Console Application - Creating Diamond Shape With Asterisks

Feb 26, 2009

'The program is supposed to create a Diamond Shape with the asterisks but I only get one-half of the 'diamond '(vertically) to appear.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
For i = 0 To 4
For j = 0 To 5 - i
[Code] .....

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For Next Loop For Diamond Shape

Sep 15, 2009

I have done the coding to create a diamong shape using the for next loop but the output comes out differently:

Module Diamond
Sub Main()
Dim row, space, asterisk As Integer
Dim height=5 As Integer
Dim height2=4 As Integer
[Code] .....

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Creating A Console Application In VB

May 15, 2012

how to create a console application that asks the user to input his or her first name and last name separately. The console application will display a message that varies according to the user. Then combine the two names into a single string variable named fullName, so that they 'll output a full name.

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Creating A Console Application With Calculations?

Sep 13, 2009

I am having trouble creating a console application with these specifications:

* Declare variables named HoursWorked, HourlyRate, GrossPay, and NetPay, each having a data type of Double.

* Read values for the hours worked and hourly rate.

* Write the statements to multiply the hours worked by the hourly rate to calculate the gross pay. Calculate the net pay by multiplying the gross pay by 0.80.

* Display the gross pay and net pay (formatted for currency).

This is what I have so far:

Sub Main()
Dim HoursWorked As Double
Dim HourlyRate As Double
Dim GrossPay As Double


I don't exactly understand what it means to "read the values for hours worked and hourly rate". Does it have something to do with "Read Line"?

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Using VS 2010 Express Edition Settings For Creating Console Application?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm using VS 2010 express edition, Are there any settings for creating console application?I've done a simple program but it get stops while running.


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VS 2010 Creating A Console Application That Will Create And Store Client Information As A .txt File?

Apr 24, 2012

Basically i am creating a console application that will create and store client information as a .txt file it is going okay but i have come across a slight hick up i want to use something on the lines of this .....

dim lastname as string
Do Until Integer.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), LastName) = False
Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, Please try again")


this works fine to trap out numbers from letters but the problem i am getting is when the program calls uppon LastName it is recording 0 and wanted to know if there is a way of getting past this ..... so basically i need a way to allow letter but not numbers and symbols and then dispay a pernolised error message but at the same time use Stream writer to save was the answer is in a .txt file.

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VS 2010 - Creating Rectangular Shape In Excel

Aug 16, 2011

The VBA Code is
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 105.75, 54.75, 114, 65.25).Select
ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, 441, 57, 117.75, 90.75).Select
For VB.Net, I tried looking the prefix for "msoShapeRectangle" or "msoShapeOval" in
Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoShapeType. But couldn't find it.

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C# - .Net Console Application That Doesn't Bring Up A Console?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a console application I'm using to run scheduled jobs through windows scheduler. All the communication to/from the application is in email, event logging, database logs. Is there any way I can suppress the console window from coming up?

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Console Application Without Showing Console

Aug 8, 2010

I am currently working on an application, where I am using a console application, that will set up the application prior to the main form is run. This is no problem I've got that all working perfectly, the only problem I have is that the console is showing while the application is running, I was wondering whether anyone knows any way in which I would be able to hide the console before it gets shown to the user.

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Showing Console In Console Application?

Dec 15, 2011

How do I get the console from closing immediatley upon opening in a Console Application program? I have all of the code written but when I run the program it pops up the console window and then immediatley exits so I am unable to read what is in the window to see if my program is operating correctly. This is the first time I've ever used a console window so I don't know where in the code I would need to put "whatever it is" I might need to put to keep the window open until closed by the user.

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VS 2010 Console Application Without A Console?

Aug 23, 2009

It sounds confusing but it's not really. What I need is basically a way to emulate the console style text, without using a console. What I'm really doing is trying to do a matrix effect on my form background, by drawing symbols and moving them, alternating their colors (see this video for what I mean).

Is there a way to do this effectively with a timer and a draw event, with the timer calling the draw event and changing the intervals?

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C# :: How To Drop A Shape Inside Shape In VISIO

Mar 23, 2011

I am using Rack-mounted Equipment (US units).VSS as stencil. I need to Connect a server on Rack.

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C# - Silverlight Controls For Creating A Console?

Oct 24, 2009

I'm developing a Silverlight application where I want to simulate a console. There are a lot of ways to represent this - StackPannels, grid of TextBoxes, etc - and I was wondering what the bets fit would be?

Display an 80x20 grid that scales based on parent size Be able to update an individual cell's character Be able to set a cell's forground and background color

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Creating A Console Version Of A Roguelike?

Jun 7, 2011

I know, not the ideal environment for games. However, I do love and would like to try.Currently, I am creating a console version of a roguelike (hack/slash ascii adventure) and need some help with the theory. The implementation I can handle.

In the game loop, if I redraw the map every time an action happens, there will be an awful flicker.Should I: a.) set up movements so they rewrite the area the player was at, and then write at the tile the player is going to

b.) use WPF and use the canvas

c.) insert your better solution?

