Forms :: Best Approach To Checking Conditions Before Loading A Form

Feb 2, 2011

I have a form which asks for a username and password to connect to a MySQL database. Before I load the login form I would like to place a check to see if the connection information is stored in the My.Settings.<connection string..I am using Sub New() in the Form.Designer to do this by placing the following [code]The connection form does show but when i close the form there is a blank form that shows up.

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Multithread Approach - How To Create Instances Of Forms

Jan 21, 2010

I have a program with 3 forms; each has a different role behind them. Form 1 loads when the program executes and the other 2 load by clicking on buttons from form 1. I would like to implement a multithreaded approach where even after clicking on form2 and form 3 I can still execute other form 1 options while form2 and form 3 contents execute. I read through some tutorials and still not to sure how to implement. I figured I need to create instances of the forms 2 and 3 but how to call the threads and control them? I did try a simple one and had some error concerning delegates.

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Forms :: Managing Multiple Conditions In IF - Then Statement

Oct 19, 2010

I currently have an If...Then statement that checks if all fields of a form have been filled before saving the info in a file. I'd like to be able to tell which field has not been filled to give the user a dynamic message (at the moment, it only tells them that the checklist is not completed ) :

If (txtNoDemande.TextLength = 8 _
Or txtNoDemande.TextLength = 13 _
And txtDateLoad.TextLength <> 0 _


Is there a way to determine which of these conditions is false without having to do a seperate If statement for each ?

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VS 2008 Checking If The Selected Tab's Web Browser Finished Loading A Website?

Apr 5, 2009

Well I know this could work for a browser with no tabs:

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
End Sub
But the thing is, I do have a tabbed browser. I tried this code, But it didn't work.


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Standard/Recommended Approach For Using Child Form Of A Parent?

May 2, 2011

The basic setup is this: VB.NET application, using Windows.Forms, a parent form is shown and the user interacts with that. Now, I want to show a child form, modally, configure that form with data from the parent and have the user interact with that child form and then return information to the parent code.Here is one approach that I have used, but it is a bit awkward. Parent has this code:

Dim cf as Child_Form
Dim initdata(3) As Byte
' Set up initdata[code].....

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Loading "external" Forms In A MDI-Form?

Jul 27, 2010

write it in common "mortal" language without difficult words and vocabular.

i've programmed an MDI Form;

now i'm programming the child forms (beginning with the first one) (they will deal with databases)

what i want is to program each form alone compile it alone and put it in a file of some type (that i dont know yet).

My purpose is if i install my MDI-Form on an other PC, and i want to add later a child form, i will not have to reinstall the whole code, just only to add the new formclass,

if i want to load the newly added form in the MDI-form i just have to call it using its file name or some other name (a list of all available forms will be written in a TXT file from which the MDI-Form search the needed form name)

My DreamCode will appear perfect for me so:

Class MDIform
Sub LoadNewForm


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Form A Regex To Get The Numbers From A Giving String With Certain Conditions?

Nov 1, 2011

I have a string like this

(THQ836721='Yes' and BRQ836716='Yes') or (BRQ836717='Yes') and (THQ836728='Yes' and BRQ836756='Yes') or (BRQ836117='Yes') and (SYSQ123='No')

I need a Reg Ex to get the numbers after THQ,BRQ and SYSQMy string may smaller or shorter or may have any times of this THQ,BRQ or SYSQ.form a Reg eXpression to get the numbers .The length of numbers may vary I am using VB.Net in VS2008?

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Forms - Checking If Values Have Changed

Jun 10, 2010

I'm basically putting some validation logic around an undo button on my form and i'd like to check whether any fields on the form have had their values changed so i can ask the question "abandon changes?". This seems like something pretty standard to me but I can not see how to check whether a value has had its contents changed (without recording a before value and comparing it to the after value which for large forms would be quite horrendous to code).

In the language i used to use we used to walk the object tree (so we dont have to specify each object individually like text box, combo box etc) and check any object that have value-changed = yes to indicate the validation was required.

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VS 2008 Checking Forms Design?

Aug 3, 2009

I'm very green with VB Express 2008 and am going through the tutorial. I'm skipping over a lot of the exercises as some of it is review for me - I've a fairly solid background in MS Access VBA and forms design there. But I have a simple question on VB Express forms design (I'm not worried about data handling or anything yet).How do I test a form? In my first form on my project, I just press F5 (Start debugging) and it opens just fine. However, I'm playing around with a second form in design mode and can't seem to get it to open to test some of the code (simple msgboxes associated with buttons).

