Stored Directly Into The Database After Being Converted From The Image?

Feb 17, 2009

1. Since the plate number will be stored directly into the database after being converted from the image. However, due to the conversion process of the image into text takes few seconds, it is not able to be stored into the database... May i know is there any code that can solve it? Maybe can delay the process of storing the plate number?

2. Why during running my VB, when i click on the listbox, sometimes it will immediately pop up a dialog box to ask for video source, but sometimes not? How can i solve it?

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Insert An Image In Sql Database Directly From Picture Box?

Mar 7, 2012

I want to insert an image in .mdf file directly from the Picture Box, without using FileInfo.

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Pulling Image Stored In Bytes From Database?

Jun 10, 2011

The code for this is:

Dim bytes() As Byte = DS.Tables("Location").Rows(0).Item(4)
Dim ProductImage As Image = Image.FromStream(New System.IO.MemoryStream(bytes))
pic_ProductImageDisplay.Image = ProductImage

The error occurs line 3 stating "ArgumentException was unhandled: Parameter is not valid."

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Edit / Update Image Stored In Access Database?

Jun 9, 2012

I have a small application that (Adds, retrieves and deletes) info from/into access 2007 database file.I'm using Oledb (Online Mode) .I use this code to save new record to the database file[code]...

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Transferring An Image With File Name Stored In A Database To Code

May 30, 2011

I'm trying to use a combo box to change the image in a picture box to one that's stored in an external folder. The plan is to, in code, take the part of the file's location that will be constant and concatenate the file name to the end. The file name is stored in a database.


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Directly Load A Video Stored In A Zip Package?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a video stored in a zip package (System.IO.Packaging ).

how can I load it in a mediaplayer?

if in general, a file like word, excel etc is stored in a zip packaged, is it possible to launch them from this package?

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Create A Jpeg File In C:imagesFolder Based On The Image Stored In The Database?

Nov 19, 2009

I have pictures of each employee stored in SQL database with Image database.

Select pic from empimages where emp_ID=10

give the picture of that employee in binary format.

How do I create a physical jpeg in C:images folder based on the above query in

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VS 2008 Image Directly To String?

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to save an image object to an MP3 tag to do this i need the file contents of a .jpg file as a string ... the following method works to get this:

Image.Save(tempPic, Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
Dim sPicture_Data = Space(FileLen(tempPic))
Dim FileNo = FreeFile()


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VS 2008 Wait Until Image Converted

Feb 9, 2010

I'm trying to set a desktop picture after It downloads and converts. but for larger pictures it takes longer and doesnt set the desktop picture, is there anyway of waiting till its converted.[code]

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Export Image From Air App Directly Into A Powerpoint Slide Programmatically?

May 17, 2010

if this is the case.What I'm trying to do:1) have a way to save / copy screenshot from an Air app2) automatically paste such screenshot into a new powerpoint slide in the current presentation

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Value Of Type System Drawing Image Cannot Be Converted To Integer

Nov 26, 2010

When I try and compile code in 2008 I get an error that says "value of type 'system.drawing.image' cannot be converted to integer. The error happens at piccolor.image
picColor.Image , _
0, Form1.PictureBox1.Height, pixels(1, 1, 1), _
bitmap_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS)

Here's the code that explains what piccolor.image is, it's a picturebox on form1 that has an image
Public Function readpic(ByVal picColor As PictureBox)
picColor.Image , _
0, Form1.PictureBox1.Height, pixels(1, 1, 1), _
[Code] .....

And Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices is on the top of the module, if u need more code then let me know. Also I wonder if there is a way to bitblt directly to a pixel array.

View 17 Replies

WPF App - Update Database Directly From XAML

Nov 18, 2010

I have a WPF app that is currently driven completely from XAML. All fields, datagrids everything are bound from XAML using ObjectDataProviders objects. I have a DataAccessLayer (DAL) imported into the project. The calls to retrieve data using the ODPs are being used to display the data are all working. Is it possibly to perform inserts, updates, deletes using the methods that exist in my DAL directly from the XAML? I am trying to avoid ANY code-behind here at all to keep the UI a separate entity. I cannot find any clear cut examples with insert, update, deletes on this.

