Find The Mode Or Popularity Of A Number In A Group Of Numbers In .NET?

May 13, 2011

Say for instance, I gave you the numbers

1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 9, 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 2, 4, 7, 9, 1, 5, 3, 6, 6, 8, 1, 1, 4, 7, 7, 8, 2, 4, 2, 1, 9, 1, 0, 1, 6, 3, 2, 1, 8, 8, 9, 8, 1, 5, 3, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 4, 3, 9, 7, 2, 0, 1, 6, 3, 8, 1, 2, 4

What number appears more than any other number?This is very important to me, ...I need to find the MODE, of those group of numbers, ...the way that I did it before, I would make 10 TextBoxes, and have another text box to enter the number, and when the number gets entered it would increment the value of which ever textbox the number was in the main textbox, so if I entered a 1 into the main textbox, then the zero in textbox (1), would be incremented to 1, and if another 1 was enered and the button was clicked, the 1 in the Textbox for 1, would be incremented to 2, because 1 has a popularity of 2 now and has apeared 2 times..

Here's some code, to show what I've come up with by myself.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
ONE.Text = ONE.Text + 1
End If


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VS 2008 Find Highest And Lowest Number In Group Of Numbers

Apr 26, 2009

I have a group of 3 numbers:


I need a way to detect which one is the largest, and which is the smallest, and assign them to a variable.If SideA is the largest, then it is variable C, and SideB is the smallest, so its variable A, leaving SideC as variable B

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Find The Mode Of An Array Of Numbers?

May 6, 2010

how do i find the Mode of an array of numbers.this is what i have so far, sacount1 is the max index

For j = 1 To SAcount1
If NFAI(j) = NFAI(j - 1) Then
x1 = x1 + 1[code].....

View 14 Replies

Find The Largest Number In The Group?

Feb 17, 2010

I have ten numbers like 1.1,2.5,3.7,4.9,5.4,6.2,7.6,8.9,9.0,3.56

How I can find the largest number in the group?? I can do comparison of two number and repeat the process but it is very long, is there any other ways??

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Find And Store The Numbers In One Array And Non Number In Another?

Feb 3, 2010

I have stores some numbers as strings and also some non-numbers as strings in an array. How do I find and store the numbers in one array and non numbers in another array?

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What Is Real Mode / Protected Mode / Supervisor Mode And Hypervisor Mode

Sep 16, 2010

What is the real mode , protected mode , supervisor mode and the hypervisor mode ?

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Use .next (random Numbers) To Randomly Select Something From A List Of Numbers But It Can't Repeat The Number?

Aug 16, 2009

So how would I use .next (random numbers) to randomly select something from a list of numbers but it can't repeat the number?I could do:

dim num as integer
dim r as new random
num =,5)
if num = 1 then
elseif num = 2 then

That wouldn't work because it would repeat.If I donwload someone's game can I disect it in VS? :0 I tried going to open project, then I went to the folder and clicked open. It brought me inside of the folder so I tried to open the game but there is no form1 there. It says the games name then .exe in the explorer-like thing in the top right?Also, how would I have a value or something in a label and access it from a button.

Example:This is in a label.

Dim number as Integer
number = 0

Then in the button do

Label.number = 0

How would I do something like that? I want to use that a lot as I did in a different language.

View 6 Replies

Generate Automatic Numbers For Order Number And Inquiry Numbers?

Feb 15, 2012

am writing an system application for a company that must generate inquiry id and order id automatically. Whenever a customer makes a new inquiry or new order by clicking the add button, an automatic number should be displayed in the text box and when it's saved, it should be saved in the database access.

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Combine Multiple Numbers And Know What Numbers Are Selected Later From One Number?

Aug 18, 2009

I would like to know how I can have an enumeration that has multiple values and can be passed to a function.


NoAction = 0


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Random Numbers Behave Differently In Debugging Mode?

Oct 15, 2011

I use some random number generators in a piece of code to simulate Gene reproduction. It works as followed:

- I generate a male chromosome that contains 46 random chromosomes which I put in the Arraylist: MaleChromosomes.

