Store A Very Little Number?

Jul 30, 2011

I have a problem, in my app I want to calculate 0.02453166 * 13.39. But I need to store those values in a variable first.

Dim Number1 As [Type] = 0.02453166
Dim Number2 As [Type] = 13.39
Dim Number3 As [Type]
Number3 = Number1 * Number2

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VS 2008 How To Store 40 Digit Number

Jul 28, 2011

Can i add, subtract, times, divide 40 digit number to 40 digit number ... example:

dim a as double = 1111111111111111111111111111111111111
dim b as double = 1111111111111111111111111111111111111
dim c as double


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Display The Correct Number Of Asterisks Per Store?

Jun 21, 2010

I am having issues getting my application to display the correct number of asterisks per store. Also, I cannot figure out how to get each store to display in the list box.

' BarChart: Chapter 5 #6
' Program Discription: This application prompts the user to enter today's sales
' for five stores. The program then displays a bar graph comparing each store's
' sales. The bar graph is made up of asterisks in a list box. Each asterisk
' represents $100 in sales.


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Find And Store The Numbers In One Array And Non Number In Another?

Feb 3, 2010

I have stores some numbers as strings and also some non-numbers as strings in an array. How do I find and store the numbers in one array and non numbers in another array?

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Program To Store X Number Of File Locations?

Apr 25, 2011

As things are now, I need my program to store x number of file locations. My first approach was to use an array, however as i do now know how many files there will be, i am forced to use redim preserve. That is not very effective and I have therefore started using a StringCollection.

or is there some smart way to store these paths, that I have overlooked?

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Number Of Vowels In Store Input - Type Mismatch

Oct 20, 2009

This is my code, and when I run it, it says type mismatch, and when I try to debug it, it highlights this line "If strVowel = Chr(65) Or Chr(101) Or Chr(105) Or Chr(111) Or Chr(117) Then"

Dim intX As Integer
Dim intY As Integer
Dim strVowel As String
Dim strInput As String
Private Sub cmdCount_Click()
[Code] ....

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Take Seven 2 Digit Numbers & Combine Them Into One Number To Store In A Database?

Jun 15, 2009

I'm looking for a way to take seven 2 digit numbers & combine them into one number to store in a database.The numbers represent hours for each day of the week & I only have one field to store them in. Then I need to be able to take the stored number & decode it back into the original seven numbers. Anyone have any clever ideas how I can do this?

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Store A Whole Number Into Decimal Data Type?

Nov 15, 2011

my application has a data table, one of the column set as decimal type to store number, data is read from a text file and store into the data table, then display in a datagridview, I found when that number is only 1 digit, that cell displays nothing (I think no number is being store in that cell), if I type a 1 digit number into that cell is fine. for example,

1.1 [ok]
12 [ok]
0.15 [ok]
4 [not display]
9 [not display]
-23.8 [ok]

so which data type I should use on this column, in order to display all this possible numbers

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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


View 14 Replies

Split A 2-digit Number From A Textbox And Store The Digits In Labels?

Nov 21, 2011

How do I split a 2-digit number from a textbox and put the first digit in one label and the second digit in another label when a button is clicked?

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 - How To Store User Numeric Index / Socket Number

Sep 7, 2009

I have been working on recoding a VB6 client/server application of mine and have run into a bit of an issue with storing the players location on the tile map which means I will need to rework the way I am storing the user connections. In my VB6 application I would store the user's numeric index/socket number/whatever you'd like to call it as the Key, however, in VB 2008 I can't seem to find where, or if, the numeric index is stored. If this isn't possible then does anyone have an example of how they store user connections using some numeric index as the key of a hashtable?

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Random Number Generator - Store Generated Numbers?

Nov 23, 2010

Right so my generator is working, but I now want to take the numbers that it generates and add them to a list of generated numbers. So you can monitor what numbers have been generated. then ideally a way to exclude these numbers from being generated again.


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[2005] Store The ComboText As Well As The Number Of Times That Particular Word(s) Was Clicked On Inthat Session?

Mar 24, 2009

I have a combobox, which I use to store the ComboText as well as the number of times that particular word(s) was clicked on inthat session. The code I use for the Combobox looks like:

Private Sub cboSSCourse_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboSSCourse.SelectedIndexChanged


The problem is, once it has found a duplicate item, it stops counting.What I'm trying to say is, it finds ASP 2 Advanced as a duplicate, with its "click time", it finds Dreamweaver Advanced as a duplicate, but doesn't find its "click time"I need to find the items, then add together all their respected click times, for example: ASP 2 Advanced has 5, then 2 So the total must be 7 Dreamweaver Advanced has 1 and 1 so the total must be 2?

View 10 Replies

Database - Find Average Of A Specific Number Of Rows/columns In Datatable And Store To Array?

