ExecuteReader Command - Examine Database Condition Without Reading Record

Jun 8, 2010

I am using ExecuteReader commands to read records in large external databases. Part of my program logic requires that a condition of the database be examined without reading another record - for instance, I want to know if the database has reached the end without reading an additional record.


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ExecuteReader Not Reading Access Database In Order

May 20, 2010

I have a program using the OleDbCommand to read an indexed Access database. [code]I notice that when step debugging the program, the file is not being read in correct order.Example: it will read the record with "B" in the D01 field before a record with "A" in the same field.The record with "B" is the second record in the database.I do note that all records in the database are read before exiting the loop, just not in any apparent order.

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IDE :: SqlCommand.ExecuteReader Does Not Return Result When Used With A StoredProcedure That Uses While Condition?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a stored procedure that repeats a block of T-SQL statements using WHILE logic until it finds a matching record in a table. When I execute the procedure directly from the SQL Management Studio, it works and returns a record, even when the statements within the WHILE logic have to be repeated over and over again before a matching record is found.

However, when I use the same stored procedure as the commandtext property of an sqlcommand object in Visual Studion 2008 (VB) and call the executereader method of the sqlcommand, the resulting SqlDataReader will only return a row if the T-SQL statements within the WHILE logic find a matching record after a single pass. If it takes more than one pass to find a matching record the SqlDataReader does not return a row. It's like it abandons the execution of the stored procedure after the first pass of the statements within the While logic, disregarding the repetition.

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ExecuteReader Requires Command To Have Transaction When Connection Assigned To Command Is In Pending Local Trans?

Nov 8, 2007

Any ideas on how I handle the following error thrown in the SqlDataAdapter.Fill as a result of the BeginTrans in the callee?

System.InvalidOperationException = {"ExecuteReader requires the command to have a transaction when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction.The Transaction property of the command has not been initialized."}


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IDE :: ExecuteReader Requires Command To Have Transaction When Connection Assigned To Command Is In Pending Local Trans?

Jun 30, 2010

Public Sub ExecuteTransaction(ByVal connectionString As String) Using connection As New OleDbConnection(connectionString)

Dim command
As New OleDbCommand()
Dim transaction
As OleDbTransaction


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Delete A Record From An Access Database Using The Command Object?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm trying to delete a record from an access database using the command object in vb.net 2010 express but can't seem to get anywhere.If I run the code below, I get no errors but nothing happens. The connection opens fine but the db does not update.the table has only two columns.The variable strCrit is so that I can build the sql string with exclamation marks, When I debug.print the sqlupdate string it seems to read fine.the routine is called from a form with a button.

Dim sqlupdate As String
Dim strcrit As String
strcrit = """"[code].......

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How To Delete Row Of Record Based On Condition

Mar 15, 2010

I am using vb.net 2008 and sql 2008. How can I delete the last row of a record based on the condition that if the column. FileNo is more than 15 then it should get deleted order by Fdate column desc. I want the rows should get deleted from starting from the last row.

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Skipping Or Backing Up Records In Database Within ExecuteReader Routine?

May 23, 2010

is it possible to skip forward or backup to the previous record in a database within a Do Loop of an ExecuteReader routine? For example, with the following code:

DMCommand01 = New OleDbCommand("Select * From DB01Table01 Order By DB01F01, DB01F02", DMDatabase01)
DMReader01 = DMCommand01.ExecuteReader()
Do While DMReader01.Read = True


I have the need as part of a larger data comparison program to not always read the next sequential record - at some points I want to go back to the previous record, or skip forward to the next record, but stay within the Do Loop.

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Quering Record - Check A Record In Database Before Inserting A New Record

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to check a record in database before inerting a new record here is my code but problem is when i enter a names first alphabet it imediatly populate massage. i want to check it after entering whole name

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Dim cnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" &


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Database Control Binding - Create A Record Add Information To It And Click On Next Record

Nov 15, 2009

I have a problem with my program, and it's really bad because I need to burn it to disk within 12 hours and I can't get it to work: If I create a record, add information to it and click on Next Record, the ID, Status and Notes boxes content will change but the rest of the controls contents are carried over to the next record and I don't know why or how. It was working perfectly but now it stopped and I never done anything.

