Performing Batch Processing On Selected Files
Mar 11, 2012
I have created tool which performs batch processing on files that are selected. The sub routine I have defined in the code, now I want to implement a way through which I can select actions that I want to perform and then perform the actions. For example the list has multiple actions, like Open, Close, SaveAs, Resize, Color Correct etc. I should be able to select what all I want to do on each file and then perform this actions. Someone suggested me using delegates for this, but I cant use that since all my functions have different parameters. Ither option I had is to use a nested IfElse or Switch to determine which action is selected and call function according to it, but thats to heavy I think, is there any optimized a better way to do this.???
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Jan 7, 2011
I am creating a simple Website where users will update SQL database. The website works fine however, new records in the SQL database records needs to appended every night from a text file. What is best way to append records in the background every night? have created a stand alone vbscript to append the recoeds to the table in SQL Database hoping to schedule it to run every night but the problem I am facing is when users are using the Website my vbscript fails with the message "The file is being used by
View 4 Replies
Feb 27, 2009
I was working on an app that calls a batch file to do some simple tasks and found out this machine has some issues when trying to run them. really weird! so i did some testing and here are my resultsthis is a little strange to me and i can't think of why this is happening... let's say i have a simple bat file called test.bat these are the contents
@echo off
echo testing...
When i go to run this bat, this is the output: C:>â– @ 'â– @' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. It seems every bat i make on this machine is being preempted by the block character which renders bat files useless...
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Sep 1, 2009
I would like to know how to select multiple records from a gridview, (ie checkboxes in itemtemplate) and process SQL statements on the records. So in short, its basically selecting records from a grid view by ticking the check boxes, and clicking a process button which then proceeds to execute the SQL statements corresponding to the records selected.[URL]..
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Apr 11, 2009
im using an open source backup tool and im going to add extra functions. [Code] All in all im wondering how i can incorporate "sleep" into sleeping until the selected time, and then performing the backup.
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Jun 6, 2011
I am populating a listbox with a large list. The user then has the option of choosing multiple items from this list. I then want to perfrom a few actions on only the selected items.I cant figure out how to only perform the actions on only the highlighted selections.
'I have tried all combinations of
For each Listbx.SelectedItems.ToString in ListBx.Items.ToString
For each Listbx.SelectedItem in Listbx.Items
'etc, etc
''Performing actions here but it is still doing it with all entries
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Mar 24, 2012
i have 2 problems the first problem is if i have a .txt file how can i extract specific data. the second problem can i create batch files on the fly because of the need for a variable again it may not make sense but shout tyrannically
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Apr 7, 2010
i am using to program and process some files.I pick files from one folder process them and once i process them successfully i should store them in a different folder. when i do fi.move(destination folder) i get an error message saying "THIS FILE IS USED BY ANOTHER PROCESS" below is my code
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May 17, 2012
I am busy writing a application that i can set up a list of files to copy from one location to a remote network drive.
THe program has a list of "jobs" in a datagrid that it loops through and executes in sequence. What i have now is a background worker that reports the status of which job it is on (File 1 of 5) but i would like something that shows the status of the current copying file as sometimes large files can look like it's stopped on the network
I am using the structure, but have also tried the (which shows the status in a "windows" copy box)
So, what i would like is some guidance on how to create a function that will copy the file but also report back progress periodicly. I don't want to read and write byte for byte as im worried this will be too slow.
Also, is there a better way/function to use to copy files? Looking for best speed
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Oct 17, 2011
I have been asked to develop a solution which send to the default printer a list of files stored in a directory in file name sequence. These files maybe of any type - such as pdf or Office documents.
I have seen suggestions to using a process class (such as [URL]..However, the process would run largely unmonitored so I have concerns with regards to being able to control the submission of the numerous jobs to the printer and, for example, stopping the print should there be a failureerror in the print queue.
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May 10, 2010
My program needs to monitor two folders and if any files arrives in any of those it needs to be processed.So i created two filewatch tasks & the OnChanged event for both This does not work when the files are already in the folders before i start to run my program.It works for just the new files coming in.having a for each loop files loop in the onChanged event will this work I would like to know what's the best way to achieve this
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Apr 25, 2010
Need to process all the files from folder... Take one file at a time and pass on to "Data Flow Component"...After processing move the file to some other folder and and send email alerts as to how much records got processed. and start processing of another file till the folder is empty.
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Sep 8, 2009
I need to read a dtd file using for processing the xml elements. How to do this?
