Forms :: Drag & Drop Between 2 Datagrids Between 2 MDI Child Forms

Feb 11, 2009

Ive been working on this project of mine for some time now... though im not involved in IT in my current company, im just trying to help to at least have their system computerized (they are still doing it manually by paper & calculator)... I have one problem though which made me stick for 2 days (and still counting) without progress...How To Drag & Drop Between 2 Datagrids Between 2 similar MDI Child Forms

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[2008] Drag & Drop Between 2 Datagrids Between 2 MDI Child Forms

Feb 11, 2009

Drag & Drop Between 2 Datagrids Between 2 MDI Child Forms Ive been working on this project of mine for some time now... though im not involved in IT in my current company, im just trying to help to at least have their system computerized (they are still doing it manually by paper & calculator)... I have one problem though which made me stick for 2 days (and still counting) without progress... How To Drag & Drop Between 2 Datagrids Between 2 similar MDI Child Forms my apologies, im not that adept in programming...

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Drag + Drop Between 2 Forms?

Jun 22, 2009

how can i implement dragdrop between 2 child forms (each containing a listbox)?

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Forms :: Drag And Drop Like Vista's Explorer?

Sep 25, 2009

Is there a way to drag and drop items like vista where it creates a "ghost" of the icon and text at the cursor position? Like a slightly transparent copy of the item being dragged with the mouse until it is dropped?

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Forms :: Implement Drag And Drop Using Labels?

Dec 5, 2011

I am trying to implement drag and drop using labels, when the label is to be dropped in location not currently visible auto scrolling should happen.

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Forms :: Multi Select / Drag And Drop

Oct 6, 2009

I have been given the task of making a small program in to have two list boxes. The first list box contains the data and the second one is blank, when you select the one bit of data from the first list box it can be dragged and dropped into the other list box. my task is to make it so you can select multiple bits of data from the first list box and all that is selected is draged over to the second one when you drag and drop it.

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Forms :: Capturing Values From Two Lists Boxes During Drag And Drop?

Oct 5, 2011

I have two list boxes. A users selects a value from each, clicks a button and the application creates a relationship between the two selected items by saving them in an array and displaying the relationship in a third list box.

What I want to allow is for users to be able to drag a value from one list box and drop it on top of another value. I have the code to capture the value of the item dragged but I don't see how to capture the item that the data is dropped onto.

Is there a way to capture the targeted selected item?

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Forms :: Tree View Drag And Drop To Text Box At Cursor Position?

Nov 7, 2009

I need to drag and drop to textbox from tree view. Here while drag and drop to text box i need to add the dragged text to anywhere in the text box which we have already dragged some nodes here.

For treeview i have "node1" and "node2"now i am going to add "node2" to textbox and in front of "node2" i need to add "node1" and then at the end of "node2" again i need to drop "node1" like that.

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Convert Already Designed And Working Forms To MDI Child Forms?

Dec 11, 2009

I build my first Project composed of several forms and it�s working just fine. Id like now to redesign the project as a MDI Application. Once created the parent form, I can create child forms but thats not what I need. What I would need is convert my already designed and working forms to MDI child forms. How can that be done?

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Set IsMidContainer In Forms For Parent-child Relationship Forms?

Jul 1, 2009

I know I can set IsMidContainer in forms for parent-child relationship forms. I just want to know if the parent form could be a panel. If so, how can i do it?

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.net - Child Forms Not Getting Minimized Along With The Parent Forms?

Apr 8, 2011

I have made a project on Library management system using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and Sql server 2005 .I have used MDiParent form in this project, from where I can click on the menu item to open the desired form.

I am now able to open the child forms in the main window background.Now what happens is When I click on one menu Item it open in the parent form background.I am able to open all child forms corresponding to the click event in the MenuToolStrip ...all in the Parent form Now the problem is that I cannot minimize child forms when I minimize Parent form..I want child forms also to minimize along with the Parent form.. Also are child forms still not attached to the parent Form is also my question here.....

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Forms :: How To Avoid Child Forms Overlapping In MDI

Mar 26, 2011

i'm a beginner in MDI form. i created a MDI form with buttons and child forms. when i click the forms continuously, many forms will be opened. how to avoid forms overlapping, in other words, duplicate

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Display Two Datagrids With Datatable - Drag A One Row In Another Grid

Apr 26, 2010

I have an aplication using 2.0 . In this application i dispaly two datagrids with datatable. I want To drag a one row in another grid.

