) = parts(0)
myArr(1) = String.Join("", parts.ToArray)
As you can see it splits from left to right.Can anyone help me update the code to read the string RIGHT to LEFT and remove everything read till it finds the FIRST "" and display in msgbox?
View 4 Replies
Sep 14, 2010
I need to remove some content from string.
dim id as string ="TabContainerContent1_Basic_MyFirstName"
I need to remove TabContainerContent1_Basic_ . The fix is TabContainerContent1, it is under loop so always _Basic_MyFirstName will be changing. I need to get the text after the last _ char.
View 2 Replies
Dec 28, 2009
How would I remove before a string e.g. If I wanted to removed before "the" in "this is the test" it would leave me with test.
View 5 Replies
Aug 14, 2010
i have a string like this sravani/i want to remove last character '/' in the above string...which function can i use?
View 3 Replies
Sep 1, 2011
i have a listbox that adds the contents of a file to listbox1, this works fine. The list is a list of customer email then name like: [URL]:Peter it adds it like above to the list with the below code using regex VB
View 4 Replies
Oct 11, 2009
I have a string with 60000+ characters. I look for informations inside the string in a sequentially order. Every time I found a information I delete whatever is behind that information. In other words I reduce the size of the string every time I find something, and I do this using IndexOf and Remove, much like this:
vb.net Str = Str.Remove(0, Str.IndexOf("MyInfo"))
This can be quite heavy on the processor. So my question is it faster to look the informations using Regex or it would be about the same?
View 5 Replies
May 21, 2010
I have this sample code...
Private Sub DataReceived( _
ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) _
this displays in a text box the received data from a serial port. And it works like a charm but the data received has custom start and end of line characters. A line begins with chr(&H2) and ends with chr(&H3). What i want is on the text box those characters to be hidden and the chr(&H3) to start a new line.
View 5 Replies
Mar 3, 2009
How to remove the text between "#a#" to "#z#" if #a# is at the beginning of the line, like in the example:
Example: To remove:
#a# text text text #z#
text text text[code]....
View 12 Replies
Oct 21, 2009
I have some questions about arrays.
1) Lets say I open a file in a byte array and I need to add 5 bytes of data at the beginning. How would I go in doing that? ex: attaching to arrays together.
2) How would I go in adding 1 byte of data in a bye array?
All i need to do is open part of a file in bytes. Add a letter and 2 numbers to it at the begging and a number at the end.All i need to know is how to attach 2 byte arrays together and how can u add a byte of data to an array.
View 7 Replies
Sep 2, 2011
my problem is how can i convert the 63 in the beginning of the number ex."639063100343" and change it to 0 ex."09063100343"
View 8 Replies
Jan 13, 2010
i don't if i can make an output that is too long for the MessageBox to [roll] across the screen rather than have [newline] in vb.net
View 8 Replies
Oct 8, 2010
i need to togglie selection form a string in a rich text box and put careet one space forward.
View 1 Replies
Feb 25, 2010
I have a masked text box for postal codes. When the user clicks the text box it sets the cursor to where ever they clicked in the text box. Is there anyway that if the value is empty it sets the focus to the beginning.
Private Sub Cust_postalTextBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Cust_postalTextBox.Click
Is the code I have that works but What would the IF statement be to check if it is empty? String.empty and "" don't work because I think it sees the mask as characters.
View 7 Replies
Dec 12, 2010
For each character of this string I want a new character out of the string and then remove the character from the list of characters that still maybe used for other characters. It may not get the same character, you could basically just call this encryption, but it's not what I am making. I don't want to waste my time doing this one hour while VB can do this for me in <1 second.
View 12 Replies
Feb 22, 2009
I'm trying to get a ComboBox to remove the 6th string in the ComboBox or an index of (5) but it doesn't remove it here is the function I am using:
if ComboBox1.items.count = 6 then
End If
View 3 Replies
Sep 15, 2011
I'm using a richtextbox in vb.net. I need to maintain the text formatting while inserting a new entry.I have this issue solved although I am having difficulty with getting a new line between my new text and the prior existing text.Most solutions online presume you're working with rich textbox. text which accepts controlchars.lf, vbcrlf, and chr(10)... even chr(13) adds one single newline.How do i get the newline in rtf formatting?I prefer to have the new text entered at the top of the richtextbox as a user should see the latest update first.In addition, if this can be done more elegantly, I'm open for suggestions.Where you see controlchars.lf is where I want an rtf-based new line to show up. [code]
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Aug 4, 2009
Here is my problem. If Me.BackColor = Color.Red Then MessageBox.Show("Hello " & name & "You have chosen the Red Scheme", "Greeting") End If
I would like to have a newline at the "You have chosen the Red Scheme" i tried to put after the 'name', but it did not work.
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