Forms :: ProcessTabKey Method - One Of ComboBoxes Skips

Nov 1, 2010

I'm trying to detect when the tab key was pressed and intercept it in certain cases. Since the form I'm working with has many fields, I've tried overriding ProcessTabKey so that I don't have a separate sub for each control. However, I've found that after adding a simple ProcessTabKey method, each time I press tab it skips one of the combo boxes. In order to duplicate the situation, using Visual Basic Express 2008, create a new Windows Forms project and add 5 combo boxes to the form - allowing each to automatically get an incrementing TabIndex.

Then add the following code the form:
Public Class Form1
Protected Overrides Function ProcessTabKey(ByVal forward As Boolean) As Boolean
End Function
End Class

Now when you run the project, you'll see that each time you press tab it skips one of the combos.

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Forms :: RowSource In .NET Comboboxes?

Sep 1, 2011

I have been setting DataSource for a series of combo boxes to the same table as they all display the same options. However, when I ran the project, any change in any one combo box makes all the others 'flip' to the same selected value. This is obviously wrong.

In Access, you have 'Control Source' which is the db field that is bound to the combo box and 'Row Source' can be a query or whatnot that several combo boxes can run 'independently'.Is there an equivalent option in VB.NET? I DO NOT want to manually enter the exact same options many times as that is hard to maintain, to say the least.

Just to repeat: it is not going to work to say DataSource = Row Source. if two combo boxes are set to the same data source, a selection in one automatically makes the other one select the same value. unless, of course, i am missing something.

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Forms :: Update Datagridview From Three Comboboxes?

May 5, 2009

I have three comboboxes in a form. The first is the parent of the second, which is the parent of the third. When they are all updated, a datagridview should be updated.

The problem is that the user can choose to change the value of either combobox, so I don't know which combobox's value is being changed. Therefore I now update the datagridview from the third combobox's selectedvaluechanged event. This unfortunately means that if the first combobox is changed, the second and third comboboxes selectedvalue events must trigger. As a consequence, when the first combobox is changed, the datagridview is being updated about six times (which doesn't work for me performancewise).

What I'd like to do is to call the updatedatagridview sub from either one of the three comboboxes, but only if the user has chosen to change that specific combobox's value (that is, get the form to only update the datagridview when the selectedvalues of all three comboboxes have been set).

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Forms :: Clearing Textboxes And Comboboxes In Userform?

Jun 16, 2011

so yesterday this code was working for my userforms and today its not. Its a simple clear command for textboxes and comboboxes. what is from here?

Dim ctl As Control
ForEach ctl In Controls
IfTypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then ctl.Text = ""
IfTypeOf ctl Is ComboBox Then ctl.Text = ""
Next ctl

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Forms :: Populate Cascading/Dependent Comboboxes

Feb 12, 2010

How I can populate a combobox (combobox2) based on the selection made from another combobox (combobox1)? They are on different forms. Combobox1 lists locations, while combobox2 lists offices for each location. I would like it to work so that when the user clicks on combobox1 and makes a selection, the 2nd form loads with combobox2 showing all the offices for the selected location.

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Forms :: Add Variable Number Of Comboboxes And Textboxes At Run Time?

May 12, 2009

I have a windows form on which there is a textbox and a command button. When user inputs an integer in the textbox and clicks on the button, the userform grows and adds that many number of comboboxes and textboxes in a panel.

how to add variable number of comboboxes and textboxes at run time.

The maximum value of that integer would be 10.

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Does Calling The Dispose Method On A Windows.Forms.Timer Call It's Stop Method

Nov 12, 2009

Does calling the Dispose method on a Windows.Forms.Timer call it's Stop method? Or should I stop the timer before I dispose it?

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Renaming ComboBoxes Causes Compiler - Cross Linked ComboBoxes?

Apr 24, 2012

this is a subset of a previously posted problem, I have narrowed down my issue and am reposting a question from this thread: [URL] I have apparently confused the compiler by renaming some comboboxes in Visual Basic .net express? (See relevant code below) I think the confusion is in who should handle what, with two routines named with variations of ComboBox1 and one handling the other ( it confuses me just trying to interpret it mentally):


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Filter ComboBoxes DataSource Based On Another ComboBoxes Changes?

