Error While Convert C# To Program

Dec 25, 2011

what is the error in the bleow: 'Public Event OnFilterAdded()' is an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event.[code]...

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Program Builded With VB6.0 - Run Uncertain Time - Program Will Crash - Oleaut32.dll Error Message (Error Code: 0x00048f9) In Event Viewer

May 5, 2011

The program has errorhandle and write log function, however, it could not catch the error message in the program.

The following error message in Event Viewer. Error Module: oleaut32.dll ,version 5.1.2600.5512, error code: 0x000048f9

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Convert Old GW-BASIC Program To A Command Line Program With Arguments?

Mar 1, 2012

This is going to be a lot to ask, but I'd like to convert my old GW-BASIC program to a command line program with arguments. I'd like it to operate as follows:

elapse [drive:][path]filename This is my old code.

10 OPEN "G:Calc.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1
20 WHILE NOT EOF(1): INPUT #1, A$, B$
30 IF MID$(A$,3,1)=":" THEN C$="DOUBLE DIGIT":GOTO 50
40 IF MID$(A$,2,1)=":" THEN C$="SINGLE DIGIT":GOTO 120


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Convert Access Program To A SQL / Program?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a few questions reguarding converting a Access program to a sql/ program. I know these are vague questions, so feel free to give vague answers.

NOTES: I have a solid unstranding of SQL and i have little Access experience, but i would be working with the individual who created the access program. I also don't have alot of experience in converting on program from one language to another. Most of my experience is in new programing.

[Q1] Is their a general rule of thumb when converting/recodeing on how long it should take? i.e. if this project would take me 40 hours to write my self from scratch it would take me 30 hours to recode into another language?

[Q2] What type of problems do i need to look out for when working on projects of this nature and being inexperinced?

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Convert Single Instance Program To Network "Multi-Seat" Program

Apr 26, 2012

I have developed some programs for processing and issue-coding electronic documents. I am teaching myself how to work with SQL Server because I want these programs to work with electronic documents imported into SQL Server as opposed to messing around in a folder stuck on the desktop, for example. From there I want to expand on the program so that it is a network enabled program.


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Convert From C# To VB Error

Feb 23, 2012

i have converted a C# class that embeds xls files to windows forms application.

I am getting the error "Overload resolution Failed because no accessible'Navigate' accepts this number of arguments" at the following line:

from:this.WebBrowserExcel.Navigated+=new System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserNavigatedEventHandler(this.OnWebBrowserExcelNavigated);
Me.WebBrowserExcel.Navigate += New System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserNavigatedEventHandler(AddressOf Me.OnWebBrowserExcelNavigated)

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Error Trying To Convert Bmp To Avi

Aug 12, 2009

I have an Source code from VB6 to convert Bmp to Avi I have converted that Code And I ran into 2 big errors that any was not declarded and VarPtr I got rid of them And Now I have 1 Tiny error"Value of Type 'AVITutor.cDib.BITMAPINFOHEADER' cannot be converted to 'integer'.[code]...

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Error While Convert C# To VB

Dec 25, 2011

what is the error in the bleow: 'Public Event OnFilterAdded()' is an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event.

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Configuration


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.net Program Shows Error : InvalidOperationException Was Unhandeled An Error Occurred Creating The Form

Jun 2, 2011

I got a serious problem. Though I have made my program newly it shows error. I have used 1280,1024 animation only for first form then used 1280,1024 image for every form. Today I was checking then it was showing me error message for 19th & 20th form. If I use On Error Resume Next then it shows error for another form ; if I use same code there in the menu item I mean so that I can get rid of error when I click to show a form it shows another error. First error message is "InvalidOperationException was unhandeled An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is parameter is not valid." and second error is "OutofMemoryException was unhandled Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown". I have noticed it that it doesnt show error message for those form which have few labels and text boxes. It shows error message for those forms which have 1 menu bar, 2 picture boxes(one is 1280,1024 & another is 250,456), 2 group boxes, 40 labels, 3 combo boxes, 38 text boxes & three buttons. Please help me I need to get rid of this problem. Does it mean that I cant use unlimited control there in my form?

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Ixdn MsdMon.exe-fatal Error CLR Error: 80004005 The Program Will Now Terminate

Apr 30, 2009

i turn on my computer and appear this " Ixdn MsdMon.exe-fatal error CLR error: 80004005 the program will now terminate" and the computer runs very slow

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Convert A Program From VB 6.0?

Feb 22, 2012

I notice you can't use textbox control array in .net. Wondering how to workaround this code.

Private Sub cmdNew_Click()
Dim row As Integer, col As Integer
For col = 1 To maxCol
For row = 1 To maxRow
txtCell(Indx(row, col)).Text = ""


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Convert A Program From VB6 To DOT NET?

Mar 7, 2012

I'm trying to convert a program from VB6 to DOT NET. In my original program I have a menu array which was simple to create.I simply named each menu element the same name and assigned each a different Index property.In DOT NET, there is no Index property and trying to create a second menu item with the same name generates an error. I have been unable to find any info that helps me transfer the functionality to DOT NET.

