I have a small application that (Adds, retrieves and deletes) info from/into access 2007 database file.I'm using Oledb (Online Mode) .I use this code to save new record to the database file[code]...
I'm using visual basic 2008 express edition by linq to sql for my database operation such as edit records. I did not use any sql server but I'm just using the built-in sql server within the visual basic 2008 express. I tried to revised the codes, no error in syntax but there's an error at runtime and it pops-up a window message saying its error message. What I want is to edit the records which were retrieved from the database into the text-boxes and when you click the button5 whatever the new value on the text-boxes should replace the previous one.The Account field is the field in my Table1 in memrec.dbml which I set up for primary key is true and the rest of the fields are false in its primary key.[code]...
I'm using visual basic 2008 express edition by linq to sql for my database operation such as edit records. I did not use any sql server but I'm just using the built-in sql server within the visual basic 2008 express. I tried to revised the codes, no error in syntax but there's an error at runtime and it pops-up a window message saying its error message. What I want is to edit the records which were retrieved from the database into the text-boxes and when you click the button5 whatever the new value on the text-boxes should replace the previous one.The Account field is the field in my Table1 in memrec.dbml which I set up for primary key is true and the rest of the fields are false in its primary key.The code below still found an error when you run the program and it pops-up a window which says:
NotSupportedException was unhandled - Sql server does not handle comparison of NText, Text, Xml, or Image data types.It highlights a yellow background on the line:
These are what I see on each field's property on Table1 in memrec.dbml property window:
Access - Public Type - String(System.String) Server Data Type - Text[code]........
This is the hardest part of LinqtoSql database handling operations in visual basic 2008 I ever encountered,w/c is the update operation cause Ive been posting this thread several times from the other forum site but noone yet was able to answer my question,examples were given but its not efficient cause it won't specify based on the codes i gave and i know its not easy but im still hoping that one of the answerers of this forum will be able to resolve this particular linqtosql operation codes. I used textboxes in manipulating all data into the database such as displaying records, adding records, & updating records, basically I used with textboxes in doing those database operations. I will give you 3 block of codes w/c corresponds those database operations I used and differentiate from each other inorder for us to determine why one of them has no progress or won't do its operation w/c is the update operation...
*************Block of Codes#1(Adding Records)************* Private Sub Button1_Click(------------------) Handles Button1.Click Dim db As New memrecDataContext()
I would like you to identify,differentiate, or troubleshoot the block of codes#3, or anyhow, why it has no progress at all or it won't edit and change the records but it runs and no error in regards with its code, and the other 2 blocks of codes were able to successfully do its operations.I was just wandering why only the block of codes#3 is not doing its operation successfully when you change the record being displayed in the textbox.Is there a possible way to edit records in the textboxes?If there is.... Is it possible to debug the block of codes#3 to successsfully do its operation? If you could possibly give an example,can you based it on the block of codes#3?
I'm working on a .NET component that gets a set of data from the database, performs some business logic on that set of data, and then updates single records in the database via a stored procedure that looks something like spUpdateOrderDetailDiscountedItem.
For small sets of data, this isn't a problem, but when I had a very large set of data that required an iteration of 368 stored proc calls to update the records in the database, I realized I had a problem. A senior dev looked at my stored proc code and said it looked fine, but now I'd like to explore a better method for sending "batch" data to the database.
What options do I have for updating the database in batch? Is this possible with stored procs? What other options do I have? I won't have the option of installing a full-fledged ORM,Additional Background Info:Our current data access model was built 5 years ago and all calls to the db currently get executed via modular/static functions with names like ExecQuery and GetDataTable. I'm not certain that I'm required to stay within that model, but I'd have to provide a very good justification for going outside of our current DAL to get to the DB.
Also worth noting, I'm fairly new when it comes to CRUD operations and the database. I much prefer to play/work in the .NET side of code, but the data has to be stored somewhere, right?
I have developed some software(vb.net) that records fees paid by the students. The purpose is that the database should be stored in a server, which can be accessed from any stations linked with it.This is working fine with a network of 10 computers. I need to publish it over the net so people could do this job logging in over internet. Database (access database) should be stored on a web based server.