Oct 28, 2011

I have a form with 4 comboboxes and a button. The first combobox is enabled, but the rest of the controls are disabled. When the form is opened I fill the first combobox (cbxMethod) with a datatable. When the user selects something in cbxMethod the next combobox (cbxStudy) will be filled and so on. When the last combobox (cbxAnalyte) has a selected value I want to enable the button and give it focus so the user can move forward with the program. I basically want to force the user to move from one combobox to the other, until all are filled.I am currently using the SelectionValueChange event, but this event only fires when the user changes the value with their mouse or hits the Enter key, not when the user hits the Tab key.

Public Class frmCalculatedAnalyte
Private cv_dt As New DataTable
Public Sub New()


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VS 2008 Adding A Method To All Forms Existing Forms Without Changing Their Code?

Jul 28, 2009

just wondering if it is possible to add a method to all forms in my project without having to do it on one form and Inherit all my other forms from that one

View 3 Replies - DataReader.Read() Skips First Row Of Recordset

Nov 25, 2011

I am trying to check the value of a field before decided what to input into a drop down list in

I am using datareader.Read() in order to read the recordset so I can do this. However this then skips the first row of data . . The drop down box is basically a list of sizes and colours . . . So currently I am missing the first size.

Here is the code:

Using cmd As New SqlCommand("doGetAllSizesForProduct", oConn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", CType(Request.QueryString("id"), Integer))


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Program Skips Code After Trying To Parse XML?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to parse some XML (html) I downloaded using WebRequest.Create() and then read it. However after loading the XML file using LoadXml(string), anything else I execute doesn't work. Setting a breakpoint on anything afterwards doesn't work and it doesn't break.I tried catching exception but none are occurring, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

Here is my code:
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(HTTPResponse.GetResponseStream())
Dim xDoc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()


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VS 2010 - VB Skips The Datareader Defination?

Dec 18, 2011

In the folowing code the DataReader is not assigned The Line Dim dr As OleDbDataReader is skiped.[code].....

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BindingSource.MoveNext And MovePreviou Skips Records

Sep 17, 2009

I have a binding source that when I use the MoveNext or MovePrevious methods it skips records. I've tried circumventing this by using Position ++ and Position -1 instead but I still get the same result. I even resorted to manually sorting the binding source to see if that would help but no joy as well there.

I have a bindingsource that is tied to a dataset class. I added 2 records to start and movenext worked as it should (moved 1 to 2) as well as move previous. I added a third record and now the movenext method skips record 2 and moves straight to 3. The same symptom also occurred for move previous. I also added a fourth record and it got even weirder. As before when movenext was invoked, the record pointer moved from record 1 to 3. I invoke MoveNext again and it moves to record 4. Now I hit MovePrevious from Record 4 and it moves to record 2 skipping record three.

Others who are working on forms with different bindingsources ties to the same dataset class are seeing similar things.

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Linked Database - When Hit Next Button To Go To The Next Record - It Always Skips 2 Ahead

Jun 19, 2010

Got a problem that's hopefully a quick fix. I've got a homework assignment where I have to link an access database file and allow the user to go through the records, add/delete records and save the file.

When I run the program everything seems to work fine, except when I hit the next button to go to the next record, it always skips 2 ahead, from 1 to 3 and 3 to 5. The previous does it also and when I click the delete it deletes 2 records. I can't figure out why it's doing this. The table we linked was already created for us so I don't believe that it is a problem with that. One weird thing I noticed is that it shows that there are 5 records so I wouldn't think that it is seeing 2 as 1.

Here is my code for the buttons:


Here is the full code


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VS2008 Skips Code - Parsing A String Into Two Values

Sep 7, 2010

i'm parsing a string into two values then using one string named month to get the column name and one string named value to assign the value.


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Array - When Reaches Line 17 - Skips The Whole Sub And Then Next Breakpoint Is Unable To Be Found

Jun 3, 2011

I'm attempting to run my first program in and everything works BUT the array.

Here is the archive: [URL]

The problem occurs in the Maps.vb file on line 17 when the assignment of variables to the array starts. When running the breakpoint debugger you will notice that when it reaches line 17 it just skips the whole sub and then the next breakpoint is unable to be found.

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Method To Be Visible In Other Forms?