Jun 21, 2012

I am trying to program a noise reduction algorithm that works with a set of datapoints in a VB.NET DataTable after being helped with my other question. Basically, I want to take two integers, a coordinate value (yCoord for example) and a threshold smoothing value (NoiseThresh), and take the average of the values in the range of (yCoord - NoiseThresh, yCoord + NoiseThresh) and store that number into an array. I'd repeat that process for each column (in this example) and end up with a one-dimensional array of average values. My questions are:

1) Did anything I just say make any sense ;), and

2) Can anyone help me with the code? I've got very little experience working with databases.


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What Is The Number Of Files Over Which It Is Better To Store Additional Files In A New Folder

Feb 13, 2011

To improve performance, when one has many files to readwrite it is better to save them in smallergroup in different folders. Is there a magic number over which it is better to start splitting the folder? for example below "10.000" (invented number) files can be stored in one single folder, while above that it is better to start storing files in multiple folders.

View 16 Replies

Store Whole Numbers And That A String Is A Varialbe Used To Store Any Text?

Feb 19, 2009

i know that integer is a variable to store whole numbers and that a string is a varialbe used to store any text, but what variable type would you use to store a number that has decimals?

View 7 Replies

Forms :: Use A If Statement To See If Fosters Button And Number 1 On The Number Pad Are Both Pressed Then Multiply Constant By Quantity Number?

Mar 4, 2011

I am doing a bar cash register and I want to use a if statement to see if fosters button and number 1 on the number pad are both pressed then multiply constant by quantity number

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Error - Create A Class Called Invoice - Hardware Store Use To Represent An Invoice For An Item Sold At Store

Apr 15, 2012

"Create a class called Invoice that a hardware store might use to represent an invoice for an item sold at the store. An Invoice should include four pieces of information as instance variables--a part number (type String), a part description (type String), a quantity of the item being purchased (type Integer) and a price per item (Type Integer). Your class should have a constructor that initialize for each of the four instance variables. Provide a property for each instance variable. If the quantity is not positive it should be set to zero. If the price per item is not positive it should be set to zero."

I attached the code I have. obj is underlined and says "Argument not specified for parameter 'Invoice4' of the 'Public Sub New (Invoice1 As Object, Invoice2 As Object, Invoice3 As Object, Invoice4 As Object)' and so the program won't run. What am I doing wrong?

Public Class Form1

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim obj1 As New Invoice(Val(TextBox1.Text))
TextBox1.Text &= obj1.Invoice1 & vbNewLine
TextBox1.Text &= obj1.Invoice2 & vbNewLine
TextBox1.Text &= obj1.Invoice3 & vbNewLine
TextBox1.Text &= obj1.Invoice4 & vbNewLine


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Add "whole" Part Of A Number To "decimal" Part And Store In String Buf?

Sep 14, 2011

One number is represented with four hex values.First two hex parts are my "whole number" part, third and fouth hex numbers are my "decimal" part. I just wanted to store my complete number (whole and decimal) in an excel table.My problem is following when I am storing whole part and decimal part of my number separately, then it works fine am getting f.e. 3017 and 0,9445123 in my excel table, but when I am concatenate them, then I am getting following expression in my excel table f.e. 30,179,445,123 but I want 3017,9445123.

rx_str_buf(str_cnt) = CStr(Convert.ToInt64((Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 7)) & Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 8))), 16) +
(Convert.ToInt64((Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 9)) & Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 10))), 16) / 65536))


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Executing A Sql Command - Number Of Values Provided Must Be Equal To The Number Of Placeholders In Query?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a problem with a sql query. Through the query I am trying to search database for any occurrences of string (can be anything) in a column using the SQL LIKE command. The problem is that it works fine for most of the strings say john, jim, ji"m , but does not work when i include the following characters which are ( ' , { , } , and a single quotation mark). MYSQL query takes care of these special cases by putting them in [] block whenever user enters them .But i am getting the following error when i go to query the database using the GetSelectCommand() in VB.NET

Exception Details: System.ApplicationException: Number of values provided must be equal to the number of placeholders in query.I have checked the query over and over again .. but its fine .My database server is Sql Server 2008.So my application throws the exception in this command:

Using reader As MustDisposeDataReader = _
pmSystem.DatabaseManager.GetSelectCommand(selectStatementBuilder.ToString(), New Object() {})

Where MustDisposeDataReader is an instance of a class in an internally developed library, which inherits from System.Object. pmSystem is an instance of the class PlanManagerSystem which implements the commandlayer. GetSelectCommand() takes the select command

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VB - Georgetown Credit Card - When The Last 5th Digit Match The Sum Number At The Last Number - Isnt Working

Dec 10, 2010

I got most part correctly but the only part isnt working right is when the last 5th digit match the sum number at the last number.

Private Sub btnVerify_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnVerify.Click
Dim strCardNum As String
Dim strSumNum As String


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Filter A Dataset Using A Number Different Inputs, Selected By A Number Of Check Boxes?

