Error Declaring LinkedList Of Integer()

Apr 25, 2011

{"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: collection"}
Dim Data() As Integer
Dim SignalData As New LinkedList(Of Integer())(Data) ' <-- error thrown here

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Error Declaring LinkedList Of Integer()?

May 3, 2011

{"Value cannot be null. Parameter name: collection"}
Dim Data() As Integer
Dim SignalData As New LinkedList(Of Integer())(Data) ' <-- error thrown here

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Declaring And Integer As Two Values

Jan 13, 2011

I'm working on a simple BlackJack (player vs dealer) system, that I plan on making gradually more advanced. However, while everything works brilliant, I'm yet to find a logical solution to declaring an Ace as both 1 and 11.So my question is, how do I pull this off. Below is the "New Game" logic (code) so it should give you an idea of what I'm working with (note how player scores are added together, I'm sure it's easy enough to understand...).I'd like lblPlayersum to still be a usable integer, though I'll rework everything if noone has a logical solution.Just quickly note that the "Cards" array is purely used to coordinate images."CardsVal" coordinates that values within the deck. Arrays 48, 49, 50 and 51 are the aces. (Currently defaulted to 11).[code]

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Error : 'AddressOf' Expression Cannot Be Converted To 'Integer' Because 'Integer' Is Not A Delegate Type?

Aug 11, 2011

I faced an error when upgrading VB6 code to VB.NET. The error occurs at AddressOf WindowProc

AddressOf expression cannot be converted to 'Integer' because 'Integer' is not a delegate type

My declaration for SetWindowLong is:

Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA"(
ByVal hWnd As Integer,
ByVal nIndex As Integer,[code]....

What is the reason for the error I get?

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Error After Implicit Conversion Of 1 Dimensional Array Of Integer To IEnumerable Of Integer() ) ?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm trying to create a linked list of an array of integers. Why is the following implicit conversion required?

When I run the code that contains that conversion, I get the following error.

As a real-time data acquisition user control data (a packet of an array of bytes) arrives every second, is converted into an integer array and inserted into a linked list.

The most recently arrived data is painted as coordinates on a grid at the right of a PictureBox using Graphics.DrawLine (pen,X1,Y1,X2,Y2).

The oldest data (arriving 120 seconds ago) will be drawn at the leftmost portion of the Picturebox.

Why a linked list rather than a list? To display 120 views of time sequence data, the draw routine the most recently inserted node to a node that points to Nothing. How do I limit the length of the linked list to 120 nodes and always ensure that the last node points to Nothing?

Do While Not item Is Nothing
item = item.NextItem

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C# - No ConvertAll For LinkedList<T>?

Apr 9, 2009

Does anyone have an extension method to quickly convert the types in a LinkedList<T> using a Converter<TInput, TOutput>?

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VB2008 Declaring Image As A Resource But Getting An Error When Try To Run The Program

Dec 3, 2009

I have a PictureBoxMain on my form. I have 6 buttons. When I click a button, I want the picture box to display an image that relates to the button I've clicked.

Public Class FormPipe1
Private Sub ButtonBranch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonBranch.Click


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Is LinkedList Implementation Of .Net Threadsafe

Apr 26, 2011

I am working on an application which uses multiple threads to work on number of tasks and the parent application receives the output of the task,later to be written to files, currently I am using arraylist to append output to, but that happens to be slow when removing items from queue.I was thinking to convert arraylist part to linkedlist for optimized reads and clears,if linkedList Implementation of .Net is threadsafe or even using arraylist was threadsafe?

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Java - Linkedlist To Arraylist?

Apr 4, 2011

I am converting java code to and this line of code gives me different output in enclipse than one in VS.

req1.set(req3, Integer.valueOf(((Integer)req1.get(req3)).intValue() ^ ((Integer)req6.get(req3 + 256)).intValue() & 0x1));


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VS 2010 : Sorting LinkedList Objects As They Are Added?

Oct 22, 2009

what the point of a Generic.LinkedList is in Visual Basic .NET 2010.I've heard that I can save sorting time with such a list, since it somehow sorts objects as they are added.How can I perform such sorting with this type of list?