Jul 3, 2010

i am using a method in form1 same method i want to use in form2 . I tried the public and private keyword but nothing happens.

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Forms :: Backgroundworker And Method In Other Classes?

Nov 7, 2009

I have a progressbar that works with the backgroundworker. How can I let the backgroundworker work with methods that do a foreach loop in other classes?

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Forms :: MDI - How To Call Save Method

Jan 22, 2011

I have MDI form in different project and child forms in different project which is dll project. How can I call save method of my child form from MDI form when I click on save from toolbar button of mdi parent form. I can't access child forms save method at run time?

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Forms :: Method For Getting ASCII Of A Char?

Jul 11, 2010

and what would be the method for If 'char pressed = "a" then do something end if

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Implement Common Method To Forms?

Feb 8, 2011

I'd like to implement a common method on most of the forms, but not all.Let's call the method 'FormCleaner'.

I'd like to recursively call each forms FormCleaner method and ignore cases where the form has no such method.[code]...

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Strongly-typed Generic Method Invokes Its Argument's Base Class Method Instead Of A Shadowed Method In T?

Oct 19, 2010

Consider a MyForm class that contains a shadowed implementation of Show(). It also contains a CreateForm() method, which accepts an instance of the form and calls the shadowed sub:


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Forms :: How To Let Method Know Which Form Is Getting It's Buttons Pushed

Jan 21, 2010

In design mode, I have 2 forms, Main and Profile. Both have many controls on them.When executed, the Profile form is duplicated 4 times and named Profile1 through 4. Among the controls on these forms are 3 buttons that copy the selections from the other 3 forms to the one that had the button pressed.How do I accomplish this? I don't understand how to let the method know which form is getting it's buttons pushed so it knows what form to copy...

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Forms :: Listbox Faster Method For Selecting All

Dec 1, 2010

I have a listbox control that has a selection mode "MultiSimple" (I've also tried MultiExtended). I also have a button that uses this code to select all the items in the list:

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
ListBox1.SetSelected(i, True)
Next i

It works ok but the problem is that it's very slow. I have cases where there are 60 000 items in the listbox, and it takes forever to select them all. Is there any function that would select all at once (Just like ListBox1.ClearSelected() unselects all instantly)?

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Forms :: Multi Column Combobox (looking For Method)?

May 14, 2010

I'm using vs2008 with, and I have googled all around for a multi column combobox and I know there is not an easy way to do it in .net. However, this is my situation:I have a table in my database that only has around 4 or 5 entries, with the columns FirstName, LastName, Type. I need all of these columns for each of the 4 or 5 entries to be displayed in the combobox. I've been trying to think of simple ways to do it such as counting all the rows, selecting each cell in a loop and programmatically assigning them to the comboboxes, but I realized that the ID column for these entries have numbers that do not go chronologically. (I thought that if I counted the rows, the row number would correspond to the ID number and I could go about looping and assigning variables/concatenating them into the combobox, but this is not the case).

So I am just looking to see if anyone else has any ideas on what I can do to solve this? It's a pretty simple problem but I'm kinda out of any simple ideas.

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Forms :: Textbox And Overwriting WndProc Method

Oct 13, 2011

I have a class that inherits the Textbox class. My main goal is to prevent specific keys from being entered into the textfield. Now, I have a solution however I have one issue with it.


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Forms :: Focus() Method Fails With Second Show Form?

Feb 7, 2010

I have a simple login field, which works fine with the exception of one quirk. The form is set up with the tab order to go to the UserID first and the Password text box second. This works fine when the form is used the first time, but when the form is used the second time the focus in placed in the Password field. If the form is used a third time, focus is moved the OK button, that is each time moves to the next tab order. I even tried to set the focus in the Load event as in Me.txtUserID.Focus(), but this doesn't change the behavior. Again, I should note that I close the form and not hide the form.

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Forms :: Form Object Access From Class Method

Oct 22, 2009

I want a string and a listbox, both which are in a form to be modified by an instance of a class method. Should (could I):

1. Pass the entire form to the class method as parameter.

2. Pass the listbox and the string to the method as parameters.

What's the best approach to get access and modify this string and listbox on the form.

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Forms :: Mdi Call Active Child Form Method?

Aug 20, 2009

I'm trying to call a method defined within a child form from the menu strip of the parent form when the child form is active.

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