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Jan 27, 2012
I've been developing an application that is basically a GUI for several batch files. You click on a button, and the corresponding batch file will run. I got it working in debug using this code:
Private Sub btnOpenFS_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpenFS.Click
End Sub
View 11 Replies
Jun 5, 2011
Well i figure that if i do a temp. batch file for a small project heres the batch script. IPAddy would = a number xx.xx also how to execute from a button and run as admin at the same time. @echo off netsh interface ipv4 set address "local Area Connection" static 10.IPAddy.2
View 1 Replies
Feb 18, 2011
I need to MOVE a batch of files from one drive to another one by one.How can I know when one file as completed the MOVING process so I the other file in row can start moving
View 3 Replies
Mar 18, 2011
I am having a hard time running .bat files programatically.[code]
View 9 Replies
Sep 17, 2009
I have an hta menu with selection buttons to run batch files. The files run okay, so this is purely a tidying up exercise. I want the command windows to either run silently, as background tasks, or minimized.
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Mar 7, 2011
I have a .NET customer framework that functions much like a Workflow. It uses reflection to get a listing of all of the processes it is capable of from a specific folder, and starts them via reflection with a known start point (all of them have a method called "Process"). Since these files are only called to do the processing and not part of the compile... is there a way for me to be able to drop in a new reference library (DLL) for one of the processes that is being updated without restarting the whole process?[code]...
View 1 Replies
Sep 25, 2009
I'm trying to keep the oldest file and move the new ones to a different directory
View 7 Replies
Nov 15, 2011
I am currently creating a merging program which is processing multiple text files with header. I've manage to merge the text files but I'm stuck with the header that needs computation.
path of input files and header explanation: Input Files
After merging, I need to put back the header, adding up each values, which I explained in the path above. How can I do that?
Here's my current code:
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim openFolder As New FolderBrowserDialog
'The routines must be
[Code] .....
View 13 Replies
Sep 30, 2011
Any VB example of batch printing pdf files from a dos/windows subdirectory (with only Acrobat Reader installed)? I've got a folder full of pdf's (30 or 40) and I need to fire them off to the networked Laserjet. Also, is there a way in VB, to set the "full duplex" (double-sided) printing option for an HP Laserjet (PCL6)?
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Oct 1, 2010
I am having trouble finding a code for visual basic 2010 (or 2008) that will compile batch files to a .exe format. (So they can no longer be edited.)So far I've only found one program that does this (And was made in Visual Studios) and the program doesn't even actually work due to some unknown error. It'd be a great help to get a source code or just told that this isn't even possible.
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Feb 5, 2010
The following .bat file runs through only once when the argument contains a star (*), but if I write out all of the arguments I get an ECHO and PAUSE for each one.Doesn't the star work for batch files? [code]
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Jan 1, 2012
i have tried to apply this to the enviroment variable to be changed from batch files. I have tried to find an definite answers from spesific resource... Then the thing what i tried to be solved is like a obscure mist.
Module Module1
Sub main()
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Feb 3, 2012
i have a problem with SetEnviroment function in i have a small program created with and want to communicate with batch file changing the environment variables but as I mentioned in the below sample code is not running clear and while run.bat is running there is no effect inside batch file What might be the problem?
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Dec 3, 2009
I need to watch onr folder using filesystemwatcher when a file is come in i have to send the file to websservice and recive processed file i done this. my question is if at the time 20 or 30 files come in how to do this 1 by 1 the webservice takes time to process its depends on the file size. so how to process 1 by 1 files correctly without crashing.
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Jan 30, 2010
Using windows xp. Sp3. over 100GB free on each disk that I use,Attempting to unzip a file that has directories in it. I want all files in the zip file to go to one directory ignoring the dir structure.I'm using VB to do this. Problem is that the process hangs at the same place on 2 different machines. Any ideas. Code below in vb and the results.Executing the same command line from DOS works correctly.unzips 72 files then hangs.
newProc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
newProc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
Here's where it stops. And shows the dir struct of the zip file NDDF Plus DB. i've got a screen shot of the dir structure and files. basically it unzips the files in order of the dir structure and stops above.
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May 26, 2010
I am using the FilesystemWatcher to look for files in a Directory, it does not matter what the file is. After a file appears it starts my ftp process and I end up with a bunch of 0 byte files because it processed before all the files arrived.
I would like to WaitFor... (Files_Created) to finish but dont seem to have the right syntax to get this to work properly. I have working code up until it loops. As you can see I have tried various processes to get it to work... mostly commented out. I also have imported just about everything trying to get this to work. Please ask away.
Imports System Imports System.IO.File Imports System.IO Imports System.Threading Imports System.Collections Imports System.Collections.Specialized Imports System.Diagnostics Public Class FileSystemMonitor Public Shared Sub Main() Dim fsw As New FileSystemWatcher() ' create an object of FileSystemWatcher ' set properties of FileSystemWatcher object
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May 11, 2012
I 'm trying to achieve is have 1 button that toggles between 2 batch files start/stop - when pressed the button calls for a batch file to start process - then if pressed again it calls for another batch file to stop the process. But it would be hand to have indicator or text on button stating the status.
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