Extending CollectionEditor - Reference It From Studio 2010?

Nov 26, 2010

As the default for visual studio 2010 is set to ".NET Framework 4 Client Profile" and as such that ill be whats available on the clients PCs. So as i'm looking at adding data binding to a listview headercolumns, i was planning on extending the CollectionEditor (if i have to), but the CollectionEditor is only available when you target the full .NET Framework. So therefore i need to create a second solution with that as a target and build my extended CollectionEditor, but how do i get Studio 2010 (not my 'client' project) to reference my extended CollectionEditor?

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LINQ To SQL: Reference The Data Context When Extending A Table Object?

Jul 27, 2009

If I'm extending OnCreated for a LINQ to SQL table object, is it possible to get a reference to the data context to which the table belongs? For example, if I add a property to the data context:

Partial Class MyDataContext
Private _myValue As String
Public ReadOnly Property MyValue As String


I don't want the property on the data context to be Shared, because it could be different per instance. I've been pouring over the designer code to figure out where the reference might be, but no luck yet.

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Add A Reference To DirectX11 In Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate?

Oct 24, 2010

Installed DirectX11 June 10 SDK on Win7 machine with VS2010 Ultimate. Project written in Visual Basic, targeting .net 2.0. Just need the directx audio player capability.

Tried to add reference to the SDK Developer Runtime Files.

Nothing from DirectX11 shows up in the add reference COM for the project.

I can't seem to make my project see or accept the DirectX11 .dll's.

Unclear of which one I need other than maybe XAudio2 (I think) to play a .wav file.

DirectX11 SDK Release Notes say's the following but I don't understand it.

MS says VC++ directories are depricated.


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Visual Studio 2010 :: Unexplainable Null Reference Exception?

Mar 4, 2011

I have an application for working with files. It needs to work with the files one character at a time. I am using an ArrayList to store the data. Here's the code that's causing the problem:

Dim fileData As ArrayList = Nothing
Dim temp As Char = Nothing
While Not EOF(open_file_number)


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IDE :: Visual Studio 2010 Reference Path To Local Assembly Won't Change?

Jul 20, 2010

We have upgraded our project from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 without any issues until now. Our project contains a folder call Libraries which contains different versions of Oracle ODP.NET DLL's as well as different versions of Telerik DLL's. Our project contains references to one of the versions of each. The problem is once we remove the reference and re-add it by browsing to the new version, again inside the Libraries folder inside the project, it adds the reference, but to the same version we just removed. We can even copy the DLL to our desktop, remove the reference and add to the new one on our desktop and it still will point to the Libraries folder version???. The only we we can actual change the reference to the new DLL is by manually changing the path in the .vbproj file, which is obviously not going to work for us. The same behaviour worked perfectly in VS 2008. We switch our references quite often, when new versions come out, but also far more often to QA different versions of ODP.NET and Telerik Control DLL's, so manually editing the .vbproj file is becoming quickly cumbersome. If I browse to a specific version at a specific path, Visual Studio should ALWAYS do what I'm telling it to do..

I did some seaching and came across a few other people with the same issue. This better not be as designed and if it's a bug, which I believe it to be, when will it be fixed?[URL]..

View 14 Replies

VS 2010 Extending An Enum?

Jun 27, 2011

I know from .NET 3.5 onwards (or might be 3.0) we can use Exension Methods to add our own methods to any Type in the .NET Framework and this is very handy, but I'm wondering if it is possible to "extend" an Enum as well?

View 13 Replies

VS 2010 Extending DataGridView?

Aug 19, 2011

I would like to create a DataGridView that displays records that fill either 18 or 35 columns. I would like to avoid displaying all 35 columns for all records, instead showing the 17 extra columns on a second row for records that need them.How would I go about this? I'm guessing I need to create a new class that inherits from DataGridViewRow and override it's Paint or PaintCells method, but I have no experience with overriding Paint events, so I'm kind of lost after that.

View 8 Replies

PropertyGrid And CollectionEditor - Object With A Property That Is A Collection

Aug 12, 2011

I have an object with a property that is a collection. When I point the PropertyGrid to the object it displays the ellipses for the collection. When I click it I get the generic collectioneditor. Of course the Add put fails because my collection is strongly typed. I need an example of how to create a collectioneditor that will create my collection's objects.

View 4 Replies

Visual Studio 2010 - Element Reference - Form "indirectly" By Simply Including "me" Instead Of "form1,"

Mar 22, 2011

I know that you can refer to a form "indirectly" by simply including "me" instead of "form1," for example.

