Files Owned By A Process?

Dec 29, 2011

I am writing a manager for an app that we use at the office. I have successfully written launching, monitoring, and managing number of instances using the process class.Each file is the data output for one study. Each of the 2-8 instances of the application will run 1000 studies overnight. The fault would be that the file stops growing. I cannot just check for that, because it also stops growing when it done with one study. I need to be able to determine which files are being written by which threads (or vis-versa where i know which files are 'running' and need to see who owns them)?

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VS 2008 Differentiate Processes - Change The Color Of Rows Based On Whether The Process Is Owned By The User

Oct 13, 2009

I have populated a ListView with currently running processes and with the help of JMC, been able to highlight specific rows based on memory consumption. However, I've decided to change it up a little bit and change the color of rows based on whether the process is owned by the User, if it's a System process, or if is a Service. I've already been able to determine if the process is a User process by utilizing the OpenProcessToken.


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Control Cannot Be Owned By Or Parented To Itself

Feb 14, 2010

So someone suggested I install a powerpack to ad a datarepeater control, which I did, only to find out that apparently it is riddled with bugs that make the application kaput (while I was searching the internet to find a way to fix the bugs that were created I found this out).I have fixed most of the errors, but I am now getting a circular reference warning as the last remaining issue: Warning1A circular control reference has been made. A control cannot be owned by or parented to itself. [code] I say right now because when I clicked on this error previously, it took me to line 573 even though it was listed as line 574 containing the error.

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Hide And Show A Form Which Is Owned?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a form called form1 when i press button1 i open a new form [code]..

now this new form is owned by Form1 so that i cant use form1 till the new form is closed.[code]...

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Take The Pre-owned Price And Put It Into A Textbox Instead Of Rendering The Entire Page Every Search?

Mar 17, 2012

I work at a pawn shop, I made a program to compare prices at ebgames ca/com, im looking for a way to take the pre-owned price and put it into a textbox instead of rendering the entire page every search.This is what I got going now:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
WebBrowser1.Navigate("" + TextBox1.Text)


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Copy All Files On Disk1 To Disk 2 / Copy Files That Are In Use By Another Process?

Mar 18, 2009

I have a backup class it copys every thing but the unmovable files witch in return when i test the dive that i just backed up all files to will not boot up missing win system32 config files??how would i add permission to my code??? or how do i over ride cant copy file because a nother process is useing it?

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Check What Files A Process Is Using?

Aug 6, 2009

so my GF have a virus that sends messages to other contacts from her skype so i was wondering if i cant track it by checking if some process is using the skype communication protocol or the exe itself. while i mess with it i notice that the skype message pop up with the question if i allow my program to access it when i was using the communication protocol.

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Process Files By Extension??

Sep 14, 2010

I have a program that processes files in a special subdirectory and the program processes the files based upon the "Type", i.e., "Text Document". If an application, such as a text editor, installed onto the system, the "Type" may change to suit that application. For example, I recently had one change the type from "TXT File" to "UltraEdit Document (.txt}". Yes, the squirrely brace was on the end, don't know why. Well, after this app was installed, my program found no files of "TXT File" type to process even though the subdirectory was full of filename.txt files.

So, how can I get the code to look at the file extension, not the Type? A few lines of the code are shown:
Private fsFile As Scripting.File


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Process Multiple Files?

Apr 16, 2009

made a simple application which converts a PDF to csv.making some changes to have the app read multiple PDF's and convert into one CSV.

Heres my code.
Imports System.IO.StreamWriter
Imports System.IO


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Process.Start Files In DGV?

Mar 16, 2012

I am importing filenames into a DGV:

If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim myFileDir = New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath)
For Each myFiles As System.IO.FileInf


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Read And Process XML Files?

Oct 28, 2011

When I google how to read and process XML files in VB.NET there are heaps of different ways - what way is right? which way is quickest?

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Communicate With Another Program / Process On The PC Without Using Files?

Jun 21, 2010

I was wondering about something: is there a way to communicate with another program/process on the PC without using files? What would this look like? Is there a search term I can use to get more info? This is not a question per se, but a general software question.

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How To Copy Files As Different Process Without Disturbing App

Nov 24, 2011

I have a process of copying files from one path to other in my application. The problem that I am facing is, when the copy process starts. my application will be busy for that amount of time and cant do any work. So I want to make this copy process to be in background as a separate process without making the application to hang.
(Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate)

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How To Make VB Take Files In The Build Process

Apr 25, 2009

I made an application that uses text files from a folder and i included that folder's path in the code, How can I make the VB take these files with the .exe file and make it work probably?