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Vb6 Declaring Functions - Error - "optional Parameters Must Specify A Default Value"

Oct 19, 2011

I just got upgraded from VB6.0 to VB2010. I'm trying to move some of my program functions over and I'm getting an error on the ones where I use optional... Public Function GetFolder(ByRef FTT As String, Optional InitFile As String)

I get the error at the end of the line, after the close par...the error is "optional parameters must specify a default value".

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Error : Integer Is Not Declared

Dec 20, 2009

Here is my form code

Dim asInteger As Integer = 42
Dim aSingle As Single = 39.345677653
Dim Astring As String = "I like Candy"
Dim aBoolean As Boolean = True


and im getting an error saying anInteger is not declared. Could anyone give me some help to why this is happening and also how it is fixed and give me some information so i can understand why it is not working so i no for future reference. Just reading back over my code i have realized i put

Dim asInteger As Integer = 42
instead of
Dim anInteger As Integer = 42

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Error 8 'GetUpperBound' Is Not A Member Of 'Integer'

Jul 19, 2009

Why is it giving me an error for this code

intWordNum = Rnd() * (strWords.GetUpperBound(0))

This is the error

Error 8 'GetUpperBound' is not a member of 'Integer'.

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Error: Value Of Type 'Integer' Cannot Be Converted

Nov 7, 2009

I have a problem, I cannot converted the value of Integer type, which it cannot converted to 'System.Drawing.Point' and 'System.Windows.Forms.Control' .


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String To Integer Conversion Error

Oct 28, 2009

If I want to populate an ArrayList with values 1 and 2 it works.[code]I found here a link about string to integer conversion in visual basic but I don't know how to deal it to my problem.

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The Error Related To The String And Integer

Dec 24, 2011

New Introduction to Programming Vb.NET I did. Says the problem that I have been living in the code example below. Code Example:


The problem is not changed it to a text column in the database MNO. But I had to use as a MNO Numeric Column

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VS 2010 : Display Error If Not Integer?

Apr 19, 2012

I am taking a business application development class right now and am learning Visual Basic. One of my homework assignments is to calculate the grade needed on the final exam to get an A in the class depending on the midterm score entered by the user. My question is how do I display an error if the value entered is a letter instead of an integer?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim intMidterm, intFinal As Integer
intMidterm = CInt(TextBox1.Text)


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Conversion (Integer To String) Type Error

Apr 21, 2009

I am getting a conversion type error on the red line?
Private Function GetGap() As Integer
Dim VowelNumG As Integer
Dm Vowels as string = "AEIOU"
Dim VowelIndexG as integer
For VowelIndexG = RandomStr.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
[Code] .....

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Error - Conversion From String To Integer Not Valid

Nov 30, 2011

I have an unbound datagrid of which I load a csv into it.I then add an additional column and populare it with row numbers:

Private Function AutoNumberedTable(ByVal SourceTable As DataTable) As DataTable
Dim ResultTable As New DataTable()
Dim AutoNumberColumn As New DataColumn()


I then add to my datagrid :

datagrid1.DataSource = AutoNumberedTable(ds.Tables(strFileName))

I then try to update my sql table:

My insert paramater:

insertCONTACTS.Parameters.Add("@Company_ID", SqlDbType.Int, "Company_ID")

My add row:

row("Company_ID") = datagrid1.Rows(r).Cells("Company_ID").Value

But I get the above error, I thought when i added the column, the values in the rows were integer.How can I convert my column to integer.

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Error : DdressOf Expression Cannot Be Converted To Integer

May 23, 2012

Migrated application from vb6 to application calling VC++ method. whoes parameter is int/long which is pointer of method

which is passing from vb6 like

VcMethod(addressof vb6Method)

I am getting error ddressOf expression cannot be converted to integer.I know addressof working different in vb6 it givie value in int which is function pointer. Please suggest how can I get value of fuction pointer in or any other solution in this situation.

