Forms :: Backgroundworker And Method In Other Classes?

Nov 7, 2009

I have a progressbar that works with the backgroundworker. How can I let the backgroundworker work with methods that do a foreach loop in other classes?

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Backgroundworker Runs A Object's (with Events) Method

Dec 19, 2010

I have a class that is used as follows:

Create an object

Run the RunIt method

The object runs some code and sometimes raises Event1 and sometimes Event2

I want to run that object using Background worker

Programming the app I wasn't sure of the code so I created the VS project shown below so I could make this post

Many questions:

Which routines in the code are run on the worker thread?

Is the object created on the worker thread?

And are its events run on the worker thread?

How to handle the Cancel. The way I did appears tp work except that

e.Cancelled does not return as true (Done is displayed).

And suppose the object didn't have events how would I handle Cancel?

Is there a better way to handle the basic problem?

I wish the code was shorter but wanted to be sure I prsented the problem.

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.ComponentModel


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Modify .net's BackgroundWorker Class So That It Fires A Custom Event Upon Method Completion?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a BackgroundWorker in a program that is doing a lengthy data import routine. I want to modify its RunWorkerAsync method so that it fires a custom event on completion of the method. (So that a method in an automated process can respond to the event and resume its work). In a sense I want to 'extend' the RunWorkerAsync method to add an extra line of code--but I can't 'see' the code in the method (to just add the line raising the event) because BackgroundWorker is an MSDN class from Microsoft.The only solution that I can think of is to 'wrap' the background worker class in a wrapper that calls the .RunWorkerAsync method and then raises the event.

Public sub wrapperMethod()
raise customEvent
end sub

Is there a design pattern that I might use? An easy way to address this with the .net language?

PS: Unfortunately, I'm automating some clanking legacy software and backgroundworker is used in many locations, so wrapping the backgroundworker will be a bit of work and may open bugs.

View 1 Replies - How To Get Classes To Expose The Same Shared/Static Method

Mar 4, 2010

I have a base class with several derived classes. I want all of my derived classes to have the same Public Shared (static) method with their own implementation. How do I do this? Is it even possible?

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Does Calling The Dispose Method On A Windows.Forms.Timer Call It's Stop Method

Nov 12, 2009

Does calling the Dispose method on a Windows.Forms.Timer call it's Stop method? Or should I stop the timer before I dispose it?

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Using Two Backgroundworker On Two Different Invisible Forms?

Apr 8, 2012

i'm using two backgroundworker on two different invisible forms.One bgworker starts to work before the second, it depends on the cpu usage calculated every minute.

When the second bgworker starts to work, an operation me.invoke is called to show a message, but when the code reachs the comand, the system give me this exception : impossible to call invoke or begininvoke method without a form handle.The me.invoke method is called during the dowork fase of the bgWorker.

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Forms :: New Thread Versus BackgroundWorker Updating UI

Aug 24, 2010

i have lurked on these forums before and finally signed up..i have a situation that, after days of searching the web, i have not been able to come up with a solution for.i have to fire off a function that takes a large amount of time (writes to database, creates files, etc etc)this function is a non-shared function of a class. if need be i could make it Shared.[code]the code works great, but what i need to be able to do is update a form with a progress bar as the job is processing.all of the examples i have seen that do this are being called from within a Windows Form and they access the form directly - i cant do that in this case. my form needs to be 1 form for 1 job being executed - can process multiple jobs at one time and thus i need multiple forms.i have tried making the form part of my delegate class but since it runs in the same thread the effect is it "freezes" until the job is complete.i have just started looking into using a background worker but again, all examples i have seen use the component as part of a form - that wont work for me.

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Forms :: Show Tooltip In Notification From Backgroundworker?

Mar 4, 2009

I have a procedure that download a file in a background worker how can i show a tooltip in a notifyicon when the background worker have finished the work ?

Can i implement also a progressbar from the backgroundworker ?

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VS 2008 Using BackgroundWorker.ReportProgress To Report To Different Forms?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a Worker.cs in a ZScreenLib DLL that does the following: 1. takes ZScreenGUI.cs (a Windows Form) as an argument 2. creates a Background Worker object and does everything 3. reports progress to the ZScreenGUI form via BackgroundWorker.ReportProgressThe user can create as many instances as possible of Worker.cs class and do the background worker tasks Now I need to create another Windows form called ZScreenCLI.cs and wish to make use of this Worker.cs class because ZScreenCLI and ZScreenGUI are pretty much the same but ZScreenCLI has much less features compared to ZScreenGUI. My question is, how do you manage to report progress to ZScreenCLI? The ReportProgress methods are tied with the controls in ZScreenGUI form. Obviously there is a problem with the concept I am using

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Forms :: Load Datagridview Via Backgroundworker With Progressbar Feedback

Apr 7, 2008

how to safely load a datagridview via a backgroundworker while showing progressbar feedback ? My data is coming from an access mdb.