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Drag And Drop - Drag Picturebox1 And Drop It In Picturebox2

Nov 18, 2009

I am currently working on a drag and drop project and I was wondering if there is a way to drag picturebox1 and drop it in picturebox2; that will snap to a specific location in the picturebox2?

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ListView Drag&Drop Allow To Drag&Drop Between Form?

Aug 27, 2009

ListView Drag&Drop allow to Drag&Drop between form??

Public Class frmModule
Private Sub ListView1_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemDrag[code]....

Can it be drap and drop item to other form control??How to write the event when mouse up at the other form control?

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VS 2010 Parent-Child Form Using DataGrids

Aug 5, 2011

I am trying to create a simple parent-child form in VB2010. I use a datagridview for each table/datasource and each is bound to the parent/child table and each table grid fills correctly. What I want is the parent-child relation to enforce filling the child table with only rows that fulfill the current row on the parent. I have created a DataRelation in the form load, but it will not permit a relation between tables in 2 different datasets. If I attempt to place both tables in a single dataset and define the PK-FK relation in the SQL Server I cannot create 2 separate datagrids from the same dataset.

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C# - Drag And Drop From Excel Cells To A Drag-enabled Task Pane Programatically?

Oct 31, 2010

I am using Excel 2007, VS2008 Pro.I am building a VSTO Add-in that requires "drag and drop from Excel cells to a drag-enabled task pane".So far I notice that I can only drag and drop within the cells themselves. It does not allow me to drop into the task Pane or drag past the sheet limits.(http:)[url]...

Note: The task pane has drag drop enabled, I ahve already tested I can drag/drop from task pane to excel but I need to do this the other way around?

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VS 2008 Listview Drag And Drop (preserving The Listview .tag After Drag And Drop)

May 25, 2011

I am trying to figure out a way to include the listview's tag field when dragging one listview's subitems into another listview. I am hoping someone here has experience with this. My Listview drag code is below - the two listviews that I am dragging subitems into or from are LV1 and LV3. Also, this is being done in Visual Basic 2008 and the project is a windows application.


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Forms :: Drag A Borderless Window

Jan 5, 2010

I have a border-less window made by this function:

Private Sub MiniWin()
Me.Visible = False
Me.Text = ""


and when is in this state I can't move it... so how can I move the form when is in this condition?

Second Q: how can I forbid the window form not to be re-size-ble and stay within the given dimensions?

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Forms :: Drag Multiple Items From One Listbox To Another?

Mar 10, 2011

I've looked everywhere on the internet for multiple items drag&drop between listboxes and found only examples showing single item drag. I know how to make a single item dragdrop operation between two listboxes using MouseDown, DoDragDrop, DragEnter, DragDrop Now what I'm looking forward to learn is the ability of dragging more than one item from one listbox and dropping them in another listbox

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Forms :: Drop-down List Combobox?

Mar 23, 2010

I have created a drop-down list box that holds 8 numbers representing a month span (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 25 months). In order to prevent users from typing just anything into the text box above the combo box, I changed it to a drop-down listbox. The other requirement that I was hoping to implement was for the user to be able to type a number, after which the selection would jump to the appropriate item (i.e. the user types in '1', and the selection jumps to 12). This partially works. It will jump to 12, for example, but immediately after the user types the '1', the Selected Index event changes. The user cannot scroll down or up after typing in a number.

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Drag From Windows Forms Textbox To .NET Code Window?

Oct 6, 2009

I have written a little helper app that mostly does various text operations on a paragraph of text. I am able to select a block of text from the Code Window and drop it onto my VB.NET apps TextBox and complete the text operation. However I am unable to drag and drop the altered text back to the VB Code window Via the DoDragDrop method.

If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
Dim d As New DataObject
Me.TextBox3.DoDragDrop(d, DragDropEffects.Move)
End If

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Forms :: Allow Users Select File(s) From One Control And Drag Them To Another?