Is there a way to do the same thing for form elements like text boxes or radio buttons?



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VS 2010 : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Mar 4, 2011

I am getting this error for Login.Show() here:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem
Public Class Update
Public Sub CheckUpdate()


I am also getting this is every other form when using the Login form, along with Login.Close(), and Login.Hide(). I haven't tested any other ones.

View 5 Replies

C# - Add A Service Reference In Visual Studio, Through The Interface?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm currently trying to call a WCF service dynamically See here, therefore, I'm trying to understand what happens behind, when I add a service reference by the GUI of Visual Studio... What's generated..? An object is created and an implicit reference is created...

Are the references contained in a specific container, a sort of pool?

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Create A Web Service Reference Manually In Visual Studio?

Apr 23, 2009

how to create a web service reference manually in visual studio. I do not want to use the "add reference" already contained in the ide.

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Make Visual Studio 2008 Website Reference?

Oct 10, 2009

I'm trying to add a reference to the GAC version of System.Xml in a Visual Studio 2008 web site project. I right-click the project icon in the Solution Explorer, and click Property Pages. Under the References tree option, I click the 'Add' button on the right. I navigate to System.Xml in the .NET tab, and double click it (the Path it lists for System.Xml, C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727System.XML.dll, DOES exist). The dialog disappears, but... System.Xml does not get added as a reference! The list just stays the same.

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Custom CollectionEditor Never Triggers A Property's "set" Method?

May 11, 2011

I am trying to implement a way of persisting a collection in a custom settings class. I have successfully created the settings class (inheriting ApplicationSettingsBase) and can save properties using the built-in editors on a PropertyGrid, but my custom implementation of a property grid for collections doesn't persist any of the values I add. Here's my code:

Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing.Design[code].....

I set a breakpoint on the Set methods for both the BackgroundColor property and the EmailAddresses property. The BackgroundColor property works as it should - it breaks on the Set statement and stores the property correctly. But when I close the custom CollectionEditor dialog, the EmailAddresses "Set" method is never called. How can I get my custom editor to actually save the property once it's done being edited?

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C# - Extending The Base Class?

Mar 5, 2010

When you create a webpage in ASP.net, the codebase inherits System.Web.UI.Page Now when I extend the page object to check for SessionExpired for example, I create a new class and inherit from system.web.ui.page, and overwrite some functions. The problem then is that on each page, I have to replace system.web.ui.page with my custompage class. Is there a way to extend a class by adding methods or modifying its methods directly (e.g. add the sessionExpired check to System.Web.UI.Page) ?I'm using .NET 2.0

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Extending A Class By Namespace?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a class within a library, with no root namespace, firstone.dll:

namespace first
public partial class one
public sub fun()


Is there a way to extend the class in a separate dll and still have access to the original class? I don't want to inherit the class just extend it.

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What Is The Difference Between Reference And Imported Namespaces In "references" Tab On Visual Studio 2005

Nov 6, 2009

What is the difference between Reference and Imported namespaces in "references" tab on Visual studio vb.net 2005?

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.net - Extending Web Service Proxy Classes?

Jul 28, 2011

I need to add functionality to my web service calls so object translation and automatic retries are done and abstracted away.I would usually override the base class to add the extra functionality, but as the proxy methods aren't over-ridable I can't keep the method names the same. The only other option I can think of to do it this way is to use the 'Shadows' keyword to achieve what I want.What other methods do people use to add functionality to their web service proxy classes without modifying the generated classes?

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C# - Extending An Object And Any Child Collections?

Jul 30, 2009

I have an class named Foo. This class contains a collection of child objects of type FooChildBase, but I also have a further class of type FooChildTwo which inherits from FooChildBase.

Class Foo
Public Children As IList(Of FooChildBase)
End Class
Class FooChildBase


What I would like to do is have my FooSpecial Class treat it's Children collection as if they were FooChildSpecial objects, but still be able to add FooChildTwo objects to it. Is this possible and if so how can it be done?

EDIT:I need to FooChildSpecial class to wrap any of the objects in the Children collection with the extra values, whether they are FooChildBase or FooChildTwo?

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Extending Or Creating A Custom Vb Component?

Jan 11, 2010

I am wondering if I can extend a component (e.g a button ) in vb the same way I can in java which enables you to modify the component for your specific requirement or create a new one from scratch.