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VS 2008 Adding A Method To All Forms Existing Forms Without Changing Their Code?

Jul 28, 2009

just wondering if it is possible to add a method to all forms in my project without having to do it on one form and Inherit all my other forms from that one

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Forms :: Multiple TabPage Classes?

Jun 21, 2009

I'm a long-time developer but semi-new to Visual Studio .NET and VB.NET. I've been working on an application for months, written in Visual Basic .NET. It's a rewrite of a popular IDE of mine that's originally written in assembly. What I'm trying to do in VB.NET is have multiple TabPage classes that inherit from TabPage, ofcourse, but each having it's own methods for common functions like Cut, Copy, Paste, etc. so that when I call tab.Cut(), the TabPage class for the currently-selected tab is the one used. In each custom TabPage class, I'll have a New instance of the main control that goes in that tab.

I think there would be a problem when I loop through the TabPages since the Foreach routine can only use one object type, as far as I know (TabPage).Currently I have only one custom TabPage class called Page that obviously inherits from TabPage, has additional properties and also methods that allow editing functions for whatever control is selected to be displayed for the tab. For example, when I call the New constructor, I supply the editor type as a parameter: dim tab as New Page(HEX_EDITOR).I have edit controls such as text, syntax editor, hex editor, bitmap editor, HTML editor, HTML browser. This means I get a new instance of all of those controls each time a new Page is added to the TabControl. I'm currently disposing of the unneeded editors depending on which editor is the one needed. The scheme is not preferred but it works great for now as I work on other areas of the IDE.


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VS 2008 Folders And Forms/Classes?

Dec 31, 2009

This might be crazy but can I (well I know I can do this first part) and create a folder in my Solution Explorer and put classes in there, just so my main form is kept clean, as I only have a couple of forms but there is a lot of code.I thought I would call a class "Panel1_Work" and have all the panel one stuff go there, i.e I have a code which is going to sort a datagridview but i'll write my own function or sub for this as it will be getting called from a few different places.

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Cancel Backgroundworker - Got The Error Message" This BackgroundWorker Is Currently Busy And Cannot Run Multiple Tasks Concurrently?

Dec 14, 2009

in my button click event i ececure

If BackgroundWorker4.IsBusy Then
End If[code]....

after proceess completed if press the button again.i got the following error msg

This BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently.

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Forms :: Multi Threading With Separate Classes

May 7, 2011

I'm trying to dive into what I consider a deeper end of to see how far I can go with it. I have a project created, ironically called "My First Server". The aim of this is to create a server which can handle multi clients but additionally isn't the commonly shown tutorial setup of a console application. So it is created as a Windows Form application. The main form (Public Class PrimaryForm) consists of only one control which is a listbox control. This is named LogOutput.


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Sending Irc Commands From Multiple Forms & Classes?

Feb 13, 2012

while making my irc bot i need to send many different irc commands such as join channel, change mode, kick user message, topic channel message and so on. All these commands are currently process individually in a public sub on the irc connection thread.

Public Sub Write(ByVal command As String)


Would you have a load of public sub's to handle each or maybe something else?

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Serial Port Closes Between Forms (Classes)

Nov 19, 2009

I'm using several forms, each requiring access to the serial port. When I switch between them the port is deactivated. The port is activated through a special library command. How can I keep the port open and provide access for the other forms? I'm reopening the port triggered by form_load for form2 but that only works when I go to form2. When I come back to form1 the form_load trigger for form1 doesn't open the port.

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Way Of Hiding Forms And Classes From Main Project

Aug 31, 2009

the client has asked for all forms and classes to be hidden from the main project, so when he sells it, they will only be able to see part of the project and not all the classes and forms.My Solution: I have created another project called project2, and added all the forms and classes from main project, fixed all errors and compiled it.I deleted all the forms from the main project and added a reference so that it gets all the forms from the other project by referencing the dll file, but it does not seem to work and get a lot of there an easier way of hiding the forms and classes from the main project or do I need to do more then just add the reference.

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Declare A Variable To Be Shared By 2 Forms (classes) In The Same Project?

Jan 1, 2011

I've gone brain dead and can't remember how (where) to declare a variable to be shared by 2 forms (classes) in the same project.

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How Often Do Professional Developers Use Multiple Forms/classes Per Project

Apr 6, 2010

I am in college taking computer programming and we are now in multiple classes and forms. It was very hard to get ahold of at first but now that I understand it a bit better I am curious as to how often in a professional enviornment do developers create multiple classes for a project? Besides the use of custom functions what else is beneficial for it?

