Find And Store The Numbers In One Array And Non Number In Another?
Feb 3, 2010
I have stores some numbers as strings and also some non-numbers as strings in an array. How do I find and store the numbers in one array and non numbers in another array?
View 9 Replies
Jun 21, 2012
I am trying to program a noise reduction algorithm that works with a set of datapoints in a VB.NET DataTable after being helped with my other question. Basically, I want to take two integers, a coordinate value (yCoord for example) and a threshold smoothing value (NoiseThresh), and take the average of the values in the range of (yCoord - NoiseThresh, yCoord + NoiseThresh) and store that number into an array. I'd repeat that process for each column (in this example) and end up with a one-dimensional array of average values. My questions are:
1) Did anything I just say make any sense ;), and
2) Can anyone help me with the code? I've got very little experience working with databases.
View 1 Replies
Jun 15, 2009
I'm looking for a way to take seven 2 digit numbers & combine them into one number to store in a database.The numbers represent hours for each day of the week & I only have one field to store them in. Then I need to be able to take the stored number & decode it back into the original seven numbers. Anyone have any clever ideas how I can do this?
View 6 Replies
Nov 23, 2010
Right so my generator is working, but I now want to take the numbers that it generates and add them to a list of generated numbers. So you can monitor what numbers have been generated. then ideally a way to exclude these numbers from being generated again.
View 34 Replies
Jan 24, 2010
I need to write a program that requests a high number and a low number from the user, then the program searches the array and finds all elements within the two numbers. The program is used to search for past presidents, so if I type 43 for low number and 44 for high number, the program will display:
George Walker Bush
Barack Hussein Obama
I think I have an idea of how to search up to a certain point, but not to stop at a certain point....Here is the code that I have for that particular sub procedure:
Private Sub btnDisplayRqst_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplayRqst.Click
Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("PRESIDENTS.TXT")
View 4 Replies
Sep 1, 2011
Am new to programming and i would like your help to this question. [b][color="Red"]Write a declaration statement of an array of integers to store 15 numbers. Initialise the first 5 values.
When I open the Visual Studio 2005 I don't see the template i.e. Win32 Applications, C++
View 11 Replies
May 13, 2011
Say for instance, I gave you the numbers
1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 9, 1, 3, 4, 5, 5, 2, 4, 7, 9, 1, 5, 3, 6, 6, 8, 1, 1, 4, 7, 7, 8, 2, 4, 2, 1, 9, 1, 0, 1, 6, 3, 2, 1, 8, 8, 9, 8, 1, 5, 3, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 4, 3, 9, 7, 2, 0, 1, 6, 3, 8, 1, 2, 4
What number appears more than any other number?This is very important to me, ...I need to find the MODE, of those group of numbers, ...the way that I did it before, I would make 10 TextBoxes, and have another text box to enter the number, and when the number gets entered it would increment the value of which ever textbox the number was in the main textbox, so if I entered a 1 into the main textbox, then the zero in textbox (1), would be incremented to 1, and if another 1 was enered and the button was clicked, the 1 in the Textbox for 1, would be incremented to 2, because 1 has a popularity of 2 now and has apeared 2 times..
Here's some code, to show what I've come up with by myself.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
ONE.Text = ONE.Text + 1
End If
View 8 Replies
Apr 26, 2009
I have a group of 3 numbers:
I need a way to detect which one is the largest, and which is the smallest, and assign them to a variable.If SideA is the largest, then it is variable C, and SideB is the smallest, so its variable A, leaving SideC as variable B
View 2 Replies
Oct 31, 2011
I need to find consecutive numbers in an array and return a string which tells the range and numbers that don't form a range.I found some of the already asked questions but none of them is in VB.Net:Add to array consecutive numbersIf the array of numbers looks like {11,12,67,68,69,70,92,97} then returned string should be of the form 11,12, 67 through 70, 92 and 97.
View 1 Replies
Sep 22, 2009
I am having trouble in finding duplicate numbers in an array.the first one is to create an array with duplicates and then display the number that has been duplicated and how many times it has been duplicated.
Here is my uncompleted code:
Dim arry(4) As Double
arry(0) = 4
arry(1) = 44
View 14 Replies
May 6, 2010
how do i find the Mode of an array of numbers.this is what i have so far, sacount1 is the max index
For j = 1 To SAcount1
If NFAI(j) = NFAI(j - 1) Then
x1 = x1 + 1[code].....
View 14 Replies
Apr 13, 2011
I've been assigned a homework assignment where I need to use LINQ to find certain numbers within an array. I've read through the book and some online tutorials, for some reason I just can't seem to understand it. I'm not asking anybody to do my homework for me... Just asking if anybody could explain it better, maybe in more detail?
View 2 Replies
Feb 22, 2012
I'm creating an application that creates a list of 20 ramdomly selected numbers within an array and displaying those numbers in a listbox. I then need to display the duplicate numbers in an adjacent listbox by clicking the find duplicates button. How would I be able to access those 20 numbers in order to find the duplicates?