- I generate a female chromosome that contains 46 random chromosomes which I put in the Arraylist: FemaleChromosomes.

- Then I have a piece of code that randomly picks 23 chromosomes from the female arraylist and randomly picks 23 chromosomes from the male chromosomes ( Very simple simulation of reproduction ) and put these in the arraylist: Child

- I repeat this for the second child ( Arraylist: Child2.)

- Now I have piece of code that compares these arraylist to see how many chromosomes the two children share.

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Finding Maximum Value In A Group Of 11 Numbers?

Mar 16, 2011

i am creating a maths program that works out five number summarys of a range of data. i am having trouble working out the smallest number in a group of numbers. i have used a bunch of if then statements to work out the maximum and i figured that by exchanging a few variables and swapping greater than signs for less than i could use the same code to work out the minimum, but all i get is zero, no matter what i input into my textboxes. below is the code i have used to work out the maximum number

If CheckBox1.Checked = True And CheckBox6.Checked = True Then
max = 0
min = 1000


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Check If Input To Group Number And Number Of Units Are Correct Input By Making Error Handling Exceptions

Sep 23, 2010

Part of my assignment is to check if input to Group Number and Number of Units are correct input by making error handling exceptions...

I have to check the following:
a) group number is neither 501 nor 062
b) number of units are NOT numbers
c) number of units is NOT a positive number

So my first question is, am I checking correctly? 2nd question is, How do I make sure my Exceptions will pertain to their correct respective things (a, b, and c.. above)?


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Program - Requests A High Number And A Low Number From User - Searches Array And Finds All Elements Within Two Numbers

Jan 24, 2010

I need to write a program that requests a high number and a low number from the user, then the program searches the array and finds all elements within the two numbers. The program is used to search for past presidents, so if I type 43 for low number and 44 for high number, the program will display:

George Walker Bush
Barack Hussein Obama

I think I have an idea of how to search up to a certain point, but not to stop at a certain point....Here is the code that I have for that particular sub procedure:


Private Sub btnDisplayRqst_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplayRqst.Click
Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("PRESIDENTS.TXT")


View 4 Replies

Create A Program To List A Large Group Of Numbers?

Feb 7, 2011

I am currently trying to create a program to list a large group of numbers for me. My final goal is to have every 2, 3, 4, ..., and 9 digit number containing only "1" "2" and "3". I thought I would go about this by using the following VB.NET program and then copying it into a text editor, and using find & replace to eliminate all other numbers.

Public Class Form1
Dim Start As Integer = 333333333
Dim Counter As Integer = 333333333


it fails due to the massive amount of processing that needs to take place. However, adding the intervals requires a great deal of time for each number to be displayed without any crashes.

Is there some way (in VB.NEt or another language) to get the number list I want in a short (an hour or less) amount of time?

View 7 Replies

Plugging In Random Numbers To Load From Group Of Numerical Filenames

Feb 11, 2012

Old VB6er trying to get the new syntax of the .net world. Just to get things up and running, I wrote the following:

Dim RandomNumber As Integer
RandomNumber = GetRandom(0, 13)
If RandomNumber = 0 Then
[Code] .....

What's the proper syntax for plugging in the random number instead of hard coding the bass02.Play() lines? VS 2010

View 4 Replies

Cannot Find Or View My Form In Designer Mode

Apr 6, 2011

i have recently tried to copy my project between two acciunts, one which i access the project on a network drive and one which i will run programs from on the C:/ drive... when i tried to copy the project between accounts i began to receive the error message shown below


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Find User In A Group?

Aug 18, 2009

I have some code that checks user authentication in a windows .VB .NET 2008 program.

We have 5 plants, each with its own HR plant department. Each plant has an AD group called "HR-Plant1", "HR-Plant2" ect. with its user/members.

I'm looking for some code that will take the windows user name, check to see if that user is in a certain plants group and then let him into that form. We would then dump the need for the user to login to authenticate.

Each form reads data from there local SQL DB and we already have setup that in the app.config.

In looking I couldn't seem to find any good code on passing in the group name into an AD query and verifying a single user is a member.