'IMAGE HANDLING Dim bytes() As Byte = DS.Tables("Location").Rows(0).Item(4) Dim ProductImage As Image = Image.FromStream(New System.IO.MemoryStream(bytes)) pic_ProductImageDisplay.Image = ProductImage pic_ProductImageDisplay.Load()
The error occurs line 3 stating "ArgumentException was unhandled: Parameter is not valid."
1. Since the plate number will be stored directly into the database after being converted from the image. However, due to the conversion process of the image into text takes few seconds, it is not able to be stored into the database... May i know is there any code that can solve it? Maybe can delay the process of storing the plate number?
2. Why during running my VB, when i click on the listbox, sometimes it will immediately pop up a dialog box to ask for video source, but sometimes not? How can i solve it?
I'm trying to use a combo box to change the image in a picture box to one that's stored in an external folder. The plan is to, in code, take the part of the file's location that will be constant and concatenate the file name to the end. The file name is stored in a database.
I make simple project for editing ms access vith visual basic 2010. I use dataset to communicate with ms access. When i add record and clik buton save on binding navigator this record is displayed in grid view. When I exit and retur in form all records are displayed, but when I open ms access file added record are not in database. When i open dataset for configure and execute insert query this record is added to ms access file.I understand this, when i use sql connection this form is work correctly. Where is error sparc
I need to be able to save, edit, and delete records in an access database through vb2008. Editing and deleting records works perfect, but I cannot save new records. Can anyone assist?
Here is my code
Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Main_Form Dim con As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
1) Add a new record - I can currently add records text to access database, but not images.
2) Get the ID [URL]I'm not sure how to integrate this code into my code. I am stuck here.
3) Save the image in the filesystem using the ID as a filename - I can save the upload an image and save the image to a directory on my computer, but I am unable to name the image that of the ID of the access database.
4) Update the database to put the filename in the record you just created. - I am unable to do this as well (obviously).
Protected Sub SUBMIT_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SUBMIT.Click Dim custDb As Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim cmdInsertCustomers As Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
This program is very difficult for me, but I must get threw it or I cannot finish... What I am doing is making a Database of foreign Languages with the spelling of the words and the pronounciation inside the database... The USER enters a paragraph of words into the translator textbox and pushed translate. The program has a DATABANK of words with the phonetic spellings and matches the word, then translates to phonetics. The problem is that new words keep appearing inside the language. So I incorporated a Database of 2 fields
I created a dataset and i am using OleDbDataAdapter to insert new values to access database. But when i close the program and after open it, values are not in the database. How can i solve this problem? Also, i have another problem. When i write codes that
I am at the *** end of the project and have been asked to provide update profile in the application. I have to update the photo of the user and also the signature photo
i am trying to connect to a password-protected MS Access 2007 database. I don't have any problems connecting to the database when the database is stored on the C drive, the following command works for me:
I have a form in vb.net 2005 with a datagrid and picturebox, when I click an item in the datagrid dgProducts I want to display the Picture which is stored in an access database in binary format inside the picturebox pbProduct. This is the code I have inside the datagrid click:
pbProduct.Image = Nothing Dim x As Integer = dgProducts.CurrentRowIndex Dim dt As DataTable Dim drow As DataRow
I have imported the system.io and system.data.oledb at class level and I hav generated this code from what I can find in forums online, but I get "Parameter is not valid" and no more help than that...
I'm having problems with the updating of my datagridview. I can update to the MS Access database. The problem is I cannot update to my datagridview!-[code]
I am trying to update a field in a MS Access database and it appears to be working but it keeps coming up with an error on the last line "executeNonQuery", I think it has something to do with data type but not sure.
Using conProduct cmd1 = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE tblSODetails SET StartTime = " & soStartTime & " WHERE SO = " & CurSO & "", conProduct)
I have created a datagrid and populated it with data from a database. When the data is changed, I try to update the database and I get an error without any description of what the error is.to fill the grid:
dsjobs.Clear() With dbAdaptr 'populate jobs table Dim SQLStr As String = "Select * from jobs"
How can I do that? I already have the code I'm working on but it seems that it doesn't work really fine. I input an id number(unique) on a text box and click the search button. The entries that corresponds to the id number is then displayed on the other text boxes. And then I try to edit one of the entries manually(changing its letters or name) then I click the update button.
Here is now the problem: It really updates the entry but it makes a mirror of the entry with a different id number(maybe automatically generated). So basically the ms access database will now contain the old entry and the updated version of the entry.