Encrypt Database And Using Data In Program

Mar 29, 2010

My database is going to contain personal data. (such as contact details, names, password, etc...) This is what I need:

1) I need to encrypt the database

2) However, i will also need to be able to use it in my vb.net program.

To expand on my second point, i will need to be able to display the data (non-encrypted, obviously), and i will need to be able to compare user inputted data to the database data (like, i will be using datasets, so, IF txtUsername.text = ds.tables(0) ...)


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Encrypt String In Program?

Dec 12, 2009

Is it possible to encrypt string in VB.NET, so user won't be able to see it, when he opens program with hex editor, or something like that.

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MS Access Database To Make Program Interactive But Cannot Get The Database To Update With The Entered Data

Apr 20, 2010

This program is very difficult for me, but I must get threw it or I cannot finish... What I am doing is making a Database of foreign Languages with the spelling of the words and the pronounciation inside the database... The USER enters a paragraph of words into the translator textbox and pushed translate. The program has a DATABANK of words with the phonetic spellings and matches the word, then translates to phonetics. The problem is that new words keep appearing inside the language. So I incorporated a Database of 2 fields


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Encrypt A Line Of Code In The Program

Apr 4, 2011

I'm trying to make a updater for my program at first i tried putting a password on the files folder then users can download the new zip file when its updated but when they first time install it wont have the password on it so i then decided not to use a password and am wondering how would i encrypt a line of code in the program? its the line that contains the database info so obviously i don't want my users to see that.

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Encrypt And Decrypt Database

Aug 15, 2011

How to encrypt and decrypt database..

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Encrypt And Decrypt Database?

Aug 21, 2011

How to encrypt and decrypt database

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Make A Small Program To Encrypt Files Using AES

Apr 11, 2009

i am trying to make a small program to encrypt files using AES, and then have the password from the AES encrypted using RSA for its use of public keys. i've got the AES part working fine and i found a good RSA tutorial here url....but after i encrypt the AES password (which is saved in a .txt file) using RSA, then i try to decrypt it again, it comes out as an empty .txt file!

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Make A Program To Encrypt And Decrypt Messages?

Jul 22, 2010

I want to make a program to encrypt and decrypt messages using a word cipher or random lettering(no duplicate letters) etc.

I've got 2 input boxes:
input text and keyword box
Two Buttons:
encrypt and decrypt

This is about all I have coded so far

Private Sub Encrypt_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Encrypt.Click
Dim EncryptInput As String


I have a few guess how to do this (not 100%) but setting up some sort of array might be one (not sure if it's the easiest)

Edit: one thing for sure I want to be able to separate the characters in the keyword into the start of an array (if the array is the best option)

I don't necessarily need code, I just need some advisement on how to approach this with commands. I don't know too many commands (only remember some fortran)

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VS 2008 Encrypt Program So People Can't Hack It?

Aug 9, 2009

I am just wondering how to encrypt my program so people can't hack it. I have a program that has a spot where you can type in problems with the program and it will email it to me. But, when I release my program people hack my email and password that is used to send the problems.

View 7 Replies

Writing A Program That Will Encrypt Text Using AES Encryption

Feb 14, 2009

I need some help with writing a program that will encrypt text using AES encryption. I'm not quite sure how to go about doing this.

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DB/Reporting :: Encrypt Database Password In Web

Jul 27, 2009

i want to connect to sql server database in the web thru vb6.0. If connect there is chance of user name and password been hacked. Is there any way to encrypt the password and connect to sql server database in the web or any other solution where in i will be not be exposing user name and password to hackers on tranisition to web.

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Encrypt / Decrypt Between Application And Database

Jun 7, 2012

I am looking for any good tutorial about like in subject of this topic, how to up more secure my application. What I need is to the solution to encrypt my queries in application. Is there any good tutorial or something you could propose me?

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Encrypt The Password Before It Stores Into The Sql Database?

May 17, 2012

I have this code which displays a login form, i want to encrypt the password before it stores into the sql database and should also be able to verify the pwd when a user logs in.


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Encrypt The Password Store In The Database?