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C# - Examine The File Content Being Uploaded?

Sep 6, 2010

I'd like to get both C# and VB.NET sugestion.

I have an ASP.NET FileUpload control, which allows only image type. I used RegularExpressionValidator like below.

<asp:FileUpload ID="fuPhoto" runat="server" TabIndex="40" />
&nbsp;<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator3"
runat="server" ControlToValidate="fuPhoto" Display="Dynamic"


This method will only verify the file's extension, not its actual type. Once I receive the file, I want to examine its contents to determine what it really is, in this case image only.

How do I examine the file content being uploaded?

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How To Examine User Stack Numerically

Jan 28, 2011

Has anyone found a way to view it numerically?Im sure that for a multithreaded program that a seperate user stack is maintained for each thread?Inevtably. there will be the dunderhead who asks what I am doing. Im in the last stages of developing a multithreaded filescanning program. The program uses a fairly tight loop.

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Display A Record From Database And Also The Picture For That Record In A .rdlc Report?

May 23, 2010

I have records in a database. Each record has a Picture path in it eg. "C:\Pics\Image1.jpg". I would like to display a record from my database and also the picture for that record, in a .rdlc report in vb .net 2008. i have succeded in displaying the record but just can't get the picture to show. I am using an Imagebox in the report.

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Access Database Query : Get The Old Record To Be Added To The New Record?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a access database with these columns. USER_ID,COUNT,TIMES

Let say the current record is this:

Now I want to updated the current count record and times, but before updating I want the old record to be added to the new record. What should be my query?

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Command To Get A Field From The Current Record?

Dec 28, 2010

I have used a data repeater, some of the data it repeats are URL's taken from the SQL DB. How can these link labels be made into links that will open the clicked URL in a browser?

I know i have to use the


url) command but i dont know how to get the URL from the current record.Is there an easy command to get a field from the current record?

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Insert Command - Record Is Not Added

Jan 4, 2010

I am having a problem with adding a record to a customer table in a Microsoft Access database. I have worked for hours reading my textbook and troubleshooting to no avail. The copy and paste below from VS is a little messy. When I execute this code below the record is not added and I do not get an error of any type. When I go into debug mode, all of the parameters are correct and everything looks good. If I open up Access I can manually add the record but using my program nothing happens. All datatypes are string in VS and text in Access.

First an instance of the Customer Class is created and this seems to be successful. But when I take that customer object and run the AddCustomer method of the customer class it is not successful in that the database does not reflect that the record was ever added. [Code]

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VB SQL Command Does Not Delete Record In Table?

Jun 7, 2009

The following code does not seem to delete the record in the table...

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Reflection
Module UpdateSys


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Examine All Installed Services To Determine Logon Type?

Jun 11, 2009

I'm working on a project that requires that I programmatically examine the ServiceAccount of all services installed on a machine (regardless of status) to determine Logon Type which will be used as an indicator of which passwords need to be changed on a machine for maintaining security.

If possible I would like to keep the entire project in VB.Net and Ive been looking through the API to find namespaces that contain classes to allow me to do this. Ive come across System.ServiceProcess which does allow me to get quite a bit of information about services installed, but I cant seem to find a way to get the Logon Type (I would guess that it would be returned as a System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount object).Ive also tried System.Management using ManagementObjectSearcher and ManagementObject, but Im not sure if theres a way to get that information with a WQL statement (I know next to nothing about WQL, unfortunately).

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.NET Class And Reading 1 Record In SQL

Jun 2, 2010

Somewhat new to SQL and processing loops. I have a non-keyed file and I want to get the next record in sequence .. grab data needed and update it as used. This class is called from a GUI interface so I only need to grab the NEXT record each time..

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View The Next Record And Previous Record In The Database?

Sep 21, 2011

how to view the next record and previous record in the database.? just like in the picture below.? what condition should we use.?

