Form Does Not Open Correctly On Second Instance?

Jan 18, 2012

Form does not open correctly on second instance

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Forms :: Form Does Not Open Correctly On Second Instance

Nov 13, 2010

I have a question that I hope to find a much more simpler solution to.I have two forms in my program which are named Main and Second. The Second form has several textboxs, buttons (some disabled) and comboboxes. When the Second form is opened via the Main form on the very first instance, everything works fine.

However, if I re-open the Second form after previously closing it, the disabled buttons are no longer disabled and the text controls and comboboxes show the previous values entered from the first instance which I do not want. How can I ensure that the Second form will be opened "clean" every time.

Currently I have to add instances to the onload event to do this to ensure that the form is cleared on the second instance.textbox1.text = ""textbox2.text = ""textbox3.text = ""button1.enabled = False

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Open Only One Instance Of An MDI Form

Apr 26, 2004

I am using the following code to open an MDI form from a parent form...


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Creating Single Instance Form In MDI Application - Check Whether Form's Instance Created Or Not?

Feb 8, 2012

creating single instance form in MDI Application. How to check whether form's instance created or not?

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Return To Already Open Application When User Tries To Open A New Instance If Same Version?

Nov 27, 2011

I want to open up an existing instance if my program is already running only if its running the same version.I noticed that this question was asked for only if the name exists, but what if the version is older, I just want to notify the user that an older version is still running, "please remove older version before starting this version."The other link is this one:Return to an already open application when a user tries to open a new instance but they don't talk about closing an instance if an older or newer version is detected.

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C# - Return To An Already Open App When A User Tries To Open A New Instance If Same Version?

Nov 28, 2011

I want to open up an existing instance if my program is already running only if its running the same version. I noticed that this question was asked for only the the name exists, but what if the version is older, I just want to notify the user that an older version is still running, please remove older version before starting this version. The other link is this one: Return to an already open application when a user tries to open a new instance but they don't talk about closing an instance if an older or newer version is detected.

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Program Does Not Open Files Correctly

Aug 2, 2009

I have a program that when you set it as the default program for opening rtf files, and open the file, not from the program, but from windows. It doesn't open it at all. It launches my program but, the file doesn't open in my richtext box.

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Open In The Same Winword.exe Instance

Aug 1, 2009

I used to take the word count of many document by using the microsoft com component But the problem is used to open a document and and take wordcount and close it .This process take long time as i have to open a winword and kill the winword for a document .Can any one fine tune my code so that it would make the process much more faster than mine

Public Class WordCount
Dim appWord As Word.Application = New Word.Application
Dim aDoc As Word.Document


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Get Instance When .exe Or Browser Is Clicked To Open?

Jun 7, 2011

Actually i am a PHP/Mysql developer.i am newbie to and i am trying to develop a application which asks for a password when the user tries to open any.exe file

for example:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Forms :: Open An Instance Of Explorer.exe In A Panel

Oct 24, 2008

I'm having a hard time getting this code to work, here's the code, I'm trying to open an instance of explorer.exe in a panel. Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices


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How To Open A File In Existing Program Instead Of A New Instance

Mar 17, 2009

I have a program that runs some data manipulation on a file when it is double-clicked and then displays this to the user.However, when I double click on the same file type of a different file it opens in a separate instance of my program instead of the same instance already running, i.e. some message that says would you like to reload file, YesNo, and then given the answer perform the action required.I have found some code to stop a second instance from opening, but this is inconvienient for the user to close out of the program everytime they want to view a new file.[code]

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Form Not Showing Correctly?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a single form called 'FolderSelector' with a label, textbox and a button.The problem I'm having is that everytime I run the application, the only thing that shows up is a blank form called 'Form1', the program runs everything it should do except to show the actual form which is really weird.Here's the code in case there's something in there that's causing it that I haven't spotted.

Imports System.IO.Directory
Public Class FolderSelector
Public Const SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER As Integer = &H14
Public Const SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE As Integer = &H1


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MDI Child Form Not Opening Correctly

Jun 24, 2011

I have an MDI form on which I am trying to open two other forms in the same place (not at the same time). One works, one doesn't. Both of these forms have the following as the very first statement in the load event.