View 2 Replies
Apr 4, 2012
Write a function that will take one integer input parameter, create a sequence of numbers stored in an array from 0 to that number, and the numbers are a summation. For example, given 7
View 17 Replies
Jul 23, 2010
i have an array consist of ({9,2,10,5,7}) and i have a total = "17".
the question is, how do i find which sum of array that match the total ??
do you people know the algorithm or in language ??
the number in array not always the same and so the total is. that is just an example.
View 3 Replies
Oct 25, 2010
I'm using vb10.
Function RndNum(ByVal
NumLwr As
I want to find which of the 64 elements has the highest number and which of the 64 elements has the lowest number?Is there a new command in vb10 to do this quick with little code?
View 5 Replies
Jan 17, 2012
I'm using Streamwriter/Streamreader for the first time in this project and keep getting an "Argument out of Range Exception was unhandled" error.It says "length cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: length."This happens at "dblYearly Income." Also, how do I find out the number of occurrences of an item in an array? For instance, I have a Race combobox and need to find out how many occurrences there are for each race.Also, is there a way to count the number of occurrences of an array itself, I guess the upper index value? [code]
View 7 Replies
Jul 28, 2010
I am trying to create the following program Store in a 1d array a set of 5 place names and in a 2d array the distances between the places. Ensure that the order of the places is the same in both arrays. When the names are places are input the distance between them is displayed. If they are not both in the table a suitable message is displayed
Dim town(1 To 5) As String
Dim Dist(1 To 5, 1 To 5) As Integer
Dim First As Integer
I think the best way forward is pass a parameter to the function findnumber.
View 1 Replies
Aug 16, 2009
So how would I use .next (random numbers) to randomly select something from a list of numbers but it can't repeat the number?I could do:
dim num as integer
dim r as new random
num =,5)
if num = 1 then
elseif num = 2 then
That wouldn't work because it would repeat.If I donwload someone's game can I disect it in VS? :0 I tried going to open project, then I went to the folder and clicked open. It brought me inside of the folder so I tried to open the game but there is no form1 there. It says the games name then .exe in the explorer-like thing in the top right?Also, how would I have a value or something in a label and access it from a button.
Example:This is in a label.
Dim number as Integer
number = 0
Then in the button do
Label.number = 0
How would I do something like that? I want to use that a lot as I did in a different language.
View 6 Replies
Feb 15, 2012
am writing an system application for a company that must generate inquiry id and order id automatically. Whenever a customer makes a new inquiry or new order by clicking the add button, an automatic number should be displayed in the text box and when it's saved, it should be saved in the database access.
View 9 Replies
Sep 9, 2010
I want to reading in a excel file and extract the sCodenumber sDescription ans the sStatus and store them in a array : StatusComposeArray(5200) As MyCompose. After this I need this array for comparing outside this class. But as can you see the array is defined inside the sub: ReadingIn_ExcelFilesCompose [Code]
View 2 Replies
Sep 21, 2010
Is it possible to store two related numbers in a list and then check them if the are exist in the list?ere is an example of what I did to achieve the above:
Dim CounterConnections, FromN, ToN As Integer
Dim ConnectionsList As New List(Of Integer)
Dim Myrandom As New Random
The above code generate two random numbers and store the in a list. I am adding the two numbers to be one so that I can check if they exist in the list.e.g. if the FromN = 7 and ToN = 11 then the list will consist of :
711 and 117
a list to store 11 7 and 7 11 which is capable to be checked later if some some numbers are exists.
View 3 Replies
Jan 22, 2010
I need some help with to make a messages system. I build a form with display a message code and the message.
Example : 0000001 : Not connected to network
The problem is that i want to store in a central place where the numbers and the message will be stored in the code. I was thinking about a array to store the date.
View 3 Replies
Jul 30, 2011
I have a problem, in my app I want to calculate 0.02453166 * 13.39. But I need to store those values in a variable first.
Dim Number1 As [Type] = 0.02453166
Dim Number2 As [Type] = 13.39
Dim Number3 As [Type]
Number3 = Number1 * Number2
View 1 Replies
Jun 5, 2012
i'm trying to get my course done for this class. My question is find the even numbers from 6 through 16. The thing is i'm working with events. How should i do this? i did a lot of research and i did find some code that might work but i'm not sure how it works and understand it. I'm by no means advanced with i'm just trying to finish this course. What i did find was that i have to use MOD? I'm not even really sure how i can use that with an event? Any code would be awesome to getting me on the road to finish this assignment.
I took this code out of a program that had to find even numbers and it works great but the only downfall is that it starts from 1 and then whatever number you want it to stop at. I only need 6 through 16 .
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Diagnostics
View 3 Replies
Mar 16, 2011
Trying to upload a picture file from an online source and store it in a byte array but am having the error: "Number of Indices is less than the number of dimensions in the indexed array".
Dim Bytes() as Byte
Dim Inet1 as System.Net.Webrequest
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