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Using Process.Start On Remote Files

Jan 26, 2009

I have created an aplication that opens pdf files for different GPRS settings of various phones. These pdf files are stored on a remote computer(central machine). I am having problems using the process.start . This is the code that i am using for my search button:

Dim process as new process

process.start(("\\\C:\Documents and Settings\phamanda\My Documents\Gprs\Benq\") & ComboBox5.Text & ".pdf")

Does process.start recognise IP adresses

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Will FileSystemWatcher Process Multiple Files At Once?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a Windows service that is watching a folder for files that will be placed there.(Created in Visual Studio 2005.)The files each represent a transaction, and the transactions have to be kept in order.As I process each file (transaction), I want to forward it to someone else.(The someone else wants them kept in order.)It looks like I can't paste multiple files into a folder simultaneously and still be sure that they will be processed in the order of the original date and time they were created.Nor can I be sure that they would be read in name order.(FileSystemWatcher would grab them in any old order it chose.)So I think I will have to move the files into the folder one at a time, in the proper sequence.But I'm wondering if I could get into a "racing" situation.

When FileSystemWatcher detects a file in a folder, it creates a new thread for your event handler to operate on.If it detects a second file while still processing the first file, would it then create yet another thread?If that is the case, then if File1.xml takes longer to process than File2.xml, it seems like File2.xml might finish first, resulting in my transactions getting out of order.In my own experiments,I have not seen evidence that multiple files are really processed simultaneously.I write messages to a log file as I process each transaction, and I never see messages from File1.xml's processing intermingled with File2.xml's messages.This seems to be true even when I paste both files into the folder only keeps one event-handling thread going at a time, and queues up the events as they come, processing them on that single thread.Otherwise, I'll have to do something to ensure they are kept in order.

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Runtime Picturebox.image Update From A Control Owned Imagelist.image

Feb 1, 2012

I'm trying to update pictures boxes with images of controls stored in an imagelist owned by a control. The images stored in the control.imagelist do not showup in the picturebox. I'm working on simplifying the code to post, but for now could use help.If I store the image in a member variable owned bythe control it woks fine.Something to do with persistance of images in control owned imagelist? [code]

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.net - Read And Process A List Of Text Files?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm completely new to .NET and am trying as a first step to write a text processing program. The task is simple: I have a list of 10,000 text files stored in one folder, and I'm trying to read each one, store it as a string variable, then run it through a series of functions, then save the final output to another folder. So far I can only manage to manually input the file path like this (in VB.NET):


I'm wondering, therefore, if there's a way to automate this process. Perhaps for example store all input file path into a text file then read each entry at a time, then save the final output into the save path, again listed in a text file.

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Deleting Image Files Within A Directory (That Might Be Used By Another Process)

Aug 10, 2009

How can i delete image files (ex *.gif) that might be in use, by another process in a directory?

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Possible To Call .exe Files With Shell() Or Process.Start()?

Aug 8, 2011

I have an issue in my project I am programming in both Matlab (Matlab2011a) and Visual Basic (VS2008).I've created a .exe file from my matlab code. It works well when I click on it with my mouse.But I need to run it within Visual Basic. I know it's possible to call .exe files with Shell() or Process.Start(), and it works well for files such as firefox.exe or notepad.exe. However, it doesn't work when I call my own .exe file ...It's weird because when I look to the Task Manager while trying to call it (within VB), I can see the process starting and ending, but its output doesn't appear.

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Continous Processing - Process 1 By 1 Files Correctly Without Crashing

Dec 3, 2009

I need to watch onr folder using filesystemwatcher when a file is come in i have to send the file to websservice and recive processed file i done this. my question is if at the time 20 or 30 files come in how to do this 1 by 1 the webservice takes time to process its depends on the file size. so how to process 1 by 1 files correctly without crashing.

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Loop Statement - IF Process Is NOT Running - Delete The Files

Aug 12, 2010

I am currently teaching myself the caveman code of Visual Basic ( Apparently I fail at If-statements or something, because I cannot get this to work...


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Process Array Check - Encrypt/decrypt .dat Files?

Jan 12, 2009

Lets get down to it, Basically, I'm making a kind of "Anti-Hack" for a project I'm working on.The basis of the "Anti-Hack" is the check processes for names of known Memory Editors, For example, one memory editor I am scanning for is Cheat Engine.exe, I am using this code to scan for it, then I use the result to activate a different piece of code.

If Process.GetProcessesByName("Cheat Engine").Length = 0 The
'It's OK
<Removed for obvious reasons>
End If

Basically, I don't want my code to look like a library of If statements when the only thing I am changing is the process name, what I want to do, is have an encrypted .dat file with an array or list of known tools. I want to then go through the array/list and keep checking for instances of them running.I know nothing of how to encrypt/decrypt .dat files through VB. (I'm not an expert at it atm )I am open to other ways (Easier ways) of doing this, like a Class with a list of names etc.