One form opens in that location and functions fine. The other form, which is the same size, seems to spread out across the MDI form top-to-bottom wise. There is also a bar at the top with min, max, and close buttons that came from where I don't know as the form is set with no border. This form must open in the correct way as there is a menu at the top of the MDI. Anybody have any idea why this is happening? Some property or something which is different between the 2 forms?[code]...

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Open The Same Form In My Application One Time Only Cannot Open The Form Two Times?

Feb 23, 2009

How I Can open the same form in my application one time only can not open the form tow time in same time

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Data Not Saved Correctly In 2 Datagridview Form?

Sep 12, 2009

I have a simple Master/Detail program the database contains 2 tables and the form contanis 2 datagridview controls getting it's data from 2 bindingsource controls

I use this code to save data



my problem is when I enter a new record in the grid that belongs to the master table and enter a detail to that data the data of the new master record is saved but not it's detalis but when I enter new details for old master record the save is done well

how I can enter an new record for master table and enter a detail for it and save without loosing detail data

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Open A New Instance Of IE and Direct It To A Web Page When A User Takes A Specific Action?

Jul 20, 2010

I need to open a new instance of IE and direct it to a web page when a user takes a specific action.Used are random so setting anything on their machine is not an option.This works great on my local machine in developent but when deployed to my server it fails with no error.I must be missing a permission or something simple understanding that on the server things are run under the ASPNET account.My code is in a code class, myCode.We are in VS 2008 and IIS 6.Tried a couple of different things, they all fail silently.

Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.ComponentModel
Dim sWebPath as Sting = ""[code].....

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Form Validation - Correctly Formatted Email Address?

May 5, 2011

I have a txt box that askes a user to enter his email address and I want to make sure the user enters a correctly formatted email.

The code I have so far is like this
If txtEmail.Text = "" Then
txtEmail.BackColor = Color.Pink
MessageBox.Show("Please Enter your Email")
Exit Sub
txtEmail.BackColor = Color.White
End If

How I can modify this code to make it work and is regular expressions the same for all programming languages? Also for my mobile number text box I only want a user to enter a 10 digit number with only integer numbers.

The code I have so far is
If txtNumber.Text = "" Then
txtNumber.BackColor = Color.Pink
MessageBox.Show("Please Enter your Mobile")
Exit Sub
txtNumber.BackColor = Color.White
End If

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Write Program For Outlook 2007 Form Correctly Using VB?

Dec 7, 2009

Below is my code, I dont know why it is not working. I was trying something very simple because i am not familiar with coding in script editor, i have always done it in VB express. Every time i click the command button nothing is happending. What am i doing wrong? Sub CommandButton1_Click()


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Forms :: Vb 2008 Express Form Wont Show Correctly

Aug 24, 2009

I have been working on a quite complex multiform solution.All of a sudden the start up form (in fact any form I designate to start up) loads, displays and operates fine.

But when I try and show a form using showdialog the form displays behind the original form and I can�t set focus to the ide to close it down. I have to use task manager or alt f4 while the form has the focus.

Calling different forms from this one gives the same result but other forms work fine. I don�t want to redo this form as Ive done a lot of work onit.The only thing I can think of that whist I was changing the startup form in the project propertied page (file>project>properties) I unchecked the �Enable applications framework checkbox.

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Create New Instance Of A Form That Does Not Close Then The Parent Form Closes?

Oct 28, 2009

I have been making a webbrowser for a while now, everything works well, except i am unable to make the 'open in a new window' button work right. So far i have managed to get a new instance of my form to open with the right url, but i am unable to keep that new form open when the orginal parent form closes.


Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.NewWindow
e.Cancel = True
Dim Href As String


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.net - Finding Out Which Instance Of A Form Initiated Another Form Or Module

Oct 5, 2010

I'm trying to figure out the best way to reference a control on a form from within a module. Unfortunately the form is just an instance, so it's not as easy as calling form.control...

Dim ChildForm As New frmSearch
' Make it a child of this MDI form before showing it. '
ChildForm.MdiParent = Me

That form has an option for printing, which calls another form where certain options are chosen. The print form in turn calls a function in a module, which tries to reference back to the origional form.

childform as new frmSearch -> frmPrintForm -> sub okToPrint (in module Print)
okToPrint tries to reference a listview on frmSearch, but can't find it.
For Each itmX In frmSearch.lstResults.Items

So the solutions I can think of off the top of my head are:

1. Somehow divine which form is the caller of frmPrintForm

2. Pass ChildForm to the frmPrintForm as a variable to be passed on to module Print..

3. Use frmSearch directly instead of using an instance of it.

Number 1 would be my preference, as I don't want to have to pass forms around like that.