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Error Is Dissallows Conversions From Long To Integer

Mar 18, 2010

Here is my code so far trying to sort the array. The only problem is with Option Strict On, it throws errors on sortedarray(i), and all of the j-1's, j's.Error is dissallows conversions from long to integer


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VS 2008 : Error: ConvertToMonth Is Not A Member Of Integer

May 20, 2009

I ran into a strange issue over the weekend while I was working on an mvc project in I created an extension method to convert an integer to the corresponding month it is associated with. I tested the extension method in a console application so I know it is working. In my mvc project I have a view and want to call the extension method but I get an error that the extension method is not recognized. I imported the namespace it was contained in and still couldn't shake the error. Any idea what's going on? The code is below.

Extension Method:

Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module SiteExtensions
<Extension()> _


Error:"ConvertToMonth is not a member of Integer"

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Empty Textbox Field Creating Integer Error

May 26, 2011

I'm using visual basic to code a program to help with weights and center of balance on aircrafts, as I'm my unit's new air load planner. The math isn't hard to do, it's just that much of it is trial and error, and redoing all the arithmetic over and over again until the aircraft's C/B is in acceptable limits can eat some time up. So, since i'm trying to learn programming I thought this might be a good way to use it for a real-world scenario.


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Keep Getting Error Conversion From String To Type Integer Is Not Valid

Jun 25, 2011

I designed a payroll application and I keep getting the error conversion from string to type Integer is not valid.Also when I enter the name in one of the textboxes it reads form and not my name.[code]

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Keyboard Up / Down Event - Error: KeyCode Is An Integer Not Byte

Jan 30, 2010

Private Declare Sub Keyboard_Event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) [Code] I know the KeyCode when i call this function. Example 13 is the keycode for "Enter". But it says that theres an error on syntax cause KeyCode is an integer not Byte. What kind of variable does it need there? I mean does it need the keycode (which is a number) or a character e.g. "a"? [Code]

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VS 2005 Error: Incorrect Integer Value: '' For Column 'MPotProspect' At Row 1?

Sep 8, 2009

this code below it gives me this error "error: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'MPotProspect' at row 1"


this give me another error "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1/" another way i tried when i highlight the myDatarow.Item(8).tostring and see what is inside there no data found.. but the other from mydatarow 7 to 1 there is data.. but in the database all of the fields including mydatarow(8) has data inside... why in mydatarow(8) when the program run it turn to null... may be the will cause the error...

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.net - Error:conversion From String Load Report Failed To Type Integer Is Not Valid

Apr 17, 2012

there is one search button to see the report on datagridview using when the more items are there in database correspond it year(say 2012)... the above exception is thrown by filling the datgridview,the problem happens when it tries to connect with crystal report,it shows error...Remember that i face this problem only if there are more records in my database(exactly more than 100 rows)...when i delete few rows from the database,it works fine..I have created a table and added that table to a dataset,then assigned that table1 as datasource for crystal report


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.net - Error:conversion From String Load Report Failed To Type Integer Is Not Valid?

Sep 3, 2009

there is one search button to see the report on datagridview using when the more items are there in database correspond it year(say 2012)... the above exception is thrown by filling the datgridview,the problem happens when it tries to connect with crystal report,it shows error...Remember that i face this problem only if there are more records in my database(exactly more than 100 rows)...when i delete few rows from the database,it works fine..I have created a table and added that table to a dataset,then assigned that table1 as datasource for crystal report

Public Class crystalform1
Dim r As DataRow
Dim t As DataTable


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VS 2008 : Error : Too Many Arguments To 'Public Overridable Overloads Function Queryname() As Integer'

Jun 2, 2009

i'm accessing an access database and want to execute the following query

INSERT INTO sometable
(date, field1, field2)
SELECT ( ? AS Expr1, field1, field2)
FROM othertable

? is a date i generate in code and field1,field2 belong to othertable i put it in a tableadapter and execute it by me.tableadapter.queryname(calculated date) but i get the error : Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable Overloads Function queryname() As Integer' Also if i try to generate the date in the query builder in the form dateserial(year(now),month(now),1-1)the query builder does not accept it?

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VS 2008 Error 1 Option Strict On Disallows Implicit Conversions From 'Double' To 'Integer'

Mar 4, 2010

how i have to write this variable not to have errors

Dim divider As Integer = (20 / 3)

Error 1 Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Double' to 'Integer'

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