Continous Processing - Process 1 By 1 Files Correctly Without Crashing

Dec 3, 2009

I need to watch onr folder using filesystemwatcher when a file is come in i have to send the file to websservice and recive processed file i done this. my question is if at the time 20 or 30 files come in how to do this 1 by 1 the webservice takes time to process its depends on the file size. so how to process 1 by 1 files correctly without crashing.

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Process.start (wzunzip) Hangs After Processing 72 Files?

Jan 30, 2010

Using windows xp. Sp3. over 100GB free on each disk that I use,Attempting to unzip a file that has directories in it. I want all files in the zip file to go to one directory ignoring the dir structure.I'm using VB to do this. Problem is that the process hangs at the same place on 2 different machines. Any ideas. Code below in vb and the results.Executing the same command line from DOS works correctly.unzips 72 files then hangs.


newProc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
newProc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True


Here's where it stops. And shows the dir struct of the zip file NDDF Plus DB. i've got a screen shot of the dir structure and files. basically it unzips the files in order of the dir structure and stops above.

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Correctly Display A Dialog Box During Long Processing?

Nov 18, 2011

Running into a situation when user searches for orders of customer for past 4 years. As the DB query takes a long time, I want to show a pop up box just stating 'please wait. quering for results'. so when they start their search I want to show the message box until the results are obtainned and at that point I want to close the message box.My current way, I know is incorrect as the pop up box locks up and states (not responding).Would using a background worker be an over kill, or should I go with a progress bar?

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VS 2010 Process Class RedirectStandardError Crashing Application?

Apr 2, 2012

This is going to be a strange issue and I don't expect an answer,.I'm using Ghost32.exe to image HDDs within a Windows PE environment. With the release of WinPE 4.0, we can now use the 4.0 .NET framework. So in order to capture any errors that Ghost reports, I'm redirecting the standard error stream so I can review it later.

But, when I implement those two lines of code (highlighted below), the application crashes.I've implemented error logging with the UnhandledException event of the application, but it never fires during this error. All other errors fire, but this one does not.So I ran it in normal Windows and I receive the following error:Quote:The system cannot find the file specified

But when I comment out those lines, it opens just fine. So I'm a little confused.


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VS 2008 Process Start - Know The Application Is Done Processing Or Not

May 8, 2009

I am creating an application for learning purposes. I am using this: process.start("iexplore.exe"); That is working fine. However I would like to be able to tell when the page has been loaded all the way. I would like to know how to tell if the application is done processing or not, that is my main goal. If using the webbrowser control you can use the webbrowser documentcompleted event.

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Opening Spreadsheet Using Oledbconnection Is Crashing When Using Excel 2007 Files?

Sep 8, 2009

I've got a little app that uses oledbconnection to extract data from an Excel spreadsheet. I need this app to support .xls and .xlsx files. The app runs fine when I give it a .xls but when I select a .xlsx it crashes with an exception on my cn.Open command.

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Moving Files After Processing

Apr 7, 2010

i am using to program and process some files.I pick files from one folder process them and once i process them successfully i should store them in a different folder. when i do fi.move(destination folder) i get an error message saying "THIS FILE IS USED BY ANOTHER PROCESS" below is my code


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Monitoring Files In Folder & Processing?

May 10, 2010

My program needs to monitor two folders and if any files arrives in any of those it needs to be processed.So i created two filewatch tasks & the OnChanged event for both This does not work when the files are already in the folders before i start to run my program.It works for just the new files coming in.having a for each loop files loop in the onChanged event will this work I would like to know what's the best way to achieve this

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Processing All Files From Folder In SSIS?

Apr 25, 2010

Need to process all the files from folder... Take one file at a time and pass on to "Data Flow Component"...After processing move the file to some other folder and and send email alerts as to how much records got processed. and start processing of another file till the folder is empty.

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Reading DTD Files For Processing The Xml Elements?

Sep 8, 2009

I need to read a dtd file using for processing the xml elements. How to do this?