Jun 21, 2010

how to encrypt the password store in the database so that if the database found by pupil it cannot take password from the table .how to encrypt password .I m using microsoft acess as the databese.

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How To Encrypt Password And Save In Database

Dec 14, 2011

I am a beginner, i have used two text boxes (for username, password) and a button. The password should be encrypted and saved in database when I click submit button.

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Salt / Hash And Encrypt Pwd In Database

Jun 11, 2011

Im a final year student for COmputer Security / Forensic. Im planning to do a project which requires me to do encryption and decryption. My possible choice of language would be VB.Net. I was wondering if wad is running in my mind can be executed. Well, I would make a application where a part of it wil be promting the guest to register and I wanted to store the password in the database. I did some research and came across Salting and Hashing. I was wondering if is it possible to get the password which the user enters, salt it, hash it and encrypt it before I store in the database. If so, what is the best secured strong encryption can I use in VB.net. Because through out the research I have done, i have sen RInjdael as the most fav encryption algo which alot of programmers using.

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Encrypt Text To A Textfile(.txt) And Then Decrypt It In A Diff. Program?

Feb 21, 2009

I am trying to encrypt text to a textfile(.txt) and then decrypt it in a diff. program.The encrypting part works fine.I have tried these functions in a textbox and they work perfectly, I get InvalidCastException when trying to decrypt from the .txt file.


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Make Some Simple Program For Encrypt / Decrypting Message Using VB?

Jun 29, 2010

i want to make some simple program for encrypt / decrypting message using VB, my problem was when i want to decrypt the message, the result was incorrect,

Dim decryptor As Integer = TextBoxhasilencrypt.Text
Dim privatekey As Integer = Labelprivatekey.Text
Dim modulus As Integer = LabelModulus.Text


the logic error on the program was when the "power of" are odd

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Encrypt The Text First And Then Save The File To Database

Oct 20, 2010

This is what i need my program to do...I have a form with 1 textbox and 2 buttons (save and load) If i type information into the textbox and then click save, i need it to encrypt the text first and then save the file to database If i click the load button i need it to decrypt the file and display the decrypted data into the textbox i just need a way to save my text files so the information inside them cant be changed without using my program but yet again i find myself at a loss as to how i do this.

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Encrypt Data And Put It On A Txt File?

Apr 23, 2009

I made a program that encrypts data and puts it on a txt file. There are two parts of information that need to be "linked" to the other. Say its Person 1, then Person 1 gender, they need to be placed together. Each encrypted piece of seperated by a ";". I have it read the file and place the information on a Rich Text Box. How can I read all the encrypted info and stop at ";" then place that into a variable then read the next bit? I did this a while back but I used StreamReader/StreamWrite and can't remember how I did it. Right now it reads through the open file dialog and writes it to the Text Box with this command writetext.LoadFile(sFilePath, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText)

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Encrypt Data In Web.config?

Apr 24, 2009

I have the following line in my web.config

<add key="AdminPassword" value="ASDF1234" />

How can I encrypt it?

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Encrypt The Data That Is Requested/sent?

Jul 13, 2011

how I can Encrypt the data that is requested/sent? I wrote an application that connects to MySQL to INSERT/UPDATE/READ information from/to. The application also connects to a website of mine. I have obfuscated the codes so that people can not simply de-compile it to see my information. However I, or anyone, can simple use Wireshark or Fiddler to see information like...

How can I encrypt that so i can at least feel a bit safer... the attacker can also use replay attack on my website until they get into a user's account...

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VB 2008 App - Encrypt Database Connection String In App.Config

Sep 21, 2011

I know this topic has been addressed a million times but please help me out. I have read so many articles on HOW TO encrypt and decrypt the app.config file but I need to know WHEN and WHERE I should encrypt it.

The problem arose because we found an AppName.exe.config file on a users computer and the database username and password was clearly visible. I understand that the .config file gets created during the VB app install process and is used
by the application. I then learned about the aspnet_regiis.exe tool and ran it on the app.config file inside my VB project. I am guessing that was the wrong thing to do.