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IDE :: Create Classes And Forms Based On A Database Structure?

May 10, 2010

I am creating an Add-In that I want to create classes and forms based on a database structure. I can't find any information anywhere on how to programatically add code to classes. I know I can write out the files and add them to a project, but that would limit what I can do in the future. I would like the possibility to update a function in the future which would be impossible writing out a file and loading the whole thing back in. It would destroy any modifications made to the class, and since this Add-In will only be creating a framework, there will usually be modifications.

I got this line from the macro recorder:DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.text = strDACode

But I like to keep Option Strict on, and this is late bound according to the IDE. There seems to be very little help on the IDE and how to use it creating Add-Ins. If I overlooked something please point me there, but I can find nothing. I don't know if it can be done, but I was able to do it in an Add-In for VB6.I would also like to add controls to a form, so if anyone can point me somewhere where it explains

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Moving Modules/classes/forms To A Common Folder?

Nov 23, 2009

I have two projects

a.sln and b.sln they have their own classes, modules and forms.

As I work on solution 'A' I devise a class and save it in solution A's folder. As the class develops, I now find a need for it in solution B.

How can I move it from solution A's folder to my Common folder then link it into solution A and B.

Currently I am doing this manually, Moving then linking to it. Is there a way to do this withing the IDE

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Visual Studio :: How Does The .net Framework Nest Forms In Classes

Sep 11, 2009

If I look at some classes in the framework, using reflector, I can see that forms and user controls are made private and nested into a parent class.For instance, I have a control which makes use of pop-up form that is specific to that control.At the moment, I make the pop-up form friend accessible.If I wanted to do it the framework way, I'd make it private and nest it into the control class.If I do this, however, I can no longer use the ide to design the form and I get errors when I try to compile.

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Method To "override" Shared Members In Child Classes

Mar 5, 2010

At the moment I'm trying to create a kind of model in which can be used to create/fetch database entrys.

I created a main class Model with a shared function to fetch the datasets, e.g. Model.find(). Now I'd like to create Classes which inherit the main Model-Class, e.g. a separate one for users: UserModel.find() => "SELECT * FROM users".

What I need now is to find a way to tell the Class which table it should use. I thought about an abstract String "table" which is a constant in each "child-model", but how could this be implemented as it's not possible to override shared members?

Edit: Maybe this will make it a little clearer what I mean:

Public Class Model
Public Shared _controller As Controller
Public Shared table As String


So I want a shared method which finds all database entries and gives back an array of instances of its own type, e.g. Model(). That's why I wanted to keep the find-method shared and not bound to an instance.

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Forms :: Run Processes Synchronously From A Thread Or Backgroundworker Thread?

Sep 4, 2009

How do run processes synchronously from a thread or backgroundworker thread? Is it even possible?We have program that allows the user to download several files from a remote server, compress them, and then email the files.It has several long running processes that must run in order. We want these to run on a separate thread so as not to make the form unresponsive. Does a way exist to do this? We attempted a rather clumsy way of approaching this problem by using background worker threads. When each thread is completed and returned back to RunWorkerCompleted, we start another background worker thread and repeat the the next process. It works somewhat but seems to take a lot of resources to run.

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Use LINQ To Filter Collection Of Nested Classes To Yield Dictionary Of Unique Properties Of Those Classes?

Jan 23, 2012

I have two classes, one nested in the other. [code]Neither "Name" or "ID" are unique between operations and records.I wish to construct a dictionary using LINQ = Dictionary(Of String, Of List(Of Integer), whereby the keys are uniqe examples of Names in my collection and the values are the collective set of distinct IDs that are associated with those names.

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VS 2010 Structure Classes So That The User Interfaces Though A Single Class While The Supporting Classes Are Hidden From Their View?

Jun 13, 2012

How can I structure my classes so that the user interfaces though a single class while the supporting classes are hidden from their view? I think its best understood in an example:

Public Class MyInterface
Public Economic as EconomicClass
Public Sub New()


So you might ask why am I even separating them? It's strictly for others who will be working with this interface. I need to funnel them though a logical structure:


This way everything is already handled for them in the background and they only need to run the method they need. I don't know if I can have it both ways in VB.NET.

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Method To Be Visible In Other Forms?

Jul 3, 2010

i am using a method in form1 same method i want to use in form2 . I tried the public and private keyword but nothing happens.

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VS 2010 Calling Subs And Functions Within Classes That Are Within Classes?

Oct 24, 2009

Here is some example code of what I mean:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender as Object, e as systemEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Forms :: MDI - How To Call Save Method

Jan 22, 2011

I have MDI form in different project and child forms in different project which is dll project. How can I call save method of my child form from MDI form when I click on save from toolbar button of mdi parent form. I can't access child forms save method at run time?

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