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Change Referenced Library Files During Processing?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a .NET customer framework that functions much like a Workflow. It uses reflection to get a listing of all of the processes it is capable of from a specific folder, and starts them via reflection with a known start point (all of them have a method called "Process"). Since these files are only called to do the processing and not part of the compile... is there a way for me to be able to drop in a new reference library (DLL) for one of the processes that is being updated without restarting the whole process?[code]...

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File I/O And Registry :: Move New Files And Keep The Old Ones For Processing?

Sep 25, 2009

I'm trying to keep the oldest file and move the new ones to a different directory

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Performing Batch Processing On Selected Files

Mar 11, 2012

I have created tool which performs batch processing on files that are selected. The sub routine I have defined in the code, now I want to implement a way through which I can select actions that I want to perform and then perform the actions. For example the list has multiple actions, like Open, Close, SaveAs, Resize, Color Correct etc. I should be able to select what all I want to do on each file and then perform this actions. Someone suggested me using delegates for this, but I cant use that since all my functions have different parameters. Ither option I had is to use a nested IfElse or Switch to determine which action is selected and call function according to it, but thats to heavy I think, is there any optimized a better way to do this.???

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Processing Multiple Text Files With Header

Nov 15, 2011

I am currently creating a merging program which is processing multiple text files with header. I've manage to merge the text files but I'm stuck with the header that needs computation.
path of input files and header explanation: Input Files
After merging, I need to put back the header, adding up each values, which I explained in the path above. How can I do that?

Here's my current code:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim openFolder As New FolderBrowserDialog
'The routines must be
[Code] .....

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Wait For Files To Finish Populating A Directory Before Processing?

May 26, 2010

I am using the FilesystemWatcher to look for files in a Directory, it does not matter what the file is. After a file appears it starts my ftp process and I end up with a bunch of 0 byte files because it processed before all the files arrived.

I would like to WaitFor... (Files_Created) to finish but dont seem to have the right syntax to get this to work properly. I have working code up until it loops. As you can see I have tried various processes to get it to work... mostly commented out. I also have imported just about everything trying to get this to work. Please ask away.

Imports System Imports System.IO.File Imports System.IO Imports System.Threading Imports System.Collections Imports System.Collections.Specialized Imports System.Diagnostics Public Class FileSystemMonitor Public Shared Sub Main() Dim fsw As New FileSystemWatcher() ' create an object of FileSystemWatcher ' set properties of FileSystemWatcher object


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Multi-threading Processing - Processing A Large List Of Records And Inserting Them Into SQL Database One By One

Mar 18, 2011

I just learned some basics of multi threading in recently as I came across processing a large List of records and inserting them into SQL database one by one.

I have code look like this:

Private Sub btnLoadNow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoadNow.Click

Dim autoLoad1 As New Thread(AddressOf AutoLoad)


Itemlists is a global lists i retrieved from database, everything looks fine to me but when i run this program, I found that the threads are inserting one records 9 times into the database(I have 9 threads in total), which makes me think that maybe i need to specifically assign 1/9 of a list to each thread? Is there another way to do it which doesn't require the splitting of the list, if not , how do i split it then assign?

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Program Does Not Open Files Correctly

Aug 2, 2009

I have a program that when you set it as the default program for opening rtf files, and open the file, not from the program, but from windows. It doesn't open it at all. It launches my program but, the file doesn't open in my richtext box.

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2008 Array Processing And Sequential File Processing?

Jan 6, 2010

2008 Array Processing and Sequential File Processing

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VB 2008 Array Processing And Sequential File Processing

May 19, 2011

Im a college student and this is my first programming class, i am having extremely diffcult time with arrays and sequential file processing. Im not asking for the whole program, just something to get me started and hints along as i progress with it. Please help me get started on my program, its due in 2 days.

Here are the requirements....