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Extending The LoggingFacility In Castle Windsor?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm currently using the log4net portion of the Castle Windsor logging facility, like so:

objContainer.AddFacility("logging", New LoggingFacility(LoggerImplementation.Log4net)WithConfig("ConfigsLog4net.config"))

I need to pass in a couple of variables to the logger because I am using dynamic log file names. I have looked at the source code and determined that one possible course of action is to create a custom factory and facility but this is alot of work and I'm not sure it is best practice.

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Inheritance In Classes And Extending Subs ?

Feb 26, 2011

I've been wondering if there is anyway to extend a sub of a base class in a derived class or subclass. To date, the only thing I've been able to find is overrides and overloads functions, but to my understanding these functions just ignore your base class's sub and just allows you to run the new one with the same name.

What I want to be able to do is:


I'm not sure whether this is possible, or if I'd simply either make a new sub in my derived class that first ran the base's class sub or whether I'd override the base class and then copy and paste the old code.

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VS 2008 Extending Sealed Classes?

Apr 1, 2010

Briefly, what I'm trying to do is add some methods and properties to the FileInfo class, which is sealed (NotInheritable). As far as I can tell, I have two options to do this.

1) Inherit from FileSystemInfo (the base class for FileInfo) and recreate the methods and properties added by FileInfo (essentially recreating the FileInfo class from scratch)

2) Use extension methods (??) which I just learned about two minutes ago and it being 1am, I'm going to get into this tomorrow

3) Create a wrapper class around a FileInfo object - I think that's the proper term

Ok, so I guess there are 3 options.

A) Why make a class uninheritable

B) Is creating a wrapper class "basically" the same as inheriting from an object, but at least with inheritence you don't need to create any properties and methods other than those you want to modify or add?

Am I correct when I say that a Field is a protected property that can only be accessed by the base class and inherited classes, or is the definition of a field something else?

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Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta Sp2

Feb 17, 2010

Will i be able to successfully install 2010 beta 2 side by side 2008? because i want to test 2010 features and some development toolkits such as silverlight while i don't want to uninstall my visual studio 2008 professional.

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Visual Studio 2010, Outlook 2010 And Windows Application, Return Emails?

Jan 5, 2011

At present I have wrote an application (in-house CRM, vb .net 2010) which allows me to send emails under the selected customer & I categorised these emails.As these are categorised I can return data to display email history in my program by using search criteria:

Dim oMail As Outlook.MAPIFolder = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail)
Dim sSearch As String
sSearch = "[Categories] = '" + "[" + tAccount.Text.Trim + "]" + "(" + tShipTo.Text.Trim + ")'"
Dim oItems As Outlook.Items = oMail.Items.Restrict(sSearch)

However the limitation to the above is it only looks at sent items & no other folder.My ideal solution would be to display all email correspondence for a certain contact.

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.net - ASP.net: Extending Or Adding Pieces To Existing BoundField

Nov 5, 2010

Is it possible to add a property to the existing asp:BoundField control without creating a brand new instance to which I'd have to declare <tst:BoundField></tst:BoundField>?

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C# - Extending Enumeration Definition In A Child Class In .NET?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a base class which needs to define an enumeration:

- SomeEnum

I then need to create two derived classes from the base class and extend the values in the enumeration:

ChildClass1 : BaseClass
- SomeEnum
- SomeEnumValue1


In C# or VB.NET can someone provide the syntax to do this?

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Extending Classes: Adding Shared Procedures?

Nov 2, 2009

is there anyway we could extend a shared function for a class? example:

<Extension()> Public Shared Function GetName(ByRef e As [Enum], ByVal value As Object) As String
Return [Enum].GetName(e.GetType, value)


however i dun hav a choice as Extension methods can be declared only within modules

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Extending System.Collections.Generic.List(Of T)?

Jan 27, 2010

imagine i want to add an extension method to System.Collections.Generic.List(Of T)

let's say i want to give it .GetUBound which returns Count-1

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VB - Extending The XMLElement - Create An XML Database For A Class

Oct 11, 2010

I have to create an XML database for a class I'm taking, but I'm running into some problems. I'm trying to pack my data directly into the DOM using some classes I created and derived from the XMLDocument class, I'm trying to do it this way so I can easily manipulate the entries while the document is in memory and save them back to a file without having to mess around too deeply with the XMLDocument class. I'm running into some problems however when I try to typecast the elements I get from calling



I assume that this is happening due to my derived class not being pushed into the DOM when a file is loaded, because it works just fine if I enter the data manually in code.

Option Explicit On


Other than writing my own XMLReader I have no idea how to accomplish this, does anyone have an idea how I could go around doing this(other than writing my own XMLReader).

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