Can someone help with my struggle to make the leap to DOT NET?I'm also trying to convert use of the MSHFlexGrid in VB6 to the DataGridView tool in DOT NET and this is driving my to distraction. I've figured out some things already with lots of web searches but selecting a column to sort and sorting it still eludes me.

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Convert A VB6 Program To .Net?

Oct 30, 2009

hat this VB6 statement does?

BK(1) = IB(1) B0
And W1

what the back slash means. I am trying to convert a VB6 pgm to VB.Net.

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Convert C To Program?

Jun 25, 2009

I have this code that gets the hostname,IP and MAC address of computers under a certain domain name. but it is in C#. i am required to run the code under[code]...

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Convert C# To Program?

Apr 21, 2011

I've been trying to convert a little code snippet from C# to VB, but it s too hard for me.The problem is that it�s using Delegate and event handling[code]...

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Convert Pdf In To Xml Using Program?

Mar 20, 2008

How to convert pdf in to xml using

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Convert Program To C#?

Aug 26, 2009

I tried the code below to convert it to c#. But i am getting many errors when i use it.Like error related to || and && symbols using in c# version.[code]...

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Convert SQL To Program?

Jan 20, 2009

Can anyone can convert this SQL script in to a visual basic source code?..I know how can i do that in executing a stored procedure without parameter.But I have a hard time doing it with stored procedure with parameter.[code]....

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Convert To Program From C#?

Jan 16, 2012

[code]...Convert To program From C#?

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Convert VB6 To Program?

Oct 6, 2009

Am converting a VB6 project to VB.Net and need help with "AS ANY" type declaration in a function declaration.

Example:Declare Function BtrCall Lib "wbtrv32.dll" Alias "BTRCALL" (ByVal op%, ByVal PB$, db As Any) as integer

I know As Any is invalid in VB.Net

Most of the calls to this function will pass a String for the 3rd parameter however, there are two instances in my code where a User Defined Type /Structure is passed rather than string value.

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VS - Program Doesn't Work Though Flash Player - When Click On Icon Of Program - Shows Error Message

Sep 30, 2010

I am really confused! My program doesn't work if I don't have Visual Studio here in my PC. To test it I have uninstalled Visual Studio. But my program doesn't work though Flash Player is present there (I have used Flash animation in the first form).

To be more sure about it I have installed Flash. But it's not working! That means the Flash animation file (.swf) is not making a problem! It needs support from Visual Studio to start. Doesn't it mean that some files are not attached with a setup file as a result it needs Visual Studio to run? Let me tell you how I create a setup file of my program.


When I click on the icon of my program it shows the error message


Reporting details: This error report includes information regarding the condition of WindowsApplication1. When the problem occurred the operating system version and computer hardware is use; your Digital Product ID, which could be used to identify your license; and the Internet Protocol(IP) anddress of your computer.

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Convert An Object To XML And Getting An Error

Feb 15, 2010

I have this class:[code]I think the issue is from the ArrayLists but I dont know how to solve it. the ArrayLists contain other objects that to have the Serializeable attribute.[code]

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Convert C# To VB...error In C# Code?

Sep 10, 2009

Im trying to convert C# to vb code...but somewhere there's a fault in the c# and so this doesnt want to convert to vb

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Error When Trying To Convert C# Code?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm converting some C# code from another project to VB.Net but the following code is throwing an error

Dim obj As System.Collections.ArrayList()
obj = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(New StreamReader("../sample.htm",encoding.Default),

The error is 'Value of type Systems.Collections.Generic.List() cannot be converted to 'Systems.Collections.Arraylist()'The original C# code is

System.Collections.ArrayList obj;
obj = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StreamReader("../sample.htm",Encoding.Default),

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Complicated To Convert Program From VB 6 To .Net?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a program I made in VB 6 which has probably hundreds of thousands of lines of code.

Is it complicated to convert it to VB.Net or is it not worth it?

My main problem is that VB 6 doesn't work in Win 7 so I need to use the XP emulator each time I make an update.

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Convert 6 Project To Program?

Jun 3, 2012

I'm new to visual basic.

1) Why when I load vb6 files in vb2010 it shows many errors?

2)Hold on tight please here it goes: Removed by Moderator since the question violates our AUP

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Convert A Program For VB6 To VB2008?

Sep 4, 2009

I am trying to convert a program for VB6 to VB2008. In VB6 I have the code below to load a database field into a variable.

The database = Local MS Access MyDatabase has a table in it called CoInfo which has a field CustID that I need to put in a variable gCustID.

This code works greatin VB6 but I can't for the life of me figure out how to accomplish this in the Visual Basic 2008.

Dim adoCon As New ADODB.Connection
Dim adoRec As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim MyPath


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Convert Bitmap To RGB In Program?

Feb 18, 2012

I have managed to take a screenshot of my computing using VB and I have stored it as a bitmap. I want to convert this bitmap (quickly!) to an array of rgb values.[code]...

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Convert C# Anonymous To Program?

Mar 26, 2011

Convert this below code to I have no idea to convert from anonymous method to I'm currently using VS2010.[code]...

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Convert C# Code To Program?

Dec 14, 2009

It can be compiled successfully in C#[code]...

Is it the language difference between c# and

How can i covert this C# Code to VB.NET Code?

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