Sep 17, 2009

I am trying to make a form that can be used to allow users select file(s) from one control and drag them to another. I am stuck. I have done a bunch of research and now have a form that allows the user to select a directory and display the files in a listbox. It works intermittently. The select directory window works when I click the Browse button and it reports that it found a number of files. But they are not in the listbox. When I walk thought the code in DeBug the files are listed.

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Forms :: Event Procedure From Combo Box Drop-Down?

Jul 24, 2011

I've created a form to handle "frequently asked questions". In the form I have five Drop-Down Combo Boxes and I want the user to be able to select one of the questions listed in the drop down boxes and have it return a "message box" with the answer to the question. Naturally I'll have different "answers" for each question, but my initial efforts have me getting my message box as soon as I click on the drop-down arrow itself, and I don't want that triggered until I click on the specific question.

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Forms :: Save From A MDI Child?

Oct 12, 2010

I am re-doing part of a GUI for my project, The Windows Alias Generator, and decided to switch to MDI. The child forms consists only of RichTextBox1. Here's the generate routine called when the save is clicked:

Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click, SaveToolStripButton.Click
Dim ActiveMDI As Form = Me.ActiveMdiChild[code].....

But because I cannot define richtextbox1.text from the currently active MDI, I cannot use this question is this: How would I get RichTextBox1.text from the save option in the MDI form?

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MDI & MDI Child Forms Menu's?

Sep 19, 2011

I have a MDI child form with its own menus. (TestForm)When I call the child form ( from the parent form menu, the MDI Child form's menus are appended to the container form..Essentially, the container form steals the menu of the child form..

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MDI Child Forms Not Interacting

May 11, 2012

I have a MDI parent on which i launch a child form

Dim NewMDIChild As New Frm_addOT
'Set the Parent Form of the Child window.
NewMDIChild.MdiParent = Me
'Display the new form.

His child form contains several comboboxes which hold data from a dbase(sql)

When new data is entered in the cmb it checks the database and if it isn't in there it launches another window

FRM_OTlistaddklant.Visible = True
and copy's the newly entered text in a textbox.
FRM_OTlistaddklant.TB_klantnaam.Text = OTaddklant_naam

then i can give in the details etc.

now, when this is done and the users presses a button "Add"

the information is written to sql(which works perfect)

than i have a public sub on the Frm_addOT which should refill the combobox and
also set the backcolor to a specific color.

and the last two things will not work. Actually when i try to change the backcolor on Frm_addot it triggers the event backcolorchanged and says it has changed but it is not visible.

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MDI Child Forms Resizing

Jan 19, 2011

Has anyone ever had or dealt with resizing issues on MDI Child forms? I am working on a VB.Net Windows applciation project I inherited from another devloper. When I took it over the forms had already been designed. There are one MDI Parent Form and two MDI Child Forms. When the application starts up the parent form and one child form open by default. Both the parent form and the child form will maximize, restore, and minimize. Although I have to move the parent form slightly, when it is not maximized I can resize it with the mouse pointer as expected. The child form will not resize and when I move the cursor to the border of the child form I do not even get the mouse pointer. Also, when both the parent and child form are maximized the vertical scrollbar on the child form is no longer displayed.

One potential problem is that there are lots of controls on the child form, which are inside several group boxes. When I comment out the controls, the blank form displays without the vertical scrollbar but will resize with the mouse pointer as expected. When I uncomment the controls the resizing does not work any more. The AutoSize propery on all of the controls is set to True. I tried commenting out the code setting the Autosize property to True on the group boxes only. The result of that is that the resizing still does not work and I lose the vertical scrollbar.I am trying to avoid having to redesign the form completely, however I am running out of alternatives. The project will not pass UAT if the resizing does not work.

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MDI Parent And MDI Child Forms?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm just getting started in VBE 2008 porting a VB6 program and have created the MDI Parent form. I've added a form called frmNav and need to designate this and all subsequent forms as MDI child forms. Is there somewhere in each form's properties where I designate this? It used to be in VB6 there was a property called "MDIChild = True." input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!-- Session data--></input> <input id="jsProxy" onclick="jsCall();" type="hidden" />

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[2008] MDI And Child Forms?

Mar 21, 2008

In VB6, MDI applications were possible. You'd create a form and a few Child forms and go with it.

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