Display The Correct Number Of Asterisks Per Store?

Jun 21, 2010

I am having issues getting my application to display the correct number of asterisks per store. Also, I cannot figure out how to get each store to display in the list box.

' BarChart: Chapter 5 #6
' Program Discription: This application prompts the user to enter today's sales
' for five stores. The program then displays a bar graph comparing each store's
' sales. The bar graph is made up of asterisks in a list box. Each asterisk
' represents $100 in sales.


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VS 2005 Getting The Correct Number Of Attributes To Match The Correct Number Of Text Boxes?

Apr 18, 2009

I have created a basic query generator which allows a user to select the Select, WHERE and criteria attributes using a number of checkboxes.However i have got stuck. In the results form i have the following code

Private Sub DisplayRecord()
RichTextBox1.Text = ds.Tables("newResults").Rows(intCurrentRecord).Item(0)
RichTextBox2.Text = ds.Tables("newResults").Rows(intCurrentRecord).Item(1)
RichTextBox3.Text = ds.Tables("newResults").Rows(intCurrentRecord).Item(2)


The program keeps on crashing if the user does not select the corresponding amount of display records from above for the amount of attributes they want for the SELECT part of the query in the intreface in form 1.

How would i go about making something where the number of SELECT attributes selected which are listed in a string create the correct number of textbox fields in the results form (form2)

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Converting Whole Word Into Right Amount Of Asterisks To Display

Feb 22, 2011

I'm making a hangman game right now, and the way it works is: It takes ten words from a text file and puts them in an array.It's supposed to take one of those words randomly and change all the letters to asterisks and display it in a text box for the user to start playing.I'm currently having trouble with converting the whole word into the right amount of asterisks to display.As you can see, I've already started trying something with a for next loop to go through the word and replace each letter with asterisks.But I'm not sure of the exact 'wording' of it.

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Check If Input To Group Number And Number Of Units Are Correct Input By Making Error Handling Exceptions

Sep 23, 2010

Part of my assignment is to check if input to Group Number and Number of Units are correct input by making error handling exceptions...

I have to check the following:
a) group number is neither 501 nor 062
b) number of units are NOT numbers
c) number of units is NOT a positive number

So my first question is, am I checking correctly? 2nd question is, How do I make sure my Exceptions will pertain to their correct respective things (a, b, and c.. above)?


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How To Sort Number Correct In A DataGridVeiw

Oct 13, 2011

I have an DataGridWeiw as an result table for a little racing game.The grid is sorting itself everytime a new value is added in a "points" column using the following code. TableDG.Sort(Column2, System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending)

And it works fine as long as "points" not exeed 9. eg: I want the datagrid to sort "10" or above as greater than 9. Not putting the "10" or above last in the list?How can i do that?

And is there any way to get rid of the "grey" marked first row?

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Unable To Show Correct Log Id Number?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a form (FRMQUESTIONNAIRE). It contains, a listview table, a panel and picturebox, 2 combobox, 10 questions with 5 radio buttons each question ( A survey),A log number id (I just used Label in here) and 2 buttons ( save and skip).

Problem: When I click one item in listview table, the picture captured realted to the item click in listview table will be shown in panel beside it. However, the problem start to happen when the log ID is not appear accordingly based on user selection on listview table.

What I reckon start of the problem: - Previously The listview table(listview1) in frmquestionnaire was in frmqlist(another form). But to suit user requirement, it has to combined with frmquestionnaire. In frmqlist, I use a label Image. This form contains the similar details in frmquestionanire except there are no 2 combobox, 10 questions with 5 radio buttons each question ( A survey),A log number id (I just used Label in here) and 2 buttons ( save and skip) But it have a button(Proceed to survey). Having said that, when user click an item in listview(Frmqlist), the picture will be shown beside it. User will click button proceed to survey and frmquestionnaire will pop up. Here, It shows the correct Log ID based on user selection in frmqlist.

But now....

I have combine everything in frmquestionnaire. I am facing as the LOG ID is not showing according to the selection. As a result, I can't save the questionnaire answer as well as this log will be used to save in database.


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Keep Track Of The Number Of Correct And Incorrect Response?

Mar 1, 2011

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class MainForm


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Round A Number But It Is Not Giving Correct Answer?

Jan 14, 2011

In vb.net i am going to round a number but it is not Giving me correct answer. i.e.

Round (1.5,0) = 2
Round (2.5,0) = 2 which is wrong. the answer should be 3.