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Saving Directly From A Datagrid To A Table In A Database?

Apr 7, 2011

Basically I have a DataGrid on a form that is used to monitor attendance. I do this by making the data types for the relevant fields boolean so that at runtime, they appear as check boxes that the user can tick. If the user ticks this then the table in MySQL saves this as a 1, or if it is left unticked the table saves it as a 0. I then use those values in a mathematical equation to calculate weekly attendance.

My problem, however, is with saving changes to the table itself. Initially I set a primary key which was fine and allowed me to save. However I needed to turn that primary key to a foreign key and when I do that, I am told that I need a primary key. Now I got round that before when I was entering data into a text box and in my SQL query I'd simply put as my value being " & (name of textbox).Text & " but when I am entering data straight onto the datagrid, I am unsure of what to put in my SQL statement.

StudentID (Was primary key but turned it into foreign key)


My friend from college told me it's probably because there are multiple records in the database and can't distinguish between the two (as perhaps there's no WHERE clause in that UpdateCommand) but I doubt it as it was working perfectly well with multiple records when StudentID was a primary key.

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Insert / Retrieve Picture From Mysql Database Directly To - From A Picturebox?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm am having a heck of a time finding a code snippet that works for this. I have got to the point where it appears the picture is stored as a blob (perhaps incorrectly) by using this [code]...

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Reading Access Database Files Directly Into Visual Basic?

May 6, 2010

I would like to be able to read a column of numbers from an Access database into a VB.NET program and then manipulate that data.For example I have a column of numbers and want to add them up and then take the averageThe maths is not a problem but how do I read the column of data into the program. I know how to do this if I first export the Access data into a CSV file, but

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Loading A Jpg File Into A PictureBox Directly From An Access DataBase Field In VB2010

Nov 24, 2011

I am trying to 1) write code in VB2010 that will get a JPG image from a Access Database field and write the image to a PictureBox 2) write code which will write a JPG file to an Access Database field. I have already sucessfully coded this in VB6, without fully understanding what I was doing.

Browsing the various forum's I have come across a few discussions on this subject, but due to my complete amerture status I don't seem to be able to follow the logic.

Below is the VB6 code

Writing JPG file to DataBase:
Dim bytBlob() As Byte
Dim intNum As Integer


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Insert To Sql Via OLEDB Connection - Including (already Accomplished Image Insert Directly Into The DB)?

Aug 20, 2009

im trying to write to an sql database. im inserting an image, as well as some other information. I am using the following code which works fine, as long as i do not add an extra column/variable "LOCATION" in to the mix and leave "

'Cmd.Parameters.Add("@LOCATION", OleDb.OleDbType., 3).Value = "testing"

commented out. *this is undesireable as im trying to add extra criteria to be saved like LOCATION.

Dim st As New FileStream("\serverfolder1storage" & "pdftemplate.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim mbr As BinaryReader = New BinaryReader(st)
Dim buffer(st.Length) As Byte


i am trying to store the location e.g "c:file1.jpg" in the sql db. Can anyone reccomend a solution to this using OLEDB? ideally i need to add approx 4 more variables. e,g


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Bind Stored Image To Picturebox?

Jun 3, 2011

i have a stored image in my database. i want it to be displayed in picturebox. here is my code

Private Sub ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim index As ListView.SelectedIndexCollection = ListView1.SelectedIndices


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Database (access Database) Should Be Stored On A Web Based Server?

Aug 10, 2010

I have developed some software( that records fees paid by the students. The purpose is that the database should be stored in a server, which can be accessed from any stations linked with it.This is working fine with a network of 10 computers. I need to publish it over the net so people could do this job logging in over internet. Database (access database) should be stored on a web based server.

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How To Insert Image Into SQL Table Without Stored Procedure

Nov 23, 2011

How to insert images into sql table without using a stored procedure? I am working on a windows form for employees profiles ( and i have a combobox and a few textboxes. My combobox is manually connected to a database and also the other controls. When I fill the blanks and hit save, automatically the data is saved in my db and when I look into my combobox I see the new employee name. When I select a name, every control get filled. I have a picture box where the selected picture profile will be display. The picture will be display also when I select a name from a combobox. It will be retrieve from db table GeneralInfo Column Foto. What I need is to include in my sql statements the code to be able to save, update and delete the image from and to db.

