Error With Check Box?

Jun 18, 2012

On line

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dblunit As Double
Dim dblprice As Double
Double.TryParse(txtunit.Text, dblunit)


line 6, it seems to skip that even if checked and moves to line 16 and inputs that, can;t really figure out why it's doing that, probably something simple, that i am overlooking.

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Syntax Error For Check Box?

Mar 2, 2012

i working on the update function using textboxes and a checkbox however the error arises when it gets to the check box the error is "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'role_id right_id enabled_flag'." i cant see the error

my code is

strsql = "update cg_security_user_right set user_id=@field1, role_id = @field2, enable_flag=@3 where role_id right_id enabled_flag "
Dim objcmd As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(strsql, acsconn) ' the


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Call A Little Error Check Function ?

Jul 13, 2010

I am just trying to call a little error check function, and if the return value, isOK, is false, let the user change stuff and then call the function again. If isOK is true, the rest of the program runs. For some reason, when i run the test under conditions I know to be valid, or true, the function still returns isOK = false.


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Check If Directory Exists Error?

Apr 30, 2009

text boxes. (Where Combo box1 is the Drive Letter, Combo Box2 is a folder, And Text box is another folder. ie.

If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("ComboBox1.Text & " " & ComboBox2.Text & " " & Textbox1.Text") Then
MsgBox("File found.")


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Error Check For Radio Button

Mar 2, 2010

I'm trying to Error Check for a radio button option of either mother or father. The Error Check needs to make sure that one of the radio buttons is selected.[code]...

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VS 2005 Error Check For Webservices?

Oct 9, 2009

how to do an error check on WebServices i.e. to check if the site which has the webservices is not down and also if internet connection exists?

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Check If An Array Is Valid Without Causing An Error?

Apr 23, 2009

I create an empty boolean array check_state(), and then if a condition is met later in the script, I redim it and save a list of check box states as booleans into the array, and later check the array values, but I can't work out how to do this without causing an error if the array was not defined to begin with

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Data Error (cyclic Redundancy Check)?

Feb 10, 2011

It's the first time I see this error.

System.IO.IOException: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive)
at System.IO.Directory.Delete(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive)

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Error - Access To The Path 'C:Check.txt' Is Denied

Mar 13, 2009

To write a new file to the hard drive I�ve always used (for example):-

FileOpen(1, "C:FileName.txt", OpenMode.Output)

Trying this today I get an error message� Access to the path 'C:Check.txt' is denied. MSDN say I should use: -

Dim file As System.IO.FileStream
file = System.IO.File.Create("c: est.txt")

So although I couldn�t see how to specify the mode� I tried: -

Dim file As System.IO.FileStream
file = System.IO.File.Create("c:Check.txt")

With exactly the same result� Access to the path 'C:Check.txt' is denied. It says I don�t have permission.

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Error To Check Remote Size Of RPT File

Nov 7, 2011

I have developed a system to update various programs. I put the programs updated into a particular folder of my site and Users can launch their update program to download and update their application.

The user interface has two progress bar, one for the single program in download and the second for the total download.

For calculating the total amount of bytes for the second progress bar I need to know the dimension in bytes of programs and files to be downloaded before start downloading. See the attached code.

For that I read, in remote mode, the size of all the files checked and I obtain the total amount of bytes.

All works fine with various type of files (.EXE - .DOC - .JPG - .TXT etc).

The problem arises with the Crystal Report file (.RPT).

The error 404 occurs but the file exists, the server WEB is active and the other files of the list are summed. If I compress the same file in .ZIP all works.[code]...

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Forms :: Error When Trying To Check For String Format?

Jul 28, 2009

I have encountered this error Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.IFormatProvider'. when i try to use a "if" statement to check for a certain string format in a the text of a string.heres the code i have done:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInsert.Click
Dim unit As String = txtUnit.Text


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Syntax Error Null Check Datatable / Gridview Vb?