**NOTE** I would rather it be a separate file as the program features an Auto-Update feature, so it will be easier to update the list.

**IMPORTANT**Also, I would like to know how to hide my process, so it cant simply be ended, It may sound suspicious but people will be able to just close it and start hacking T_T, Unless there is another way, I would appreciate it (Like making it so it cant be ended etc.)**IMPORTANT.

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Process.start (wzunzip) Hangs After Processing 72 Files?

Jan 30, 2010

Using windows xp. Sp3. over 100GB free on each disk that I use,Attempting to unzip a file that has directories in it. I want all files in the zip file to go to one directory ignoring the dir structure.I'm using VB to do this. Problem is that the process hangs at the same place on 2 different machines. Any ideas. Code below in vb and the results.Executing the same command line from DOS works correctly.unzips 72 files then hangs.


newProc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
newProc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True


Here's where it stops. And shows the dir struct of the zip file NDDF Plus DB. i've got a screen shot of the dir structure and files. basically it unzips the files in order of the dir structure and stops above.

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VS 2008 : Process.StartInfo.Arguments With A Collection Of Files?

Sep 19, 2009

I need to pass a file's name as an argument and a switch to the executable I'm using.I'm doing it like this:
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "-z ""C: est.txt"""

I'll know where the files are that I need to grab, but I won't always know the exact names. So, I thought I could grab a collection of the files, store them in a variable, and then pass them as an argument.I tested it with one file like this:
Dim File As New System.IO.FileInfo("C:...Desktop est.txt") Dim proc As New Process proc.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = "..." proc.StartInfo.FileName = "....exe" proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "-z" & File & "additional arugments" proc.Start() proc.WaitForExit()

But, as you all may already know, I can't use the & operator with a string and FileInfo.Would I have to then convert the FileInfo to a string first and then pass it through?

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VS 2005 Windows Services - Process Is Listed As A SYSTEM Process Rather Than A Process Under User Name

Jun 4, 2009

I have written a windows service that is meant to launch a notepad when a specific action happens. The problem i have is that even though the service launches notepad, the actual notepad it self is NOT visible. I know that it has been launced because i can see the process in the task manager. By the way the process is listed as a SYSTEM process rather than a process under my user name (i believe that is because my process is a "LocalSystem" one).

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C# - Inter-process Communication: Named Pipes Or Status Files?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm building a tool that consists of a Webservice that will run commandline tools at specific times. On average there will be running 15-20 CL tools at the same time. Every CL tool runs no longer than about 0,5-1 minute on average. The webservice needs to be able to check each CL's status every 2-3 seconds or so.

I've got some advice about how to do this; named pipes looks likes the best "technical" solution. However I'm wondering if communicating with simple very small text "status" files would be a better, less complicated and less error-risk, way. I prefer the solution that is the most resource friendly.

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VS 2010 Can't Access Files Below Root When Using Process To Run A Command Line Program

Feb 4, 2011

I am trying to create a program that downloads audio files via FTP, converts the audio to mp2 if necessary and copies them to a certain directory for consumption by our automation system. (I am a radio station engineer.)I am using the open source converter FFMpeg to convert audio files to mp2. This is a command line exectuted program. Here is the command line that I use to execute the external program with the input and output audio files at the root level: cmd.exe /k ""C:New Folderffmpeg.exe" -i "C:Test.mp3" -y "C:Test.mp2"" This command line works correctly whether I am using Shell() or System.Diagnostics.Process (Process) to execute the external program. I am going the Process route so I can know when the conversion has finished.Now, I really don't want to use the root directory for this but when I go below root with this line using Process the external program will not execute:[code]Can anyone tell me why that line will not work with Process though it works as expected with Shell()? I can't figure out how to stop the external program to get some feedback as to what its problem is.

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Why Does File.Exists Fail To Find 6 / 115 Files In Directory / When Same Process Just Downloaded All

Sep 5, 2011

I have a process serves as an application updater.It checks it's local cache of files and compares this against list of files online.On it's first run there are no files in the local cache and it therefore downloads ~100 of these files.[code]This appears to work very well, since Explorer confirms that all files are extracted and available.However when I later run this process again, it cannot verify the existence of 6 of these files and therefore tries to download them despite the fact that they are clearly both present and up to date.The offending code is a simple File.Exists call which appears to deny the local existence of these files, and therefore tries to get them again.The system continues to work well, but over time the continual downloading of these 6 files is going to get kind of silly.

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Reading Excel Files In Leaves Excel Process Hanging?

Oct 23, 2009

The following code works fine but seems to leave instances of excel.exe running in the background. How do I go about closing out this sub properly?

Private Sub ReadExcel(ByVal childform As Fone_Builder_Delux.frmData, ByVal FileName As String)
' In progress
childform.sampleloaded = False


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