In Access 2003 and earlier, there was a design mode and form view. The Access design mode was the equivalent of the design tab in the VB project, but I can't seem to find the equivalent of the Access form view in VB so that I can open that form. VB F5 only seems to open the first form.BTW, is VS 2008 the correct tag/prefix for this question on VB Express 2008? I see there's a separate tag list - is there an approved list of tags aside from the prefix before the title in the posting screen?

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Get Form Click Or Form Control Mouse Events To Fire DURING Form LOADing

Aug 26, 2011

Im Using VB 2008. I have MsgBox() statements in all Mouse & Form Click events to TEST & NOTHING FIRES during Form Load when I click on Form or Button Controls !!! The Form Load event contains code for Displaying the Label.Text control many times with changes in the Text to simmulate annimation.


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Forms :: Checking Listbox For Multiple Items?

Feb 17, 2011

I am making a virtual crafting application (similar to that done in Minecraft)

currently I have made a test "crafting recipe" which checks if the listbox (mixbox) has 1 window, 1 door and 1 wheel. the code looks like this:

If mixbox.Items.Contains("window") Then
If mixbox.Items.Contains("door") Then
If mixbox.Items.Contains("wheel") Then


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Forms :: Checking Multiple Checkbox Check Status

May 7, 2011

I have 5 checkboxes in total.I want to check how many checkboxes have been checked.I dont want to write checkbox1.checkstate,checkbox2.checkstate and so on...How do I accomplish this effectively?

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Formatting VB Forms Before Loading?

Mar 24, 2011

I am designing a yahtzee game in Visual Basic. I am wanting to save the form's background color and the picture boxes dice so they can be set the next time the form is loaded. The user can change the background color of the form and choose between several sets of dice. I want the last color the form's background color was and the picture of the last set of dice used placed back in the picture boxes of the dice the next time the user opens the Yahtzee game. I am trying to do this in a module, with generic collections of all the picture boxes on the form. Am I able to do this before the form loads?

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Loading .net 3.5 Wpf-forms In A .net 2.0 Application?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm trying to load and host a WPF control in a .net 2.0 windows forms application. The WPF control should only be loaded if .net 3.5 is installed.

I found a link to Hosting WPF Content in an MFC Application and that is about what I'm trying to do but my C++ knowledge isnt sufficient to be able to 'translate' it to .net.

here is another link: Hosting WPF Content in a Java Application that doest the same again but I dont know where to start writing that code in .net.

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Loading Forms In Certain Order?

Nov 29, 2009

when i run my app how do i make a certain form load first before any other form?

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VS 2005 Loading Forms

Mar 29, 2012

i have a problem with loading forms in VB and i was hoping someone can help me. this is the code i made:1st form.form name: formload.vb [code]now the thing is whenever the loginform appears when i successfully entered the accounts the form the userinterface will appear and the loginform disappears for a few seconds then reappears again.i wanted the loginform to disappear the only form that is visible is the to make database of accounts where the login form depends on?

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Forms :: Data Loading FROM The Grid?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a grid loaded with data. What I wanna do is when you double click on the row header, the data in that row should load into a form with textboxes. I've chosen the RowHeaderMouseDoubleClick as the evnt for this but dunno how to start.

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Forms :: Loading An Image Dynamically?

Mar 25, 2009

I want to load picture dynamically within VB.NET and the following code does not work due to 'loadpicture' not existing in VB.NET.


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Forms :: Loading An Image From A File In .net?

Mar 18, 2009

i have a problem in loading an image from a file in I have the following code in the class of my project.

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Windows.Forms


So, now I've exactly used this code to load an image from a path specified. Still, i seem to get a blank form when i run. im quite sure about the path and the existence of the file. Also, the exact piece of code is also available at: Draw an image : Draw Image2D GraphicsVB.Net Tutorial So, now do i have to insert a picture box to se the loaded image. Its like.. ive used the graphics thing to draw the image. so i reckoned that picture box was unnecessary.

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Forms :: Loading Image Into Picturebox?

Feb 6, 2010

Is it possible to load an image into a picturebox when that picture box is clicked? What would the syntax look like? It's an image that I already dropped onto the form that I would like to load into that picturebox.

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Forms :: Stop Loading Webpage?