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Reading Command Line Arguments?

Feb 19, 2011

I have successfully managed to create my own filetype (.src) but there is one problem, whenever I open a file by double-clicking on its icon in windows browser, it opens the program but not the file

Sub Form_Load(blah, blah) Handles Me.Load

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Submit Page Check Fields Name Being Submitted / Examine Response

Nov 5, 2011

I need to get data from a web application. I dont have access to database or the source of the app(.net).The web app works like this -- enter values in fields, click submit button, and the data associated with these fields are returned in a modal popup. I need to do the same programatically, without actually opening the browser.I need to know the name of the fields that need to be posted, and the URL. And then store the response.

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Insert Command - Record Is Not Added Without Any Type Of Error

Jun 22, 2010

I am a beginning programmer and am having a problem with adding a record to a customer table in a Microsoft Access database. I have worked for hours reading my textbook and troubleshooting to no avail. When I execute this code below the record is not added and I do not get an error of any type. When I go into debug mode, all of the parameters are correct and everything looks good. If I open up Access I can manually add the record but using my program nothing happens. All datatypes are string in VS and text in Access.

First an instance of the Customer Class is created and this seems to be successful. But when I take that customer object and run the AddCustomer method of the customer class it is not successful in that the database does not reflect that the record was ever added. [Code]

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Mydata = Command.ExecuteScalar - Get The Auto-ID After Inserting A Record In To A DB

Feb 3, 2011

I'm trying to get the AutoID after inserting a record in to a DB. Does this code look right as Mydata is blank afterwards?


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C# - How To Avoid A Database Race Condition When Manually Incrementing PK Of New Row

Mar 30, 2009

I have a legacy data table in SQL Server 2005 that has a PK with no identity/autoincrement and no power to implement one. As a result, I am forced to create new records in ASP.NET manually via the ole "SELECT MAX(id) + 1 FROM table"-before-insert technique.Obviously this creates a race condition on the ID in the event of simultaneous inserts.

What's the best way to gracefully resolve the event of a race collision? I'm looking for VB.NET or C# code ideas along the lines of detecting a collision and then re-attempting the failed insert by getting yet another max(id) + 1. Can this be done?

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Database Condition - All Inputs Required From User On Form

Nov 4, 2009

I am building a program where all the inputs (10) required from the user are asked on one form. Since it is not possible to let fields blank on the database, I would like to know how can I build an 'IF' saying that if all fields are full, then the database CAN save all the input. So that if there are any field blank, it won't save. I just dont know how to do the database condition. Thats all.

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Saving Record In DataGrid - Syntax Error In Update Command

May 22, 2010

I have an Access DB that lists customer details in a datagrid and in textboxes, when I use the edit button I can edit in the textboxes and when I click save the record is saved and shows in the datagrid. But when I exit the program I get "Syntax error in update command" Im not sure why because there are no errors in the error pane at the bottom

This is the code for save button
sender As
[Code] .....

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Reading Auto-number Value After Adding A Record?

Jul 17, 2011

I have an Access table which has an auto-number primary key. When I add a new record to it I want to be able to get the value of this field.

The relevant code I have is:

dsNewRow.Item("FullName") = NewStudentFields(0)
dsNewRow.Item("FirstName") = NewStudentFields(1)
dsNewRow.Item("LastName") = NewStudentFields(2)


I want to be able to access the value of the primary key immediately after the Update (if that's possible without having to search the dataset for the new record - cumbersome!) or, even better, just before the Update, if that's possible.

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Retrieve The Record And Display The Record In A Listbox Displaying The Time Field As The Text For That Record?

Apr 18, 2009

I hav a web service which pull records from a database and I am hosting these services in IIS which works fine but I am trying to retrieve the record and display the record in a listbox displaying the time field as the text for that record.I have created the following function

public sub get_data()
dim dt as new data.dataTable
dim service as ws webservice.webservice


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Use ExecuteReader With A ParamArray?

May 31, 2011

How to use the ExecuteReader calling a stored procedure with a parameter array?

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