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Inherit Form - Events From AaMyForm Execute Correctly But Controls Added To It Are Not Shown On XForm

Oct 31, 2011

Public Class aaMyForm
Inherits Windows.Forms.Form

Added some controls. Build it, add the .DLL as reference to my other project.

In my other project:

Imports MyLib
Public Class XForm
Inherits aaMyForm

The events from aaMyForm execute correctly but the controls added to it are not shown on XForm. I have found some info about set Modifiers Protected in order to be able to change the functionality of the controls but havent found anything about why the controls aren display on the XForm.

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IDE :: Can't Open Code And Crash When Open Wpf Form

Oct 22, 2009

I'm try on Ultimate version and Express version. Reinstall many time from web install and offline install. What should I do ?

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Get A Button On Form A To Open Form B And Then Close (not Hide) Form A When Clicked?

Jun 12, 2009

get a button on form A to open form B and then close (not hide) form A when clicked?Background: I am coding a VSTO application for Excel in VB2008.

Private Sub FormAButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FormAButton.Click
Dim FormB As New FormB


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Open Excel File And Reusing Existing Excel Instance?

Jul 13, 2010

I have an application the contains several excel files bundled with it. I'm not opening the files and processing them within my application. These files contain a data-connection to reload all of the pivot-tables within each excel file. I have a 'link' on my form, that when clicked, it determines which file to open and calls a sub using filename and executing Process.Start(filename) for any excel file I want to open. I have no problems opening any one of the files and then exiting excel.

The problem is when I 'close' a file, but don't exit Excel; then try to open another file(clicking link on form)... it creates a new instance of Excel.

I know from experimenting that the fileopendialog form will 'reuse' an existing Excel instance, IF it does not already have a file open.

How can I do the same thing without using the fileopendialog?

I don't want the end-user to have access to the folders where these files live. That's why I have multiple 'links' on my form, one for each xls that already exists. I just want them to be able to click on a link and the xls file opens AND if they choose to merely 'close' a file and not exit... Don't create a new instance of Excel, but re-use the existing one.

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Call Form In One Instance Only?

Jun 21, 2010

I have so many form in different module in one solution. I already instantiate a new Form as a global variables in my parent form. Then, call the code

in my button1 event

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Call New Form Instance?

Sep 2, 2009

I have program requirement, I need to call an existing form to an MDI form by using a new form button and when I click it of course it will show my existing form, but I want is to create a new instance of the existing form, which make the the other forms different from one another inheriting the controls of the form I called. What I mean is I can create many child forms inheriting the controls of the existing form I called.

Dim newform as new
'this the function will call when on click the new form
Public Function newform()


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Creating New Form Instance?

Jul 7, 2011

I have a form with a button. I want the button to show a new instance of the same form but I don't know what to do. I'm working in 2010

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Default Instance Of Form In .Net But Not In C#?

Jan 15, 2011

there is The (Name) property, which represents the name of the Form class.This property is used within the namespace to uniquely identify the class that the Form is an instance of and, in the case of Visual Basic, is used to access the default instance of the form.

Now where this Default Instance come from, why can't C# have a equivalent method to this.Also for example to show a form in C# we do something like this:

//Only method
Form1 frm = new Form1();

But in VB.Net we have both ways to do it:

//'First common method (used slash because editor wouldn't format it properly)
//'Second method
Dim frm as New Form1();

1) My question comes from this first method. What is this Form1, is it an instance of Form1 or the Form1 class itself. Now as i mentioned above the Form name is the Default instance in VB.Net. But we also know that Form1 is a class defined in Designer so how can the names be same for both the Instance and class name. If Form1 is Class then there is no (StaticShared) method named Show().So where does this method come from.

2) What difference they have in the generated IL

3) And finally why C# can't have an equivalent of this.

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Have Single Instance Of Form?

Mar 15, 2007

I have windows application and a form. If I open a form named "DetailForm" from main form named "Main1" by clicking the button, it should open only once. The problem I am having is, it is opening many instance of the form every time you click the button.

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