May 21, 2010

I have this code:Dim Result As New DataTable DataAdapter.Fill(Result)

'bind data to visible surname/name grid If Result.Rows.Count = 0 Then NoInputBottom.Text = "No Results. Please widen your search criteria and try again" NoInputTop.Text = "No Results. widen your search criteria and try again" Else
GV.DataSource = Result
End If

I have also tried moving the check to the gridview like so:

If GV.Columns.Count = 0 Then
NoInputBottom.Text = "No Options Selected: Please select your search criteria and try again"
NoInputTop.Text = "No Options Selected: Please select your search criteria and try again"
End If

When I run the code. the noinput labels do not have value, the null check seems to be failing? Please can you tell me how to display a message if the search returned no reults.

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Error Provider To Check Control Validation Until Save Event

Jul 15, 2009

I am writing a User Control. Into each control I am loading a custom biz object. Because the biz object implements IDataErrorInfo interface I am able to use the ErrorProvider control on the user control.

I am binding the ErrorProvider to the biz object like this:

Me.ErrorProvider1.DataSource=MyBizObject This is all working perfectly EXCEPT. The validation is happening (and therefore I am displaying the blinkey error signs next to all feilds) as soon as the User control is loaded into the host form.

Each biz object implements a SAVE method and I want the validate to not happen until the save event is triggered on the biz object.

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Check If Session Item Exists Fails Itself With Object Reference Not Set Error

Aug 12, 2011

I'm having problem regarding session items. Before I use them, I want to check if they exists, but using this codes gives me error:[code]I think Session("SomeSessionItem") tries to acquire the value of the session item. If the item doesn't exists then it throws exception. But how do I check if a session item exists before using them? I have a page Home.aspx.In the Home.aspx.vb, I instantiate a WebUserControl SomeControl.ascx. Note that in Home.aspx.vb event handler Page_Load I can use a condition to check session without getting an exception.Inside SomeControl.ascx.vb I'm trying to access the session, here's where the exception occurs.

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Check/modify The Windows Automatically Restart On Error And Paging File Settings From Within A VB App?

Jul 21, 2011

In an app I am writing I need to be able to display the current settings of the following:- Windows "automatically restart on error" setting from advanced, startup and recovery section Paging file size and whether it is custom size or set to system managed Is this at all possible? perhaps VB has a function to do so I cannot find, or perhaps I can do by querying a registry value?

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Check Box Error Message : Cannot Set Column,The Value Violates The MaxLength Limit Of This Column

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to placed several check boxes (15) in a group box or on a form. I receive the following error message in Visual Studio:
Cannot set column, "The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column".

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VS 2010 Basic Timer Animation - Error Check And Colour Scheme VB Express 2010

Mar 26, 2012

this is my very first posting and I must say I am desperate. I have a VB assignment due in 2 days and I am so lost. I have written a code to draw some graphic, just a basic house, tree, sun etc. I have also written a code to magnify said graphics which were all the specifications of my Assignment 1 part A. Now for Part B I am being asked to extend my program so that: A - My graphic can be drawn using different colour schemes designed by me but chosen by the user B - My graphic or an appropriate part of it can be animated around the picture box if the user chooses to do so. C - Error checking is included.


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Sockets - Winsock Not Working And Getting "Please Check It And Try Again" Error?

Jan 29, 2011

i am trying to get this code that worked in VB6 just fine to work in 2008. It doesnt seem to want to connect (but has no error after it goes past the sockMain.Connect().


I get the It doesnt seem that the server is running. Please check it and try again. error.