(When i use the Round formula in Excel it gives me the correct answer)

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Unable To Insert A Number In To A List Box In The Correct Order?

Jul 8, 2009

Ok here goes my stab in the dark again: I would like to be able to insert a number in to a list box in the correct order, at the moment the number gets put at the end, but the list box starts negative and then gets larger and the values that will be added are within the range already there, My guess would be some sort of sort function?


i have seen addrange as a function. can you also tell me if i am starting to think like a VB ((novice) programmer?

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Cannot Get Comboboxes To Display Correct Information

May 4, 2009

I have 3 databases: Subject, Class, and Students. In the Subject database, I have SubjectID and SubjectName and the PK is SubjectID. I have the releationship bound to the Students table where I only have the SubjectID in there. Next in the Class database I have ClassID and ClassName. ClassID is the PK and it's relationship is bound to the Students database where I only have the ClassID in there. Here is what I am having troubles with.I have comboboxes set up on a form to where the user can select which class and which subject the student is good at. What I want to do is to be able to insert those values into the Students table so that the values will make the correct Subject and Class name appear on the students record. I also want to be able to modify said Subject and Class ID, which when you click on the button, brings up another form to edit Student info, such as name, address, phone number, etc.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I take the comboboxes and display them on the form. For the datasource I use the Class for one and Subject for the other. The display member is Subject name or Class name and the value member is either class ID or Subject ID. When I run the project though, the class name and subject stay the same for all the students. I have sample data in my tables that is different for each student, but it does not work.

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Display A Msg Box When Correct Credentials Are Not Entered By Use

May 30, 2012

I want to diaplay a msg box in vb.net when correct credentials are not entered by user. now i m able to display the msg box but the problem is it is displayed even ehen the user enters the correct credentials . its doesnt give any error but the problem needs to be fixed. [code]

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Display A Path With The Correct Case?

Dec 14, 2009

I need to display a path with the correct case. I need to change a path like this one: c:documents and settings to a path like this: C:Documents and Settings

Why Path.GetFullPath(ThePath) doesn't return the case correct path is something I don't understand. This seems like a bug to me. I have wasted two days looking for a simple fix to this problem. .net functions returning paths will return the case correct path.

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Generates A Random Number And Validates The Users Guess To See If Its Correct?

Jul 31, 2010

I've created code that generates a random number and validates the users guess to see if its correct. I think the code is good but i'm not 100% sure. I need to add additional pieces to the code and i'm not sure where or how to do it. allow the user 10 guesses. after 10 guesses disable the ability to make more guesses if the 10th guess is wrong count each guess entered & display the count as it increments display each guess along with its returned messaeg into a list box. when the user gets correct answer provide a box to allow them to play again. Re-initialize variables back to their starting status.

a. If the user correctly guesses the number in less than 5 guesses display "Either you know the secret or you got lucky!" in a message box. b. If the user correctly guesses the number in 5, 6, or 7 guesses, display "Ah Ha! Do you know the secret?" in a message box. c. If the number of guesses is 8 to 10, then display "Try to do better next time." d. If the number of guesses exceeds 10, then display "You have taken too many guesses."


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Display Correct Numbers For Amortization Schedule

Apr 10, 2010

I am getting the mortgage calculations in my program to display the correct numbers for my amortization schedule.

Imports System.Console
Module CR
Sub Main()
'Prints statements to screen.
[Code] .....

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TreeView Display Folders In Correct Order?

Feb 16, 2012

I have used the TreeView and populated the list using the following code:

m_strStation = cboStation.SelectedItem
For Each strDir As IO.DirectoryInfo In New IO.DirectoryInfo(m_strPath & m_strStation).GetDirectories()

The TreeView populates and every folder is visible, however the folder names consist of:Place #. Name the problem I am having is that the number range is 1 - 16 and the order in which the folders are being displayed is 1, 10, 11, ..., 15, 16, 2, 3, ..., 8, 9 I am looking for the folders to be listed in true numerical order e.g. 1, 2, 3, ..., 14, 15, 16

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Count The Number Of Affected Rows And Display The Number In A Messagebox?

Jan 8, 2012

how do i count the number of rows that are affected when I updated a table, and display the number of affected rows in a message box ??

here is my code for updating the table ...