1. The program must input any number of individual�s last and first names using two separate textboxes.
2. The array of names must be sorted by the last name using a bubble sort. You must code the sort.
3. The program must be able to recall the names from the file and add to the existing list of names so that more names can be added to, sorted, and written back to the file in sorted order.
4. Sort in ascending order: A to Z
5. All names must be displayed in a listbox in sorted order when the user wishes to see them.
6. In the listbox the last and first names must be separated by a comma and a space. Example: Smith, Mary
7. The user must be able to search for a name in the array, using the binary search algorithm. You must code the search.
8. Do not use module-level variables. Instead you may choose to use Static.
9. The program must be designed using Visual Basic 2008

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Downloading XML Files With The Webclient Class For Processing And Caching In A Local Database - Net.Webclients Hangs

Oct 15, 2008

Basicly I'm downloading XML files with the Webclient class for processing and caching in a local database. There are three different categories of data, each contains 1 to n numbers of XML files. To retrieve the XML file I ask the server with following parameters in the URL:


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Visual Basic 2010 - Correctly Reference Files?

Dec 30, 2011

I have an issue with creating a VB program. I reference files on my computer that are displayed in a webbrowser in the program. The issue comes when I install the program on another computer because of the file path. The program is looking for the files on the computer I created the program on because of the file path, instead of looking for the files within the program resource files.

For example, I created the program on Computer A and referenced File "C:ComputerAMy DocumentsHelp.txt"

Once installed on Computer B, the program doesnt display the image because it's looking for "Computer A" in the file path.How do I correct my programming so that the files are universial and can be found on any computer the program is installed on?

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Make Code Indentation Behave Correctly In Vbhtml Razor Files?

Nov 25, 2011

This is driving me round the bend. I'm a long time VB.NET forms developer, quite new to ASP.NET and completely new to MVC. I'm creating vbhtml pages that use the VB.NET razor syntax, and I seem to be constantly fighting against the UI which is trying to indent my code incorrectly. Take the following example, based on the template page for a new Razor view:

Layout = Nothing
End Code


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Copy All Files On Disk1 To Disk 2 / Copy Files That Are In Use By Another Process?

Mar 18, 2009

I have a backup class it copys every thing but the unmovable files witch in return when i test the dive that i just backed up all files to will not boot up missing win system32 config files??how would i add permission to my code??? or how do i over ride cant copy file because a nother process is useing it?

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Check What Files A Process Is Using?

Aug 6, 2009

so my GF have a virus that sends messages to other contacts from her skype so i was wondering if i cant track it by checking if some process is using the skype communication protocol or the exe itself. while i mess with it i notice that the skype message pop up with the question if i allow my program to access it when i was using the communication protocol.

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Files Owned By A Process?

Dec 29, 2011

I am writing a manager for an app that we use at the office. I have successfully written launching, monitoring, and managing number of instances using the process class.Each file is the data output for one study. Each of the 2-8 instances of the application will run 1000 studies overnight. The fault would be that the file stops growing. I cannot just check for that, because it also stops growing when it done with one study. I need to be able to determine which files are being written by which threads (or vis-versa where i know which files are 'running' and need to see who owns them)?

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Process Files By Extension??

Sep 14, 2010

I have a program that processes files in a special subdirectory and the program processes the files based upon the "Type", i.e., "Text Document". If an application, such as a text editor, installed onto the system, the "Type" may change to suit that application. For example, I recently had one change the type from "TXT File" to "UltraEdit Document (.txt}". Yes, the squirrely brace was on the end, don't know why. Well, after this app was installed, my program found no files of "TXT File" type to process even though the subdirectory was full of filename.txt files.

So, how can I get the code to look at the file extension, not the Type? A few lines of the code are shown:
Private fsFile As Scripting.File


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Process Multiple Files?

Apr 16, 2009

made a simple application which converts a PDF to csv.making some changes to have the app read multiple PDF's and convert into one CSV.

Heres my code.
Imports System.IO.StreamWriter
Imports System.IO


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Process.Start Files In DGV?

Mar 16, 2012

I am importing filenames into a DGV:

If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim myFileDir = New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath)
For Each myFiles As System.IO.FileInf


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Read And Process XML Files?

Oct 28, 2011

When I google how to read and process XML files in VB.NET there are heaps of different ways - what way is right? which way is quickest?

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Communicate With Another Program / Process On The PC Without Using Files?

Jun 21, 2010

I was wondering about something: is there a way to communicate with another program/process on the PC without using files? What would this look like? Is there a search term I can use to get more info? This is not a question per se, but a general software question.

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