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VB: Getting Checkboxes On Windows Form To Check If Their Values In A Database Field Is Check (True)

May 10, 2011

This is my problem.I have a field set up in MS Access to Boolean YES/NO, this field is populated when the user check a checkbox on a windows form. If the user check a checkbox, the value is written as checked in the data field (MS Access).The problem is when I search for the user information, I need the information from the Data base to populate(return) to the windows form. Example: If I enter a users phone number and the user data is present, the form gets populated with the information the user previously entered which was store in the database.Example: If the user selected checkbox1 and submits the form. When I search for the user info, the check box should check(populate) because the user had checked it on submit.Here is what I have done:


I am getting the check value correctly in the database using a Boolean.Here is one of the errors I am getting. Unable to cast object of type

'System.Boolean' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.I am having trouble putting the codes in a code tag or block

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Search Data From Database With Some Check Box And Text Box When User Select Check Box Specific Function

Dec 15, 2011

My application is like this : i have to search my data from database with some check box and text box when user select check box specific function go on and then when user enters some range of value in textbox then the result will shown in data grid view after that i can print it by selecting data
my code is as follow:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class XtraForm1


I m also pasting the demo picture.

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IDE :: Dual Check Program(check Duplication In Form By Comparing From Access Database Table Fields)?

Apr 9, 2010

Details: I want to compare these above two table1 and 2 . The unmatched records should be save in a new table .


1 Should take input the table and fields we want to match each other.

2 Then after searching or reading the record from table and selected fields save the unmatch records in a new table

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App For Xp To Check A Database And Check/patch A Iso And Then To Burn The Result To Dvd-dl

Oct 8, 2009

hi there,first of i know nothing at all and my goal is to make a app for xp to check a database and check/patch a iso and then to burn the result to dvd-dl, basically like a app called abgx360 checks the database then like xbox backup creator burns the game, i'd like to make a app to do both, i'm going to college next year in september to learn programing c+ andf a few other things, but thats a longtime away.

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Check Specific Pixels In A Picturebox To Check The Color?

Jan 17, 2010

Is there a way to check specific pixels in a picturebox to check the color? Basically what I have is a black square with some white dots, and I want to find the position's in the picture of the white dots.

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Getting Checkboxes To Check If Their Values In A Database Field Is Check?

May 9, 2011

I have a Boolean that writes to a data field. The data field(column) is set to YES/NO, if the user check a checkbox, the value is written as check in the data field.The problem is when I search for the user information, I need to get to form to the state it was in when the user submitted it.

Example: If the use select checkbox1 and submits the form. When I search the form, I need to make that particular check box check.


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Interface And Graphics :: [VB2005] Check All Check Boxes?

Oct 23, 2008

I use check boxes and place them on my user interface (See attachment)I have coded the code for "select all" button :

Private Sub checkedall_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As_
System.EventArgs) Handles checkedall.Click
Dim chkboxes, outs As New Collection()


I could not seems to check all the boxes. Is there something wrong with it? I am not sure how to assign array to check boxes.

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Check If Input To Group Number And Number Of Units Are Correct Input By Making Error Handling Exceptions

Sep 23, 2010

Part of my assignment is to check if input to Group Number and Number of Units are correct input by making error handling exceptions...

I have to check the following:
a) group number is neither 501 nor 062
b) number of units are NOT numbers
c) number of units is NOT a positive number

So my first question is, am I checking correctly? 2nd question is, How do I make sure my Exceptions will pertain to their correct respective things (a, b, and c.. above)?


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.net - Check/DeCheck All Items In Check-list Box?

Jul 11, 2011

A couple of questions about check list boxes:

How to check/decheck all the item in the list How do you copy or delete all checked items in the list

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Check A Check Box Based On A Condition At Run Time?

Jun 4, 2011

How to check a check box based on a condition at run time?

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VS 2008 Allow User To Only Check One Check Box On CheckedListBox1

Mar 6, 2010

How can i allow the user to only check one check box on a CheckedListBox1..I was thinking of using a timer but that might be a stupid thing to do.

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When A Check Box Is Clicked. It Gives An Error "Object Reference Not Set To A Instance Of An Object"?

Nov 2, 2009

I am having trouble with this piece of code. This is an event when a check box is clicked. It gives me an error "Object Reference Not Set To a Instance Of An Object"I am gathering that something here needs to be AS NEW something but I have tried a few things and can not get it straight.

If Me.ckbDefault.Checked = True Then
Dim current_indexno As Integer
current_indexno = Nothing[code]....

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