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Making An Application Where User Draws A Shape On A Picture Box?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm making an application where a user draws a shape on a picture box( this will be saved on a bitmap image), then another user has to draw on that shape (=follow it ) . if the 2nd user goes too far from the line then an error message will appear.

for example( in case i couldn't clarify this well!)the 1st user draws a a vertical line, the 2nd user has to follow it, if-while drawing on it- he gets too far horizontally, there would be the error.

I'm currently thinking of comparing every point by the 2nd user to its equivalent in an array containing the points by the first user.

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Re-direct Output From A Console Application To A Textbox In A Windows Forms Application?

Sep 14, 2010

I am trying to use the System.Diagnostics.Process class.I have the following Windows Forms application. It consists of 1 Button and 1 TextBox. The only code is for the button click event as follows.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myProcess As New Process()


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Convert A VB2008 Console Application To Windows Forms Application

Feb 7, 2010

I have a fully functional multi-threaded VB2008 console application that I need to convert to a windows forms application. I am doing this to add additional functionality at a later time. How would I go about doing this?

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Forms :: Transfer Console Application To Window Form Application

Dec 22, 2011

modify console application below to window form application for me.I've tried by myself for million times, but i couldn't console application.rar?

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Triangles Of Asterisks Program?

Jun 15, 2011

where I could find the code or construct it. I think its a lengthy code though.

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Convert A Console Application To A Windows Form Application?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a console application code below. I am trying to convert this to a windows based form application but I don't know where to start. This code asks you to input a website and then it gives you the IP address for that particular website the user enters. All the code works fine but I want this in a windows form application.

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
class GTest


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MD5 Verifier - Make An Windows Application Or Just A Console Application

Aug 11, 2009

Okay so basically I want to see if I can make an windows application or just a console application in VB.NET that will verify an MD5 Checksum. I have no idea how to start this out, but I have the ideas of what I'd like to make it.


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Create An Asterisks Triangle In A Richtextbox?

Mar 30, 2012

i'm trying to create an asterisks triangle in a richtextbox. the design that i need is



all the way down to 10 asterisk at the bottom and 9 spaces a 1 asterisks at the top. I'm a beginner to visual basic and coding in general.

The code that i have right now is:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim Stars, Lines As Integer


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Framing Text Messages Using Asterisks?

Mar 14, 2010

INPUT FORMAT: The input consists of one or more lines or text input.

OUTPUT FORMAT: Each input message should be outputted enclosed in a frame of asterisks.


Hello there
There�s reason for every seasons�


* Hello there *


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Converting Whole Word Into Right Amount Of Asterisks To Display

Feb 22, 2011

I'm making a hangman game right now, and the way it works is: It takes ten words from a text file and puts them in an array.It's supposed to take one of those words randomly and change all the letters to asterisks and display it in a text box for the user to start playing.I'm currently having trouble with converting the whole word into the right amount of asterisks to display.As you can see, I've already started trying something with a for next loop to go through the word and replace each letter with asterisks.But I'm not sure of the exact 'wording' of it.

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Display The Correct Number Of Asterisks Per Store?

Jun 21, 2010

I am having issues getting my application to display the correct number of asterisks per store. Also, I cannot figure out how to get each store to display in the list box.

' BarChart: Chapter 5 #6
' Program Discription: This application prompts the user to enter today's sales
' for five stores. The program then displays a bar graph comparing each store's
' sales. The bar graph is made up of asterisks in a list box. Each asterisk
' represents $100 in sales.


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Converting Windows From Application Into A Console Application?

Sep 7, 2009

Is there a way to convert a windows form application into a console application in visual basic?

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Detect If The Application Is A Console Or WinForms Application?

Sep 24, 2010

detect whether the current application is a console or a winforms application.The reason that I want to do this is that I am developing a library with a global error handler in it and I need to know what type of application it is in order to be able to subscribe to the appropriate exception event.Obviously I could get the user to pass in a parameter specifying what type of application it is, but I would rather deal with that automatically so its all encapsulated from the user of the class.

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Windows Application Versus Console Application?

Nov 24, 2010

We currently have +- 20 different console application developed in VS2008 and running at different scheduled intervals, all controlled by Windows schedular. The problem we have come accross is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to manage and maintain these console apps. In some instances a console app will just fail or never run to start with and this creates a lot of problems. In many cases one console app is dependant on another and if 1st one fails see where this is going.

I am looking for a new solution that will help us to trace, debug and manage these console apps better. We are preferably looking for a gui front end, maybe windows app where we can set the intervals for them to sun and view some error reports if they did not run.We are port all the code for the console apps to which ever new appliocation we develop.

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Output A Pyramid Of Asterisks Of Six Lines - 10 Times (vertically)

Oct 13, 2006

I have 2003. I have to output a pyramid of asterisks of six lines, 10 times (vertically). But the catch is that I have to use a loop. MsgBox("*" & vbCrLf & "* *" & vbCrLf & "* * *" & vbCrLf & "* * * *" & vbCrLf & "* * * * *" & vbCrLf & "* * * * * *") would give me one block of pyramid but how would I get a message box to display 10 of these at the same time? I'm pretty sure a nested loop would work but I've tried for hours and I can't get it to work.

It would look like this:


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Using OCX In Console Application?

Sep 29, 2010

I have a problem. I have OCX that works in Form based application. But when I try to use it in Console based application it gives:

Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))

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