View 8 Replies

Find Users In Group?

Oct 20, 2010

I have some code that retrieves users from our domain:

Dim DirEnt As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://,DC=My Domain,DC=local")
Dim searchResults As New DirectorySearcher(DirEnt)


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VS 2010 Adding Whole Numbers Between A Number And A Number

Feb 3, 2011

VS 2010 Adding whole numbers between a number and a number

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Find Group In Active Directory?

Mar 8, 2012

I am trying to find out the Active Directory Group that the current user belongs to. I have the current users username stored in strUserName and have got this [code]....

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VS 2005 - Find A Group Of Controls?

May 18, 2009

I have a group of controls dynamically added to a forms with a name like "OptionID_#" where the "#" is unique number.1st I need to check if these controls are checked/unchecked, but am having a difficult time even finding them to make that first check.I thought controls.find might work, but Controls.Find ("Option ID_" True) dues not seem to find my controls.2nd I need to get the "#" from each of those checked options.I think that Split(conControl.Name, "_") should work to get me two different parts one with the OptionID, and the other with the "#".Still stuck on the first part though of actuall locating the controls I need.

View 9 Replies

Find Date/time Of Last Group Policy Refresh?

Nov 28, 2011

how I could retrieve the date/time of the last Group Policy update. I have a crude routine that will search the Event Log for Event 1704, but this runs slower than I'd like. I was hoping there might be a way to get this info via Registry, WMI query, etc. that would work faster in my VB2010 program.

View 4 Replies

Find If User Is Member Of Active Directory Group ASP.NET?

Jul 6, 2010

I am using Active Directory to authenticate users for an intranet site. I would like to refine the users that are authenticated based on the group they are in in Active Directory. how to find what groups a user is in in ASP.NET 4.0 (VB)?

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VS 2008 Choose On Number From A Group Of 5 Textboxes?

Mar 13, 2010

i have one label one button and 5 textboxes and i need to see in the label one number that randomly will choose from numbers that allready are in a group of 5 textboxes

View 21 Replies

Reversing A Number - Reverse A Digit (Graphics Mode)not Console Based

Aug 29, 2010

Is it possible.we can reverse a digit in VB.NET(Graphics mode)not console based

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Forms :: Loop Through Controls In A Group And Find Out Which Button Is Clicked?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a form with many buttons on it and I would like to loop through all the controls in a group control and find out which button is clicked.

I plan to use the click event of the button and I know it's easy to create a click event procedure for all of the buttons but would like to avoid that.

The group control is called GroupFilterButtons.

View 5 Replies

Find Even Numbers Between Two Numbers?

Jun 5, 2012

i'm trying to get my course done for this class. My question is find the even numbers from 6 through 16. The thing is i'm working with events. How should i do this? i did a lot of research and i did find some code that might work but i'm not sure how it works and understand it. I'm by no means advanced with i'm just trying to finish this course. What i did find was that i have to use MOD? I'm not even really sure how i can use that with an event? Any code would be awesome to getting me on the road to finish this assignment.

I took this code out of a program that had to find even numbers and it works great but the only downfall is that it starts from 1 and then whatever number you want it to stop at. I only need 6 through 16 .

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Diagnostics


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Find Odd/even Numbers In A Pyramid?

Nov 7, 2010

My program has 2d array to find number of blocks in a certain level and total blocks of a pyramid. I need to also find the number of odd and even blocks.

Do I redim with different logic? O could I use the same population and make the specific button calculate for me. What is the logic?

Here's what I have:



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Find-out The Missed Numbers?

Jun 22, 2010

Sqlserver Table1holds data as follows



How to findout missed sno in 01/01/2010?I want to get this result


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Find Consecutive Numbers In An Array?

Oct 31, 2011

I need to find consecutive numbers in an array and return a string which tells the range and numbers that don't form a range.I found some of the already asked questions but none of them is in VB.Net:Add to array consecutive numbersIf the array of numbers looks like {11,12,67,68,69,70,92,97} then returned string should be of the form 11,12, 67 through 70, 92 and 97.

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