Sep 13, 2009

I'm not able to find my answer from threads.I want close the loading of web page when it take more of tot seconds...(if is possible with a Firefox or IE)

StrAdrress = ""
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
End Try

Threading.Thread.Sleep(50000) So you can see I wait 50 seconds now..Is it possible to convert this code in : if the page not load in 10 seconds, stop load,close the tab and open another tab with another address?

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Loading - Unloading Forms - How To Create And .exe?

Mar 29, 2009



1) Splash1
2) frmMain


unloading splash1 and loading frmMain

Code used so far:



The Whole project is ended!

Problem2: How to Create and .exe?

Basic Problem: I Have started programming in today only, I have experience of 2 years in VB6.

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VS 2005 : Loading Two Modal Forms?

Aug 15, 2009

I have a main form when loaded will display a login form. I want that when the main from loads, the login form and another form will be loaded side by side.How do I show two modal forms?

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VS 2005 Loading Two Modal Forms

Aug 22, 2010

I have a main form when loaded will display a login form. I want that when the main from loads, the login form and another form will be loaded side by side.How do I show two modal forms?

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Avoid Exception Error For Loading Forms?

Feb 17, 2009

Now I need to avoid exception error for when I move, minimize and close any of the other 3 forms for the program I am building. ZOrder?. I was thinking of using an if statement to determine the zorder of each form. I need to know how to implement the if statement.

Option Explicit On
'Route User to the desired page
Public Class Form1


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Error Loading WPF Forms In Visual Studio?

Sep 29, 2010

I am programming in VB9 WPF and Blend 3. I was working on a program in Blend 3; I can work on all my forms and everything runs fine in Blend, but when I opened it in VS the WFP forms would not display (I have five of them in my program and they all have the same problem in Visual Studio.), but I can run the program in VS, see the forms in run mode, and work on the code behind with no problem. I can't determine what is causing the WPF forms error in VS. It appears I have a "ResourceDictionary_4 error, but I cannot locate that dictionary in either Visual Studio or Blend. I even tried searching my entire computer and can't find any trace of it. Are there any ideas as to how do I solve this problem? The error messages I am getting are:


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Formatting Visual Basic Forms Before Loading?

Jun 2, 2010

I am designing a yahtzee game in Visual Basic. I am wanting to save the form’s background color and the picture boxes dice so they can be set the next time the form is loaded. The user can change the background color of the form and choose between several sets of dice. I want the last color the form’s background color was and the picture of the last set of dice used placed back in the picture boxes of the dice the next time the user opens the Yahtzee game. I am trying to do this in a module,

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Forms :: Alter Webbrowser Src Code Before It's Done Loading?

Dec 9, 2009

there's an img src=blah on a web page that I am loading with a webbrowser control, and I want to alter it to say img src=blahblah instead ... What I've been doing so far is waiting for the document to complete, doing a .replace, then saving the file to the hard drive, and finally navigating to that local altered version.I was wondering if it's possible to skip the step of replacing and reloading the local page, and instead, just dynamically alter the original source code of the page AS it's loading the first time. Can this be done?

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Forms :: How To Make A Custom Loading Screen

Nov 26, 2009

So I am nearning completion of my 7th major project And I need the application to load files into ram when the application starts..Almost like a splash screen but with a loading bar.I have to load over 90 JPG's And I would like to have them in RAM so the application isn't so slow at first IE System.Load(My.Resources.JPG1) And LoadingBar1.Value += 10 Etc, etc.I have a Form I have created as a splash screen..I need it to load all the JPGs before starting the application..

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Forms :: PictureBox - Image Loading Using ComboBox

May 14, 2009

I have a picture box on my form along with a combo box with a number of different options. So anyway when a combo box item is selected I want it to look in the dataset for the selected item's row and pick out the image to load and then using an IF statement it sets the image (or should).

Dim RaceImg As String = DS.Tables("tblRaces").Rows(ID).Item("RaceImg")
If RaceImg = "AusGP" Then
GP_Picture.Image = Image.FromFile("./Track Images/AusGP.png")
ElseIf RaceImg = "MalGP" Then
GP_Picture.Image = Image.FromFile("./Track Images/MalGP.png")
End If

I have tried a number of different ways to get this working, I have tried them in the resources for the program and also tried the following code
GP_Picture.Image = "./Track Images/AusGP.png"
It seems like the picture box isn't redrawing or something? Just to add it will load the first image which is the AusGP because thats the first option in the combo box, after that none of the others will load.

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