When I now install the app on user desktops, it gives an error stating failed to decrypt the connection string. Also, when one of my other developers attempts to open the project in his copy of visual studio on his computer, he receives an error when trying to access the setting portion of the project properties. We store all of our projects on a file server and any developer can access the projects via a mapped drive on their computer.

So how am I supposed to encrypt the .config file. If I can't encrypt the App.config file in the development environment, then I'm guessing I have to perform the encryption on the users PC during the install process? How do I do that? Or is that what I am supposed to do?

Just for reference, here is the aspnet_regiis command I ran.

aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "connectionStrings" S:ProjectsDevelopmentVB.netPTPUSourceCodePTPU -prov "DataProtectionConfigurationProvider"

One last thing, maybe it's my misunderstanding of the issue but if this problem has existed since .Net 2.0, why has an option not been built into the development studio to encrypt connection strings?. This would seem to be a very common issue, even their own dataset wizard creates connection strings that are clearly readable.

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Encrypt / Decrypt Stream Of Data?

Aug 23, 2011

What are the best way to encrypt and decrypt stream of data ?I would like that my program read a file.. and unencrypt it in memory then when it save it.. it encrpyt the stream and save it.

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C# - Encrypt Or Secure The JSON Data When Needed?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm just starting to really get into JSON as a tool for my sites. I was showing my friend how I am calling a WS and returning the data, and he asked me about security of passing JSON data to and from a web service as he saw the data from the "POST" (via Firebug). Many of our public facing sites deal with member information and contain PHI.

Can I encrypt the JSON data and then unencrypt it? Is that a good way to go about it to ensure a layer of protection? Or is there another "better/right" way of doing it? Or are his concerns unfounded? how to encrypt or secure the JSON data when needed? Just trying to gather as much knowledge as possible before I go down a path that won't work for the company.

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Encrypt Some Basic Data Being Sent From Server To Client?

Oct 11, 2009

I need to encrypt some basic data being sent from server to client.

I was going to open a file in bytes, convert it to chrs (Modify odd numbers by adding 2 and even numbers by adding 3) then use Base 32 (Triacontakaidecimal) or Base 16 (although base 16 will occupy twice the space). Convert the data back to bytes and after do the same with the decryptor.

About using base 32, is there some sort of class in vb.net or maybe an api?

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.net - Using Rjindael And RSA To Encrypt Data Stored In QR Code In Visual?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm wanting to encrypt some data (hopefully under five hundred bytes' worth) and store it in a QR code. Originally I wanted to use RSA, so the data would be signed with User A's private key and User B's public key, but unfortunately, VB.NET doesn't like encrypting that much data. I've read that I should use Rjindael to encrypt the actual data, and then use RSA to encrypt the key used by Rjindael. However, I'm not having much luck being able to search the web for some kind of tutorial or something.

Also, if I was wanting to store this on a QR code, wouldn't I have to store both the encrypted data and the encrypted key used by Rjindael? Do you think this would all fit? I may be able to use version 40 on medium error correction [URl].. it stores 18,672 "data bits"), but I would prefer to use a lower version (that is, smaller) if at all possible.Generating the QR code won't be the problem (I know there's a .NET library for that), I'm just curious about getting the data encrypted to begin with.

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Encrypt / Decrypt SQL Server Data To Prevent Even Developers From Seeing It?

Feb 28, 2010

Here's an interesting problem, and I'm looking for a pattern that will keep it all workable. I am building a smart-client app for a school system. It will contain information about students including their report cards, sick days, and so forth. it will generate student-level reports, including their report cards, each rich with very personal commentary by their teachers. The app will retrieve data from the remote server via web services.


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How To Encrypt Data File In Visual Studio 2008

Jan 21, 2010

Is there any built in Encryption function in Visual basic 2008 that I can use? I want to encrypt my file because it is written in XML format any as far as everyone know... XML can read by anyone that has notepad or any related software.To aim is not enough.

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IDE :: Encrypt Some Data And Save It To A Text File With The 1st Windows 2005 Form

Oct 10, 2010

I have two windows vb.net form. I got a text file. I am trying to encrypt some data and save it to a text file with the 1st windows vb.net 2005 form. Now with the second one am trying to decrypt the data and retrieve it here.

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