This is part of my insert code:
Private Sub savenewprofileonload(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArg)Handles btn_saveprofile_onnewprofile_tap1.Click
Dim mconn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=(local); Initial Catalog=mydb;Integrated Security=true;")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
[Code] .....

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Reduce Size Of Image Which Is Already Stored In Sql Server

Jun 10, 2011

I have a database designed and implemented using ms sql server 2005. initially, the user has entered the pictures with a very big size because there was not restriction. now when the user is opening the crystal report so it takes alot of time and some time memory full problem occur. now i want to reduce the stored images size using is it possible? can you help me.. because there is nothing impossible as per my experence.

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Extract Frames And What Not From An Animated Image Stored In A Picturebox?

Nov 10, 2009

I can't really figure out how to extract frames and what not from an animated image stored in a picturebox. I made a post earlier similar to this matter. But now I must ask how it is that you work with GetFrame and SetActiveFrame.

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The Colour Of Each Pixel In The Image Should Be Inspected And Stored In One Or More Arrays?

Dec 7, 2010

I am making an application which is capable of displaying a picture, and making adjustments to it. Unfortunately i'm stuck at this phase:The colour of each pixel in the image should be inspected and stored in one or more arrays.

My code so far

Public Class Form1
Dim OpenFileDalog1 As New OpenFileDialog


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Zipping File Stored On SQL Server As Blob Image Field

Jul 14, 2010

I'm trying to zip a file that is stored on SQL Server as a blob image field and when downloading the zip file it says the file is corrupted.. or the file will open but contains some crazy characters. I've tried WinRAR and 7zip and no luck. I checked out [URL] and tried to kind of combine the browser attachment code and the memorystream/byte array code and no luck.

Here is my code snippet:
BinData = DirectCast(dt.Rows(0)("ImageField"), Byte())
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim blen As Integer = BinData.Length
[Code] .....

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Database Deleting Rows - Error - Value Of Type String Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection'

Sep 15, 2010

I have been trying my hand at this for some days now and just cant get anything to work. Below is the code im currently using to delete a row from a database table, the problem when trying to build the project line 5 is giving this error about the value con" Value of type String cannot be converted to 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection' "

Dim con As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=Customers.mdb"
Dim cnn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(con)


I have also tried using this code below, but to no success. Im basically just looking for something rock soild that i can use to accomplish this task. Been stuck on this for quite a while now.

Me.CustDetailsTableAdapter1.Delete(txtDelCustN.Text, txtDelCustSname.Text, txtDelCustTel.Text, txtDelCustAddr.Text)

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What Is Stored In Database

Aug 10, 2009

I am working with and have a form with a combo Box. On load the form is loaded with one of the following details depending on what is stored in the database; Cancelled, Processed and Failed. [code] Then I have an update button and when the user drops down the list he/she can select between Cancelled/Processed/Failed. I want to be able to grey out or disable Processed and Failed, so that when the user updates the field he/she can ONLY update with the Cancelled option ONLY.

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Store Picture As BLOB In MySQL Database And Retrieve From MySQL Db Directly Into Picturebox ?

Apr 11, 2011

I have determined thanks to the last q & a that there is something wrong with my "save to db" code as well as my "retrieve to picture" code. Even If I manually save the pic in the db it stil wont retreive. This is code i patched together from 3 or 4 examples around the net.

Dim filename As String = txtName.Text + ".jpg"
Dim FileSize As UInt32
Dim ImageStream As System.IO.MemoryStream[code]......

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Save Image In Msaccess Database & In The Crystal Report It Should Display The Saved Image?

Aug 28, 2010

i want to save image in ms access 2000 database & i want retrive it in a crystal report in 2005

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Retrieve Binary Image From Database And Insert The Image In Grid View

Sep 3, 2011

How to retrieve a binary image from a database using and insert the image into a GridView.

This is my DB

image (id as integer , img as varbinary(max))

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.net Code To Upload And Image From Client To Web Form Image Control And Save It To Sql Express Database?

Jan 17, 2010

I hoping to find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.

How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?

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