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to filter a dataset using a number different inputs, selected by a number of check boxes. I have all the text base rowfilters working, but I can not make the date filter work unless I hard code the datetime into the code. The database is MS Access and I am using VB2008 to show the data. I would like to be able to use a DateTimePicker to set the filter date (without the time part) Also I would need to remove the time section of the datEnterDate. I cannot change the structure of the database fields. Also the datEnterDate is MM/dd/yyyy, because I'm in England I would like to use the format of dd/MM/yyyy if possible


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For Barcode - Input A Item Number In Textbox And If That Number Will Match In Your Database

Mar 7, 2012

I have a txtbox(for barcode).. if i input a item number in that txtbox and if that number will match in your database, the other information(shall we say, product type, item ID, etc..) will display in my other txtboxes..

View 5 Replies

Get A Text Box To Show The Word The Same Number Of Time As The Number Selected Using Loops?

Nov 2, 2011

In VB if you prompt the user for a number between 1-20, then a word, how do you get a text box to show the word the same number of time as the number selected using loops?... Ex: please select a number: 4 / select a word: cat....the text box should display ::: catcatcatcat ........

I am doing this for a class and my brain has locked up. Prob. just over thinking it though. Thanks in advance for any help!

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Number Guessing Game - Allows A User 10 Attempts To Guess A Random Number Between 1 And 50

Nov 9, 2009

I am attempting to create a game in Visual Studio 2008 that allows a user 10 attempts to guess a random number between 1 and 50. I have a label box in which I would like to display the remaining guesses as they decrement. The code so far appears below.

My two (I am sure very basic) questions are:

1. How would I pass the random integer generated through the Generate Integer function to the AmIRight button's click function? I was trying to decrement the counter each time the "Am I Right " button is pressed.

2. I would also like to evaluate each "guess" when the "Am I right button is pressed. Is it possible to nest a Select Case statement in a For Next Loop? Option Explicit OnOption Strict OnOption Infer Off Public Class frmMain Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub txtGuess_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Create A Random Number Generator That Iterates Through A Series Of Number Between An Upper And Lower Bound?

Jun 24, 2010

i wanted to create a random number generator that iterates through a series of number between an upper and lower bound. say between 1 and 100. Basically I want the number generator to pick the numbers randomly and then display them until all 100 numbers are picked without any duplicates. so thats easy I can code that. But what I don't know is how to show those numbers in the order they are generated on a windows form. So i have basically a variable that I will let be changed 100 times (or however many times I want, I don't want their to be a size constraint just using 100 as an example) and each time the number is generated I want it displayed on screen (in a list or something not sure what. Hopefully some type of scrollable list) and each successive number also to be displayed in same format beneath it so that I can see the list in its entirety. What type of form control do i use for that? I could do for each iteration but then user is required to hit ok after each iteration and that would obviously be a bad idea if user selected a large number to work through. Anyways, code isn't exactly necessary just point me in the right direction, i.e.what control (if any) to to format the change in data?

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Program - Requests A High Number And A Low Number From User - Searches Array And Finds All Elements Within Two Numbers

Jan 24, 2010

I need to write a program that requests a high number and a low number from the user, then the program searches the array and finds all elements within the two numbers. The program is used to search for past presidents, so if I type 43 for low number and 44 for high number, the program will display:

George Walker Bush
Barack Hussein Obama

I think I have an idea of how to search up to a certain point, but not to stop at a certain point....Here is the code that I have for that particular sub procedure:


Private Sub btnDisplayRqst_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplayRqst.Click
Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("PRESIDENTS.TXT")


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ATM System - Check Card Number Matches Up To The Users PIN Number

Mar 13, 2009

I am trying to make a basic ATM system, iv got all the interface done and I have made the link to my SQL database etc. the part i'm stuck on is how I can run a check to see if a bank card number matches up to the users PIN number. To simulate the user putting a card into the machine I've used a combo box, and that lists all the cards, that haven't been flagged as confiscated (there's a column in my ATMCards table that I can set to true or false) then after the user has selected a relevant card there's another text box where they can enter in their PIN number.

Now what I want to do is, if they chose the card number 1234567890123456 in the combo box and they enter in the PIN 1234 into the text box, then, after clicking the check PIN Button if the pin is correct they need to be taken to another from where they can check their balance etc., and if its wrong they got three attempts after which point i want to flag that card as confiscated.

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Byte Array - Error: Number Of Indices Is Less Than The Number Of Dimensions

Mar 16, 2011

Trying to upload a picture file from an online source and store it in a byte array but am having the error: "Number of Indices is less than the number of dimensions in the indexed array".

Dim Bytes() as Byte
Dim Inet1 as System.Net.Webrequest

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Convert Decimal Number To Binary Number With Fixed Bits?

Oct 29, 2010

I want to convert numbers from 0 to 15 like that


Problem is that when we convert 2 to binary number it gives only 10 in binary, but i want to convert 2 to 4 bit binary number 0010.

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