For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
req = row.Cells(Column1.Name).Value
If row.Cells("Column1").Value = True Then


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VS 2008 PrintPreview Dialog Loads And Correctly Displays Correct Number Of Pages

Aug 12, 2009

The PrintPreview dialog loads and correctly displays the correct number of pages.When the Print button on the dialog's toolbar is clicked, only one blank page is printed to the printer.Seperately, when calling the PrintDocument1.Print() method, all pages are printed correctly to the printer.[code]

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Store A Very Little Number?

Jul 30, 2011

I have a problem, in my app I want to calculate 0.02453166 * 13.39. But I need to store those values in a variable first.

Dim Number1 As [Type] = 0.02453166
Dim Number2 As [Type] = 13.39
Dim Number3 As [Type]
Number3 = Number1 * Number2

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Triangles Of Asterisks Program?

Jun 15, 2011

where I could find the code or construct it. I think its a lengthy code though.

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VS 2005 Display The Correct Records In SectionName Dropdown List?

May 22, 2011

I want to display the correct records in my SectionName dropdown list whenever the user select/check an radio button (Elem or HS). No radio button is checked during design time but when I run the app, the SectionName dropdown list show Elem records. also when I checked the HS radio button the SectionName dropdown list records does not changed at all..

Private Sub frmLoading_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If cnn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then cnn.Open()


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Create An Asterisks Triangle In A Richtextbox?

Mar 30, 2012

i'm trying to create an asterisks triangle in a richtextbox. the design that i need is



all the way down to 10 asterisk at the bottom and 9 spaces a 1 asterisks at the top. I'm a beginner to visual basic and coding in general.

The code that i have right now is:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim Stars, Lines As Integer


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Framing Text Messages Using Asterisks?

Mar 14, 2010

INPUT FORMAT: The input consists of one or more lines or text input.

OUTPUT FORMAT: Each input message should be outputted enclosed in a frame of asterisks.


Hello there
There�s reason for every seasons�


* Hello there *


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VS 2008 How To Store 40 Digit Number

Jul 28, 2011

Can i add, subtract, times, divide 40 digit number to 40 digit number ... example:

dim a as double = 1111111111111111111111111111111111111
dim b as double = 1111111111111111111111111111111111111
dim c as double


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Generate A Random Number And Then Display That Number?

Nov 2, 2009

is there a way to generate a random number and then display that number?

like for example i want to say "i got # - # pencils" or something like that

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VS 2005 Display Each Number Twice And Then Move On To Next Number

May 4, 2010

I am trying to run a nested loop; it should call a result from a MDB database. Which it does, when I run the single loop it goes thru all of the entries. But when I try to get a number to display twice it stops on the second entry. Having it display the number twice is just a test to make sure it does work, I am going to modify it after I can prove the loop works. The count on the Message Box is correct, but the number displayed is wrong?I want it to display each number twice and then move on to the next number. [code]

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Find And Store The Numbers In One Array And Non Number In Another?

Feb 3, 2010

I have stores some numbers as strings and also some non-numbers as strings in an array. How do I find and store the numbers in one array and non numbers in another array?

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Program To Store X Number Of File Locations?

Apr 25, 2011

As things are now, I need my program to store x number of file locations. My first approach was to use an array, however as i do now know how many files there will be, i am forced to use redim preserve. That is not very effective and I have therefore started using a StringCollection.

or is there some smart way to store these paths, that I have overlooked?

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Console Application - Creating Diamond Shape With Asterisks

Feb 26, 2009

'The program is supposed to create a Diamond Shape with the asterisks but I only get one-half of the 'diamond '(vertically) to appear.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
For i = 0 To 4
For j = 0 To 5 - i
[Code] .....

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Output A Pyramid Of Asterisks Of Six Lines - 10 Times (vertically)

Oct 13, 2006

I have vb.net 2003. I have to output a pyramid of asterisks of six lines, 10 times (vertically). But the catch is that I have to use a loop. MsgBox("*" & vbCrLf & "* *" & vbCrLf & "* * *" & vbCrLf & "* * * *" & vbCrLf & "* * * * *" & vbCrLf & "* * * * * *") would give me one block of pyramid but how would I get a message box to display 10 of these at the same time? I'm pretty sure a nested loop would work but I've tried for hours and I can't get it to work.

It would look like this:


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Store And Display Data?

Aug 5, 2009

I'm having problem displaying and storing data from RS232 to access 2007. I have a PIC demo board that sends SMS via AT commands. I want to grab useful information like phone numbers and status message and store/display to access/richtextbox respectively. Right now every line of AT commands are display. And does not store to access. How do i search for the string with numbers like phone numbers?


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